[PHP] php.ini

2008-05-09 Thread Michael Satterwhite
I'm trying to turn off magic quotes for a site. I've copied the php.ini 
from /etc/php5/apache2 to the web site directory. In this file, I've changed 
magic_quotes_gpc to read
magic_quotes.gpc = Off

When I run phpinfo() from this directory, it still shows magic quotes as being 
on. I'm guessing there is another configuration parameter (either in the 
Apache configuration or for php) that allows this to be processed. Would 
someone be so kind as to help me here; I admit ignorance. 


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Re: [PHP] php.ini (typo in previous)

2008-05-09 Thread Michael Satterwhite
There was a typo in my previous message asking the question. I typed a . 
instead of _. It's corrected below:

On Friday 09 May 2008 11:47:29 Michael Satterwhite wrote:
 I'm trying to turn off magic quotes for a site. I've copied the php.ini
 from /etc/php5/apache2 to the web site directory. In this file, I've
 changed magic_quotes_gpc to read
   magic_quotes_gpc = Off

 When I run phpinfo() from this directory, it still shows magic quotes as
 being on. I'm guessing there is another configuration parameter (either in
 the Apache configuration or for php) that allows this to be processed.
 Would someone be so kind as to help me here; I admit ignorance.


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Re: RES: [PHP] php.ini

2008-05-09 Thread Michael Satterwhite
On Friday 09 May 2008 11:56:32 Thiago Pojda wrote:
 phpinfo() should also tell you what php.ini is loaded.

 Did you check that?

I hadn't thought to, but I just did. As expected, it's reading it 
from /etc/php5/apache2.

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Re: [PHP] php.ini

2008-05-09 Thread Michael Satterwhite
On Friday 09 May 2008 11:59:25 Wolf wrote:

 When making changes to Apache configuration read files, you have to RESTART
 APACHE before those changes take effect.

 However you can use php's ini_set () function to set a number of settings
 on the fly that can be changed per page change.

As this is (should be) being read from the user directory containing the 
application instead of the global configuration file, I'd expect it to behave 
more like the .htaccess file. The use of .htaccess to override apache 
configurations doesn't require an apache restart.

I do know that on bluehost, they actually encourage people to use their own 
php.ini file in their web directory ... and users certainly don't have the 
authority to restart apache.

That said - just for grins, I *DID* restart apache2. It made no difference.

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[PHP] Reprocessing text

2005-05-18 Thread Michael Satterwhite
I have a site that extracts HTML page code from a database and prints it
to the page being generated. A user has requested that I allow this text
to be dynamic. I can code process functions for the code that I pull
from the database, but it would be so much better if I could simply get
PHP to process the text for me.
Does anyone know a way to cause this to happen?
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Re: [PHP] Basic PHP/HTML code question

2005-05-18 Thread Michael Satterwhite
Carlos Palomino wrote:
I have been trying to write or find a pre-written script of a combo-box which would 
allow one to select a category from one drop-down list, then be given related options 
within a secondary list before clicking a submit button.  Is there anyone who knows 
where I can find this or an easy way to accomplish this in PHP?
Sorry if this is a basic question but I have only begun learning coding PHP so some 
items are foreign at this point.  Thanks for your understanding and any assistance.
PHP executes on the server, so you have to send the form to the server. 
The easiest way I know of to do this is to add

to the select tag (obviously, change formname to the name of the 
form in question.

When the form reloads, use the selected item in the first combo box to 
select the items to fill the second combo box.

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Re: [PHP] novice: table design FOREIGN key

2005-05-19 Thread Michael Satterwhite
tony yau wrote:
| Hi All
| Thanks for all your comments on my previous mail, very much
| I'm stuck again!
| I've created the following lookup table for m - m relationship
| a Group and a Contact table.
| CREATE TABLE Group_Contact(
|   ContactID INT NOT NULL,
|   Index (GroupID),
|   Index (ContactID),
| ) TYPE=InnoDB COMMENT='Group to Contact lookup';
| what do I need to do to ensure only unique (GroupID,ContactID) pair can be
| inserted into the table?
This question is really a MySQL question. You might want to join their
mailing list as you'll get better answers for this type of question there.
That said: The easiest way would be to make GroupId, ContactID a unique
index. In this case, primary key would be OK. Add the statement
Primary Key(GroupID, ContactId),
just before the first Index statement.
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[PHP] Error checking

2005-05-23 Thread Michael Satterwhite

I'm using Apache and PHP4 under debian.

in /etc/php4/apache, I have the setting
error_reporting  =  E_ALL  ~E_NOTICE

but I don't get any errors - even when I've clearly used an undefined 
variable. What else might need to be set to get PHP to report errors for me?

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Re: [PHP] Error checking

2005-05-23 Thread Michael Satterwhite

John Nichel wrote:

Michael Satterwhite wrote:

I'm using Apache and PHP4 under debian.

in /etc/php4/apache, I have the setting
error_reporting  =  E_ALL  ~E_NOTICE

but I don't get any errors - even when I've clearly used an undefined 
variable. What else might need to be set to get PHP to report errors 
for me?

display_errors = On

Thanks for the reply.

My config file does have
display_errors = On

I should have put that in my first email. I would have felt *VERY* 
stupid if I'd forgotten that one - and I do sometimes have enought brain 
freeze to forget things like this. Unfortunately, it's already set.

Thanks again.

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Re: [PHP] Error checking

2005-05-23 Thread Michael Satterwhite

Philip Hallstrom wrote:

I'm using Apache and PHP4 under debian.

in /etc/php4/apache, I have the setting
error_reporting  =  E_ALL  ~E_NOTICE

but I don't get any errors - even when I've clearly used an undefined 
variable. What else might need to be set to get PHP to report errors 
for me?

take a read through here...


I just read it again (I'd read it before I posted the first message), 
and I don't see *ANYTHING* I'm missing. Obviously, I am missing 
something, but I don't see it. The significant parameters seem to be


My php.ini has
error_reporting = E_ALL  ~E_NOTICE
display_errors = On (I've also tried display_errors = 1)

A documentation reference is always appreciated (at least by me), and I 
thank you for suggesting I read it again. This time, however, I seem to 
be too dense to see it.

Thanks again

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Re: [PHP] Error checking - Fixed

2005-05-23 Thread Michael Satterwhite
But I have no idea how. I made a series of changes trying to figure out 
what I missed. Most of the changes didn't look like they'd do anything - 
but the error reporting started working.

I then tried changing things back - at least I thought I did. The error 
checking continued to work.

I *HATE* it when I have a problem I can't put my finger on. The 
important thing is that it is working, though.

I want to thank those who helped me out.

Michael Satterwhite wrote:

I'm using Apache and PHP4 under debian.

in /etc/php4/apache, I have the setting
error_reporting  =  E_ALL  ~E_NOTICE

but I don't get any errors - even when I've clearly used an undefined 
variable. What else might need to be set to get PHP to report errors for 

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[PHP] Cookies https

2006-05-22 Thread Michael Satterwhite
I have a site that is using a shared ssl certificate. When running on 
the site, the host is of the form host.com. When running in ssl mode, 
the domain is of the form host.certhost.com. ping shows that both 
resolve to the same ip address.

Is there a way to create a cookie in the unsecured area and have it 
available when going through the ssl certificate?

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[PHP] Stream download problem

2006-06-20 Thread Michael Satterwhite
I have a site that generates a file to be streamed down. The relevant 
code is:

header(Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel);
header(Content-disposition: attachment; filename=$EXPORT_TIME.txt);
header(Content-disposition: attachment);
header(Pragma: no-cache);
header(Expires: 0);
echo $filestring;

$EXPORT_TIME has been set to a valid filename in earlier part of script. 
The script has been called by the user clicking on a line similar to

  a href=easy.php?download=streamdltype=full.

If the browser in use is Firefox, Mozilla, or almost anything, it works 
correctly. If the browser is Internet Explorer, the download fails. It 
appears in that case that the filename expected is the full url used to 
call the page (e.g. easy.php?download=streamdltype=full) which is an 
invalid filename, hence the failure.

...and before you suggest it, *NO*, I cannot tell my client that they 
can't use Internet Explorer.

Can anyone offer any help?

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Re: [PHP] Stream download problem

2006-06-20 Thread Michael Satterwhite

Prathaban Mookiah wrote:


I ran into this problem too. A easy workaround is to right click and choose 
'save as' which worked for me.

I wish that would work. The URL is along the lines of
a href=easy.php?download=streamdltype=full - and it's this that gets 
substituted for the filename. It reports that it cannot be written to 
the cache.

For complete information on this you want to have a look at http://support.

I find this interesting MSoft claims to have fixed the problem back at 
IE 5.1, but I'm still seeing it - and I'm up to date as is my client. Of 
course, I seldom believe anything MSoft says.

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Re: [PHP] Stream download problem

2006-06-21 Thread Michael Satterwhite

Jochem Maas wrote:

Michael Satterwhite wrote:

Prathaban Mookiah wrote:


I ran into this problem too. A easy workaround is to right click and
choose 'save as' which worked for me.

I wish that would work. The URL is along the lines of
a href=easy.php?download=streamdltype=full - and it's this that gets
substituted for the filename. It reports that it cannot be written to
the cache.

is possible for you to change the way the URL is written so that it looks
like so:


I don't think so (although I'll do some checking). I don't have the 
ability to configure apache on this server.

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