php-general Digest 21 Aug 2009 11:26:19 -0000 Issue 6297

2009-08-21 Thread php-general-digest-help

php-general Digest 21 Aug 2009 11:26:19 - Issue 6297

Topics (messages 297042 through 297053):

Re: Displaying 2 digit minutes/seconds
297042 by: Ashley Sheridan
297043 by:
297044 by:
297046 by: Daevid Vincent

Submit login form using HTTP AUTH
297045 by: LinuxManMikeC

Tidy on a shared host
297047 by: Al

Re: PHP/Ajax Framework - Call for Developers  Testers
297048 by: Raymond Irving

Is there limitation for switch case: argument's value?
297049 by: Keith
297050 by: Adam Randall
297051 by: Lars Torben Wilson

297052 by: Leon du Plessis

Invoking functions stored in a separate directory?
297053 by: Clancy


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On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 14:27 -0700, wrote:
 Hi all,
   I'm using this code to display the current time for our location on  
 our website:
  $theTimeIs = getdate(time());
  $theHour = $theTimeIs['hours'];
  $theMinute = $theTimeIs['minutes'];  // make minutes  
 under 10 show two digits
  $theSecond = $theTimeIs['seconds'];
  if($theHour  12){
  $theHour = $theHour - 12;
  $dn = PM;
  } else {
  $dn = AM;
 echo $theHour:$theMinute:$theSecond $dn;
   It works great except for one small detail.  If the time is 3:04:02,  
 it is displayed as 3:4:2 which, of course, is very odd looking.  So I  
 corrected it as follows:
  $theTimeIs = getdate(time());
  $theHour = $theTimeIs['hours'];
  if (strlen ($theTimeIs['minutes'])  2) {
   $theMinute = 0 . $theTimeIs['minutes'];
   } else {
   $theMinute = $theTimeIs['minutes'];
  if (strlen ($theTimeIs['seconds'])  2) {
   $theSecond = 0 . $theTimeIs['seconds'];
   } else {
   $theSecond = $theTimeIs['seconds'];
  if($theHour  12){
  $theHour = $theHour - 12;
  $dn = PM;
  } else {
  $dn = AM;
 echo $theHour:$theMinute:$theSecond $dn;
   It works, but is there a better way to do it?

What's wrong with using the date() function? You can have it output any
sort of format you wish. So, getting a 2 digit time in
hours:minutes:seconds you would put:



---End Message---

On Aug 20, 2009, at 2:38 PM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:

What's wrong with using the date() function? You can have it output  

sort of format you wish. So, getting a 2 digit time in
hours:minutes:seconds you would put:


	Thanks, Ash.  I had tried that before but I couldn't find a way to  
make it display in 12 hour time, so I went with the other method.  I  
guess I didn't look hard enough. =;)

This works:

echo (date(g:i A));

---End Message---

On Aug 20, 2009, at 2:34 PM, Jonathan Tapicer wrote:

You can use sprintf or str_pad to fill in with zeros, with sprintf  
you can do this:

echo sprintf('%02d', 5);

	Thanks, Jonathan!  I learned two new functions today!  Both work  
great but I think I like sprintf for this application better since  
it's more succinct.

echo sprintf('%02d', $theMinute);

echo (str_pad($theMinute,2,0,STR_PAD_LEFT));

---End Message---

 -Original Message-
 From: [] 
 Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 3:53 PM
 To: Jonathan Tapicer; PHP General List
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Displaying 2 digit minutes/seconds
 On Aug 20, 2009, at 2:34 PM, Jonathan Tapicer wrote:
  You can use sprintf or str_pad to fill in with zeros, with sprintf  
  you can do this:
  echo sprintf('%02d', 5);
   Thanks, Jonathan!  I learned two new functions today!  
 Both work  
 great but I think I like sprintf for this application better since  
 it's more succinct.
 echo sprintf('%02d', $theMinute);

Uh. If you MUST do this nonsense, then at least do this instead and not
echo sprintf:

printf('%02d', $theMinute);

---End Message---
Anybody know of any tricks to make an HTML login form that sends 

php-general Digest 22 Aug 2009 02:34:03 -0000 Issue 6298

2009-08-21 Thread php-general-digest-help

php-general Digest 22 Aug 2009 02:34:03 - Issue 6298

Topics (messages 297054 through 297067):

Re: PHP/Ajax Framework - Call for Developers  Testers
297054 by: Bob McConnell

about to run PHP script when POST data.
297055 by: Jacky
297057 by: Arno Kuhl

Re: Invoking functions stored in a separate directory?
297056 by: Arno Kuhl

Re: Extract column names from a (my)SQL query
297058 by: Nisse Engström
297064 by: Daevid Vincent
297065 by: דניאל דנון
297066 by: דניאל דנון

PHP Shopping Cart Recommendation
297059 by:
297060 by: Ashley Sheridan

PHP 5.x magic mathods quick question
297061 by: Ralph Deffke
297062 by: Martin Scotta

Re: Is there limitation for switch case: argument's value?
297063 by: Daevid Vincent

Re: HTML text extraction
297067 by: Manuel Lemos


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From: Raymond Irving

 Hi Nathan,
 I agree with you, and I believe that there are many persons
 who don't like the idea of hosting all their applications on
 a third party server. IMO there are some advantages and
 disadvantages to doing so but that's a discussion in itself.

Hosted servers are basically a trade off between doing it yourself and
paying someone else to do it. The initial choice is between installing
your own servers or spend the money to rent servers from someone else.
Most of the time it is actually the network bandwidth issue that decides
this. Can you afford a network connection that will handle the peak
loads but be unused most of the time?

But once you decide to pay someone else, you have another set of trade
offs to negotiate. What services do they provide? What systems do they
offer? How do they manage version control and updates? Are they PCI
compliant? There are a wide range of options available in the market.
Not all of them will fit your specific needs.

We just moved most of our servers from a physical hosting service to a
managed service. Where we used to maintain the OS and all software on
the server, the new service now handles that for us. The trade off is
that now we have to settle for the server package they offer. That means
we get the versions of Apache, PHP and PostgreSQL that were included in
the last production release of RHEL. If we want a newer version of PHP,
we have to take over maintenance of that component. It becomes our
responsibility to install the updates, patches, etc., for that

Once you get beyond a private web site these types of decisions become
part of the management process, just as make or buy decisions are part
of the hardware procurement process. There are people out there making a
good living just guiding companies through this decision making process.

Bob McConnell
---End Message---
Hi guys,

As I know When we POST a big data(e.g. 500M) to a php script, the php script
only can run after the big data finished POST.

for example:

 ?php die(''); ?

and I post 500m data to a.php,  after that a.php cannot be died immediately.
only when the data finished post.

How can I make the a.php die before the 500m data finish?

Thanks in advance.

---End Message---
-Original Message-
From: Jacky [] 
Sent: 21 August 2009 03:12 PM
Subject: [PHP] about to run PHP script when POST data.

Hi guys,

As I know When we POST a big data(e.g. 500M) to a php script, the php script
only can run after the big data finished POST.

for example:

 ?php die(''); ?

and I post 500m data to a.php,  after that a.php cannot be died immediately.
only when the data finished post.

How can I make the a.php die before the 500m data finish?

Thanks in advance.



Your script will die ungracefully when it runs out of execution time
(defined in php.ini)


---End Message---
-Original Message-
From: Clancy [] 
Sent: 21 August 2009 01:26 PM
Subject: [PHP] Invoking functions stored in a separate directory?

I am developing an idea for a website engine which can be shared between
several different websites. Each website would have its own directory under
a common root directory, and the engine would be in a separate directory

Root,, Engine

The website directories would each contain the design data for that website,
consisting basically of a mixture of text files and images. The various
pages would be loaded by loading