I have installed PHP numerous times using the same configuration and
this is the first time I have run into this issue.

solaris 2.8 on e3500

apache 1.3.27 ( --enable-module=so --prefix=/usr/local/apache)
php 4.3.2     ( --with-apxs
                --with-zlib )

mcrypt, freetds both installed fine
installation of PHP is fine

attempt to restart apache give:

Syntax error on line 205 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/local/apache/libexec/libphp4.so into server: ld.so.1:
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file
/usr/local/apache/libexec/libphp4.so: symbol ap_block_alarms: referenced
symbol not found

Google of this error returns some issues with zlib around the php 4.0 -
4.2 versions.

any thoughts would be extremely helpful.  


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