
2019-05-24 Thread Jean-Christophe Helary
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2019-05-24 Thread Jean-Christophe Helary
Hello Jean-Christophe Helary  :-)
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Re: A quick way to write an http endpoint to handle post body

2019-05-24 Thread C K Kashyap
I have it done finally. I've successfully built a "bot" that talks the
"Azure Bot" protocol -
Please take a look at http://ckkvm.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com:8080/ which
presents a chat UI. It's a glorified REPL at this point :)
I've attache the bot code. The protocol is really simple. Messages are
posted to the bot via an HTTP POST with the message in the body as a JSON.
The header contains a token but my implementation ignores the token.
Responses are posted back and a token needs to be generated for that using
I had to give up on json.l because it looks like printJson does not handle
array too well. I cooked up a manual parsing logic and it does not look
pretty :)

I am reading McCarthy's history of Lisp currently and hopefully will be
able to figure out some neat trick to do some AI stuff that Lisp lends
itself to more easily that other languages

[image: Capture.PNG]

On Sun, May 19, 2019 at 1:07 AM Alexander Burger 

> Hi Mansur,
> > finally I've found it
> Cool, thanks! :)
> Minor note:
> > (push '*Mimes '(`(chop "json") "application/json; charset=utf-8"))
> There is a utility 'mime' for that, also in @lib/http.l
>(mime "json" "application/json; charset=utf-8" 1)
> It not only pushes new entries, but also modifies existing
> entries in '*Mimes'. '1' is the (optional) max-age.
> ☺/ A!ex
> --
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2019-05-24 Thread Morris Feist