
talking about php5, i'm missing "read-only" attributes/variables for
classes/objects. i.e. this would be very useful for implementing the new
DOM Level 3 Interfaces as given in http://www.w3.org/TR/2003
CR-DOM-Level-3-Core-20031107/idl-definitions.html .

And I don't think of any reason for Zend-Developers not to implement a
little keyword "readonly"... particularly they're using it in there C-Code
as you can see by testing the following script:

        $doc = new DomDocument();
        $root = new DomElement("root");
        $root->tagName = "test"; // this, of course, doesn't work...
        $root = $doc->appendChild($root);

The output is a fatal error:
Fatal error: main() [function.main]: Cannot write property in ... on line 5

But i don't think they'll make any changes on it at this (beta) state?

If anybody has an acceptable fake-solution, please let me know...


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