
2020-02-10 Thread Aatos Heikkinen

Re: Floating Point numbers vs Fixpoint numbers

2017-07-12 Thread Aatos Heikkinen
I´ve found ´format´ and ´round´ functions quite helpful, see

On 12 Jul 2017 18:52, "Jimmie Houchin"  wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to understand something about PicoLisp and Fixpoint numbers.
> I am writing an app and would consider PicoLisp should I get my head
> around Lisp. But I do not understand how to use numbers.
> I use a lot of floating point numbers and lots of calculations. From
> simple experiments it seems that the numbers and math appear to be accurate
> and correct. However I have no understanding of how to present a final
> result formatted correctly.
> Example:
> (setq *Scl 5) ;; or could be 10 ...
> (* 0.9 0.0009)
> -> 81
> From another language: 0.81
> or:
> (setq *Scl 20)
> (* 9.9 9.789 9.56789)
> -> 927234744579000
> From another language 20 decimal points printed after converting to
> floating point:
> 927.23474457900010747835
> The math looks fine as far as these simple examples go. But if I do
> several to dozens of different calculations with floating point numbers
> with unknown values until streamed to the app from some source. How do I
> know where the decimal point really belongs in order to format correctly
> for human use? Is it possible?
> I personally do not have a problem with fixpoint for internal use, as that
> is simply an implementation issue. However I do need to convert back to the
> best floating point representation for display or storage.
> Any help in understanding would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Jimmie
> --
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2017-06-06 Thread Aatos Heikkinen