distributed database questions

2015-09-21 Thread Oscar
Hi all.

I've been trying make a small database server that can be accessed from
different machines running different picolisp processes.
Reading about it on the documentation it seems that its possible to set up
a distributed database using ext, but its not really clear to me how 
the setup would go and if it would be possible for the terminal processes to 
make changes to the database.

Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Push in prop lists

2015-08-26 Thread Oscar

Alexander Burger  writes:

>: (push (prop 'A 'list) 10)
>-> 10
>: (get 'A 'list)
>-> (10 2 1 4)
>: (pop (prop 'A 'list))
>-> 10

Thanks Alex, works like magic! 
I really messed up that one, and it was so simple.


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Push in prop lists

2015-08-25 Thread Oscar
Hi, I've been trying to figure out how to properly push into a
property list but the behavior seems kinda strange.

:eee is a test class instance and vwp is a number list (2 1 4)
(push (get :eee 'vwp) 10) -> ((10 . 2) 1 4)
And when calling prop returns -> (((10 .2) 1 4) . vwp)
Which is useless because when calling (car (get :eee 'vwp)) 
returns -> (10 . 2).

Is that the actual way it behaves or am I doing something wrong?


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Re: OpenGL text and Picolisp

2015-07-19 Thread Oscar
Alexander Burger  writes:

> BTW, Jon + Oscar:
> I've lost overview a little bit. But it seems that both of you added
> some useful functions to   lib/openGl.l
> Perhaps it makes sense if we add them to the PicoLisp release? If so,
> can one of you send me all relevant additions?
> ♪♫ Alex

Sure thing, but am still not finished testing, still cant get textures
working right.

-OscarPԔ � &j)mX�����zV�u�.n7�

Re: OpenGL text and Picolisp

2015-07-14 Thread Oscar
Alexander Burger  writes:

> Hi Oscar,
> > (de glGenTextures (_tex-num _tex-ptr)
> > (native `*GlutLib "glGenTextures" _tex-num (list _tex-ptr (4 . I)) )
> Probably it is just a copy/paste error, but you are sure that the above
> expression has one more closing parenthesis, right? Because otherwise
> the code following this might also be part your definition.
> > It should store a pointer in _tex-ptr but when run it gives the error
> > *** Error in "/usr/bin/picolisp": free(): invalid next size (fast)
> I haven't tried myself, but "GL/gl.h" says
>GLAPI void GLAPIENTRY glGenTextures( GLsizei n, GLuint *textures );
> So 'textures' is an array of pointers. Is 'n' the size of that array?
> Then I would think the expression (list _tex-ptr (4 . I)) should be
>(list _tex-ptr (cons (* _tex-num 8) 'N _tex-num))
> For example, if '_tex-num' is 4 and '_tex-ptr' is 'A', then this will
> evaluate to
>(A (32 N . 4))
> meaning 'A' is the symbol to receive the pointer, 32 the total size of
> the structure, and (N . 4) an array of 4 pointers.
> You would call it as
>(glGenTextures 4 'A)
> Did I forget something?
> ♪♫ Alex

Hi Alex, thanks for your answer its like you wrote and it does allocate
normally now!
I  have another question, before I also tried to use the glutBitmapCharacter
function in which one passes a void* with the font, so I did like in the
opengl.l file and added a def with the font hex as listed in freeglut_std.h
but when called it says that the font wasn't found.
Maybe this is a problem in what am feeding to the function, 
do void* have to be specified different?
The glutBitmapCharacter used I read was on china-gl.l by Jon Kleiser, 
but that was for the 32bit version of pico and it used glue code
to specify the void pointer.


OpenGL text and Picolisp

2015-07-13 Thread Oscar

Hi, I've been writing a small opengl program using freeglut and the native 
C calls, however I run into problems when trying to read a texture in order
to display text, specifically when calling glGenTextures expanded from 
the openGl.l in lib.

(de glGenTextures (_tex-num _tex-ptr)
(native `*GlutLib "glGenTextures" _tex-num (list _tex-ptr (4 . I)) )

It should store a pointer in _tex-ptr but when run it gives the error
*** Error in "/usr/bin/picolisp": free(): invalid next size (fast)

Anyone has any experience working with opengl 
displaying text or had this error?
I'm really clueless about how should one go about this in Pico.

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