You don't need to know when you hit the end.  Rather, simply remove the last
|| after the completion of the loop.

 while (list($new_qID,$new_aID) = each ($new_answers)) {
        $sql .= "qID=\"$new_qID || \"";
 $sql .= substr( $sql, 0, -3) .") AND uID = \"$uID\"";

-----Original Message-----

"Joe Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello,
>  I would like to know how i can know when i'm at the
> end of an array during a while loop?
> reset($new_answers);
> while (list($new_qID,$new_aID) = each ($new_answers)) {
>        $sql .= "qID=\"$new_qID\ ||" ";
> }
> $sql .= ") AND uID = \"$uID\"";
> i would like to know how to stop putting the " || " at
> the end of $sql in the middle of the while loop.
> any help would be appreciated.
> thanks,
> joe

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