I use a website to get data that I would like with the following code:
<!--- code start --->
function StockLookup($company) {
 $LookupUrl = "http://quote.yahoo.com/l?s=$company";;
 $Results = implode('', file("$LookupUrl"));
 list($split1, $split2) = split('<!--- Background table--->', $Results);
 list($Final, $split3) = split('<!--- End of Background Table --->',
 print "$Final\n";
<!--- code end --->

The problem is that I get the HTML left after splitting up the page is in a
HTML table. The table has some columns and rows I do not want. What is the
easiest way to extract the data I want. The table contains 5 columns, but I
only want the first 4.

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