At 03:11 PM 2/13/01 -0500, you wrote:
 >> I find the ability to write something once (say a mysql_connect();
 >> statement) and be able to run it on any page just with $db->connect(); is
 >> pretty cool.
 >> While that may not seem cool, if you some day change a a PHP statement that
 >> exists on many pages, this lets you change it in one place, instead of
 >> having to copy it to dozens of other places.
 >> Also, what happens if you change your database password and now need to
 >> change a bunch of pages to have the new password?
 >> Problem solved in OOP, because the vars are all in the same file.

problem solved by building modular INC (or include) file...  all the vars 
are in one file, and are included at the top of every other file, just as a 
class file would have to be.

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