Re: [PHP] picture upload within a form

2007-10-19 Thread Børge Holen
On Friday 19 October 2007 10:34:28 Ronald Wiplinger wrote:
> I have a form, where I upload a picture and a corresponding text.

this far I'm with you

> Is it possible to have a form (upload picture) within a form (text)?
> As I have it now, the submit button just does nothing.

here you escapes me. A form inside a form, or two forms or orororor something?
"the" submit button, witch one is that?
you want the image to be uploaded into the likes of webmail systems; sort of 
like a temporary remote storage for further execution?

> bye
> Ronald


Børge Holen

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[PHP] picture upload within a form

2007-10-19 Thread Ronald Wiplinger

I have a form, where I upload a picture and a corresponding text.

Is it possible to have a form (upload picture) within a form (text)?
As I have it now, the submit button just does nothing.



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Re: [PHP] picture upload

2004-12-02 Thread Raditha Dissanayake
William Stokes wrote:
I'm building a web site for a sports team. I wan't them to be able to update
their own site so I need to build a file upload system for their pictures.
Pictures also need to resized to fit their spot in the web page. Any ideas
or quidelines how to do this. I've never done this kind of stuff before.
Thanks IA

William how to handle file uploads with PHP is described very well in 
the manual. Once you get past that stage just search google for php 
image upload.

Raditha Dissanayake.
-- | Card Designer Applet  | Drag and Drop Upload 

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Re: [PHP] picture upload

2004-12-02 Thread Richard Lynch
William Stokes wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm building a web site for a sports team. I wan't them to be able to
> update
> their own site so I need to build a file upload system for their pictures.
> Pictures also need to resized to fit their spot in the web page. Any ideas
> or quidelines how to do this. I've never done this kind of stuff before.
> Thanks IA

For the file upload part, the PHP Manual has a section (before all the
functions) about how to do that.  Read it.  Try it.  Post if you get
stuck. :-)  Don't forget the ENCTYPE part!!!

For scaling the image, there are several options.

One is to force the user to only submit images that fit within a certain
size/parameters.  This is probably good to avoid people uploading HUGE
image files.

You also should add some code in your file upload to be *SURE* it *is* a
valid image, so your server does not become a clearing-house for the
latest cracked version of Doom or whatever is popular this week.  This
function will be especially useful:

Once you have the file uploaded, you could scale it right away, once, and
save the scaled version for use from then on.

Or, you could scale the image each time, on the fly.

The first option is more efficient.  The second is more flexible if you
want to change the image size later, or if you want to have thumbnails in
one page, and full-size in another.  (You can write one script to handle

Your two main choices for scaling an image are:
GD, which has to be installed with PHP (use to check)
ImageMagick (aka 'convert') which is a shell command you can install and
use to execute.

There are examples of using GD to scale images, and of using ImageMagick
(aka convert) to scale images with exec all over the 'net, so I won't try
and repeat them here.

Oh yeah:  Sooner or later, somebody will upload an image that's too SMALL.
 Don't try to scale it "up" -- That will be butt ugly.  Just display it
centered in the spot where the image belongs.  Test this with a tiny image
for yourself.

Security Note:  The directory where your uploaded images are stored should
*NOT* be in your htdocs web tree.  You can use PHP to make sure the image
is kosher and *move* it after you check to the web tree.  Or you can use
PHP to check/read/display the image, so it's never in your web-tree.

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[PHP] picture upload

2004-12-02 Thread William Stokes
I'm building a web site for a sports team. I wan't them to be able to update
their own site so I need to build a file upload system for their pictures.
Pictures also need to resized to fit their spot in the web page. Any ideas
or quidelines how to do this. I've never done this kind of stuff before.
Thanks IA

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[PHP] picture upload error!

2002-08-12 Thread Djurovski Dejan

I can't upload picture to MySQL database:
What is wrong with my script:
I use PHP & MySQL database.
After submiting form my script says that everything is OK, but in database I
see that a picture is not uploaded.(date, size, name, type are inputed, but
data is not!).


CREATE TABLE pictures (
picture_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
name varchar(30) NOT NULL,
date datetime DEFAULT '-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
pic_data mediumblob NOT NULL,
pic_size int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
pic_type varchar(30) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (picture_id)

My PHP page:

if ($aDB->next_record() )
if(empty($aNewID) == True)
$aSQL="insert into pictures (picture_id, name, ".
"date, pic_data, ";
$aSQL .="pic_size, pic_type) values ($aNewID, ".
"'$PicName', ";
$aSQL .= "NOW(), '$aFileContents', '$PicFile_size', ".
"'$PicFile_type' )";
if ($aDB->Errno != 0)
$aErrors = True;
$aErrors= True;
$aErrors = True;
if ($aErrors == False)

 Ðurovski Dejan

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