Check it out at

Last modified   Mon, 11 Jan 2010, 13:00 UTC+0100
Latest changes:         

    * Javascript hm() support added
    * Added ability to view HTML strings as rendered HTML.
      I admit there are still problems with some HTML "taking over the
browser" as soon as viewed in rendered form.
      I hope to fix most of those problems in a later release.
    * Added ability to put semi-binary data (see "All Ascii" in
"random array" example) in values.
    * Much improved CSS; it's now properly generated in javascript
instead of badly hand-crafted & stored on the server.
      Themes are now generated from definitions like these:

      ( please use, themeName,
theme) to add a theme, and load them just after hm.js is loaded. var
theme = renesIce)

      options : {
          authorsDefaults : {
        themes : {
            ,renesIce : {
                themeName : 'renesIce',
                cssGeneration : {
                  colorLevels : {
                            // This sets "stops" for color gradients.
                    //     0 = outer level of display,
                    //   100 = deepest level of display.
                    0 : {
                        background : 'navy',
                        color : '#FFFFFF'
                    45 : {
                        color : 'black'
                    75 : {
                        background : 'lime',
                        color : 'navy'
                    100 : {
                        background : 'white',
                        color : 'black'
                    // 1: only css COLOR properties allowed here.
                    //          color names allowed, for a list see
                    // 2: properties used anywhere in a list like this must be
present in both 0: and 100:

License:        LGPL

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