Peter Jackson wrote:

well thats it Ive come to the conclusion that its a driver/lib issue. From what I can see mdbtools lib only reads and only does basic select. (eg Select * from table where col =thistext But not tex* % or date. Also looks like the project has died (think the last release was 2004 or so.) Thought I would give odbtp ago but cant get that to make. aargghh I give up.

Bastien Koert wrote:
On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Bastien Koert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 6:51 AM, Peter Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

$conn=odbc_connect("Database","","");  works
$a = "abcd"; (this value exists in db)
$stat = "Select * FROM " . '"Table Name"';
$qry = odbc_exec($conn,$stat);
$res = odbc_result_all($qry) or die("Error: ");

The above works as I expect it to.(Returns 70 rows)

If I now want to add a where clause
$stat = "SELECT * FROM " . '"Table Name"' . " Where " . '"Column Name" =
 " . $a;  (This works)

Now the place I fall into the abyss.
if I change WHERE clause in $stat to
 " WHERE " . '"Column Name"' LIKE abc*  (or other variations like abc%
"abc%" "abc*" 'abc%' 'abc*')
All I end up with is a blank page or Warning odbc_result_all No tuples
available at this result index.

Also I'm having trouble working out how to use a date in the WHERE clause. I've tried #yy-mm-dd# yy-mm-dd* dd/mm/yy etc etc (oh and yy/mm/dd 00:00:00
 I realize this is probably more odbc/sql related but after a lot of
goggling and reading I havent found the answer (about 5 days so far)

As the data seems to be text based, you need to quote it

WHERE " . '"Column Name"' LIKE 'abc%'



Cat, the other other white meat

sorry, missed the access dates...

try mm/dd/yyyy as the format

Unfortunately thats the first thing I thought of. I've tried every variation of quote I could think of. Can anyone tell me how to log what the odbc connection is actually sending/receiving? (as opposed to just echoing the sql statement I 'think' its sending.

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