
I am trying to set up a referal script; I want to pass a URL query string to another php script. I am able to pass the complete query string with all the variables I want through to the javascript function call but then the string gets cut in the php script:

in the shopping cart:
<a href="javascript: openWin('email.php?ref=<?php echo $pageURL; ?>')">this page</a>

where 'ref' is set correctly and $pageURL is returned as '' (this shows up on my status bar and I can 'echo' it on the shopping cart page - so Iknow it is getting captured correctly -- also - I removed the javascript and saw it get passet in the url as a 'get' correctly.)

but in the email script in the popup window I try to display 'ref' and what I get is:

'' -- everything past the first '&' gets cut off (ie, I lose the '&val2=2&val3=3' portion of the query string )

Any ideas? Sorry if this is obvious - pulling an 'all nighter'...



Nicole Lallande

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