Re: [PHP] Did I find a bug in PHP 5.2.2?

2007-05-24 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, May 24, 2007 3:15 pm, Patrick Baldwin wrote:
> First off, I'd like to explain I'm not a PHP programmer, so please
> bear with me. I'm trying to configure a Horde/IMP server.  It worked
> yesterday.  I installed rsync via packages, rebooted, and now no one
> can log into my Horde/IMP install.  Why am I posting here? Well,
> when I look in httpd-error.log, I see:

> If someone else has some idea about this already, that'd be
> great.  I'm willing to try and help figure it out if more
> experienced (at all experienced, really) PHP people think this
> is a worthwhile avenue of inquiry, but I'm afraid I'll need a
> little help.  For example, what does "must have PHP configured with
> --enable-debug" mean I need to do, exactly?  And where should I
> be looking for php core files?  I suspect there's probably more
> questions I don't even know to ask yet, but you got to start
> somewhere.

I believe this site has sufficient info to de-mystify most of this:

You may have a rather steep learning curve if you've never installed
any Un*x software from source...

To address your specific questions:

--enable-debug is a flag you would pass to ./configure along with
--enable-mysql and --enable-imap and any other fun extensions you use
to compile PHP from source.

A 'core' file is generally dumped into the directory you started in
when you run a program...  When Apache is started up and forks off
children and all that, this becomes a bit murky.  Fortunately, you can
start Apache in "single user" (?) mode with -S at startup, and then
you can "surf" to the one and only Apache child, and almost-for-sure,
your core dump will be right there in the directory where you started,
or maybe in Apache's bin directory.  But somewhere where you would
expect to find it.

You may also want to check with the Suhosin folks before you post a
bug to, as the first response at is to take
Suhosin out of the picture and see if the segfault still happens --
They really can't do much about it if Suhosin added in code that
"broke" things...

There may also be others using Horde/IMP who have posted similar
experiences in Horde/IMP forums/lists/etc.

Good luck!

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RE: [PHP] Did I find a bug in PHP 5.2.2?

2007-05-24 Thread Jim Moseby

>  It worked yesterday. 

I don't have any idea what could cause your problem, but with your
permission I think I'll have some t-shirts printed up with this slogan.  ;-)


"It worked yesterday." - unknown

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