[PHP] PHP running as CGI? How to set x.php as index page?

2007-03-03 Thread Micky Hulse

PHP gurus I need your help!

I worked on a small site for a client who uses a host that I think has 
PHP running as or under CGI (not much experience with this type of setup 

Long story short, this host really sucks... they are very restrictive... 
I guess understandably so, but it is frustrating from a developer 
perspective -- for example, no .htaccess to edit... is this because of 
the CGI setup (assuming yes)?

Well, my question:

Anyone know of a way to set a non index.php page as the index? Normally 
I would use the .htaccess file to do this, but unfortunately the server 
blows-up when one is uploaded.

Can I drop a CGI script into my cgi-bin folder to do similar .htaccess 
things? For example, I would love to make sure all my non-www 
(http://domain.com) traffic is routed to http://www.domain.com -- I 
could easily do this with my .htaccess file... Can that, or setting a 
default index page, be done with a CGI script(s)?

Should I RTFM? :D

Many thanks in advance... sorry if noob questions. :)



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Re: [PHP] PHP running as CGI? How to set x.php as index page?

2007-03-03 Thread Micky Hulse

Micky Hulse wrote:

PHP gurus I need your help!

Hmm, looking on the web it appears as though CGI will not help me with 
my .htaccess probs... Sorry to bother you all with my silly questions. :)

I will contact the host on Monday to see if they offer any work-arounds.

Have a great day all.

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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP running as CGI? How to set x.php as index page?

2007-03-04 Thread Micky Hulse

Joker7 wrote:
I would suggest you change host as this one seem very restrictive or ask 
your host to edit the .htaccess  file for you ;(

Hi Chris, thanks for the reply. :)

Yeah, I actually talked to client today, and they are fed-up with host 
too... sounds like they want to make a switch asap. On top of being too 
developmentally restrictive, they are also very expensive.

Thanks for help -- have a great day/night.


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[PHP] Re: PHP running as CGI? How to set x.php as index page?

2007-03-04 Thread Micky Hulse

Hi Mike, thanks for the help, I really appreciate your time. :)

Michael Weaver wrote:

It's not a PHP trick, but it should work for you, even with restrictions.

Definitely a good option. Actually, that is close to what I am doing now:

	#header("Refresh: 0; URL=http://www.domain.com/start.php?page=home";); 
/* Old technique. */
	require('http://www.domain.com/start.php?page=home'); /* Current 
technique. */


I chose to use require() for SEO purposes... I think Google tends to 
frown upon header redirects and/or refreshes... but require() has become 
slightly problematic for other reasons... I think the bottom line is 
that this host sucks... need to make a switch. :D

Thanks for the tip, I greatly appreciate your help.



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Re: [PHP] Looking for a good Ajax Mailing List

2007-03-13 Thread Micky Hulse

bruce wrote:

Any thoughts/ideas.

The ydn-javascript is busy... but specifically for the YUI library:

List forum/archives (found via quick google search):


Good luck!


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Re: [PHP] MD5 & bot Question

2007-04-09 Thread Micky Hulse

Tijnema ! wrote:

You can't stop me :)
It's cracked again :)

Maybe use flash for this... harder to crack? (Of course, Flash will open 
door to other problems.)

Sorry, coming in on this late. Good work Tedd! Very interesting.



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Re: [PHP] MD5 & bot Question

2007-04-09 Thread Micky Hulse

tedd wrote:

that's the reason for the alt attribute.

Thanks for clarification! :)

You are doing some great work with captchas... I also really like your 
audio captcha experiments. Keep up the great work!



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[PHP] Dreamhost! PHP as CGI!???

2007-04-13 Thread Micky Hulse
I think I just read that PHP is ran as CGI on Dreamhost... this does not 
sound good. Can anyone confirm?

What do you all think? Good? Bad?

I have dealt with one other server that did this (PHP as CGI) and I 
hated it!

I just bought a years worth of hosting... I have a trial period so I 
think I can still cancel.

Should I stick with it or find a host that runs PHP under Apache?

Please advise.

(FYI: Using Expression Engine for CMS/blog -- I read that it is 
recommended to use EE with PHP not as CGI.)

Many thanks in advance!


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Re: [PHP] Dreamhost! PHP as CGI!???

2007-04-13 Thread Micky Hulse

Micky Hulse wrote:
I think I just read that PHP is ran as CGI on Dreamhost... this does not 
sound good. Can anyone confirm?

Found this:


I guess I am just wondering what your thoughts are when it comes to 
running PHP as CGI? Good/Bad? Maybe I should not worry about it?

Off-list replies are cool with me if this is a little OT.


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Re: [PHP] Dreamhost! PHP as CGI!???

2007-04-13 Thread Micky Hulse

Hi Tijnema! Thanks for the quick reply, I really appreciate the help. :)

Tijnema ! wrote:

Google tells me that it is an optional feature to run PHP as CGI,
default it is running under apache. Atleast that's what i found for

Ah, from what I am reading, it sounds like that used to be the option, 
and may still be a feature for older users... but (from what I 
understand, which is not much) PHP 5 is CGI only:

"DreamHost currently allows several PHP configurations. In the user 
Control Panel you can choose between PHP4 and PHP5 running as a CGI 
application (with optional FastCGI support). While it's no longer 
officially supported you currently still have the possibility to have 
PHP running as an Apache module (mod_php).

Finally you have the option to compile your own custom PHP with the 
exact version of PHP you wish and with any module you require."

Hmmm, I guess it sounds like I can setup things to use the Apache 
module, but they make it sound so evil:

"If one of those is a show-stopper for you, you can easily switch to 
running PHP as an Apache module and not CGI, but be prepared for a bunch 
of potential security and ease-of-use issues!"

Looks like I have a ton of reading to do... Unfortunately I am more of a 
designer than I am a system administrator... so not sure if messing with 
PHP on my DH account is worth the headache. :(

I have just had bad experiences in past with PHP as CGI... Not fun.

Lol, well... Thanks Tijnema! I really appreciate your help on this one. ;)

Have a great day/night!


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Re: [PHP] Dreamhost! PHP as CGI!???

2007-04-13 Thread Micky Hulse
Hi Richard! Thanks for the help, I really appreciate your time and 
advice. :)

Richard Davey wrote:
If you've got access to your account with them, you can confirm it 
yourself. Check the output of a phpinfo().

Ah, lol. Good call:

Server API: CGI/FastCGI
Virtual Directory Support: disabled
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini

Looks like CGI to me, no? Sorry, server stuff is not my forte.

Not *that* terrible at all, but if you've only been with Dreamhost for a 
few days you've got far worse things to experience yet IMHO (shoddy 
uptime, shoddy servers, shoddy network, etc)

Lol, funny you should mention that... Within a few days of getting an 
account, my server went down with a bunch of other folks... I guess it 
was a "DOS" attack or something.

www.pair.com runs PHP 4 as an Apache Module, and are a superb host (I've 
used them since 1996) - but even better in the next few weeks they 
rollout PHP 5.2.1 as standard on all servers. Can't wait :)

Oooh, excellent. Actually, I had other folks suggest Pair too. Only 
reason why my client and I picked DH was the price. I guess I get what I 
pay for.

Hmm, pair may be worth the extra $$. Do you think the "Webmaster" plan 
is decent for a small but soon-to-be growing site?

THanks again Richard! I greatly appreciate the help. ;)



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Re: [PHP] Dreamhost! PHP as CGI!???

2007-04-13 Thread Micky Hulse

Tijnema ! wrote:

I'm using www.dapx.com for my www sites. Setup is a pain in the ass
there, it can take a few days before you get a reply. But once you got
it, it's a really nice host. Nice speed, really 99.9% uptime, and not
much limited stuff :) safe_mode is even turned off :)

Ah, thanks for the tip-off. Looking at what they offer now. I wish I had 
asked here first before buying hosting for a year from DH.

Thanks again Tijnema. ;)



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Re: [PHP] Dreamhost! PHP as CGI!???

2007-04-13 Thread Micky Hulse

Richard Davey wrote:

It will be the first of many :)

Yikes! Definitely gonna make the switch. Cheap it may be, but I need 
reliable too!

Oh and hey... you'll soon experience the sporadic "will it or won't it" 
nature of their Control Panel loading too. I always loved that one.

Doh! Yeah. Not really sure if I like the proprietary CP... I guess I am 
used to using Cpanel. :D


Yep yep. I hear that. :(

It will cope with your needs *easily* and the best thing about them - 
they can scale-up your account at any time, to whatever you need, as you 
grow. Some HUGE sites are hosted comfortably on Pair. Even php.net ;)

Ahhh, cool! Good to hear. ;)

Thanks again for the help Richard, I appreciate your time and expertise.

Have a great day/night!


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Re: [PHP] Dreamhost! PHP as CGI!???

2007-04-13 Thread Micky Hulse

Miles Thompson wrote:

Have a look at www.hub.org.  They host PostgreSQL world wide, you get a
virtual machine, not a virtual host, and  they are v. helpful in setting up

Ahhh, nice! Thanks for the tip. Looking at what they offer now. It is 
going to be a close call between several. All seem to offer good stuff!

Lol. I hate picking hosting.

Thanks again Miles!

Have a great day/night.


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Re: [PHP] Dreamhost! PHP as CGI!???

2007-04-13 Thread Micky Hulse

Richard Lynch wrote:

You could confirm what you have on YOUR setup with:

faster and with more assurance of correctness than any mailing list

Yeah! Hehe. I feel like such a noob. I can not believe I did not think 
of that first. Lol.

Here is what phpinfo() had to say:

Server API: CGI/FastCGI
Virtual Directory Support: disabled
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini

And I just got this response from DH today:

"... Yes...I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we are running php 
as CGI. ..."

Very nice of them to respond so fast... Very friendly reply. Seems like 
a great host if you are not as concerned about up-time/down-time and are 
on a tight budget.

It works fine for me, but I'm only using DreamHost as the back-end of
an N-tier audio server for a web-site that doesn't actually live on

Ahh. I see.

Actually, dreamhost is only the primary, and there's a fail-safe
roll-over to another box if dreamhost goes down. (again)

Ahhh, hehe. Good call on the backup server. I have never built a big 
enough site to where I needed a backup server "just in case." Probably a 
very good idea though. :)

Thanks fo ryou reply Richard, I greatly appreciate the help!



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Re: [PHP] Dreamhost! PHP as CGI!???

2007-04-13 Thread Micky Hulse

Hi Sebe, thanks for help.

Sebe wrote:

yeah or `php -v` via cmdline.

Great! Thanks for tip on that one. ;)

by the way, isn't PHP w/FastCGI faster than using apache module?

A, really? DH does offer FastCGI support.

Hrmmm. So many things to consider! Lol.

Thanks again Sebe!



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[PHP] Include security?

2010-04-16 Thread Micky Hulse



switch ($this->command)
   case 'include':
$data = ob_get_contents();


The above code snippet is used in a class which would allow developers
(of a specific CMS) to include files without having to put php include
tags on the template view.

The include path will be using the server root path, and the include
files will probably be stored above the web root.

My question:

What would be the best way to "clean" and secure the include string?

Maybe something along these lines (untested):

$invalidChars=array(".","\\","\"",";"); // things to remove.
$include_file = strtok($include_file,'?'); // No need for query string.

What about checking to make sure the include path is root relative,
vs. http://...?

What do ya'll think? Any suggestions?

Many thanks in advance!


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Re: [PHP] Include security?

2010-04-16 Thread Micky Hulse
> if allow_url_include is turned off, you don't have to worry much about http,
> if '.' is a invalide char, you can't include *.php...
> the include path probably should be the inc(whatever the name)
> folder(not accessible from web) instead of the web root and '..'
> should be disallowed

Hi Ryan! Many thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. :)

How does this look:

How could my code be improved?

Thanks again for the help, I really appreciate it. :)


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[PHP] PHP include security

2010-04-16 Thread Micky Hulse



switch ($this->command)
case 'include':
$data = ob_get_contents();


The above code snippet is used in a class which would allow developers
(of a specific CMS) to include files without having to put php include
tags on the template view.

The include path will be using the server root path, and the include
files will probably be stored above the web root.

My question:

What would be the best way to "clean" and secure the include string?

Maybe something along these lines (untested):

$invalidChars=array(".","\\","\"",";"); // things to remove.
$include_file = strtok($include_file,'?'); // No need for query string.

What about checking to make sure the include path is root relative,
vs. http://...?

What do ya'll think? Any suggestions?

Many thanks in advance!


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Re: [PHP] PHP include security

2010-04-17 Thread Micky Hulse
Hi Michiel! Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. :)

> It depends. What's exactly do you want to prevent? It doesn't seem like a
> ..
> include, say, additional HTML content, use file_get_contents() instead.

Very good points. My goal was to write a plugin that would allow me to
include some static HTML template file and get the 
tags out of my CMS template. With that said, I think the only people
using this code will be the developers of the templates, and not your
standard user.

I opted to use output buffering and readfile() for the speed, and
include() would be an option if developers want to execute the code in
the included file.

Would file_get_contents() be faster than readfile and output
buffering? Would using file_get_conents() and eval() be faster than
using include() and output buffering?

Without boring you all to death, I am mostly interested in learning
new stuff! I actually don't think anyone will use this code other than
myself. :D

But I definitely agree with all your points.

Thanks so much for you help!

Have a great day!

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[PHP] Re: PHP include security

2010-04-17 Thread Micky Hulse
> What do ya'll think? Any suggestions?

Sorry for the duplicate posting... I had some problems signing-up for
the list. :(

Also, I moved my test code to sniplr:



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Re: [PHP] PHP include security

2010-04-18 Thread Micky Hulse
On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 10:23 AM, Michiel Sikma  wrote:
> I would prefer to use include() since it runs the code in the same context,
> ..
> with your data rather than printing it right away.

Thanks for the reply Michiel, I really appreciate it. :)

For some benchmarks on the different types of inclusion
functions/language constructs, this page has some good info:

The results are interesting.

Thanks again! Have an excellent day.


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Re: [PHP] PHP include security

2010-04-19 Thread Micky Hulse
Hi Michiel!

> One thing to keep in mind is that this one doesn't take eval() vs regular
> include execution time into account, in case you were still considering
> using it. According to this page, it's many times

I was still considering it... I mean, I am still exploring all my
options for the sake of the learning/coding experience.

> slower: http://blog.joshuaeichorn.com/archives/2005/08/01/using-eval-in-php/

Oh! Nice!


The speed of eval
Besides security concerns eval also has the problem of being
incredibly slow. In my testing on PHP 4.3.10 its 10 times slower then
normal code and 28 times slower on PHP 5.1 beta1. This means if you
have to use eval, you should avoid using it inline in any performance
sensitive code. Any easy way to cancel the performance penality is to
create a function in eval and just call that, now an extra function
call does have some performance overhead but its pretty small and
depending on the design can be non-existant since you would be calling
some function anyway.


Interesting. Great read. Thanks for linkage.

[ot] The article also mentions variable functions... I have never used
those before. They look very useful, esp. for a function callback.
Learn something new every day! :) [/ot]

Thanks again for you help Michiel! I really appreciate it. :)

Have a great day!


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Re: [PHP] php photo galery

2010-05-18 Thread Micky Hulse
> If anyone has anything similar to this please let me know.

SlidesShowPro Director:

You could use the Director API and create a PHP gallery with your own
code, or you could use the SlideShowPro flash player.

The Director interface is very easy to use. For a nominal fee, you can
have SSP site host Director for you, or you can host the software it


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Re: [PHP] finding the web root

2010-06-08 Thread Micky Hulse
> although a post on the manual mentions some variability between
> environments.

$root = (array_key_exists('DOCUMENT_ROOT', $_ENV)) ?

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Re: [PHP] Do you have some standard for defined the variable in program language?

2010-07-27 Thread Micky Hulse
Some style guides you might find interesting (the Code Igniter style
guide might be the most relevant to this discussion):

Django: Coding style

ExpressionEngine: General Style and Syntax

Flex: SDK coding conventions and best practices

CodeIgniter (EE 2.0 core framework): User Guide Version 1.7.2 General
Style and Syntax

Python: Style Guide for Python Code



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Re: [PHP] 1984 (Big Brother)

2010-09-13 Thread Micky Hulse
On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 2:43 PM, chris h  wrote:
> "How would you like the system to be aware of rather or not you're in the
> office?

On his way in to the office:

Motion sensing camera connected to a mechanical pointer stick aimed to
trigger the server power button.

On his way out of the office:

Clap on/clap off Clapper connected to computer power cable.


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Re: [PHP] 1984 (Big Brother)

2010-09-13 Thread Micky Hulse
On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 5:05 PM, Daniel Brown  wrote:
>    It would be cheaper to employ the same method used on some
> lawnmowers and required on Jet Skis and Skidoos: a cable with a clip
> worn by the rider.  The rider falls off, the cable releases from the
> vehicle, disengaging the throttle and cutting the engine.  The boss
> stands up, his entire infrastructure collapses, everyone's connections
> are closed, and all PCs subsequently catch fire.

Lol! That would make a great Dilbert and/or Farside cartoon. :)

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Re: [PHP] break out of

2010-10-11 Thread Micky Hulse
If I understand the question correctly, I think the answer is yes.

Maybe something like this:

Normal HTML, or MT tags, here.

Normal HTML, or MT tags, here.

Normal HTML, or MT tags, here.

"Alternative syntax for control structures"

"PHP Shorthand and Alternate Syntax: A quickie!"

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[PHP] Convert hex string to hex value?

2010-10-21 Thread Micky Hulse

I must be tired because I can't figure this out... I am sure it is
something obvious.

I need to pass a hex value to a method, but I can't figure out how to
convert a hex string to a hex value.

For exmaple:

$base = '96989b'
my_method('0x' . $base)

The above does not work with my_method().


The above works without any problems.

Any tips?

Many thanks in advance!


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Re: [PHP] Convert hex string to hex value?

2010-10-21 Thread Micky Hulse
Hi Adam! Many thanks for you quick reply and for the help. :)

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 11:31 PM, Adam Richardson
> In your second example, you're directly inputing a hex number, so there's no
> issue.

Interesting... I wish I could just input the hex directly,
unfortunately I don't have that option. :(

Still trying to figure out how I can take this:

$base = '96989b';
my_method('0x' . $base);

... and make my method "think" (for a lack of a better word) it is this:


Hmmm, I wonder if I am going about this all wrong.

> Hope you get some rest :)

Thanks Adam! I really appreciate your help!

Have a nice night.


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Re: [PHP] Convert hex string to hex value?

2010-10-22 Thread Micky Hulse
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 11:45 PM, Micky Hulse  wrote:
> Hmmm, I wonder if I am going about this all wrong.

OMG, too easy:

my_method(hexdec('0x' . $base))

How did I miss that!?! I could swear I tried that earlier.

Sorry to bug ya'll!


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[PHP] EE1 plugin code/htmlentities() question

2010-11-29 Thread Micky Hulse

I was looking at this ExpressionEngine plugin:

Description: This plugin converts reserved XML characters to entities.
 It is used in the RSS templates.

... Curious about this code:

trim(str_replace(array('/', ' '), array("/", ' '), $str));

The plugin author used the above bit of code in the return statement.

Just curious if their is any particular reason why one would want to
replace / and   with / and   respectively?

For example, I am writing a similar plugin which utilizes
htmlentities()... I guess I am just wondering if I should apply the
same code as above to my entity-converted string?



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Re: [PHP] EE1 plugin code/htmlentities() question

2010-11-30 Thread Micky Hulse
Hi Richard! Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate the help. :)

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 5:49 AM, Richard Quadling  wrote:
> I'm guessing that   is only valid in HTML.

 I see.

Ah, it looks like I need to be Googling for "htmlentities and xml".

Thanks for tip!

> Not sure why / would be encoded as it isn't anything too special
> outside of the closing tag.

Hrmm, yah. That must be an EE-specific thing... IIRC, in EE1, the
slashes needed to be converted from entities to a "/" when coming out
of the DB?

Ah, here we go:


The SLASH constant has been removed from the template parser, and
forward slashes are no longer converted to entities.



Thanks again Richard! Much appreciated!


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Re: [PHP] Re: Re: Need code like

2010-12-27 Thread Micky Hulse
On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 5:29 PM, Michelle Konzack
> I have gotten some ideas and now I start coding my own stuff,  which  is
> more flexibel in design and such.

Hrmm, just found this info:


So, I assume you are looking for something similar to this site:


This is a good project to start from if you are into using Python/Django:


There are other Python/django pastebin sites out there, for example:

The Django book "Practical Django Projects" has a section dedicated to
a code/paste  app. Here is the "unofficial" code from the book:


Both of the above use Pygments, which is a pretty sweet syntax highlighter.


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Re: [PHP] load rtf file

2012-09-03 Thread Micky Hulse
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 3:52 PM, Tedd Sperling  wrote:
> Maybe if I was on a Windoze machine, but I'm on a Mac.

What about TextEdit.app?

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Re: [PHP]

2013-04-17 Thread Micky Hulse
It should still work. You might need to turn on the short tag option
in your conf file.

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Re: [PHP]

2013-04-17 Thread Micky Hulse
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Micky Hulse  wrote:
> You might need to turn on the short tag option
> in your conf file.

Sorry, ini file, not conf. Been a long day. :D

I guess I should have asked if short tags are turned on for your 5.3.3?

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Re: [PHP]

2013-04-17 Thread Micky Hulse
Ah, I see now. Sorry, I must have read the original question wrong.

There's a good thread on stack about short tags:

"Are PHP short tags acceptable to use?"

Which kinda links to the docs:

"PHP tags"

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Re: [PHP]

2013-04-18 Thread Micky Hulse
On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 8:36 AM, Larry Martell
> That was it. Thanks!!

Np. Glad it helped. :)

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Re: [PHP] LightBox click detection

2013-06-16 Thread Micky Hulse
On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 8:52 AM, Tedd Sperling  wrote:
> Here's the problem --  I need to count the number of times a user activates a 
> LightBox -- how do you do that?

If you're using Google Analytics, you can use click tracking:

I recently setup click tracking on lightbox open, close and various
other modal window bits/pieces for a metered pay wall system.

For example, within the lightbox/modal window "open" method:


// Track this lightbox instance:
'_trackEvent',  // Method.
'Paymeter Lightbox',// Group.
'Lightbox OPEN group ' + count_txt, // Append count to "action" text.
count_txt + ' OPEN event'   // Prepend count to "label" text.


The advantage to using a common tool like analytics is that it's got a
ton of powerful ways to analyze the data.

Not sure the goal of your project, but I thought I would mention.


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[PHP] PHP5 OOP: Abstract classes, multiple inheritance and constructors

2013-06-21 Thread Micky Hulse
Example/working code here:

Couple questions:

1. Is there anything wrong with the way I'm using the abstract class?
If so, how could I improve the logic/setup?

2. Is there a way for me to pass $foo to the parent class, from the
child, without having to ferry that variable through the abstract
class? In other words, is there such a thing as:


... I want to have my abstract class constructor do things, yet I'd
like to avoid having to repeat myself for when it comes to passing
constructor arguments from the child.

Any tips would be appreciated. Sorry if silly questions.


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[PHP] Re: PHP5 OOP: Abstract classes, multiple inheritance and constructors

2013-06-21 Thread Micky Hulse
On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Micky Hulse
> 2. Is there a way for me to pass $foo to the parent class, from the
> child, without having to ferry that variable through the abstract
> class?

I should mention, I'm working on some code where I don't have the
ability to modify the "parent" class.

I'd still like to know how to improve my demo code in general, but I'm
working on a project where the parent class is off bounds in terms of

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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP5 OOP: Abstract classes, multiple inheritance and constructors

2013-06-21 Thread Micky Hulse
Thanks for tips David! I'll play with your suggestion.

I've never used abstract methods, but if I'm understanding the code
you posted, they look pretty useful.

I may be back with questions.

Appreciate the help. :)

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[PHP] Static utility class?

2013-09-04 Thread Micky Hulse
Hi all!

Example code:


I want to have a "utility" class that contain utility methods which should
have the option of being called multiple times on a page.

I think my main goal is to avoid having to "new" things ... I don't really
need to create an instance here (there's no need for a constructor in this


Is the above simple pattern a good way to have a class that calls static

To put it another way, is there any reason why I would not want to use the
above code?

Basically I want to wrap these simple functions in a nice class wrapper and
have the ability to call them without having to jump through more hoops
than is necessary.

Are there any pitfalls to writing a class like this? Or, is this the
standard way of writing a simple "utility" class for this type of situation?

Please let me know if I need to clarify my questions.

Thanks for your time?

Re: [PHP] Static utility class?

2013-09-04 Thread Micky Hulse
Thank you so much for the quick and very informative/educational
replies Stephen and David, I really appreciate it! :)

On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Stephen  wrote:
> This sounds simply like a library of functions that are implemented using
> objects.
> Instantiate your static variables in the library file. Again, so that only
> happens once.

"functions implemented using objects" sounds like exactly what I want.
Just out of curiosity, and sorry in advance for my ignorance, but does
the code I posted fit that type of pattern? If not, what would I need
to modify and how would I call it?

Actually, I should probably spend some time Googling before I ask you
for more details. :D

On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 1:15 PM, David Harkness
> I can't say if what you're thinking of will make a good utility class since 
> the code you posted is fake. If you post some examples of methods you want to 
> make static, we can give you pointers on which are good candidates and which 
> are best left to instance methods.

Sorry about the fake code. To be honest, I have not written the code
just yet ... I'm kinda wanting to find the perfect pattern before I
get too far down the rabbit hole (though, this is for some simple
utility functions, so refactoring things should be easy later on).

I'll be sure to post real code for any follow up questions.

For now, thanks to you guys, I have a ton to work with. Thanks again
for the pro advice!


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Re: [PHP] Static utility class?

2013-09-04 Thread Micky Hulse
Thanks Stephen! I really appreciate the help! :)

In my PHP ventures over the years, I haven't made much use of static
variables/methods/properties ... I was thinking they might be useful
for this one bit of code, but based on your feedback (and David's) I
think I'll be heading down a different path.

Thanks again for the kick in the right direction!

Much appreciated!


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Re: [PHP] Static utility class?

2013-09-04 Thread Micky Hulse
Hi Rodrigo, thanks for the help, I really appreciate it!

On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 5:55 PM, Rodrigo Santos
> Hi, first, sorry for the bad English.

Not bad at all! Very clear and well written reply (heck, it's better
than my native English writing), so thank you! :)

> Yes, at least, as far as I know, this is the perfect way to do what you want
> to do. Think like this: when you instanciate a class, you are allocating
> memory. If you don't need any information stored, then you don't need to
> allocate memory, right? So, it's is logic to have a class that you will call
> only one fragment when you need it, rather than load the entire class just
> for one method.

Interesting! That makes a lot of sense.

Now you've piqued my interests! :)

I was going to head down a different path, but you've inspired me to
further explore the use of static methods/properties/variables/other.

A part of me just wants to learn more about PHP OOP, and using static
members is something I've not explored much. Seems like a simple
functional utility class would be a good time to play and learn more.

> Just be careful to organize your utility methods by by meaning. Don't put a
> method that make dating stuff and a method that write a random string in the
> same class. By doing so, you are breaking the object orientation purpose.

Excellent tip! Thank you Rodrigo! I really appreciate the tips/advice
and inspiration. :)

Have a great afternoon!


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Re: [PHP] Static utility class?

2013-09-05 Thread Micky Hulse
On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 11:07 PM, Robert Cummings  wrote:
> I'll second Rodrigo's opinion, but would like to comment that the name of
> the class is misleading since it's called "Singleton". The singleton pattern
> is used when you only ever want one instantiation of a class. In your case
> you are using static methods, the object never needs to be instantiated and
> so it doesn't fit this pattern. What you are creating is far more consistent
> with the utility pattern.

Ahhh, thanks so much for the clarification and details! That's very helpful.

I've updated my gist to reflect the pattern name:

Much appreciated. :)

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Re: [PHP] Static utility class?

2013-09-05 Thread Micky Hulse
On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 12:15 PM, Robert Cummings  wrote:
> Probably sufficient (and easier for typing) to just call it Utility since it
> follows the pattern but isn't the pattern itself :)

Good call! Updated the example code.

Thanks again! I really appreciate the help. :)


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Re: [PHP] switch case madness

2011-01-19 Thread Micky Hulse
On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 6:45 AM, Joshua Kehn  wrote:
> On Jan 19, 2011, at 9:43 AM, Jay Blanchard wrote:
>> [snip]
>> ...
>> [/snip]
>> Imagine when there'll be the day when you do not have to code at
>> all...just copy 'n paste snippets together in the order that you wish
>> them to work in and Voila'! - instant web app.
>> Th!!
> They have that. It's called Ruby on Rails.

CodeIgniter and/or Django (Python) are fun.

What about a middle of the road solution?

Google for "php micro framework" and/or "python micro framework".

I have yet to use a micro framework myself, but I am looking forward
to playing around with one for one of my next PHP projects... I would
love to find one that has a decent "micro" templating system. :D


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Re: [PHP] Howdy (new in here)

2011-02-15 Thread Micky Hulse
On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 2:00 PM, David Harkness
> I use K&R. I started with it just as shown but as monitors increased in size
> I stopped cuddling the else so it's now on its own line, aligning the if,
> elseif, and else nicely. One of the developers at my company uses the
> truly abominable Horstmann style which makes moving code around a serious

K&R here, unless existing guidelines are in place... CodeIgniter
framework and ExpressionEngine wants folks to use Allman.

I use a programming lang called Objectscript at work, and it will give
an error if there is not space between the "if" and the first "("...
For example:

if(...) <-- errors out.

I have had to learn to put a space in there:

if (...)

So I don't forget, I do this for everything now... I actually kinda
like the breathing room now.

Speaking of spaces, I am not a fan of putting spaces around the argument:

if ( foo == baz ) {

I definitely prefer this:

if (foo == baz) {

More on spaces: I am so glad that most PHP folks I know use tabs for
indentation and not spaces! Oops, did I just go there? Oh no I didn't!

Good thread! Thanks for that link Tedd!


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Re: [PHP] newbie - function is undefined

2011-04-01 Thread Micky Hulse
Maybe try:

echo 'getText("p1")';

I think that should work.

Good luck.


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Re: [PHP] Bold links

2011-05-09 Thread Micky Hulse
On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 2:56 PM, tedd  wrote:
> Really?
> How does the blind via readers, such as JAWS, understand what a  is?
> First, never use  -- or  for that matter.
> Second, use  or  instead. Readers can understand and render
> STRONG and EMPHASIZED text, but not  and  text -- those tags mean
> nothing and that's the reason why they are not encouraged for use and even
> removed from XHTML.
> Third, if neither of those tags (i.e.,  or  ) work for you, they
> try using a class (or an id) with a css rule of:


Tedd, it seems like you are spreading a little bit of mis-information here.

*  — was italic, now for text in an “alternate voice,” such as
foreign words, technical terms and typographically italicized text
*  — was bold, now for “stylistically offset” text, such as
keywords and typographically emboldened text (W3C:Markup, WHATWG)
*  — was emphasis, now for stress emphasis, i.e., something you’d
pronounce differently (W3C:Markup, WHATWG)
*  — was for stronger emphasis, now for strong importance,
basically the same thing (stronger emphasis or importance is now
indicated by nesting) (W3C:Markup, WHATWG)

– http://html5doctor.com/i-b-em-strong-element/

Seems to me the original posted just wanted to "stylistically offset"
or "bold" the last name... I dunno, maybe I am wrong, but here's no
good reason to stress "stronger" emphasis on the last name.

There's a time and a place and a reason to use one over the other.

Also, I don't think  and  have been removed from XHTML... In
fact, they are not even deprecated in XHTML.

Ok, getting off of my soapbox now. :D


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Re: [PHP] Bold links

2011-05-09 Thread Micky Hulse
On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Joshua Kehn  wrote:
> If you are only make the last name bold for stylistic purposes you should
> use CSS and a class. If you have text that needs to be phasized or
> ly put use the appropriate tags.

Hrmm, I personally don't think there is anything wrong with  in this case.

Span tag, or whatever (with a class, optionally, or however you prefer
to mark things up), would work too... but, IMHO, there is absolutely
nothing wrong with .

To each their own I guess. :)


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Re: [PHP] Bold links

2011-05-10 Thread Micky Hulse

Thanks for the informative reply Tedd.

I respect your opinion and I don't think my approach is more right
than yours. I am wondering if this is just a DTD thing. I always use
an HTML 4.01 strict DTD and have not used an XHTML doctype in ages.

As far as I can tell, the specs in XHTML say "not recommended", but I
can't find similar text in HTML 4.01 specs.

Jenkins vs. Jenkins

... to me, the latter seems to be overkill.


I can't of many times I have done the above... If I need to hook into
the  or  I might just do this (for example):

Bob Jenkins

#wrapper b { do whatever here }

On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 7:41 AM, tedd  wrote:
> As for me, I choose to never use  and  for anything PERIOD and to
> speak out against their use whenever I can. As for  in presentation,
> judgment, the  and  tags present more problems than they solve so I
> will continue to not use those tags and speak against them.

Looking at your site:


Viewing the source code on your homepage, I see  used 15 times in
the body copy.

I am assuming that maybe you have no control over that portion of your
site due to the CMS you are using?

Could you imagine using  in all those instances where you used
? Don't you think that would be overkill?

Sorry to everyone for taking this so OT for the PHP list.



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Re: [PHP] Bold links

2011-05-15 Thread Micky Hulse
Hi Tedd!

On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 4:41 PM, tedd  wrote:
> I vaguely remember using  tags in the markup for SEO considerations with
> the idea that I was going to change them to  with a search/replace.
> Unfortunately, that did not happen until now. Thanks for letting me know.

Hehe! I dig it! :)

I definitely dig your site btw. I have found several of the pages
helpful over the years.

Thanks for the good discussion.


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[PHP] Need pro advice: Is Pear installed and/or setup correctly?

2011-05-27 Thread Micky Hulse
What do you think this means.

This code:



Outputs these error messages:


But this code:



Returns "bool(true)"

Looking at these docs:


... it says:

"In every case, PEAR's php_dir should be in the include path. If not,
add it in your system's php.ini."

When viewing PHP info, I do not see "php_dir" in the include path (or
anywhere else... Nor do I see any reference to "pear".)

My friend told me that the host said Pear "is installed."

I tried adding a php.ini to the root of the server (I don't know much
about this host's setup... I am just helping a friend out) but that
did not seem to load.

I don't have shell access either.

Would it be safe for me to conclude that Pair is not setup properly?
Would it be a simple fix for the host to add Pear to the include path?
What else could I do to get Pear to work if I can't use a php.ini file
and/or ssh into the server and check/tweak/install packages?

Thanks so much!


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[PHP] Re: Need pro advice: Is Pear installed and/or setup correctly?

2011-05-27 Thread Micky Hulse
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Micky Hulse
> Would it be safe for me to conclude that Pair is not setup properly?

Haha, "Pear" the package, not the host. :D


Typo. My bad.

Also, what the heck does this mean:

"It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. Please use
the date.timezone setting, the TZ environment variable or the
date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those
methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely
misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/New_York' for
'EDT/-4.0/DST' instead in /home/USER/public_html/test.php on line 6"

Never seen that warning message before when including files... Like I
said, I know nothing about this host, but so far I am wondering if
they have things setup properly?

Thanks for listening.


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Re: [PHP] Re: Need pro advice: Is Pear installed and/or setup correctly?

2011-05-27 Thread Micky Hulse
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 12:06 PM, Philip Thompson
> The host is apparently using PHP 5.3 - this message started to appear in
> this version. Use date_default_timezone_set() somewhere in your code to
> explicitly set your timezone. I'm in the central US, so I use
> 'America/Chicago'. See the docs for more info.

Thanks Philip! I will give that a try. :)

Testing now...

Nice! That helped! :)


Now all I got to do is convince my friend that the host needs to add
Pear to the include path (at least, I think this is the problem with

Thanks again Philip!

Have a great day.


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Re: [PHP] Re: Need pro advice: Is Pear installed and/or setup correctly?

2011-05-27 Thread Micky Hulse
Looks like the host changed my include path:


I am still getting "file not found" include errors.

I am guess that Mail.php and Mail_Mime/mime.php are extras that are
not installed.

This is my first time trying to use Pear. Normally I use other code
for sending emails with attachments...

I think my friend setup an e-mail form using this tutorial:


He could not get it to work, and I am just trying to get it to work for him.

I will probably ditch the whole Pear idea and use something else.

I hate working for free! :D

Thanks for listening all.. Sorry to bug the list with my crud.


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Re: [PHP] Re: Need pro advice: Is Pear installed and/or setup correctly?

2011-05-27 Thread Micky Hulse
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 12:48 PM, Micky Hulse  wrote:
> Looks like the host changed my include path:
> I will probably ditch the whole Pear idea and use something else.

Well, actually, it looks like having PEAR on the include path did help.

Mail.php was found... It was Mail_Mime/mime.php that was not getting found.

This seems totally hackish, but I had to download Mail_Mime and put it
in the web root of my friend's server:


And changed the Mail_Mime include path to point to the new location
and it worked.

What a headache. Lol.

Problem solved. Thanks for the help Philip, and thanks for listening all!

Have a nice day.


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Re: Re: [PHP] iPhone sadness

2011-05-30 Thread Micky Hulse
The WebDesign-L has been around since early 1997... For as long as I
can remember, the policy (on all list-servs I post to) has been "no
top posting" and "trim quotes".

Here's WD-L's policy page:

Lot's of great info there...

Under the "Message Body" heading:


Do not top-post; write your reply below the quoted portion(s) of the
message to which you are replying.[Hide]
Putting your reply above a quoted message makes it difficult for
others to know exactly which point you are replying to. Quoting
portions of the preceding message above your reply helps others follow

Trim your replies. Avoid quoting the entire preceding post, and take
care not to include the list footer
When replying, quote only what is needed for context. While most
people will not remember the previous message verbatim, you should
assume that those interested have been following the thread and do not
need to reread the previous post to understand yours. Quoting the
entire message wastes bandwidth, annoys members, and makes the digest
hard to read.

Avoid over-trimming.
Include names, but not the email addresses, of persons being quoted,
relevant URLs, and enough of the original post so that readers know to
what and whom you’re responding. If you’re responding to several
posts, or to the thread in general, please say so.


I personally try to follow all the rules on that page for all of the
list-servs I am a member of.

For personal e-mails, that's a different story... I have found that
most folks, that don't use list-servs, don't get inline replies and
bottom posting (with quote above reply).


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Re: [PHP] caching problem

2011-06-28 Thread Micky Hulse

Can we see the methods in question?

Have you tried running the code on a different server/host?

Have you added any scaffolding to your methods in order to test your
caching theory? This would be the first thing I would try (i.e. create
random number (or whatever), concat with variable vals generated via
method, other.)

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: [PHP] best ways to recruit volunteers for a PHP framework

2011-06-28 Thread Micky Hulse
+1 for GitHub or BitBucket.

I have not visited SourceForge for years... I just like using Git myself.

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Re: [PHP] What is a label?

2011-07-13 Thread Micky Hulse
They must mean labels as in "general naming convention rules for
programming"... Like not naming a variable/function "label" with a number at
the front.

Here's a page about variables:


Variable names follow the same rules as other labels in PHP. A valid
variable name starts with a letter or underscore, followed by any
number of letters, numbers, or underscores. As a regular expression,
it would be expressed thus: '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*'

But I agree though, it would be nice if "label" was defined somewhere
in the docs.

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Re: [PHP] Your language sucks because...

2011-07-13 Thread Micky Hulse
Under the CSS section:

No way to modularize or programmatically generate lengths. Can't say:
{ width:50% - 2px; }

That's so true!! I wish I could do the above...

Oh, and why is the PHP section so damned long?!?

Good read, thanks. :)

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Re: Re: [PHP] Your language sucks because...

2011-07-14 Thread Micky Hulse
On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 4:02 AM, Richard Quadling  wrote:
> My daughter (6 or 7 at the time) came up with T, M and E. I was
> abso-bloody-lutely amazed she managed to find a word starting with T,
> M and E.

What was the word?

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Re: Re: [PHP] Your language sucks because...

2011-07-14 Thread Micky Hulse
On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 4:19 PM, George Langley  wrote:
> He gave you a beautiful hint:

:: slaps self on forehead ::

I should've known!!! :D


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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP frameworks

2011-07-21 Thread Micky Hulse
+1 for CI.

If you search the group archives, a little while back I asked about
micro PHP frameworks and got a ton of good replies.

So folks, how'z about a PHP framework with a built-in admin interface?
That would be pretty sweet. :)

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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP frameworks

2011-07-21 Thread Micky Hulse
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 5:21 PM, Jim Lucas  wrote:
> So, what would said admin interface allow you to administrate?

Your app models?

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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP frameworks

2011-07-21 Thread Micky Hulse
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 5:33 PM, Micky Hulse  wrote:
> Your app models?

More specifically, your app model data. :)

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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP frameworks

2011-07-21 Thread Micky Hulse
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 6:44 PM, Shawn McKenzie  wrote:
> A la CakePHP.  Will automagically build controllers and views for the
> admin of your tables/models if you wish.

Oooh, interesting! I will check out CakePHP! Thanks for tip! :)

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Re: [PHP] pathinfo function

2011-07-26 Thread Micky Hulse
On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Tim Streater  wrote:
> that I will get an error if I try to reference $info["extension"] ??

>From what I can tell via reading the docs:

"The following associative array elements are returned: dirname,
basename, extension (if any), and filename."

Makes me think that if the extension does not exist, then the
"extension" key will not exist.

Looking like isset() (or array_key_exists) will be needed:

$foo = (isset($info['extension'])) ? $info['extension'] : '';

At least, that's my take on it. :)

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[PHP] Arrays: Comma at end?

2012-02-07 Thread Micky Hulse
Was there ever a time when having a comma at the end of the last array
element was not acceptable in PHP?

I just did a few quick tests:

... and it looks like having that comma ain't no big deal.

I can't believe that I always thought that having the trailing comma
was a no-no in PHP (maybe I picked that up from my C++ classes in
college? I just don't remember where I picked up this (bad) habit).

I would prefer to have the trailing comma... I just can't believe I
have avoided using it for all these years.


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Re: [PHP] Arrays: Comma at end?

2012-02-07 Thread Micky Hulse
Hi Ashley! Thanks for your quick and informative reply, I really
appreciate it. :)

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 12:10 PM, Ashley Sheridan
> It's easy to add and remove elements without making sure you have to check 
> the trailing comma. It's also OK in Javascript to use the trailing comma, as 
> long as you don't mind things not working on IE, which is the only browser 
> that has issues with it. As far as PHP goes though, it's fine.

Makes sense, thanks!

Gosh, I wonder if I picked up this habit due to my JS coding
knowledge? Anyway, thanks for the clarification. :)

Have an awesome day!


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Re: [PHP] Arrays: Comma at end?

2012-02-07 Thread Micky Hulse
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 12:15 PM, Paul M Foster  wrote:
> I've always avoided trailing array commas, but only because I was under
> the impression that leaving one there would append a blank array member
> to the array, where it might be problematic. Yes? No?

Yah, ditto! :D

In my few simple tests, using PHP5.x, the last comma is ignored.

Just feels strange to have avoided doing something for so long, only
to learn that it's something I need not worry about! :D

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Re: [PHP] Arrays: Comma at end?

2012-02-07 Thread Micky Hulse
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 12:19 PM, Micky Hulse  wrote:
> Yah, ditto! :D

$s = 'foo,bar,';
print_r(explode(',', $s));

The output is:

[0] => foo
[1] => bar
[2] =>

That's one instance where I know you have to be cautious about the
trailing delimiter.

I know, this is all noob stuff... Sorry. :D

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Re: [PHP] Arrays: Comma at end?

2012-02-07 Thread Micky Hulse
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 12:32 PM, Ashley Sheridan
> That's because it's not an array you've got the trailing delimiter on, it's a 
> string.

Right. Sorry, bad example.

it was just the one example I could think of where you could get an
empty element at the end of your array.

Clearly, apples and oranges though.


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Re: [PHP] Arrays: Comma at end?

2012-02-08 Thread Micky Hulse
On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 9:58 AM, Larry Garfield  wrote:
> Drupal's coding standards encourage the extra trailing comma on multi-line
> arrays, for all the readability and editability benefits that others have
> mentioned.  We have for years.  Cool stuff. :-)

Yah, I love that syntax guideline/rule in Python (tuples and other
things). I will definitely start doing this in PHP for arrays.

I am just surprised that there wasn't an older version of PHP that did
not allow this... I must have picked up this habit via my JS coding
knowledge. :D

Thanks again all!


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Re: [PHP] Arrays: Comma at end?

2012-02-08 Thread Micky Hulse
On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 10:08 AM, Robert Cummings  wrote:
> JavaScript in Internet Crapsplorer spanks you on the bottom every time you
> have a trailing comma in a JS array. That may be where you picked up the
> aversion.

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 10:10 AM, Micky Hulse  wrote:
> I am just surprised that there wasn't an older version of PHP that did
> not allow this... I must have picked up this habit via my JS coding
> knowledge. :D

Jinx! You owe me a Coke!!! :)

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[PHP] Insert new array after specific key in multidimensional array

2012-02-27 Thread Micky Hulse

Example code:

What would be the best way to insert $o_insert array into $o array
after specified key?

I hate to just ask for example code, but I can't seem to find the
perfect solution. :(

Many thanks in advance for the help!


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Re: [PHP] Insert new array after specific key in multidimensional array

2012-02-27 Thread Micky Hulse
Thank you Eray! That's a cool approach. Testing code now. I will be
back with my results. :)

Thank you!!!


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Re: [PHP] Insert new array after specific key in multidimensional array

2012-02-27 Thread Micky Hulse
Hi Xucheng,

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 7:41 PM, xucheng  wrote:
> Maybe you can trans the array into a xml tree , then modify its leaves .

Now that sounds like an interesting idea... I will have to research
that as an option. Thanks for tip! :)


I was not able to get your code to work on my array... After working
with it a little bit, I realized your idea was very similar to these
others that I have found (great minds think alike):


Your suggestion, and the ones above, work great if I "break out" the
key, pass it directly, then add the key back to the original array.

I have updated my gist and also put the code here:

Could things be optimized, or is this an acceptable solution?



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[PHP] Re: Insert new array after specific key in multidimensional array

2012-02-28 Thread Micky Hulse
On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Shawn McKenzie  wrote:
> Might be an easier way but this should work.  You can sort the $before =
> true out for yourself :-)

Hi Shawn, I've updated your function to do the $before bit:

I also set it up to merge the new array to the end if the key does not exist.

Out of all the examples I have found, your approach looks the cleanest
and the most compact.

I'm open to feedback.

Many thanks


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Re: [PHP] Insert new array after specific key in multidimensional array

2012-02-28 Thread Micky Hulse
Hi Adam!

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 2:05 PM, Adam Richardson  wrote:
>> What would be the best way to insert $o_insert array into $o array
>> after specified key?

Great question. :D

Quick answer: It's a Wordpress thang!

Long answer: I am working with WordPress and the theme that I am using
stores all of its settings in a multidimensional array... The WP admin
displays the contents of the array as a GUI and the order of the array
is what dictates the display order.

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Re: [PHP] curl equivalent in PHP

2012-03-02 Thread Micky Hulse

On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 8:07 AM, Jim Lucas  wrote:
>> But on some of my servers, curl isn't enabled! Is there any equivalent
>> code
>> to  achieve the same?

I've used a combination of output buffering [1], readfile() [2] and
caching (specific to the framework I was using).

Simply, you could resort to:

http://www.google.com'); ?>

Ofc, the links would need to be absolute in order for the assets to load.

Good luck!


[1] php.net/ob-start
[2] php.net/readfile

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Re: [PHP] variables

2007-08-19 Thread Micky Hulse

Augusto Morais wrote:

I want create a variable based in another variable. Example:

Maybe this will give you some ideas?:

Good luck!


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Re: [PHP] www. not working

2008-02-15 Thread Micky Hulse

Jim Lucas wrote:
If you are running Apache, you do realize that all of this can be done 
in Apache instead of PHP right?

.htaccess example:

# Power-up the rewrite engine:
RewriteEngine on
# Redirect all non-www traffic:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^mysite\.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^/?(.*)$ http://www.mysite.com/$1 [R=301,L]\

I like to always redirect to www or non-www... not both. I have read 
that this is good for SEO and/or SE's.



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[PHP] preg_replace_callback(), how to pass function argument/param?

2008-03-30 Thread Micky Hulse


This is probably simple to answer for most of ya'll, but...

preg_replace_callback($f, 'mah_processTags', $text);

Besides the matches, how would I pass function args/param to 

For example, I would like to do something like this:

preg_replace_callback($f, 'mah_processTags($arg1)', $text);
function mah_processTags($matches, $arg1) { ... }

Is this even possible? I just want to pass-in $arg1 along with the 
matches. :)


Many thanks in advance!!!


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Re: [PHP] preg_replace_callback(), how to pass function argument/param?

2008-03-30 Thread Micky Hulse

Casey wrote:

preg_replace_callback($f, 'mah_processTags(\'$0\', $arg1)', $text);
Does this work?

Awww, does not seem to work. :(

But maybe I need to dink with the code a bit more...

I would like to avoid setting a global here. :D

Thanks for the help Casey! I will let you know if I get it working. I 
may just have to think of a different approach here.



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Re: [PHP] preg_replace_callback(), how to pass function argument/param?

2008-03-30 Thread Micky Hulse

Casey wrote:

Hmmm. I've searched around, and it seems that only a global would work :/

Thanks for the help Casey! I really appreciate it. :)

Yah, I think I will use a global for now... Until I can think of an 
alternative coding approach.

Have a good one!



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Re: [PHP] preg_replace_callback(), how to pass function argument/param?

2008-03-30 Thread Micky Hulse

Casey wrote:

What does mah_process_tags do anyway? XD

Ah, hehe... Oh, basically I am trying to write a plugin for the 
Textpattern CMS:

processTags() is a core TXP function... Basically, it parses any TXP 
template tags ().

Long story short, I am am modifying the processTags() function so that 
it looks for class methods when parsing template tags, vs. looking for 
regular functions.

Thanks again Casey! I really appreciate your help. :)


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[PHP] "Template" class: Simple question

2007-04-23 Thread Micky Hulse


I have a couple classes that generate navigation and a few other dynamic 
xHTML template-based things...

What is standard practice for calling your template classes? In other 
words: Is it good practice to create the class object for every page 
view, or is there a better way to cache the object? I am using PHP 4.x.

Any good tips and/or tutorials out there that cover this type of thing? 
Basically I am trying to get away from using includes and/or simple 
function calls.

Sorry if silly question... I am kinda new to classes and how best to use 



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Re: [PHP] "Template" class: Simple question

2007-04-23 Thread Micky Hulse

Micky Hulse wrote:
What is standard practice for calling your template classes? In other 
words: Is it good practice to create the class object for every page 
view, or is there a better way to cache the object? I am using PHP 4.x.

Ack! Just found this great thread on Sitepoint:


Hehe, I wrote my email to the PHP list before checking my Sitepoint xml 

Seems like the above thread has given me my answer.

Thanks all!
Sorry to bug the list.

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[PHP] Script feedback: insert string into another string

2007-04-27 Thread Micky Hulse


I pieced-together a script that will insert a string into another string 
at a set interval of words... See here:

[Click the "view source" link to view source.] :D

Basically, I need a setup a page where my client can paste an article, 
automate the insertion of a template tag (in this case: {page_break}) 
and then copy/paste into the blog/cms. My goal for this script was to 
make it easy for the CMS to create word-balanced pages.

Long story short, I got what I think will be an acceptable script... but 
I would love to get feedback. What do you think? What can I improve? 
What am I doing wrong?

The script does not need to be super-robust, but would love to hear what 
the PHP gurus have to say. ;)

Many thanks in advance!


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Re: [PHP] Script feedback: insert string into another string

2007-04-28 Thread Micky Hulse
Tijnema! Thanks for the quick reply! I really really really appreciate 
the help. :D

Tijnema ! wrote:
Nice idea, but it seems that it isn't working correctly. I did this 

With your break_up function. It results this:
While i expected this:

Ahh! Great way to test this!

I thought I noticed a problem, but did not put two-and-two together due 
to the huge string I was using... The way you simplified things really 
made that error clear. Thanks for the help on this! :)

And i found where the problem is, it is this line:
$num += $num; // Set next number flag to look for.
This works only for one time, but after that, it doubles whole time,
so in above example, $num would go like this:

Doh! Great catch! I should have printed that var out... Hehe, I am such 
a noob!

So to fix, replace this part of the code:
with this:
That's it.

Woot! Looks good to me. I moved the script to a new location with a more 
fitting name:

Your test code is at bottom of that page. ;)

Nice, I am stoked! Thanks again for the help, I owe you one. :D

Have a great day/night,


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Re: [PHP] Script feedback: insert string into another string

2007-04-28 Thread Micky Hulse
Just FYI, I did some slight upgrades/updates to the code... Seems to be 
working pretty good now. :)

Thanks again Tijnema!



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Re: [PHP] Script feedback: insert string into another string

2007-04-28 Thread Micky Hulse

Tijnema! You rock! Another great catch. :)

Tijnema ! wrote:

the eregi function. So like this:
if(eregi('[0-9A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ]', $array[$i])) {
if(eregi('[0-9A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ]', strip_tags($array[$i]))) {
That would fix it :)

Just updated the code. (Hehe, tis hard to catch those zzZZzz's when my 
mind is thinking in code.)

Has anyone told you that you are a very good beta tester! :D

I hope I did it right... Looks like I may still be having the same 
problems (word count = "2", and separator = "| |":

| |Vestibulum urna.


| |header

Nam egestas

| |rhoncus nisl.

Hmmm, going to stare at this code for a bit... Many thanks again for 
your help -- it really helps having that second pair of eyes.

I will post again if I significantly update the code. ;)

Thanks Tijnema! I really appreciate your time, help, and expertise.



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Re: [PHP] Script feedback: insert string into another string

2007-04-28 Thread Micky Hulse

Tijnema ! wrote:
Didn't find anymore bugs yet, maybe later... if i find one i'll let you 
know :)

Thanks again Tijnema!

I just read the not from Richard Looks like I might have wasted your 
time on this one. :(

I just woke up... going to test wordwrap()

You know, I saw that in the manual a day or so ago, and it sounded like 
what I needed, but all the examples talked about how it breaks long 
words -- not what I needed... But now I see that there is a way to 
easily turn that feature on/off!

Shux. I have a feeling that, with the help of Tijnema, I just 
re-invented wheel.

I will be back shortly with a test page. :D



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