[PHP] mail() in windows (again!)

2003-11-13 Thread Joao Andrade


First of all, how can I send a message to this list as the first dealing
with a subject, like a question (I guess this is called a thread)?
Well, I wanted PHP to send an e-mail for me. I read in the documentation
that the mail() functions uses the sendmail aplication. I've also heard this
'sendmail' won't work with windows (Windows rulez!(just to piss those linux
guys off!)). There's a user comment in the documentation page recomending
this argosoft program, but from what I saw in their site this makes the
computer into a mail server, and all I wanna do is have some fun (but not
right now), all I wanna do ist a command line program that will take my
message and send it to my smtp server. Is it so hard to do?

Joao Penna Andrade
Undergraduate, Mechanical Engineering

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Re: [PHP] mail() in windows (again!)

2003-11-13 Thread Raditha Dissanayake

that the mail() functions uses the sendmail aplication. I've also heard this
'sendmail' won't work with windows (Windows rulez!(just to piss those linux
guys off!)). 

If you were on linux you wouldn't have to send this mail. What you can 
do is to use your ISP's mail server. (which is most probably running 
linux :-) )  edit your php.ini file and set that as your smtp server.

Raditha Dissanayake.

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