[PHP] php crash and memory_limit

2004-02-28 Thread kringla
I'm having a problem with file uploads and freezings of the php-module 
in apache. Yes I have googled and RTFM:ed but I don't get any good 
results out from what I have tested so far.

I have set MAX_FILE_SIZE as a hidden value in the form, the value is set 
to 40
I increased 'memory_limit' from 8M to 200M in my home server and it all 
worked, when I then tested the same thing on the web-hotel I got 
'Internal server error 500' and I was unable to access files in the same 
directory as the problematic page was in.  I did it with ini_set( in 
the page.

Since my web-hotel won't change any settings I have to either configure 
with ini_set or the .htaccess file.
I set LimitRequestBody to 16M in a .htaccess file since many have 
suggested that this would solve the problem. But not.

I think these variables can be set in .htaccess but I don't get the 
correct syntax in the file, i'm just getting 'internal server error' all 
the time.

php_value memory_limit 34M
php_value post_max_size 33M
php_value upload_max_filesize 32M
php_value max_execution_time 600
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Re: [PHP] php crash and memory_limit

2004-02-28 Thread kringla
Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

Which web server and version?


php: 4.3.4
apache 1.3.27
Linux x 2.4.20aa1 #2 SMP Fri Mar 7 15:07:36 CET 2003 i686
Server API CGI/FastCGI
max_execution_time 120
max_input_time -1
'./configure' '--enable-force-cgi-redirect' 
'--enable-inline-optimization' '--with-bz2' '--with-db3' '--with-gd' 
'--with-png' '--enable-bcmath' '--enable-safe-mode' 
'--enable-track-vars' '--with-pear=/usr/share/pear' 
'--with-mysql=shared' '--enable-memory-limit' '--enable-bcmath' 
'--enable-dbx' '--with-zlib' '--enable-fastcgi' '--with-jpeg-dir' 
'--with-png-dir' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--with-gettext' 
'--enable-discard-path' '--with-freetype-dir'

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Re: [PHP] php crash and memory_limit

2004-02-29 Thread kringla
Is there any solution to this problem?
I can see that this problem happens when the memory is exhausted.
How do I make a correct .htaccess file so set these values:
php_value memory_limit 34M
php_value post_max_size 33M
php_value upload_max_filesize 32M
php_value max_execution_time 600
Why does PHP lock-up like this?
I am not able to do so much testing on our 'live' site since that might 
cause trouble for our visitors.

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Re: [PHP] php crash and memory_limit

2004-03-01 Thread kringla
No solution?

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[PHP] Internal server error

2004-03-02 Thread kringla
We are using a web-hotel named b-one. Very often we stumble on 'internal 
server error 500' without any reason. I have not touched the php-pages 
and yet the problem occur. What should I do? Is there any possibilty 
that my scrips are causing these errors? We also get the same errors 
when working in phpmyadmin for the same page.

I've mailed to b-one but they only respond 'all is fine and working'.

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[PHP] imagecreatejpeg locks php

2004-03-06 Thread kringla
First, some ranting about safe_mode.

Results from ini_get with safe_mode=On
[memory_limit] = Array
 [global_value] = 8M
 [local_value] = 8M
 [access] = 7
And the manual says:
PHP_INI_ALL - 7 - Entry can be set anywhere
So I figure I have access to change memory_limit?

But when I do that with ini_set(memory_limit, 32M) the memory change 
is ignored. I still have just 8M to play with. If i turn of safe mode, I 
am able to change the memory limit. Please tell me if this is correct 
behaviour or not.

My problem is that i uploaded an image, and when I try 
imagecreatefromjpeg, php dies with a warning about runing out of memory. 
I then turn off safe mode, restart apache which takes very long time, 
hit imagecreatefromjpg; and it then works. But not with 8M in safe_mode.

Is there any method in Linux to monitor the resource usage of 
php+apache. Yes, I have checked with top, ps, procmeter3 and free, but 
all seems fine and dandy. Absolutely normal. So is there some kind of 
'php internal memory usage' measure i can do?

I would like to be able to resize big images without any hangs in php 
after call to imagecreatefromjpeg(...). Is functions in php supposed to 
'stop and hang' the parsing of php-files until apache is restarted when 
they exceed their memory boundaries. I don't think so. Looks to me like 
gd have to do some asertions or something.

So I took some time and make all function calls call-by-reference and 
removed all stupid stuff like $image = adslashes($source_image); that 
allocated new variables (yes,  i still call addslashes...) to lower the 
memory usage. Maybe it did, but I still am unable to resize images 
bigger than 200 kb.

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Re: [PHP] imagecreatejpeg locks php

2004-03-07 Thread kringla
Is there any debugger i can use too se what is hapening?

I found dbg but that seems to only work if php is CGI installed, and I 
do have serious problem compiling dbg.

I also found xdebug http://www.xdebug.org/ but it seems like it's not 
for php 4.3.4, just 4.3.1. Downloaded the source also so I will try to 
compile that too if there's a meaning.

I also found 'body' http://members.ozemail.com.au/~djf01/body.html (is 
it a motorcykle site or about php?).

So do you know of any other, I would like to use it without recompiling 
apache, but singe its compiled with --disable-debug I guess i'm out of 
luck, and have to recompile php?

Would love to get some answers and no newbie or rtfm flames from you 
dragons ;).

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Re: [PHP] Problems with upload

2004-03-08 Thread kringla
I am also running debian, and if I have safe_mode=On I am unable to 
upload images and get the following warnings. The code works if I 
disable safe_mode, but I have to get it working with safe_mode also. If 
I ever will see any money stream to me from my 'boss'...

2004-03-04 03:15:17 (CET) 2 Warning filemtime(): SAFE MODE Restriction 
in effect.  The script whose uid is 1000 is not allowed to access 
/tmp/phpPK9YZf_r owned by uid 33 
/path_to_webbdir/classes/class_image.php 343

Meddelande från felhanteraren:
2004-03-04 03:15:17 (CET) 8 Notice Undefined variable: fileid 
/path_to_webbdir/classes/class_image.php 385

Meddelande från felhanteraren:
2004-03-04 03:15:18 (CET) 2 Warning getimagesize(): SAFE MODE 
Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 1000 is not allowed to 
access /tmp/phpPK9YZf_r owned
by uid 33 /path_to_webbdir/classes/class_image.php 277

Meddelande från felhanteraren:
2004-03-04 03:15:18 (CET) 2 Warning getimagesize(/tmp/phpPK9YZf_r): 
failed to open stream: Success /path_to_webbdir/classes/class_image.php 277

Meddelande från felhanteraren:
2004-03-04 03:15:18 (CET) 2 Warning filemtime(): SAFE MODE Restriction 
in effect. The script whose uid is 1000 is not allowed to access 
/tmp/phpPK9YZf_r owned by uid 33 /path_to_webbdir/class_image.php 194

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[PHP] Re: [ERR] Re: [PHP] php crash and memory_limit

2004-03-17 Thread kringla
No, none at all. Not even any sugestions from anyone what to do.
I am stuck.
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 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2004/03/18 03:17:48, 999, »ó´ë¹æ ¼ö½Å¼­¹ö Á¢¼Ó½Ã°£ ÃÊ°ú

Re: [PHP] php crash and memory_limit
Tue, 02 Mar 2004 00:47:24 +0100
No solution?

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