Try to break up html  into different files for each browser type.

Switch ($browser)
        case "ns4" :
                include ns4.html; break;
        case "ie5" :
                include ie5.html; break;
        default :
                include ie6.html;

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Navid Yar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 10:19 AM
> Subject: [PHP] PHP code organization...
> Importance: High
> Ok, this is very important to me, but
> I'm not sure how to explain it well. I
> am working on a project using PHP that
> supports about 6 different browsers and
> browser versions. All the code is in one
> single file for now, but I will
> eventually split the code up and call
> them using several include files. The
> problem is that when I start writing the
> code and it doesn't support a specific
> browser version, I customize the code
> with some browser sniffing...for
> example:
> <table>
> <tr>
>    <td width='100'>
>       first column
>    </td>
>    <?php if ($browser == "ns4") { ?>
>    <td bgcolor="ff0000">
>       second column
>    </td>
>    <?php } elseif ($browser == "ns6")
> { ?>
>    // using different field-color for
> this browser version...
>    <td bgcolor='0000ff'>
>       second column
>    </td>
>    <?php } else { ?>
>    // using different field-color for
> this browser version...
>    <td bgcolor='00ff00'>
>       second column
>    </td>
>    <?php } ?>
> </tr>
> </table>
> This is not a real-world example, but it
> works for trying to explain my problem.
> The code is messy. The sniffing is done
> earlier and is set by $browser, which
> holds a value depending on which browser
> the user is using at the moment they
> access the page. I want this code to
> look as normal as html can possibly
> look, with a less ambiguous tree-like
> flow, in the following format for
> example:
> <table>
> <tr>
>    <td width='100'>
>       first column
>    </td>
>    <td bgcolor="some_color">
>       second column
>    </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> How would you guys organize the code to
> where it makes the best use of whichever
> browser is being used, but with less
> messy code? I probably haven't explained
> it well, but if you have any questions
> please let me know and I'll be more than
> happy to answer them. By the way, I'm a
> newbie at PHP, and so far I think it's
> the best thing that has ever happened to
> the web. Thanks in advance.  :)
> Navid
> -- 
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