Re: [PHP] Templates, PHP Frameworks, and DB Abstraction?

2006-07-01 Thread Martin Marques

On Fri, 30 Jun 2006, Jay Paulson wrote:

I'd like to get some feedback on what the list thinks is a good template
engine other than smarty.

PEARs HTML_Template_IT... or mix it with other HTML_Template*

I'd also like to do some quick prototyping using a PHP framework does anyone
have any recommendations for one that is easy to pick up and run with?

The only important one I know of is Horde (

Finally, does anyone have any suggestions for a good PHP database
abstraction library?

For PHP 5 I've heard wonderfull things about PDO, but the documentation 

I personally am working with PEAR::DB which has been merged with MDB to 
make MDB2 (this would be a good start point).

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RE: [PHP] Templates, PHP Frameworks, and DB Abstraction?

2006-07-01 Thread Martin Marques

On Fri, 30 Jun 2006, KermodeBear wrote:

This one has no more development, besides bug fixes. It was merged to 
create the one below.

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Universidad Nacional|   DBA, Programador,
del Litoral |   Administrador
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RE: [PHP] Templates, PHP Frameworks, and DB Abstraction?

2006-06-30 Thread KermodeBear
 Finally, does anyone have any suggestions for a good PHP database
 abstraction library?

PHP5 has PDO for database abstraction; check the manual for information on
that one. If you're stuck with PHP4 then PEAR has several offerings:

I've used PEAR DB and never had problems with it.

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