Thank you, I'll check this book out.

Larry S. Brown
Dimension Networks, Inc.
(727) 723-8388

-----Original Message-----
From: Sukrit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 12:39 PM
Subject: [PHP] Re:[PHP] dreading OOP

>>>>> "Larry" == Larry Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Larry> places.  However, my mind apparently works different and I
    Larry> keep trying to relate the OOP structure to what I already
    Larry> know which equates an object to a function.  I am resolving

This happens a lot with me too :)

    Larry> to purchase a book dedicated to instruction in the inns and
    Larry> outs of OOP.  Specifically at it relates to PHP would be
    Larry> great but my emphasis is towards something that teaches
    Larry> someone that is stubborn in his reliance on previously
    Larry> learned methods.  I hope this makes sense and I'm not alone
    Larry> on this. :) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

i am having a hard time with OOP too. i did buy a book Object Oriented
Analysis and Design Andrew Haigh. Well, it doesn't have PHP but it's
otherwise very lucid and clear. It also covers UML. Haven't read much
of it till now but i think it might help you.

Learning to think in terms of object is really diffucult imho, for
someone who is still stuck in the older procedural paradigm like
us. It'll take time.

Wishing us all OO enlightenment :)

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