hi everybody,

i am a b.tech final year student and as a part of
the requirement of the degree, i have to do a
software project.
the project that i am doing is "E-SHOPPING PORTAL DEVELOPMENT"
and it uses php.

i have started learning php 10 days back.

today i have the following problem:

i have a directory called "bdoi_change" in which
i have an html registration form called "regist.html".
i am attaching "filecheck.php" to regist.html so that
when i click on the "submit" button on regist.html,
i get connected to filecheck.php.
in "filecheck.php" i have opened a file "andar.html"
and have written "i have solved an error today" in it
through "filecheck.php".
and when filecheck.php is run, it shows me " i have
solved an error today" .
but in "bdoi_change" i cannot see "andar.html"
nor can i open it by internet explorer.

if anybody can solve my problem, please reply back.

thanks a lot,

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