[PHP] Multithreading in PHP

2009-03-17 Thread Manoj Singh
Hi Guys,

I am creating a page which submits the form through Ajax request & the
submitted page is sending the mails to n number of users. Now until the mail
sends or the page process completed the end user has to wait.

Is it possible that server sends the response to the client & then start
processing so that the client doesn't have to wait for the server response.

Please suggest.


Re: [PHP] Multithreading in PHP

2009-03-17 Thread Manoj Singh
Hi Alpar,

Thanks for reply.

Actually the form is submitted through ajax request and the validation is
checking on the server side. So if any error occurs on submission of form,
then we are displaying the errors to the user. And is there is no error,
then the submitted page started processing. So here client has to wait until
the page process completed or not. What i want here if possible, after
validating the user input server sends the thanks response to the client so
that cleint doesn't has to wait, then the server starts the processing.
Please suggest if it is possible.


On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 7:01 PM, Alpár Török  wrote:

> 2009/3/17 Manoj Singh :
> > Hi Guys,
> >
> > I am creating a page which submits the form through Ajax request & the
> > submitted page is sending the mails to n number of users. Now until the
> mail
> > sends or the page process completed the end user has to wait.
> >
> > Is it possible that server sends the response to the client & then start
> > processing so that the client doesn't have to wait for the server
> response.
> >
> > Please suggest.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Manoj
> >
> Since you are using Ajax requests, which by their nature are
> asynchronous , your user won't have to wait. You can write some JS
> code to let him know that the request was sent, and just let the ajax
> call run in the background. On the server side make sure to ignore
> user abort, just in case the user navigates away.
> --
> Alpar Torok

Re: [PHP] Multithreading in PHP

2009-03-17 Thread Manoj Singh
Hi Sudheer,

Can you please put more focus or sample code for the second option which you
have suggested "Send the email after you flush the output.".


On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 7:28 PM, Sudheer Satyanarayana <
sudhee...@binaryvibes.co.in> wrote:

> Manoj Singh wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> I am creating a page which submits the form through Ajax request & the
>> submitted page is sending the mails to n number of users. Now until the
>> mail
>> sends or the page process completed the end user has to wait.
>> Is it possible that server sends the response to the client & then start
>> processing so that the client doesn't have to wait for the server
>> response.
> I can think of two ways to solve this apart from creating an Ajax request:
> 1. Queue the emails. Run a cron job to process the queue later.
> 2. Send the email after you flush the output.
> --
> With warm regards,
> Sudheer. S
> Business: http://binaryvibes.co.in, Tech stuff: http://techchorus.net,
> Personal: http://sudheer.net
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] Server document root change

2009-03-30 Thread Manoj Singh
Hi All,

My production server has facing disk full problem. Actually my server has
the following drives mounted:
/var - 10 GB
/home - 200 GB

Now i want to change the document root of apache server from /var to /home.

Is there any problem if i change this?

Please suggest.


[PHP] SMS gateway

2009-05-13 Thread Manoj Singh
Hi All,

I need to create the SMS functionality in PHP.

Do you have any idea of Open Source SMS gateway which i can use?


[PHP] Timezone details

2009-07-03 Thread Manoj Singh
Hi All,

Is there any function in PHP which will provide me the details of any
timezone such as current time, DST, offset etc.

Thanks in advance,

[PHP] putenv usage

2009-07-22 Thread Manoj Singh
Hi All,

I have a page where the user specifies in which timezone they belong to and
based on that i have to show the date & time. So I have to set the different
timezones. For this I am using putenv function like:

Now my question is whether it is fine to use putenv in the production
environment? Whether the putenv changes the timezone value globally for all
request or for the current request only?

Please advise.


[PHP] Horizontall scrollbars in pdf

2009-10-09 Thread Manoj Singh

I have a task where I am exporting the report into pdf format through fpdf
php library. Report width depends on it's data and it can be large also. My
problem is that if the report width is large then instead of showing
horizontal scrollbars the report gets truncated. Do you have any idea of how
to show horizontal scrollbars while generating PDF file?


[PHP] SOAP: Return object to client

2009-11-26 Thread Manoj Singh
Hi All,

I am implementing the web service through PHP SOAP library.

Actually I want to return the object to the client through web service so
that client can call all the methods of that object.

Please help me out.


[PHP] PHP excel graph generator

2009-12-30 Thread Manoj Singh

I have the task to create excel sheet with embedded charts and graphs
through PHP. The charts are pie chart and bar chart. The project will be run
on the linux server. My question is it is possible to implement this through
PHP? If yes, then please suggest the available implementations.

Thanks in advance.


[PHP] PHP uploaded files logs

2009-12-31 Thread Manoj Singh

Is PHP maintaining the logs regarding files uploaded? Actually I needed it
because recently in my developed web site upload functionality seems to stop
working even for the correct file and i want to check that which type of
files are uploaded. Actually I cannot debug through PHP on the server as my
site is on production.

Please help me out.


[PHP] Dynamic Images

2006-08-02 Thread Manoj Singh

Hello all,

I am creating a a script in which a dynamic graph is generated through gd
library. The format of the picture is jpeg. Now the problem is that the
browser is caching the images and after updating also it is displaying the
older image.

Currently for clearing the cache i am using this code

But this code is not working me. Please help me.


Manoj Kumar Singh
Software Engineer
Kalptaru Infotech Ltd
Dawa Bazaar
Indore (MP)

[PHP] Directory Structure

2006-09-07 Thread Manoj Singh

Hello all,

I am developing a site in which i have to show the directory structure of
any server i.e the admin will enter any site name and i have to show the dir
structure of that site name.

Please help me to fix this.

Thanks & Regards

[PHP] fput error

2006-11-27 Thread Manoj Singh

Hello all,

I am using ftp function to upload the file in server. But i am getting this

"The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect."

Can anyone help me?

Thanks & Regards

[PHP] xhtml to pdf conversion

2006-06-21 Thread Manoj Singh

Hello all,

I am developing a script which converts the xhtml to pdf. Now the problem is

I am applying multiple fonts in this script according to HTML "" Tag
but when pdf is generated the pdf file gives error "The Font Name of font
Contain a bad /BBox.".

So please advice me what should i do for fix this error.

Waiting for positive reply.

Thankx & Regards

Manoj Kumar Singh
Software Engineer
Kalptaru Infotech Ltd
Dawa Bazaar
Indore (MP)

[PHP] Optimization of PHP Code

2008-07-18 Thread Manoj Singh
Hello All,

I am developing the web site in PHP using MYSQL database.

Can you please provide me some tips to write the optimized code.

Best Regards,
Manoj Kumar Singh

[PHP] Not found regex

2008-08-04 Thread Manoj Singh
Hello All,
I have to create the regular expression to allow all the file extensions
except the specified extension.

Suppose I want to allow extensions with php, so the regex is: ^.+\.php$

But here i need the regex which allows all the extensions except php.

I will appreciate any help.

Best Regards,
Manoj Kumar Singh

Re: [PHP] Not found regex

2008-08-04 Thread Manoj Singh
Hi All,
Thanks for your replies.

Actually i am placing this regex in .htaccess file.
Here i have to redirect all the request to https if it is not for ogg file.

The complete code is:
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.+\.ogg$ //Need some tweaking here. I know this
code works just opposite. Need your help here.
RewriteRule .* https://%{HTTP_HOST}/ [L]

Hope this helps to understand the problem.

Best Regards
Manoj Singh

On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 8:24 PM, Yeti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  $file = '/example/hello.php';
> $info = pathinfo($file);
> $not_allowed = array('php', 'pt', 'exe');
> if (!in_array(strtolower($info['extension']), $not_allowed)) {
>  // do something
> }
> // why use a regex?
> ?>
> On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 4:44 PM, Manoj Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Hello All,
> > I have to create the regular expression to allow all the file extensions
> > except the specified extension.
> >
> > Suppose I want to allow extensions with php, so the regex is: ^.+\.php$
> >
> > But here i need the regex which allows all the extensions except php.
> >
> >
> > I will appreciate any help.
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > Manoj Kumar Singh
> >

[PHP] Task workflow management system

2008-08-08 Thread Manoj Singh
Hi all,
I am developing the system where i have to dynamically assigned the tasks to
the workers based on certain rules as well as also considering load

If you have solved this type of problem or any idea or documentation on how
to achieve this, then please help me.

Best Regards,
Manoj Kumar Singh

[PHP] Prevent execution bad commands

2008-09-27 Thread Manoj Singh
Hi All,
I am developing a web page where i have to display the files list based on
some search criteria and of certain duration. My web server is on linux
operating system. The command i am using for this peropse is:

find /home/test -mtime -$duration | sort | xargs grep -l "$search_criteria"

Is any malicious user can use the search criteria to perform some bad
commands in the operating system.

If it is then please suggest how to prevent it.

Please help me out.

Best Regards,
Manoj Kumar Singh

[PHP] Create DLL of PHP class

2008-10-03 Thread Manoj Singh
Hello All,
I have the task to create DLL of PHP class.

Please advise how to do it.

Manoj Kumar Singh

[PHP] PHP to get File Type

2008-10-14 Thread Manoj Singh
Hello All,
Is there any function in PHP to get the file/Mime type of any file?

Any help will be appreciated.

Manoj Kumar Singh

[PHP] Simplexml encodes output xml

2008-11-05 Thread Manoj Singh
Hi All,
I am using PHP's senderxml library to generate the xml. My problem is that
xml generated by this library encode some characters like >, & etc. Since i
have to give the output xml to the device so i don't want to encode these

I know there is html_entity_decode method which can decode these characters.
But I want to confirm that whether this method is decoding all characters or
i need to use some other method for that? Also if there any parameter in
senderxml library which tells this library not to encode the output xml.

Any help will be appreciated.

Manoj Kumar Singh