Setting the open_basedir in the Apache conf file for each virtual host
should do the trick.   At least on my server, with "php_admin_value
open_basedir /home/david" set under the section for my domain I can't see
any files outside my home directory.

With safe_mode turned on, I think that even prevents users from uploading to
their directories.

Hope this helps,

David Price

-----Original Message-----
From: cp@unknown [mailto:cp@unknown]On Behalf Of Christian Politz
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 10:15 AM
Subject: [PHP] PHP security FAQ

i have a question concerning PHP and virtual hosting. Is it still true
that we need Apache's suExec mechanism to protect the users against each
other in a virtual domain setup? I think with open_basedir i can prevent
users from (over)writing other users files. And with safe_mode on i can
prevent evil things like system("cat /etc/passwd"); And when i set the
directory permissions like

rwx-----x       dom1user        /www/
rwx-----x       dom2user        /www/

(the directories in domain-tree (eg htdocs, cgi-bin) can have other

i can prevent that the users read out foreign directories. So i can't
see any reason why i shouldn't use the module version of PHP for a
multiple domain setup. Or did i miss something? I would be really happy
to hear your opinions.

Thanks in advance,

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