I think LORD just looked down here in Tokyo, seen me still typing at 3.15am
of Friday night, smoking the third pack of that nasty Marlboros, having no
dinner, with no even a cup coffee remained... and sent to the list that
GENIUS of Jason Murray who solved my problem.

I know, Jason, you didn't mean it, but it REALLY helped me:

  $fname = 'hello';

  $func = sprintf(
  "function %s(\$v='') {
    Return \"\$v<BR>\";

  echo $fname('Please print it.... please....');

  // And it did!

a dynamic function! I got it.

with eval() I can call it as I wish!

I have no idea, HOW ON THE EARTH could I ever forget about magic EVAL().

I solved it!
Everyone, take a note of this code, as it causes some sleepless nights and
'unhappy' girlfriends to some people. :-)

Thanks everybody,
Jason and Oliver in particular!


 Maxim Maletsky
 Founder, Chief Developer (Where PHP Begins)

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Reiniger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001 2:48 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Variable (naming them) Functions.

On Friday 27 April 2001 17:08, wrote:
> no classes CAN'T solve my problem:
> it is an abstraction layer. called as func_hello(); I want, inside
> func_hello() {} declare a new function based on what happened before
> func_hello() was called. In other words: I of course though about
> classes, and there is in fact a work around, but I need to know if
> 'function $var($arg) { return; }' syntax exists and what it is.
> in the docs there's nothing being said.
(maybe together with a little wrapper:
$foo = create_function (...);
$FNames [$var] = $foo;
function delta ($FuncName, $args) {
  return ${$FNames[$FuncName]} ($args);

But such a thing is an ugly hack and I'm sure you don't need it.

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (

Error 032: Recursion error - see error 032

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