[PHP-CVS] cvs: php4 /pear/Experimental/Image color_helper.php

2001-03-28 Thread Ulf Wendel

uw  Wed Mar 28 01:51:11 2001 EDT

  Added files: 
/php4/pear/Experimental/Image   color_helper.php 
  Widget functions to deal with colors when creating images.
  I'm not sure where I should place this, lets wait for the next classes
  (gtext, gbutton) before we take care on the correct directory structure so
  we can see if it's worth it's own directory.

Index: php4/pear/Experimental/Image/color_helper.php
+++ php4/pear/Experimental/Image/color_helper.php
* Widget stuff: color translation, ...
* Several widget functions to deal with images especially simple
* functions to convert userdefined colors into RGB colors.
* @author   Ulf Wendel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* @version  $Id: color_helper.php,v 1.1 2001/03/28 09:51:11 uw Exp $
class ColorHelper {

* Mapping from named colors to RGB values.
* @var  array
* @see  color2RGB()
var $colornames = array(
 "white"= array(255, 255, 255),
 "black"= array(0, 0, 0),
 "red"  = array(255, 0, 0),
 "green"= array(0, 255, 0),
 "blue" = array(0, 0, 255)

* Translates a userdefined color specification into an array of RGB integer values.
* Several formats can be handled. HTML like hexadecimal colors like #f0ff00, 
* names colors, arrays of RGB integer values and strings with percentage values
* like %100,%50,%20. If the format is unknown black gets returned [0, 0, 0].
* @var  mixed   Color in various formats: #f0f0f0, %20,%100,%0, 
*   named - black, white..., [int 0 - 255, int 0 - 255, int 0 - 
* @return   array   RGB color [int red, int green, int blue]
* @access   public
* @see  $colornames, HTMLColor2RGB(), PercentageColor2RGB(), NamedColor2RGB()
function color2RGB($color) {

if (is_array($color)) {

// looks good...
if (3 == count($color)) {

// check the range
foreach ($color as $k = $v) {
if ($v  0)
$color[$k] = 0;
else if ($v  255) 
$color[$k] = 255;
$color[$k] = (int)$v;

   return $color;

// unknown format - return black
return array(0, 0 , 0);

// #f0f0f0
if ("#" == $color{0})
return $this-HTMLColor2RGB($color);

// %50,%100,%50
if ("%" == $color{0})
return $this-PercentageColor2RGB($color);

// might be a color name
return $this-NamedColor2RGB($color);
} // end func color2RGB 

* Allocates a color in the given image.
* Userdefined color specifications get translated into 
* an array of rgb values.
* @paramresourceImage handle
* @parammixed   (Userdefined) color specification
* @return   resourceImage color handle
* @see  color2RGB()
* @access   public
function allocateColor($img, $color) {

$color = $this-color2RGB($color);

return ImageColorAllocate($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2]);
} // end func allocateColor  

* Returns the RGB integer values of an HTML like hexadecimal color like #00ff00.
* @paramstring  HTML like hexadecimal color like #00ff00
* @return   array   [int red, int green, int blue],
*   returns black [0, 0, 0] for invalid strings.
* @access   public
function HTMLColor2RGB($color) {
if (strlen($color) != 7)
return array(0, 0, 0);

return array(
hexdec(substr($color, 1, 2)),
hexdec(substr($color, 3, 2)),
hexdec(substr($color, 5, 2))
} // end func HTMLColor2RGB

* Returns the RGB interger values of a named color, [0,0,0] if unknown.
* The class variable $colornames is used to resolve
* the color names. Modify it if neccessary. 
* @paramstring  Case insensitive color name.
* @return   array   [int red, int green, int blue], 
*   returns black [0, 0, 0] if the color is unknown.
* @access   public
* @see  $colornames
function NamedColor2RGB($color) {
$color = strtolower($color);

if (!isset($this-colornames[$color]))
return array(0, 0, 0);

Re: [PHP-CVS] cvs: php4 /pear/Experimental/Image color_helper.php

2001-03-28 Thread Mika Tuupola

On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Ulf Wendel wrote:

   I'm not sure where I should place this, lets wait for the next classes
   (gtext, gbutton) before we take care on the correct directory structure so
   we can see if it's worth it's own directory.

There is allready the Image folder in PEAR. Maybe there
and rename the class to something like Image_Color. The
text and button classes could then be Image_Text and Image_Button?

Mika Tuupola  http://www.appelsiini.net/~tuupola/

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[PHP-CVS] cvs: php4 /pear/Experimental/Image color_helper.php

2001-03-28 Thread Sebastian Bergmann

sbergmann   Wed Mar 28 22:55:15 2001 EDT

  Modified files:  
/php4/pear/Experimental/Image   color_helper.php 
  Added web-safe colors list.

Index: php4/pear/Experimental/Image/color_helper.php
diff -u php4/pear/Experimental/Image/color_helper.php:1.2 
--- php4/pear/Experimental/Image/color_helper.php:1.2   Wed Mar 28 05:08:11 2001
+++ php4/pear/Experimental/Image/color_helper.php   Wed Mar 28 22:55:15 2001
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 // | Authors: Ulf Wendel [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
 // +--+
-// $Id: color_helper.php,v 1.2 2001/03/28 13:08:11 uw Exp $
+// $Id: color_helper.php,v 1.3 2001/03/29 06:55:15 sbergmann Exp $
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 * functions to convert userdefined colors into RGB colors.
 * @author   Ulf Wendel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-* @version  $Id: color_helper.php,v 1.2 2001/03/28 13:08:11 uw Exp $
+* @version  $Id: color_helper.php,v 1.3 2001/03/29 06:55:15 sbergmann Exp $
 class ColorHelper {
@@ -38,11 +38,146 @@
 * @see  color2RGB()
 var $colornames = array(
- "white"= array(255, 255, 255),
- "black"= array(0, 0, 0),
- "red"  = array(255, 0, 0),
- "green"= array(0, 255, 0),
- "blue" = array(0, 0, 255)
+"AliceBlue" = array(240,248,255),
+"AntiqueWhite" = array(250,235,215),
+"Aqua" = array(0,255,255),
+"Aquamarine" = array(127255212),
+"Azure" = array(240,255,255),
+"Beige" = array(245,245,220),
+"Bisque" = array(255,228,196),
+"Black" = array(0,0,0),
+"BlanchedAlmond" = array(255,235,205),
+"Blue" = array(0,0,255),
+"BlueViolet" = array(138,43,226),
+"Brown" = array(165,42,42),
+"BurlyWood" = array(222,184,135),
+"CadetBlue" = array(95,158,160),
+"Chartreuse" = array(127,255,0),
+"Chocolate" = array(210,105,30),
+"Coral" = array(255,127,80),
+"CornflowerBlue" = array(100,149,237),
+"Cornsilk" = array(255,248,220),
+"Crimson" = array(220,20,60),
+"Cyan" = array(0,255,255),
+"DarkBlue" = array(0,0,13), 
+"DarkCyan" = array(0,139,139),
+"DarkGoldenrod" = array(184,134,11),
+"DarkGray" = array(169,169,169),
+"DarkGreen" = array(0,100,0),
+"DarkKhaki" = array(189,183,107),
+"DarkMagenta" = array(139,0,139),
+"DarkOliveGreen" = array(85,107,47),
+"DarkOrange" = array(255,140,0),
+"DarkOrchid" = array(153,50,204),
+"DarkRed" = array(139,0,0),
+"DarkSalmon" = array(233,150,122),
+"DarkSeaGreen" = array(143,188,143),
+"DarkSlateBlue" = array(72,61,139),
+"DarkSlateGray" = array(47,79,79),
+"DarkTurquoise" = array(0,206,209),
+"DarkViolet" = array(148,0,211),
+"DeepPink" = array(255,20,147),
+"DeepSkyBlue" = array(0,191,255),
+"DimGray" = array(105,105,105),
+"DodgerBlue" = array(30,144,255),
+"FireBrick" = array(178,34,34),
+"FloralWhite" = array(255,250,240),
+"ForestGreen" = array(34,139,34),
+"Fuchsia" = array(255,0,255),
+"Gainsboro" = array(220,220,220),
+"GhostWhite" = array(248,248,255),
+"Gold" = array(255,215,0),
+"Goldenrod" = array(218,165,32),
+"Gray" = array(128,128,128),
+"Green" = array(0,128,0),
+"GreenYellow" = array(173,255,47),