thanks for the help, it definitely saved my from hours of pulling at me

however i have a new problem. i can create session variables, but i can't
access them across pages.

for example.



// start the session
header("Cache-control: private"); //IE 6 Fix

echo "<strong>Step 2 - Register Session </strong><br />";

// Get the user's input from the form
   $name = $_POST['name'];

// Register session key with the value
   $_SESSION['name'] = $name;

// Display the sssion information:

Welcome to my website <strong><? echo $_SESSION['name']; ?></strong>!<br />
Let's see what happens on the <a href="page3.php">next page.</a><br /><br />


// start the session
header("Cache-control: private"); //IE 6 Fix
<strong>Step 3 - test Session Part II </strong><br />
Hey <strong><? echo $_SESSION['name']; ?></strong> Everything is still
working!<br /><br />
<strong>Pick an option:</strong><br />
Let's delete this session value now. <a href="page4.php">Click Here.</a><br
Let's destroy this session. <a href="page5.php">Click Here.</a><br /><br />

on page2.php (after the _SESSION['name'] variable is set with a form on
another page) the value of the variable comes up fine. however on page3.php,
the value is blank. any thoughts why? i tried tinkering with the php.ini
(v.4.0 on a Win98 box) but nothing changed.

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