Hello all!

I want to use gettext for multilanguage webs, so I'm pleasing you to help

When I use this: xgettext  --keyword=_ file.php
on this file:
<script language="JavaScript">
function zmen_cenu() {
window.opener.document.celkem.cena_celkem.value = "<? echo _("nějaký
blábol"); ?>
// -->

I get this message: file.php: 4: warning: unterminated string literal

but when I use the same on this file:
<?$str = _("nějaký blábol");?>
<script language="JavaScript">
function zmen_cenu() {
window.opener.document.celkem.cena_celkem.value = "<?= $str?>";
// -->

gettext makes this good.

Do you know where is a problem?
My gettext version is 0.10.35

     Pavel Novák

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