
Sunday, April 25, 2004, 3:15:25 PM, you wrote:

AB> ok sorry but since i never used preg_* before i dont quite get what some of
AB> this stuff means. i looked at the doc page for it but it doesnt make mention
AB> at all of what \d, \w, \s or any of those things mean... i only assume that
AB> \d means digit and \w or \s means blank space??

AB> anyways to go through the whole example above part by part:
AB> $phone = '1234567890';//understand that
AB> $newphone = preg_replace(//ok now what does this stuff
AB> //mean??
AB> '/(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d)/'
AB> im gathering the line above is the search string (what to look for)? if so i
AB> get from it that it is supposed to look for the first block of 3 digits then
AB> the second block of 3 digits and the other 4 numbers by themself in a sense
AB> seperating the string into 3 different parts: 123 456 7890 and then asigning
AB> like "id numbers to the blocks"
AB> '(\1)\2-\3'
AB> and this one above says put block 1 between (). take block 2 and put a -
AB> after it and leave the other 4 numbers alone to come up with: (123)456-7890
AB> $phone);
AB> the original number to do the replace on of course

AB> let me know if i got that set right

Yes that is exactly what it does .. sorry probably should have
explained it... but at least you read up the function :-)

the () tells preg to store the contents and they get numbered 1 2 3 ..
the \1 with a number below 10 tells it to use what it captured at that

\D btw captures everything that is not a digit so you can use
that to cleanup the user input with $input = preg_replace('/\D/','',$input);


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