php-general Digest 3 Nov 2001 16:19:17 -0000 Issue 973

Topics (messages 73323 through 73342):

Re: Deleting Array elements
        73323 by: Daniel Kushner

cron or something similar ?
        73324 by: Srinivasan Ranganathan
        73339 by: JSheble
        73340 by: Steve Werby

Re: Query Database and list in Columns
        73325 by: Kacey A. Murphy

header() and session issues...
        73326 by: ahmad k. varoqua

How one can calculate CRC of file on php ?
        73327 by: ArsenKirillov

        73328 by: Kal Amry

Passing many valaues to function
        73329 by: Daniel Harik
        73330 by: Jason Brooke
        73331 by: Daniel Harik
        73332 by: Liz Fulghum
        73333 by: Galkov Vladimir

Re: Questions about php.ini
        73334 by: DL Neil

Trouble with PNGs
        73335 by: Daniel Reichenbach

Sendmail entry in PHP.ini
        73336 by: Michael, Jason

passing variables between pages without using url??
        73337 by: sunny AT wde
        73338 by: Galkov Vladimir
        73341 by: Steve Werby

Re: Sessions & Header PROBLEM again!
        73342 by: Alessandro BOSSI


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Try out this class:


> -----Original Message-----
> From: HEW Staff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 9:56 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Deleting Array elements
> I'm looking for some code that will enable me to remove a line
> from a file.
> I have .htaccess which is being filled by a subscription processor, I need
> to know how to remove a user from this file once the subscription
> has either
> been cancelled or subscription term complete.
> Any help appreciated.
> Thanks
> Jonno
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all

Im working on a newsletter using php. Is there any
way, other than using a cron job? Cuz, when i approach
a my web host provider, how can i add a cron job to
his system? how do other newsletter programs do this
even when they are hosted at remote sites?

Thanks in advance (Urgent plz)

Srinivasan Ranganathan

*NEW*   Yahoo! Messenger for SMS. Now on your Cellforce phone    *NEW*

One way would be to choose a web hoster that provides you with cron access.
See JTL Networks at

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Srinivasan Ranganathan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 10:22 PM
> Subject: [PHP] cron or something similar ?
> Hi all
> Im working on a newsletter using php. Is there any
> way, other than using a cron job? Cuz, when i approach
> a my web host provider, how can i add a cron job to
> his system? how do other newsletter programs do this
> even when they are hosted at remote sites?
> Thanks in advance (Urgent plz)
> Regards
> Srinivasan Ranganathan
> ___________________________________________________________________
> *NEW*   Yahoo! Messenger for SMS. Now on your Cellforce phone    *NEW*
>         Visit
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Srinivasan Ranganathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Im working on a newsletter using php. Is there any
> way, other than using a cron job?

Of course.  Run the script manually via the commandline version of PHP or
require a password and form submission on a web-based version of the script
and run it manually or schedule a program on another server with cron (or pc
with scheduling program) to visit the page automatically.  wget can be used
to do this.

> Cuz, when i approach
> a my web host provider, how can i add a cron job to
> his system?

If you have shell access and your user has privileges to add a cron entry
then the program "crontab" can be used.  "man crontab" for more info.  If
not, your hosting provider will have to do it for you, that is if the
provider allows users to run cron jobs.

> how do other newsletter programs do this
> even when they are hosted at remote sites?

Some people just use mailing list programs like majordomo, mailman,
smarlist, etc. and send the newsletter out to the recipients manually...

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC

This is the repeat code using Dreamweaver and not understand PHP to much but
I think this is what you asked for

<?php while (($Repeat1__numRows-- != 0) && (!$specials->EOF))
            <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> <font
            <font color="#000099"> <b>
            <?php echo $specials->Fields("itm_title")?>
            <img src="<?php echo $specials->Fields("url_pic")?>" width="60"
            Only <font color="#CC0000">$
            <?php echo $specials->Fields("itm_price")?>
            </font> /each<br>
            <font color="#009900">
            <?php echo $specials->Fields("itm_quant")?>
            </font> left in stock<br>


Can somebody please help me out (I'm losing hair by the hour)?  I have two 
pages, index.php and setstyle.php.  If the user clicks the link on index.php it 
should send them to setstyle.php and automatically back to the index.php with a 
new session variable set ($style).  However, I am using sessions and when the 
header() function brings the user back to the index.php, it starts a whole new 
session (WHICH I DON'T WANT).   How do I preserve the old session from when 
index.php was first accessed?   Whoever can help me, I appreciate it greatly, 
and please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (The stupid thing is, I *actually* 
had this working at one point, then made a change and forgot what exactly I 
changed and can't restore it, sheesh...) 
                                                           ahmad k. varoqua


if ($style){
        bc_header("search", $style);
        bc_header("search", $style2);

print("<a href=./setstyle.php?color=./css/bc_1.css><img src=./images/color1.jpg 



header ("location: $HTTP_REFERER");  //goes back to index.php 

i need to synhronise two text db of my board
and i am seeking for best and fasterst way to calculate
crc of file . Can all help me ?

I am trying to build the binaries, however after the following cmd:

rpm -bb php4-2.spec

I keep getting:

configure: error: Unable to find required gettext library
Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.32623 (%build)



I need to pass about 15 values to function, what would be best way of
doing it?

Thank you very much

maybe in an associative array 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daniel Harik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2001 4:53 AM
Subject: [PHP] Passing many valaues to function

> Hello
> I need to pass about 15 values to function, what would be best way of
> doing it?
> Thank you very much

I have following code

class Member{

   function vallidateForm ($HTTP_POST_VARS){
    echo "$HTTP_POST_VARS['frmUsername']";

$user = new Member;

Why i try to run it i get error

Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE' or `T_NUM_STRING' in 
c:\program files\apache group\apache\htdocs\cms\member.php on line 235

Thank you very much

which is line 235?

"Daniel Harik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have following code
> <?
> class Member{
>    function vallidateForm ($HTTP_POST_VARS){
>     echo "$HTTP_POST_VARS['frmUsername']";
>    }
> }
> $user = new Member;
> if($action=="register"){
>    $user->vallidateForm($HTTP_POST_VARS);
> }else{
>    $user->displayForm();
> }
> Why i try to run it i get error
> Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE' or
`T_NUM_STRING' in c:\program files\apache group\apache\htdocs\cms\member.php
on line 235
> Thank you very much

Good day!

1. Send array function_1($arr) where $arr: array.
2. This way is not very correct. just declare this varibles in function as
    2.1. The enother way: get access to special array (in php3 only upper
three are avible):


 This arrays store different types of varbles used during script's work. I
never use this method to access to vars... so can't give  100% correct
advice. just a way... read about using this arrays.

Galkov Vladimir

Would the annotated manual LXV. "PHP options & information" be of any use?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "jennyw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 03 November 2001 03:18
Subject: [PHP] Re: Questions about php.ini

> This is a dedicated server, and I have several sites on it. One of the
> things I'd like to be able to set differently for each site is session
> expiration. Is there a way to do this without mucking around w/ php.ini?
> Thanks!
> Jen
> "Jason Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I host with iServer (now ViaVerio) and we dont have a php.ini file (that
> we
> > can get to, anyways) either.   I run phpinfo() and it says that the ini
> file
> > is in /usr/local/lib but nuthin's there.
> >
> > What exactly do you want to use different ini files for anyways?
> >
> >
> > --
> > Jason Wood
> > Chief Technology Officer
> > Expressive Tek, Inc.
> > 407 Kehrs Mill Road
> > Ballwin, MO 63011
> > Phone 636.256.1362
> >
> >
> >
> > "Jennyw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > I've signed up with a dedicated Web host that has PHP installed. The
> weird
> > > thing is that there is no php.ini anywhere. Is the file optional?
> > Everything
> > > seems to be behaving okay.
> > >
> > > I have several Web sites that I'm setting up. Is it possible to use
> > > different php.ini files for each Web site? I'm using apache with
> mod-php.
> > I
> > > see that PHP will search for php.ini in the working directory first.
> Does
> > > this mean that the way to accomplish what I want is to put a php.ini
> file
> > in
> > > each directory that has .php files? It would be better if there was a
> way
> > to
> > > have a php.ini file affect all files in a site, instead of putting
> php.ini
> > > files in all subdirectories of the site where there are .php files.
> > >
> > > Thanks!
> > >
> > > Jen
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'm using PHP 4.0.6 with GD-2.0.1 and Freetype 2 compiled in. After
playing a while with gd, I found that i can generate blank images
with TTF text on it and can put text with imagestring on a png,
but writing with ImageTTFText fails.

Any idea?


Does anyone know what the correct entry for the php.ini that allows you to
to use sendmail in OSX 10.0.4 Server?


hi php'ers!

just a quick question please, it would help me out a lot.

i've written a form, which passes value to a ph script to insert them
into mysql. from there on, i forward onto another page, but using :

now i really don't want to have the url on the next page looking like
that because people might change the values, refresh the page and
mess up my database.

so is there any other ways i can pass values on??



Do You Yahoo!?
Find a job, post your resume.

may be you find accepteble usint
<input name=id value="<? print $id?>" type=HIDDEN> ???

"sunny AT wde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i've written a form, which passes value to a ph script to insert them
> into mysql. from there on, i forward onto another page, but using :
> header("Location:";);
> now i really don't want to have the url on the next page looking like
> that because people might change the values, refresh the page and
> mess up my database.
> so is there any other ways i can pass values on??

Perhaps you should consider using the POST method instead of the GET method.
Then the variables are not displayed in the query string.  If you are
passing across a series of pages, after the first page you'll want to add
the variables you're going to pass to hidden input fields or use session
variables which will make the variables available throughout the user's
session or until you destroy the session.

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC

Hi, thank you for your attention

This is only a sample to understand how the session work, in order to use them
in a more complex web applications
The goal is verify how to pass the var $count through each of the three pages
by the php session function

Particularly, when as usually, a client has the session/cookies disabled
Call First.php $count=1
Go to the Second.php, here $count would be always = 1 (but with session
disabled $count stay not defined)
Go to the Third.php ==>> always $count=1 (but with session disabled $count
stay not defined)
Go to the First.php $count=2 (with session disabled $count is always =1)
and go on....

1) Ok is a writing mistake
2) I delete the hidden variable 'count' in the form, but the pb is not solved
3) The final php script has more fork I had to use header("Location...)
4) Yes!!! Is only a sample :-)
5) Deleted the hidden var

Why with session enabled all is OK
and with session disabled all is KO???

Bye bye

Steve Cayford wrote:

> Don't know offhand what the problem is, but a couple thoughts:
> 1. Why are you using session_name(mysession) instead of
> session_name('mysession')?
> 2. Assuming you have register_globals on, you're trying to pass $count
> both as a session variable and a post variable. One of these is going to
> get overwritten by the other if I'm not mistaken.
> 3. Why not have the page 1 form action point directly at page 2 instead
> of being redirected through page 1? Do posted variables follow a
> redirect?
> 4. If posted variables do follow a redirect then page 1 will see that
> $submit is set and redirect to page 2, which will redirect to page 3,
> which will redirect to page 1, etc... Can you get an infinite
> redirection loop?
> 5. The form on page 1 includes a hidden count variable, page 2 and page
> 3 don't.
> What happens when you run this?
> -Steve
> On Friday, November 2, 2001, at 08:49  AM, Alessandro BOSSI wrote:

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