[PHP] Query Reset?

2003-01-23 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
I am having a problem with reseting my query results. I want to take
$results and have it spit it out line by line - but twice. I have found that
after the first time through, it just spits out 15 (in this case) more blank

Any help? (My code is below)

This code is to create an HTML drop down list of the results.

Here is the function to display the box - it works fine:

class display
function form_dropdown ($list_array, $name)
// default name code
if (!isset($name))
   $name = "default";

$database = new database;
$rows = $database->rows($list_array);

$field_name = mysql_field_name($list_array, 0);


Select One

  $result_row = $database->rows($result);

  ?>form_dropdown($result, $name);
  echo "";

// Second drop down - ONLY BLANK LINES!
  echo "User2";
  $name = "User2";
  $display->form_dropdown($result, $name);

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[PHP] Session Variables

2003-01-26 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
I have a quirky problem that should be a breeze for someone who is smarter
than I.

I have a script where I am registering a HTML form post variable as a
session variable and then echo it. In the real script I use it in a MySQL
query, but for the sake of this post, here is the "script":

$user1 = $HTTP_POST_VARS["user1"];
echo $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["user1"];

This doesn't work, however, if I hit the refresh button the var miraculously
What am I doing wrong?

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[PHP] Page URL from a inc?

2003-08-09 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
I am having a bit of a problem with pathinfo. I am looking for a way to
generate a URL from within an included class that would return the URL for
the script that called the class. Pathinfo returns the class file. Is there
a way to get what I need?

Thanks in advanced,
Jed R. Brubaker

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[PHP] Creating Images

2003-09-04 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
I have been trying to write some image creation scripts, and although I have
a version of PHP that includes image support, I keep getting errors related
to imagecreatefrompng(). Here is the latest error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatefrompng() in
/web/html-docs/psych/jb4920/public_html/pic/picture.php on line 12

Isn't imagecreatfrompng() a built in function? Anyone run across something
like this or a suggestion?

Thanks for the help!
Jed R. Brubaker

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[PHP] ImageColorAllocate() Problem

2003-10-02 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
I am having a bizzare problem with the imagecolorallocate() function. Maybe
all of you can help me!

Here is the code:

$hex1 = "0x".$color{0}.$color{1};
$hex2 = "0x".$color{2}.$color{3};
$hex3 = "0x".$color{4}.$color{5};

$color = ImageColorAllocate($im, $hex1, $hex2, $hex3);

Simple enough! $color starts off as a hex color code minus the #, and then
is pulled into each of the 3 alpha values by way for the hex variables. It
is later outputted in text:

ImageTTFText ($im, $cursive_size, 0, $text1_x, $text1_y, $color, $font1,

Problem: The text is always black.
Something strange: If I just type in a randomly selected color, it works!

Is there some reason that the values in my variables wouldn't be passing?

Thanks in advance,
Jed R. Brubaker

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[PHP] Re: undefined function imagecreate()

2003-10-02 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
You know, I am not sure if this will help, but I have a problem very similar
to this in my debugger.
When I run a script check through my WIN32 PHP module, I get errors related
to imagecreate() functions. In a current project I use imagecreatefromjpeg()
functions and get the same problems.

Fortunately for me, once my scripts have gone up to the server they have
worked fine. You might have the same luck!

One other thing - you might want to check the image capabilities of your
PHP's build. One server I worked on did not have the capabilities to work
with GIFs or PNGs, so I had to do things with imagecreatefromjpeg() (as I
mentioned above).

Good luck!

"Marco Moonen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Just new at PHP and learning.
> Trying to execute simple script to draw a line:
>  //draw2.php
> Header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
> $image = ImageCreate(200,150);
> $gray = ImageColorAllocate($image,204,204,204);
> $blue = ImageColorAllocate($image,0,0,255);
> ImageLine($image,10,10,150,30,$blue);
> ImageArc($image,150,65,70,70,0,360,$blue);
> ImageJPEG($image);
> ImageDestroy($image);
> ?>
> Browser returns:
> Fatal error:  Call to undefined function:  imagecreate() in
> c:\inetpub\wwwroot\draw4.php on line 4
> Why is imagcreate() not understoodMarco

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[PHP] Re: Converting various DB's to MySQL using PHP

2003-10-02 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
I think phpMyAdmin has a "Inset Data From Text File" function that can work
with delimited text output.
Check it out: http://www.phpmyadmin.net/

"J Morton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi all --
> Summary: Using PHP, need to go from ACCESS -> MySQL.  (Millions of
> records, hundreds of tables.)
> I am about to embark on a project over the next week which entails (in
> part) developing a PHP platform that will convert an Access DB to MySQL,
> as well as perform all needed error-checking and appropriate field-type
> setup.  In the future I will modify the same script to support other DB
> types like Postgres, MS, Oracle, etc.  Rather than having PHP access
> these foreign DB types I will have it access a delimited text output of
> the DB's.
> Before I got started, I thought I would check in here to see if anybody
> knows of a similar tool that already exists and perhaps I can learn
> something from it and benchmark against it as I proceed.  Also, any tips
> or advice would be muchly appreciated.  I am sure this has been done
> many times over in PHP but I do not see where.
> Thanks!!
> Justin

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Re: [PHP] ImageColorAllocate() Problem

2003-10-02 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Worked perfectly - thanks!

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[PHP] Foreach Array Help

2003-10-13 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Okay, total newbie when it comes to arrays, and I could really use some
help. I sure this will be an easy one for you veterans out there.

Here is the array ($code):
array(2) {
  array(1) {
array(3) {
  string(10) "Transcript"
  string(3) "603"
  array(1) {
array(3) {
  string(23) "FFT 6 Level Code System"
  string(3) "302"
  string(1) "2"

Here is the output code:
foreach ($this->code['assign'] as $assign => $details)
foreach ($assign['codeapply'] as $codeapply => $ca_details)
echo "";
echo$details['type']." ".$assign;
$ca_details['code_complete']."/".$ca_details['code_rows']." Items Coded";
printf  (" %.0d%%",
echo "";

Output error:
Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

Conceptually and practically I have been struggling with how to navigate
levels of the arrays which are defined by a variable (e.g.
$code['assign'][$i] for the assign ID and $code['assign'][$i][$j] for the
codeapply ID on the assign ID).

Thanks in advance!

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[PHP] Re: Foreach Array Help

2003-10-14 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
First of all, thanks for the response.

Here is where I am getting lost:
In $code['assign'][1] - "1" is the assignment ID, and I would like the array
to be able to hold a billion of these different assignments all with
conceivably a billion codeapply ID as in $code['assign'][1]['codeapply'][3],
where "3" is the codeapply value. In other words, because each of these
items directly under assign and codeapply are arrays because they hold
sub-info, I have made the keys of these items the values.

So - am I approaching this whole array thing wrong?


"Rob Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> "Jed R. Brubaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Okay, total newbie when it comes to arrays, and I could really use some
> > help. I sure this will be an easy one for you veterans out there.
> >
> > Here is the array ($code):
> > array(2) {
> >   ["total"]=>
> >   int(1)
> >   ["assign"]=>
> >   array(1) {
> > [1]=>
> > array(3) {
> >   ["type"]=>
> >   string(10) "Transcript"
> >   ["rows"]=>
> >   string(3) "603"
> >   ["codeapply"]=>
> >   array(1) {
> > [1]=>
> > array(3) {
> >   ["codeset"]=>
> >   string(23) "FFT 6 Level Code System"
> >   ["code_rows"]=>
> >   string(3) "302"
> >   ["code_complete"]=>
> >   string(1) "2"
> > }
> >   }
> > }
> >   }
> > }
> >
> > Here is the output code:
> > foreach ($this->code['assign'] as $assign => $details)
> > {
> > foreach ($assign['codeapply'] as $codeapply => $ca_details)
> > {
> > echo "";
> > echo"";
> > echo$details['type']." ".$assign;
> > echo"";
> > echo"";
> > echo"";
> > echo$ca_details['codeset'];
> > echo"";
> > echo"";
> > echo
> > $ca_details['code_complete']."/".$ca_details['code_rows']." Items
> > echo"";
> > echo"";
> > printf  (" %.0d%%",
> > ($ca_details['code_complete']/$ca_details['code_rows'])*100);
> > echo"";
> > echo "";
> > }
> > }
> >
> > Output error:
> > Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array
> > Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
> >
> > Conceptually and practically I have been struggling with how to navigate
> > levels of the arrays which are defined by a variable (e.g.
> > $code['assign'][$i] for the assign ID and $code['assign'][$i][$j] for
> if $code['assign'][$i] has some integer value, then it is not an array.
> if $code['assign'][$i][$j] has some integer value, then
> is an array.
> You have two mutually exclusive possibilities there.
> Probably, what you want to do is something like:
> $code['assign'][$i]['aid'] = (assign ID);
> $code['assign'][$i][$j] = (whatever you want here);
> (which, for simplicity, translates into something like:)
> $code['assign'][1]['aid'] = 1;
> $code['assign'][1]['1'] = 11;
> $code['assign'][1]['2'] = 12;
> $code['assign'][1]['3'] = 13;
> $code['assign'][1]['4'] = 14;
> $code['assign'][1]['5'] = 15;
> etc.
>   -- Rob
> > codeapply ID on the assign ID).
> >
> > Thanks in advance!

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[PHP] Re: Foreach Array Help

2003-10-14 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Never mind - I figured it out.

While I was traversing like this:

foreach ($this->code['assign'] as $assign => $details)
foreach ($assign['codeapply'] as $codeapply => $ca_details)


I had set up $assign to be the key value, and likewise not be an array. I
changed it to:

foreach ($this->code['assign'] as $assign => $details)
foreach ($details['codeapply'] as $codeapply => $ca_details)


and it worked beautifully. Thanks to all of you who got me going in the
right direction.

"Jed R. Brubaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Okay, total newbie when it comes to arrays, and I could really use some
> help. I sure this will be an easy one for you veterans out there.
> Here is the array ($code):
> array(2) {
>   ["total"]=>
>   int(1)
>   ["assign"]=>
>   array(1) {
> [1]=>
> array(3) {
>   ["type"]=>
>   string(10) "Transcript"
>   ["rows"]=>
>   string(3) "603"
>   ["codeapply"]=>
>   array(1) {
> [1]=>
> array(3) {
>   ["codeset"]=>
>   string(23) "FFT 6 Level Code System"
>   ["code_rows"]=>
>   string(3) "302"
>   ["code_complete"]=>
>   string(1) "2"
> }
>   }
> }
>   }
> }
> Here is the output code:
> foreach ($this->code['assign'] as $assign => $details)
> {
> foreach ($assign['codeapply'] as $codeapply => $ca_details)
> {
> echo "";
> echo"";
> echo$details['type']." ".$assign;
> echo"";
> echo"";
> echo"";
> echo$ca_details['codeset'];
> echo"";
> echo"";
> echo
> $ca_details['code_complete']."/".$ca_details['code_rows']." Items Coded";
> echo"";
> echo"";
> printf  (" %.0d%%",
> ($ca_details['code_complete']/$ca_details['code_rows'])*100);
> echo"";
> echo "";
> }
> }
> Output error:
> Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array
> Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
> Conceptually and practically I have been struggling with how to navigate
> levels of the arrays which are defined by a variable (e.g.
> $code['assign'][$i] for the assign ID and $code['assign'][$i][$j] for the
> codeapply ID on the assign ID).
> Thanks in advance!

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[PHP] Loop Question

2003-10-18 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Hi! I am trying to loop through two different database calls with two for
statements, one embedded in the other.

   for ($i; $i < $codeset_rows; $i++)
$codeset_row = $this->database->fetch_array($codeset_query);
$codesys_query = $this->database->query("select



from   codesys

where  codesys.codeset_ID = ".$codeset_row['codeset_ID']);

$codesys_rows = $this->database->num_rows($codesys_query);

for ($j; $j < $codesys_rows; $j++)
echo "Blah, blah, blah";


The current set up means that the first loop should cycle twice, and the
second loop should cycle 6 times the first time and 2 times the second.

So here is the question: $j doesn't unset when the loop ends. So when it
comes around the second time, $j still = 6 and since $codesys_rows = 2, it
skips the loop. I can fix this by putting an
if ($j)
right before the second loop. However, it seems that there should be some
more efficient way to do this.


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Re: [PHP] Loop Question

2003-10-18 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Well duh. Thanks so much!

"Robert Cummings" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> See changes below.
> Cheers,
> Rob.
> On Sat, 2003-10-18 at 14:57, Jed R. Brubaker wrote:
> > Hi! I am trying to loop through two different database calls with two
> > statements, one embedded in the other.
> >
> >for ($i; $i < $codeset_rows; $i++)
>  for ($i = 0; $i < $codeset_rows; $i++)
> > {
> > $codeset_row = $this->database->fetch_array($codeset_query);
> > $codesys_query = $this->database->query("select
> > codesys.codesys_index,
> >
> > codesys.code_name,
> >
> > codesys.code_value
> >
> > from   codesys
> >
> > where  codesys.codeset_ID = ".$codeset_row['codeset_ID']);
> >
> > $codesys_rows = $this->database->num_rows($codesys_query);
> >
> > for ($j; $j < $codesys_rows; $j++)
>   for ($j = 0; $j < $codesys_rows; $j++)
> > {
> > echo "Blah, blah, blah";
> > }
> >
> > }
> >
> > The current set up means that the first loop should cycle twice, and the
> > second loop should cycle 6 times the first time and 2 times the second.
> >
> > So here is the question: $j doesn't unset when the loop ends. So when it
> > comes around the second time, $j still = 6 and since $codesys_rows = 2,
> > skips the loop. I can fix this by putting an
> > if ($j)
> > {unset($j);}
> > right before the second loop. However, it seems that there should be
> > more efficient way to do this.
> > Ideas?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > -- 
> > PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> > To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
> >
> >
> -- 
> ..
> | InterJinn Application Framework - http://www.interjinn.com |
> ::
> | An application and templating framework for PHP. Boasting  |
> | a powerful, scalable system for accessing system services  |
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> | also provides an extremely flexible architecture for   |
> | creating re-usable components quickly and easily.  |
> `'

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[PHP] URL Variables

2003-10-28 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Is there a way to preserve URL variables and have a link simply add a new
variable to the end?

I am tabulating data and I have URL variables defining which dataset to view
and in what way to view it. I would now like to set the SQL statement up
with a limit and add some "Previous", "Next" commands, and even paging
numbers, but how should I go about setting up the link so that the existing
URL variables are preserved?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: [PHP] URL Variables

2003-10-28 Thread Jed R. Brubaker

"Chris Shiflett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> --- "Jed R. Brubaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there a way to preserve URL variables and have a link simply add
> > a new variable to the end?
> Sure, just use $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], which is the current query
string, and
> append whatever new URL variables you want.
> Chris
> =
> My Blog
>  http://shiflett.org/
> HTTP Developer's Handbook
>  http://httphandbook.org/
> RAMP Training Courses
>  http://www.nyphp.org/ramp

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[PHP] $_GET String Edit

2003-11-22 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Hey  - this one should be simple.

I am parsing some data and have $_GET variables in the URL stipulating on
which record to start and how many records to display (these then get basses
to the limit command in my database query).

So here is the catch. I am trying to make a page navigation menu (we have
all seen them, "Page: 1 2 3..."), and I would like to continue doing this
via the URL variables.  Right now, each of the page numbers is a hyper link
is set like this:

"page.php?".$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]."&more variables here."

The problem, however, is that those variables are a string. If the variables
that the menu defines are already in the string, it doesn't update them, it
just adds more definitions to the URL.

How have you people dealt with this? I am sure that there is some elegant
solution and I would love to know what it is.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: [PHP] $_GET String Edit

2003-11-22 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Sorry for the confusing initial request.
You were correct in assuming that I am generating URLs like:

So I suppose the consise follow-up question is how can I get a hyperlink to
change one of those varibles in the string.

In the past I have just tacked a varible on to the end of the string, but I
don't want to be redundant.

Thanks again.

"Chris Shiflett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> --- "Jed R. Brubaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am trying to make a page navigation menu (we have all seen them,
> > "Page: 1 2 3..."), and I would like to continue doing this via the
> > URL variables. Right now, each of the page numbers is a hyper link
> > is set like this:
> >
> > "page.php?".$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]."&more variables here."
> >
> > The problem, however, is that those variables are a string. If the
> > variables that the menu defines are already in the string, it
> > doesn't update them, it just adds more definitions to the URL.
> I had a hard time interpreting your question, but I think you're saying
> that you are generating URLs like this:
> /page.php?foo1=bar1&foo2=bar2&foo1=bar3&foo2=bar4
> And, you're wanting to not duplicate variables in your URL, correct?
> You could always keep your query string in an array or something. This
> would allow you to update values in the array prior to the end of your
> script. You can start this array using $_GET:
> $query = $_GET;
> Of course, you might want to rather filter this data on each page, so that
> you don't spread tainted data more than necessary. Regardless, this will
> allow you to update values in your query string. If you want to update
> foo1, you don't have to care whether it's already set:
> $query['foo1'] = 'newvalue';
> Hope that helps.
> Chris
> =
> Chris Shiflett - http://shiflett.org/
> PHP Security Handbook
>  Coming mid-2004
> HTTP Developer's Handbook
>  http://httphandbook.org/
> RAMP Training Courses
>  http://www.nyphp.org/ramp

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[PHP] Advice: GET vs. POST vs. SESSION

2003-11-23 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
 I was hoping that some of you would be able to give me some advice.

I have started creating a web application that makes heavy use of URL GET
variables in order to solve a problem that I have had with POST in the
past - namely, having to refresh the document and repost the variables when
you use the browser's back button.

So I enthusiastically have embraced GET variables, but am now having a
struggle editing the URL variable string.

So this is my question: is using URL GET variables that best way to avoid
that browser back button effect?

I have thought about using session variable extensively, but that I am going
to have to be unsetting them all over the place.

So - anyone have any advice?
Thanks in advance!

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[PHP] String Manip. - Chop Equivalent

2003-11-23 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Does PHP have an equivalent to PERL's chop - that is, a way to get rid of
the last character in a string?

"Hello World" to "Hello Worl"

Thanks in advance.

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[PHP] newb: stop file process

2003-12-27 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
This one should be simple.

I am wondering if there is a simple way in which to stop the processing of a

The current example is a program that checks to see if the user is logged
in. In the past I have done something like this:

if ($loggedIn != true) {
echo "You are not logged in.";
else {
echo "Welcome";

This, however, becomes a substantial problem (or at least annoyance) when
the else is pages long. I would prefer to have something like:

if ($loggedIn != true) {
echo "You're not logged in.";
// stop process of file here
// Page content (with no else)

The ultimate objective is to have a simple function in the my class include
file to verify that the user is always logged in.

Thanks in advance.

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[PHP] Re: stop file process

2003-12-28 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Found it!

Just use exit();

"Jed R. Brubaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> This one should be simple.
> I am wondering if there is a simple way in which to stop the processing of
> file.
> The current example is a program that checks to see if the user is logged
> in. In the past I have done something like this:
> if ($loggedIn != true) {
> echo "You are not logged in.";
> }
> else {
> echo "Welcome";
> }
> This, however, becomes a substantial problem (or at least annoyance) when
> the else is pages long. I would prefer to have something like:
> if ($loggedIn != true) {
> echo "You're not logged in.";
> // stop process of file here
> }
> // Page content (with no else)
> The ultimate objective is to have a simple function in the my class
> file to verify that the user is always logged in.
> Thanks in advance.

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[PHP] String formatting

2004-08-06 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Hey all! Glad you are here.

I have a question that is confusing me a bit. I am trying to output a string
that is pulled from a database that I don't have control over.

Everything is great, except that the string needs to be all on one line with
no line breaks (for Javascript's sake). Is there a function in PHP to make
sure that output is on one line, regardless of the content of the line?

Below are some examples of the data.
Thanks in advance!

MySQL (text)
Here is some text, and here is the MySQL field is a line break.

Here is more text that is still part of the text above.

Needed output (w/ no whitespace)
Here is some text, and here is the MySQL field is a line break. Here is more
text that is still part of the text above.

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[PHP] MySQL Result Handling

2004-08-06 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Hi all! I have a quite a brain puzzler here that I would love to hear some
people's feedback on.

I have inherited a PHP system that is definately on the strange side. I am
stuck with the situation of either adding to the beast, or simply
reprogramming the entire site.

The one technique that I have a bit of a question about is realted to the
handling of MySQL results. It seems that when you query the database with
their system, it takes all the results and outputs them into a string
similar to:

I have a question<:>I have an answer

which is then interpreted:

list($question, $answer) = explode("<:>",$result);

back to normal variables.

Does this soind familiar to anyone? I have never run across anything like
this and was wondering if maybe someone could explain to me why this could
be desirable.

Thanks in advance!

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[PHP] OO Question for PHP4

2004-08-11 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Hi all. As the subject suggests, I am using PHP4 and am having something
going on that I don't think should be.

Presume the following code
class Foo {
function Foo () {
return "Bar";
$foo = new Foo;
echo $foo;

$foo comes out as an object. Does this have to be done in two line like
class Foo {
function bar () {
return "Bar";
$foo = new Foo;
$bar = $foo->bar;

Or is there a better design approach I should be reminded of or learn?

Thanks in advance!

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[PHP] Page Referer question

2004-08-12 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Hello all. I am looking to create script will detect the page from which the
user just came so that after they do something on the current page (login)
it will send them back to the page they wanted. I was thinking about
$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], but php.net says:


The address of the page (if any) which referred the user agent to the
current page. This is set by the user agent. Not all user agents will set
this, and some provide the ability to modify HTTP_REFERER as a feature. In
short, it cannot really be trusted.

Is this a big problem? Is there another technique I could use?

Thank you all!

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[PHP] Re: Page Referer question

2004-08-12 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Thank you all for the great feedback.

"Jed R. Brubaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello all. I am looking to create script will detect the page from which
> user just came so that after they do something on the current page (login)
> it will send them back to the page they wanted. I was thinking about
> $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], but php.net says:
> The address of the page (if any) which referred the user agent to the
> current page. This is set by the user agent. Not all user agents will set
> this, and some provide the ability to modify HTTP_REFERER as a feature. In
> short, it cannot really be trusted.
> Is this a big problem? Is there another technique I could use?
> Thank you all!

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[PHP] OO Theory Question

2004-08-17 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Hi all! I could use some perspective on a project that I am currently
working on.

I am trying to utilize OO to make my PHP easier, but I keep running into
problems that revolve around the stateless nature of the web.

Consider the following: I have a login class that is instantiated at the top
of every page. It can log you in, check to see if you are logged in, etc.
This class has an assortment of class variables such as userID, userType,

It would be great if I could make a reference to $login->userType on any
given page, but I run into errors as the login class gets reinstantiated on
every page.

A solution is to set all of these variables into $_SESSION, but the appeal
of classes is that I might be able to maintain all of my information in a
related location, and not in the session.

I am sure that this is a problem that many of you more experienced (than I)
developers have run into. Is there a solution? And ideas?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: [PHP] OO Theory Question

2004-08-17 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
The real reason for having the login class like this is to eliminate
database calls. I thought I could have one session variable that said yo
uwere logged in, but then the database calls would still have to be made on
each page.

Thanks for the idea - any others?

"Jason Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> put something in your script like
> if($_SESSION['authed'] == true)
> $user = new User($_SESSION['userId']);
> or something similar.
> Jason
> "Jed R. Brubaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all! I could use some perspective on a project that I am currently
> > working on.
> >
> > I am trying to utilize OO to make my PHP easier, but I keep running into
> > problems that revolve around the stateless nature of the web.
> >
> > Consider the following: I have a login class that is instantiated at the
> > of every page. It can log you in, check to see if you are logged in,
> > This class has an assortment of class variables such as userID,
> > etc.
> >
> > It would be great if I could make a reference to $login->userType on any
> > given page, but I run into errors as the login class gets reinstantiated
> > every page.
> >
> > A solution is to set all of these variables into $_SESSION, but the
> > of classes is that I might be able to maintain all of my information in
> > related location, and not in the session.
> >
> > I am sure that this is a problem that many of you more experienced (than
> > developers have run into. Is there a solution? And ideas?
> >
> > Thanks in advance!
> >
> > -- 
> > PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> > To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
> >
> >

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[PHP] Re: OO Theory Question

2004-08-17 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Is there anything that says I can't instantiate the login class into the
$_SESSION ? Pros, cons?

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Re: [PHP] OO Theory Question

2004-08-17 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
I don't know - is it?

"Ed Lazor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > -Original Message-
> > > The real reason for having the login class like this is to eliminate
> > > database calls. I thought I could have one session variable that said
> > > uwere logged in, but then the database calls would still have to be
> > on
> > > each page.
> Playing Devil's Advocate here...
> Why would you want to avoid database calls?  If you're using default
> sessions management, all you're doing is trading this for accessing files
> the server.  Isn't the database faster?
> -Ed

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[PHP] Image Width Error

2004-08-24 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Hi all!

I am trying to do something really simple, but my error is outside of my
expertise (hopefully not for long!).

$this->lVertical = "images/box/".$template."_lVertical.gif";
$borderWidth = imagesx($this->lVertical);
Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagesx() in
c:\web\www\php\classes\Box.class on line 65

Am I missing something in the PHP config? What should I be looking for. Oh!
I am on PHP5.0 - that should help.

Thanks in advance!

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[PHP] Re: Image Width Error

2004-08-24 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Apologies. I need to be using getimagesize(). I thought it was only for file

"Torsten Roehr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> "Jed R. Brubaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Hi all!
> >
> > I am trying to do something really simple, but my error is outside of my
> > expertise (hopefully not for long!).
> >
> > Code:
> > -
> > $this->lVertical = "images/box/".$template."_lVertical.gif";
> > $borderWidth = imagesx($this->lVertical);
> > -
> > Error:
> > -
> > Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagesx() in
> > c:\web\www\php\classes\Box.class on line 65
> > ---
> >
> > Am I missing something in the PHP config? What should I be looking for.
> Oh!
> > I am on PHP5.0 - that should help.
> >
> > Thanks in advance!
> Read the manual:
> http://de.php.net/manual/en/function.imagesx.php
> You need an image resource to get the file size.
> Regards, Torsten Roehr

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[PHP] referencing a class

2004-09-07 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Quick question here. Has anyone run into trouble with a variable reference 
to a class object?

Here is the code:
$_SESSION['database'] = new Database;
$this->db = &$_SESSION['database'];

Everything goes screwy after a call like this.

Thanks in advance! 

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[PHP] class packages

2004-09-08 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
As far as I can tell there is not an easy way yet to create packages in 

It seems the following is the best option:

// Inside Search.inc and in the same "package"

Is there a better way?


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[PHP] Re: class packages

2004-09-08 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Oh - and naming conventions.
Do you define the class?:

class help.Search {

"Jed R. Brubaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> As far as I can tell there is not an easy way yet to create packages in 
> PHP5.
> It seems the following is the best option:
> include('classes/help/Search.inc');
> // Inside Search.inc and in the same "package"
> include('OtherClass.inc');
> include('AnotherClass.inc');
> Is there a better way?
> Thanks! 

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Re: [PHP] class packages

2004-09-08 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Well, my OO experience comes from Java and ActionScript2.0, so there is 
compilation going on and classes get refered to as named that assume files 
(as you probably know).

As I just added to my original post, I am also wondering about naming 

Do you define the class?:

class help.Search {

"Jason Davidson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Out of curiosity, how would you prefer it?
> the way you mentioend is basically how i do though.
> Jason
> "Jed R. Brubaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> As far as I can tell there is not an easy way yet to create packages in
>> PHP5.
>> It seems the following is the best option:
>> include('classes/help/Search.inc');
>> // Inside Search.inc and in the same "package"
>> include('OtherClass.inc');
>> include('AnotherClass.inc');
>> Is there a better way?
>> Thanks!
>> -- 
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Re: [PHP] class packages

2004-09-08 Thread Jed R. Brubaker

You suggestion about the config file is interesting, but while I go and 
re-read your post, I am wondering how you would avoid class name conflicts.

Point and case, the only reason I am going after packages is because I have 
a search class that is used for something else, and I want to not have to 
name my other class "SearchHelp".

I am going to run into conflicts if I include two class definitions for 
search, am I not?

Thanks again for all of the insight!

"Alex Hogan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> Do you define the class?:
>> class help.Search {
>> }
> No..,
> In your example you are defining the search class in the Help
> namespace, just like you would in ActionScript.
> I don't think you can do that in php.
> You would just use;
> class Search{
>  // do stuff here
> }
> You can extend the class using;
> class subSearch extends Search{
>  // do stuff here
> }
> alex hogan 

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[PHP] Remove punctuation

2004-09-09 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Hi all!

I am creating a function that will remove punctuation from a string, 
however, I am wondering if PHP has a function somewhere that will do the 

Right now my approach is to cycle through an array of punctuation and remove 
the items.

Anything already exist?


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[PHP] database content searching

2004-09-13 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Hi all.

I was wondering if any of you have experience with searching through a
database for user provided search terms.

I was hoping that maybe I could get some insight into how to better approach
what I am doing. Are there any great articles or example classes that I
could look at? Please let me know!

As of right now, my architecture is to have a primary class, Search, which
connects to the database, takes search terms, removes "junk words"and
suffixes ("s", "ing", etc.)  (both defined by an array).

The class runs a query on each word for each field that the class is told to
search, and based on the "relevance" of that field (as supplied to the
class), points are awarded to returned items. If they come up again on
searches for other words, they get more points.

Using that base architecture, I then extend the class (e.g. class Faq
extends Search) and define "word groups" in the subclass. Word groups act to
broaden the search words in a thesarus like fashion (when the search term
"dvd" comes up, "movie", "title", "video", etc. are added to the SQL query
via OR). This way each subclass can define it's own set of word groups
applicable for that usage.

The problem I am having is that far too many irrelevant items are coming up.
"When is my package coming?" for example returns all kinds of junk because
"when" is everywhere in a Faq.

I am hoping that there is some internet resource that has a variety of
tricks and rules to throw into a search architecture, but I am also
interested to see if anyone can give me some of their personal experience
and expertise.

Thanks in advance!

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[PHP] applying search terms

2004-09-13 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Hi all.

I was wondering if any of you have experience with searching through a
database for user provided search terms.

I was hoping that maybe I could get some insight into how to better approach
what I am doing. Are there any great articles or example classes that I
could look at? Please let me know!

As of right now, my architecture is to have a primary class, Search, which
connects to the database, takes search terms, removes "junk words"and
suffixes ("s", "ing", etc.)  (both defined by an array).

The class runs a query on each word for each field that the class is told to
search, and based on the "relevance" of that field (as supplied to the
class), points are awarded to returned items. If they come up again on
searches for other words, they get more points.

Using that base architecture, I then extend the class (e.g. class Faq
extends Search) and define "word groups" in the subclass. Word groups act to
broaden the search words in a thesarus like fashion (when the search term
"dvd" comes up, "movie", "title", "video", etc. are added to the SQL query
via OR). This way each subclass can define it's own set of word groups
applicable for that usage.

The problem I am having is that far too many irrelevant items are coming up.
"When is my package coming?" for example returns all kinds of junk because
"when" is everywhere in a Faq.

I am hoping that there is some internet resource that has a variety of
tricks and rules to throw into a search architecture, but I am also
interested to see if anyone can give me some of their personal experience
and expertise.

Thanks in advance! 

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[PHP] matching search terms

2004-09-13 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Hi all.

I was wondering if any of you have experience with searching through a 
database for user provided search terms.

I was hoping that maybe I could get some insight into how to better approach 
what I am doing. Are there any great articles or example classes that I 
could look at? Please let me know!

As of right now, my architecture is to have a primary class, Search, which 
connects to the database, takes search terms, removes "junk words"and 
suffixes ("s", "ing", etc.)  (both defined by an array).

The class runs a query on each word for each field that the class is told to 
search, and based on the "relevance" of that field (as supplied to the 
class), points are awarded to returned items. If they come up again on 
searches for other words, they get more points.

Using that base architecture, I then extend the class (e.g. class Faq 
extends Search) and define "word groups" in the subclass. Word groups act to 
broaden the search words in a thesarus like fashion (when the search term 
"dvd" comes up, "movie", "title", "video", etc. are added to the SQL query 
via OR). This way each subclass can define it's own set of word groups 
applicable for that usage.

The problem I am having is that far too many irrelevant items are coming up. 
"When is my package coming?" for example returns all kinds of junk because 
"when" is everywhere in a Faq.

I am hoping that there is some internet resource that has a variety of 
tricks and rules to throw into a search architecture, but I am also 
interested to see if anyone can give me some of their personal experience 
and expertise.

Thanks in advance! 

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[PHP] Are server classes possible?

2004-10-12 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
I am thinking like JavaBeans. Here is what I have going on:

I have a series of rather database intensive queries that I would like some 
class to cache and provide access for page loads. I don't care how the 
information is stored, but I am trying to minimize the database call down to 
only once an hour at the most.

The trick is that I just want the data - like a quazi-db table in memory...

Is there something like that I should look at? Somewhere in PEAR?

Thank you in advance! 

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[PHP] mail problems - phpinfo information

2004-10-13 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
I have been having all kinds of problems with the mail() function in PHP. I 
realize that there are problems inheritly, but I think I am still trying to 
track down the problem.

My latest theory is that PHP isn't set up to work with the right mailing 
program. I know that our system is supposed to be using qmail that actually 
sits on a different server, but I found interesting information in phpinfo 
that is making me wonder if a local sendmail is handling the requests 

Here are the things I am finding in phpinfo:
sendmail_from no value no value
sendmail_path /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
SMTP localhost localhost
smtp_port 25 25
Path to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i

MAIL /var/mail/kpratt (what does this one do?)

With all of the above refering to sendmail, is there anyway that my mail() 
can actually be using qmail?


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Re: [PHP] mail problems - phpinfo information

2004-10-13 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
So as I am not an administrator, and all I have to go on is phpinfo (unless 
anyone has some suggestions), should I be seeing some trace of qmail in the 

That is why I posted. I apologize if I didn't make it clear. I have read all 
about mail, and even used the fantastic Lemos MIME problem correcting email 
class to try to tackle my problems from a different angle.

Given the paths phpinfo is reporting, is there anyway that the system could 
somehow still be using qmail? Or is that outside the scope of what this 
phpinfo can tell me?

Thanks again!

"Jay Blanchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
... making me wonder if a local sendmail is handling the requests

With all of the above refering to sendmail, is there anyway that my
can actually be using qmail?

>From http://www.php.net/mail, something you have not read apparently

"For the Mail functions to be available, PHP must have access to the
sendmail binary on your system during compile time. [LOOKIE
HERE-->If you use another mail program, such as qmail or postfix, be
sure to use the appropriate sendmail wrappers that come with
them.<--END LOOKIE] PHP will first look for sendmail in your PATH,
and then in the following:
/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/etc:/etc:/usr/ucblib:/usr/lib. It's highly
recommended to have sendmail available from your PATH. Also, the user
that compiled PHP must have permission to access the sendmail binary. " 

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[PHP] rename() on NT

2004-10-13 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Can this be done when the file already exists?

 cleong at organic dot com says
29-Mar-2000 04:36
rename() doesn't seem to overwrite files on NT. The behavior is an 
OS-dependent side-effect I guess.

on the PHP site @ http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.rename.php

So this this true, or is there some work around that doesn't involve 
unlinking the file first?


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[PHP] dbm choices - advice?

2004-10-14 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Hi all - I am looking at using a dbm-style cache system and was wondering if 
anyone has any recommendations from the plethora of systems listed here:
Is there a favorite?

I know if probably depends on what I want to do, so in short, I am looking 
to create a temporary table that will be a composite of a ton of MySQL 
queries (hence the reason I am not just querying). I have thought about just 
creating a new database table to push my query results into, but I would 
love to make it faster if possible. Am I hopelessly misguided?

I would love any feedback! 

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[PHP] Re: blank emails

2004-09-27 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
But wouldn't that mean that the email that is being sent to my client would 
be blank as well?

"Manuel Lemos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Hello,
> On 09/27/2004 12:27 PM, Jed R. Brubaker wrote:
>> I have run into a problem with my email class. A bunch of reciepients are 
>> claiming that they are recieving blank emails. The problem is that I 
>> can't replicate the problem. Yet I know there is one, they keep 
>> forwarding the blank emails. I am hoping one of you email masters might 
>> be able to tell me what I am doing wrong:
> This looks like one of the mail() function bugs but it is hard to tell 
> what is the problem without more details on which OS and local mailer do 
> you use.
> Alternatively, you may want to try this message composing and sending 
> class that provides workaround solutions for deliverying message without 
> the problems you are facing:
> http://www.phpclasses.org/mimemessage
> -- 
> Regards,
> Manuel Lemos
> PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP
> http://www.phpclasses.org/
> PHP Reviews - Reviews of PHP books and other products
> http://www.phpclasses.org/reviews/
> Metastorage - Data object relational mapping layer generator
> http://www.meta-language.net/metastorage.html 

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[PHP] mysql problems

2005-03-01 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Hi all -

I could use a lead on a problem. I just don't know where to start.

I have a PHP script that populates a database table. No big deal. It creates 
mailing labels. However, a weird things keeps happening - every once in a 
while, a query is run twice. It is the same query, same information, even 
the same time (there is a now() in the query - and it is identical).

So the question is a simple one - is this a PHP problem or a MySQL problem? 
Or somewhere in the MySQL extension? And how would I know?

There is one clue to this otherwise vague problem. I believe that this 
predominantly happens when the database is under an above average load.

I would appreciate any help that I might be able to get.

Thank you.

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[PHP] Re: mysql problems

2005-03-03 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Thank you both for your responces.

Unfotuantely there is no form that instantiates this action. So the double 
submit (while a good idea), is not possible.

As for some sample code, it is part of a rather complicated system that 
makes a number of changes but essentailly what is going on is this:

1. Grab all items that we need to do some shipping stuff to.
2. Foreach through the items, giving each item number to a function to 
assign it to a customer and create a mailling label.

That simple!

The interesting this is this - the duplicate record is inserted into the 
mailing labels queue. I can see it long before I grab the data for output to 
labels. Moreover, I can tell that the problem isn't in the original item 
select statement because the function (executed for each item) would have 
created different insert times in the database based on the now( ).

More ideas?


"Jed R. Brubaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Hi all -
> I could use a lead on a problem. I just don't know where to start.
> I have a PHP script that populates a database table. No big deal. It 
> creates mailing labels. However, a weird things keeps happening - every 
> once in a while, a query is run twice. It is the same query, same 
> information, even the same time (there is a now() in the query - and it is 
> identical).
> So the question is a simple one - is this a PHP problem or a MySQL 
> problem? Or somewhere in the MySQL extension? And how would I know?
> There is one clue to this otherwise vague problem. I believe that this 
> predominantly happens when the database is under an above average load.
> I would appreciate any help that I might be able to get.
> Thank you. 

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[PHP] Content Management Systems

2004-05-21 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Hey all -
I was hoping that I could get some advice! I am setting up a site that will
be quazi-portal-ish in nature. As such, a lot of different people in a lot
of different departments will be making contributions and editing parts of
the site.

I have never done something like this before, but I think what I am looking
for is a content management system (CMS). Is this correct?

I have been looking at a bunch of the packages from the list on HotScripts,
and I have to admit I am overwhelmed and confused. It seems that packages
such as Midgard, Typo3, etc. would need to be set up by the server admin..
This will not work for my situation. I am looking for a system that:

1. Allows multiple users.
2. Gives me complete design control.
3. Has a non-HTML editor interface (my clients are not so savvy), and
4. Can run just off of a PHP/MySQL interface that I can setup without access
to anything but my server space and database.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks a bunch - you guys are the best!

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[PHP] bizzare duplicate mail() call

2005-01-06 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Hello all - this problem is so wierd that I don't even know where to start. 
Hopefully you all can give me a couple leads.

I have some reporting systems going on in various places on the server - 
mail() is called when a user does this or that. These scripts are farily 
simple, so I am next to certain is isn't the code - but every once in a 
while, more than one duplicate email will be sent.

What is so strange is that it only occurs for these odd periods of time. For 
example, yesterday from 4pm to this morning at 7am, 2 copies would be sent. 
Last week for several days, 5 copies would be sent.

The emails are frequent enough (every couple of minutes) that it is very 
easy to track, but I don't have a clue as to what would be the cause.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to where to start looking?

Thanks in advance! 

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[PHP] DAO/VO Pattern Help

2005-07-13 Thread Jed R. Brubaker
Hello all,

As I am trying to take my PHP code in a more enterprise direction with 
strict model/logic/view layers, I have been working with DAOs and the 
matching VOs.

So I am running into a problem that I could really use some direction on: 
DAO/VO works great with single tables, but I tend to make my database work 
for its existance, and joins ar eeverywhere. What I don't understand is how 
to approach DAO/VO when table joins are involved.

Can anyone think of some good resources?


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