[PHP] Re: I am new - Having problems displaying something

2004-11-19 Thread Jed Smith
passthru()'s prototype is actually:
void passthru(string cmd[, int return)
Meaning using passthru() with the concatenation operator . will produce 
unexpected results, as the product of the passthru call is actually 
printed directly out to the page, as is. Nothing is returned. If you 
wish to snag the output of an external command into a variable, or 
modify it further using another function, consider the backtick operator 

 $output = `osascript /Library/WebServer...`;
 printf(Current song: %s\n, $output);
If you have trouble finding the backtick ` -- remember, it's not a 
single-quote mark, it's a backtick, usually on the ~ key -- system() 
will accomplish the same thing in a functional fashion. Or, you can keep 
passthru(), and just use it differently:

 Current song: ?php passthru(osascript /Library/WebServer...); ?
If this doesn't work, check to make sure osascript is printing to 
stdout. I'm not sure how osascript works, as I'm not a Mac user, but I'm 
assuming this is OS X (from the pathnames) -- therefore, I *imagine* 
there's a stdout on OS X.

passthru() should grab whatever goes to stdout. If it still doesn't work 
for you, check the page source to see if passthru() drops anything but 
it's formatted out (hey, I have to say it). Oh, and make sure Apache can 
run osascript. If Apache can't run osascript, that's another problem. (I 
would imagine it'd have to be able to access your Applescript file as well.)

Good luck! HTH
Brian Heibert wrote:
I am new to this list.  I am trying to do a php script that will say what
song is currently playing in iTunes/NiceCast Internet Radio broadcaster
Onto my website
Every attempt I have made so far has failed
I got a file called playing.php
With this text inside it:
echo Current Song: .passthru(osascript
And a file called whattrack.scpt (AppleScript file) with this in it
tell application iTunes
set trk to current track
set tle to name of trk
set art to artist of trk
set albm to album of trk
 return tle   -   art  ,   albm
 end tell
But it is not displaying what song is playing on my website
All it says is Current Song: and then it doesn't say the song
Brian Heibert
PS: I have a iMac G4 800mhz OS 10.3.6 running Apple's webserver system
preference which is there version of Apache I think

(_)___Jed Smith, Code Ninja
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[PHP] Re: HTML form online

2004-11-19 Thread Jed Smith
Jerry Swanson wrote:
I want to write php script that fill out HTML form online. Any ideas
how to do it?
If you want to fill a form *remotely*, that's a little tougher. You'll 
need cooperation from the server-side code on the site you want to fill 
the form on. As Matthew noted, the VALUE attribute of an INPUT tag is 
what you are seeking to modify.

Perhaps POST variables that PHP parses and sets the VALUE attribute to?
Otherwise, if you *won't* have cooperation from the other server's code, 
it becomes a client-side, userspace app, since it'd be a matter of 
pretending the user is typing. (Think Mozilla, Gator, et. al.) PHP can 
do that, but I don't believe that's a solution for you.

(_)___Jed Smith, Code Ninja
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Re: [PHP] HTML form online

2004-11-19 Thread Jed Smith
Warren Vail wrote:
If so you probably want to start here;
cURL can do that?
(_)___Jed Smith, Code Ninja
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[PHP] Re: ending a session

2004-11-19 Thread Jed Smith
Hans J.J. Prins wrote:
I started a session at www.mydomain.com:/myscript.php
I want to destroy the session at www.mydomain.com/myscript.php
I seem to not be able to destroy it though. Does the different port have
anything to do with it?
H J.J. P
Although I've never encountered this situation before, I'll try.
More information about the platform in question will be necessary, but 
I'm going to go ahead and venture a yes here. It is safe to assume 
that different copies of PHP end up being run when you request something 
on  and on 80.

Different copies of PHP don't (?) share session states. A custom session 
handler might be necessary for you. (Let me clarify that: PHP attached 
to *different servers* shouldn't share session states.)

   1. What are you running on ?
   2. What are you running on 80?
   3. Is it the same copy of PHP? Same php.ini, same PHP SAPI?
   (If Apache for 1  2)
   4. Same Apache?
   5. What's your Listen directive look like, if YES for number 4?
   6. Vhosts?
This also may be a security feature, but I've personally never tackled 
the problem. Tough to say.

I'll leave my advice at that for now pending further information.
(_)___Jed Smith, Code Ninja
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[PHP] Re: ending a session

2004-11-20 Thread Jed Smith
Hans J.J. Prins wrote:
   3. Is it the same copy of PHP? Same php.ini, same PHP SAPI?
I really don't know I would have to find out later.
PHP attached to different Apaches can't share sessions, AFAIK. You'll 
need to make sure it's the same copy of Apache, listening on both ports, 
and that there's not a different configuration for each. Otherwise your 
application might need a redesign to accommodate the difference in 
ports. Your own, custom session handlers aren't that difficult to 
implement, if I recall (been a while :^)).

That's the best advice I can give without further information.
   4. Same Apache?
How do I find out?
Ask your sysadmin.
   5. What's your Listen directive look like, if YES for number 4?
Sorry, don't know what you mean by that.
It's in httpd.conf or friends, whatever your particular instance of 
Apache uses. I suggest having a glance over the Apache manual and having 
a chat with your sysadmin.

Good luck.
(_)___Jed Smith, Code Ninja
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[PHP] Re: Limit to the number of sockets socket_select can supervise?

2004-11-20 Thread Jed Smith
Let me attack this. I'm bored.
I'm on Windows XP SP 2, and I'll try this from the command line.
I coded a simple server in PHP that just accepts the connection and 
listens. It doesn't attempt to send any data, its only select loop is to 
wait for a new connection attempt. I also wrote a load program. When 
attempted with 49 sockets (50 on the server), it worked fine, select and 

Server: http://labs.jed.bz/HCJ/server.php.txt
Client: http://labs.jed.bz/HCJ/load.php.txt
However, when I tried 500, odd things happened.
The server (!) died due to Windows XP's DEP, which I removed for cli.exe 
and retried. It then died again (!) because of an existing connection 
[being] forcibly closed.

I then lowered the limit to 70 and tried again. The server accepted 69:
accepted #68 of 70  
accepted #69 of 70 ...
Before I could telnet in to make 70, the client died:
connecting #69 of 69 ... ok 
waiting for spew

Warning: socket_select(): unable to select [0]: An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket.   
 in F:\Projects\HCJ\load.php on line 38 
Curious. The problem replicates itself here.
I'm not sure. For the first time with PHP I honestly have no clue where 
to start attacking this problem. It could be a Windows limitation, but 
for that to be the case the scripts will have to be run on a UNIX system 
as well.

I simply don't know. Very strange indeed. It was worth the hour I put 
into it, because I'm interested -- I've been playing with PHP daemons on 
Win32 for a while now, and this select limitation concerns me.

I'll submit this as a bug report. Feel free to comment, bug #30852
Hans-Christian Jehg wrote:
Im building a TCP server in PHP 5.0.2 on Windows. It will have to serve 
a lot of clients (500+) with low traffic.

During this I have noticed that socket_select seems unable to supervise 
more than 64 connections at a time (Not good when I need 500+). It stops 
with a message that

Socket select failed, error code is: 10038, error message is: An 
operation was at tempted on something that is not a socket.

These are the outputs of socket_last_error() and 

And now forthe questions:
Does any of you have the same experience?
Is it something to do with Windows? Does this limitation exist on Linux?
Is it just a bug?
Any good suggestions?
Best regards
and thanx in advance

(_)___Jed Smith, Code Ninja
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[PHP] Re: default extension for includes?

2004-11-22 Thread Jed Smith
Justin French wrote:
I'd like to be able to call include(thing); and have PHP automatically 
look for thing.html -- I know include_path can look in multiple places, 
but I have no idea if I can look for multiple file extensions, close 
matches, etc.

Doubt it, but I'm asking :)
(_)___Jed Smith, Code Ninja
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[PHP] Re: PHP 5 MySql 4.1 issue - can't connect to mysql.sock

2004-12-18 Thread Jed Smith
Try mysqli_connect(, user, pass);
Then MySQLI will try to use TCP/IP as opposed to a local socket.
Barley wrote:
I am familiar with MySql, Linux and database programming in general, but I
have not used PHP very much.
On my server, I had an application running just fine under PHP 4.1 and MySql
3.23. For various reasons, I needed to move to MySql 4.1. When I did so, the
PHP application was broken. I poked around and found that I needed to
upgrade to PHP 5 to get mysqli support. I did so with no problems. I built
PHP from source on a RedHat 7.3 box.
Here's the problem: I can only connect to MySql via a PHP script if I run
that script as root. Here is the example script I have been using:
$DB = mysqli_connect(localhost,user,pass);
if (! $DB) {
echo No.;
} else {
echo Yes.;
If I run the script from a shell prompt as root, it outputs Yes. If I run
as any other user, it outputs No. It also gives this error:
Warning: mysqli_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through
socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (13)
This means I can't run PHP scripts via apache.
I can log in to mysql via the command line with user/pass without any
Apache is connecting to PHP no problem, as I have a Hello world type PHP
script running and can access it via the web.
But no PHP script can connect to MySql unless it is run as root...
Can anyone point me in the right direction? I have a feeling this is
something very simple. Thanks!

(_)___Jed Smith, Code Monkey
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[PHP] Re: Storing binary data within a php script.

2004-12-18 Thread Jed Smith
This is done in a few examples using base64_encode() and base64_decode(). A particular OpenGL 
example I can recall encoded a small (~20k) DLL directly into the PHP source that relied upon it, 
then unpacked it at runtime.

Ah, there it is:
   ** snip **
  if ( is_file( SimpleWndProc.dll ) ? filesize( SimpleWndProc.dll ) != 2560 
: 1 )
 $dll = eNrtVU9IFGEUf7NpTbZue1hCYqlvQT3JslsG0clt/aho1XHNDOnguDutY+uMzh80
  . KDrYQTPJS1TUoWMEdSpYrEOEsQl66yD9gT1ILCHhIcqDML35Zla3IgO7mQ9+733v
  /* ... */
  . dxBP8K4dRTzGcY6dBwcd8sBgVupS0lgfi9siXnQPAErZOyqrYXMXwO/8l7oiy5Fv
  . kdWIJ8pHfdFAdH90uzf+D/QDFVAQCA==;
$dllout = fopen( SimpleWndProc.dll, wb );
if ( !$dllout )
  die( Unable to extract SimpleWndProc.dll );
fwrite( $dllout, gzuncompress( base64_decode( $dll ) ) );
fclose( $dllout );
That's from an iridium example. You just base64 encode the data and enclose it in a string. Of 
course, that's simply one way of doing it.

Jamie wrote:
Hi all,
Well so far my attempts to make this work have failed so i thought i would 
try here. What i have is an installation script that has to write a few 
files to the webserver. Im trying to cut down on the amount of files that 
need to be uploaded/modified etc. So what im trying to do is include all the 
data in one file. What the user then uploads and the physical visual basic 
program activates the script what in turn sets up the web server side. The 
problem comes when im trying to handle the ascii values for the binary data. 
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=3) state=2.

I basicly have 3 questions.
1) Is it possible to store binary data in text form during transport and 
then using php's file writing functions to output the file?
2) How would i do it as i guess i have to encode the ascii characters but 
how would i do that?
3)Is there any better ways you suggest me to do this.

Im trying to this for two reasons first is to make the application usable by 
anyone and the second reason is to try to push the boundarys of the langage.

I would like anyones comments and views on this please. Any views might help 
me come to a result.


(_)___Jed Smith, Code Monkey
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[PHP] Re: sanitizing/security

2004-12-18 Thread Jed Smith
mysql_escape_string() is what you're looking for.
Sebastian wrote:
just a question, what is the best way to sanitize your scripts when you're
using $_GET or $_REQUEST in a query?
eg, i usually just do:
mysql_query(SELECT id FROM table WHERE
what about when the GET is text? just use htmlspecialchars?
just looking for some advice to help keep my apps secure.

(_)___Jed Smith, Code Monkey
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[PHP] Re: Performance of magic_quotes_gpc ??

2004-12-19 Thread Jed Smith
They do not do the same thing.
mysql_escape_string() is what you're after, if you're inserting data from user input into an SQL 
statement, regardless!

(_)___Jed Smith, Code Monkey
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