Segfault from Pike 8.1 - possible type check issue?

2022-07-26 Thread Henrik Grubbstr?m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum
> float thing_sum(array(string) things) {
> return `+(@(array(float))things) + 1.0;
> }

I can't reproduce the issue with a current Pike 8.1, but there have
been lots of fixes to the type checker the last few months.


Segfault from Pike 8.1 - possible type check issue?

2021-09-06 Thread Chris Angelico
float thing_sum(array(string) things) {
return `+(@(array(float))things) + 1.0;

Without the "+ 1.0" at the end (or some other arithmetic operation),
it doesn't bomb out.

GDB is pointing to src/pike_types.cmod:11185 which is just an
assignment, but I suspect the issue is the add_ref above it.
Unfortunately that line gets hit a LOT, so I didn't get very far with


Type checking segfault in Pike 8.1

2021-06-27 Thread Chris Angelico
void boom(mapping info) {m_delete(info[0]);}

It ought to give a compilation error (not enough args to m_delete) but
it segfaults the interpreter on compilation. Correct behaviour is
restored if the argument is explicitly cast to mapping:

void boom(mapping info) {m_delete((mapping)info[0]);}
boom.pike:1:Too few arguments to m_delete (got 1).
boom.pike:1:Expected: mixed.
boom.pike:1:Function type:
boom.pike:1:Got : scope(0,function(object, mixed : mixed) |
function(mapping((0=mixed):(1=mixed)), 0 : 1) |
function(multiset((0=mixed)), 0 : int(1bit))).
Pike: Failed to compile script.

The crash happens in src/pike_ctypes.cmod, get_first_arg_type, in the
T_MANY case - fun_type->car is NULL.


Re: SEGFAULT in Pike 8.1

2019-06-12 Thread Stephen R. van den Berg
Henrik Grubbstr?m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
>Stephen R. van den Berg wrote:
>> >Henrik Grubbstr?m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
>> >>Now please fix the testsuite falures caused by the Stdio.FakePipe changes.

>> >I'll run through them.

>> Fixed.

>There are still some failures that are triggered:

>| Doing tests in modules/_Stdio/testsuite (181 tests, pid 24931)

Fixed as well.

Re: SEGFAULT in Pike 8.1

2019-06-12 Thread Henrik Grubbstr�m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum
Stephen R. van den Berg wrote:
> >Henrik Grubbström (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
> >>Now please fix the testsuite falures caused by the Stdio.FakePipe changes.
> >I'll run through them.
> Fixed.

There are still some failures that are triggered:

| Doing tests in modules/_Stdio/testsuite (181 tests, pid 24931)
| Child: Copying 19712 bytes of data on 14 fake pipes
| No callbacks for 2 seconds!
| 15 open fds:
|   0
|  - 14
| Child failed with errcode 1
| Parent: Copying 19712 bytes of data on 14 fake pipes
| No callbacks for 2 seconds!
| 15 open fds:
|   0
|  - 14
| 3/26 tests failed (skipped 0).
| Child: Copying 19712 bytes of data on 14 fake pipes
| No callbacks for 2 seconds!
| 15 open fds:
|   0
|  - 14
| Child failed with errcode 1
| Parent: Copying 19712 bytes of data on 14 fake pipes
| No callbacks for 2 seconds!
| 15 open fds:
|   0
|  - 14
| 3/26 tests failed (skipped 0).
| Child: Copying 19712 bytes of data on 14 fake pipes
| No callbacks for 2 seconds!
| 16 open fds:
|   0
|  - 15
| Child failed with errcode 1
| Parent: Copying 19712 bytes of data on 14 fake pipes
| No callbacks for 2 seconds!
| 16 open fds:
|   0
|  - 15
| 3/26 tests failed (skipped 0).
| Child: Copying 19712 bytes of data on 14 fake pipes
| No callbacks for 2 seconds!
| 16 open fds:
|   0
|  - 15
| Child failed with errcode 1
| Parent: Copying 19712 bytes of data on 14 fake pipes
| No callbacks for 2 seconds!
| 16 open fds:
|   0
|  - 15
| 3/26 tests failed (skipped 0).
| Subresult: 722 tests, 12 failed, 7 skipped


Re: SEGFAULT in Pike 8.1

2019-06-11 Thread Stephen R. van den Berg
Stephen R. van den Berg wrote:
>Henrik Grubbstr?m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
>>Now please fix the testsuite falures caused by the Stdio.FakePipe changes.

>I'll run through them.


Re: SEGFAULT in Pike 8.1

2019-06-11 Thread Stephen R. van den Berg
Henrik Grubbstr?m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
>Now please fix the testsuite falures caused by the Stdio.FakePipe changes.

I'll run through them.

Re: SEGFAULT in Pike 8.1

2019-06-11 Thread Henrik Grubbstr�m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum
> >Looks like something has set Pike_compiler->new_program to NULL.
> >New attempt at fixing committed.
> $ pike -e "foo::bar = 1;"
> -:2:No inherit or surrounding class foo.
> Compilation failed.
> Cheers!


Now please fix the testsuite falures caused by the Stdio.FakePipe changes.


Re: SEGFAULT in Pike 8.1

2019-06-11 Thread Stephen R. van den Berg
Henrik Grubbstr?m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
>> Henrik Grubbstr?m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
>> >Thanks. Potentially fixed.

>Looks like something has set Pike_compiler->new_program to NULL.

>New attempt at fixing committed.

$ pike -e "foo::bar = 1;"
-:2:No inherit or surrounding class foo.
Compilation failed.


Re: SEGFAULT in Pike 8.1

2019-06-11 Thread Henrik Grubbstr�m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum
> Henrik Grubbstr?m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
> >Thanks. Potentially fixed.
> Sorry, whack-a-mole, I guess.  The bug shifted, maybe it's more obvious now
> (you check for inh > 0, does that even work for pointers?  Maybe that
> should be inh != 0 instead?):
> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> really_low_find_shared_string_identifier (name=name@entry=0x5590a308, 
> prog=prog@entry=0x0, flags=flags@entry=3)
> at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/program.c:7392
> 7392last_inh = prog->num_inherits;
> (gdb) where
> #0  really_low_find_shared_string_identifier (name=name@entry=0x5590a308, 
> prog=prog@entry=0x0, flags=flags@entry=3)
> at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/program.c:7392
> #1  0x5561c53f in find_inherited_identifier (
> inherit_state=0x557e7140, inherit_depth=0, inh=0, 
> ident=0x5590a308)
> at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/program.c:2249
> #2  0x555727ae in yyparse () at language.yacc:4230

Looks like something has set Pike_compiler->new_program to NULL.

New attempt at fixing committed.


Re: SEGFAULT in Pike 8.1

2019-06-11 Thread Stephen R. van den Berg
Stephen R. van den Berg wrote:
>Henrik Grubbstr?m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
>>Thanks. Potentially fixed.

>Sorry, whack-a-mole, I guess.  The bug shifted, maybe it's more obvious now
>(you check for inh > 0, does that even work for pointers?  Maybe that
>should be inh != 0 instead?):

Sorry, didn't look right, here are the relevant values:

(gdb) p ident
$3 = (struct pike_string *) 0x5590a308
(gdb) p *ident
$4 = {refs = 2, flags = 24 '\030', size_shift = 0 '\000', alloc_type = 2 
  struct_type = 0 '\000', min = 97 'a', max = 114 'r', len = 3, 
  hval = 2164092984, next = 0x0, str = 0x55909de0 "bar"}
(gdb) p inherit_state
$5 = (struct program_state *) 0x557e7140
(gdb) p *inherit_state
$6 = {previous = 0x5594bf50, last_line = 93824994705424, last_file = 0x0, 
  fake_object = 0x0, new_program = 0x0, malloc_size_program = 0x0, 
  init_node = 0x0, last_pc = 861, num_parse_error = 0, compiler_frame = 0x0, 
  num_used_modules = 0, compiler_pass = 3, local_class_counter = 0, 
  catch_level = 0, current_modifiers = 1, current_annotations = 0x0, 
  current_attributes = 0x0, varargs = 0, num_create_args = 0, num_inherits = 1, 
  last_identifier = 0x0, module_index_cache = 0x0, type_stackp = 
  pike_type_mark_stackp = 0x775a5018, parent_identifier = 50, 
  compat_major = 8, compat_minor = 1, flags = 0, compiler = 0x0, 
  node_allocator = {l = {offset = 40880, block_size = 80, blocks = 512, 
  alignment = 0, doffset = 16}, size = 0 '\000', last_free = 0 '\000', 
alloc = 0 '\000', pages = {0x0 }}}


Re: SEGFAULT in Pike 8.1

2019-06-11 Thread Stephen R. van den Berg
Henrik Grubbstr?m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
>Thanks. Potentially fixed.

Sorry, whack-a-mole, I guess.  The bug shifted, maybe it's more obvious now
(you check for inh > 0, does that even work for pointers?  Maybe that
should be inh != 0 instead?):

-:2:No inherit or surrounding class foo.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
really_low_find_shared_string_identifier (name=name@entry=0x5590a308, 
prog=prog@entry=0x0, flags=flags@entry=3)
at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/program.c:7392
7392  last_inh = prog->num_inherits;
(gdb) where
#0  really_low_find_shared_string_identifier (name=name@entry=0x5590a308, 
prog=prog@entry=0x0, flags=flags@entry=3)
at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/program.c:7392
#1  0x5561c53f in find_inherited_identifier (
inherit_state=0x557e7140, inherit_depth=0, inh=0, ident=0x5590a308)
at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/program.c:2249
#2  0x555727ae in yyparse () at language.yacc:4230
#3  0x55610b55 in do_yyparse ()
at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/pike_compiler.cmod:362
#4  0x55615185 in run_pass1 (c=0x557d4a00)
at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/pike_compiler.cmod:1050
#5  f_compilation_compile (args=0)
at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/pike_compiler.cmod:1657
#6  0x55584d4f in lower_mega_apply (args=args@entry=0, 
o=o@entry=0x557ca2b0, fun=1)
at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/interpret.c:2285
#7  0x555855f2 in jump_opcode_F_CALL_OTHER (arg1=13)
at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/interpret_functions.h:2424
#8  0x7753cdad in ?? ()
#9  0x0091 in ?? ()
#10 0x in ?? ()
(gdb) list
7387  }
7388#endif /* PIKE_DEBUG */
7390  id = -1;
7391  depth = 0;
7392  last_inh = prog->num_inherits;
7393  i = (int)prog->num_identifier_references;
7394  while(i--)
7395  {
7396funp = prog->identifier_references + i;
(gdb) p prog
$1 = (const struct program *) 0x0
(gdb) up
#1  0x5561c53f in find_inherited_identifier (
inherit_state=0x557e7140, inherit_depth=0, inh=0, ident=0x5590a308)
at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/program.c:2249
2249  id = really_low_find_shared_string_identifier(ident,
(gdb) l
2244  /* Specified inherit. */
2245  id = low_reference_inherited_identifier(inherit_state, inh, ident,
2247} else {
2248  /* this_program:: (0), local:: (-1) or global:: (-2). */
2249  id = really_low_find_shared_string_identifier(ident,
(gdb) p inh
$2 = 0
(gdb) l 2230
2225  if (id == -1) continue;
2226  if (inherit_depth) {
2227n = mkexternalnode(inherit_state->new_program, id);
2228  } else {
2229n = mkidentifiernode(id);
2230  }
2231  if (res) {
2232res = mknode(F_ARG_LIST, res, n);
2233  } else {
2234res = n;
(gdb) l
2235  }
2237if (res) {
2238  if (res->token == F_ARG_LIST) res = mkefuncallnode("aggregate", 
2239  return res;
2241inh = -1;
2242  } else {
2243if (inh > 0) {
2244  /* Specified inherit. */
(gdb) l
2245  id = low_reference_inherited_identifier(inherit_state, inh, ident,
2247} else {
2248  /* this_program:: (0), local:: (-1) or global:: (-2). */
2249  id = really_low_find_shared_string_identifier(ident,
2254if (id != -1) {


Re: SEGFAULT in Pike 8.1

2019-06-11 Thread Henrik Grubbstr�m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum
Stephen R. van den Berg wrote:
>Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
>0x5561c6b5 in find_inherited_identifier (inherit_state=0x557e7140, 
>inherit_depth=0, inh=1, ident=0x5590a308)
>at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/program.c:2304
>2304 return program_magic_identifier(inherit_state, inherit_depth, inh, 
>ident, 1);
>(gdb) where
>#0  0x5561c6b5 in find_inherited_identifier (
>inherit_state=0x557e7140, inherit_depth=0, inh=1, ident=0x5590a308)
>at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/program.c:2304
>#1  0x555727ae in yyparse () at language.yacc:4232

Thanks. Potentially fixed.

Re: SEGFAULT in Pike 8.1

2019-06-11 Thread Stephen R. van den Berg
Henrik Grubbstr?m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
>Stephen R. van den Berg wrote:
>> >>Please provide a full example.

>> Shortest example so far:

>> $ pike -e "foo::bar = 1;"
>> -:2:No inherit or surrounding class foo.
>> Segmentation fault

>I can't reproduce the crash:

>| $ ./pike -e "foo::bar = 1;"
>| -:2:No inherit or surrounding class foo.
>| Compilation failed.
>| $ echo $?
>| 20

>Please provide the backtrace of the crash from a debugger.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x5561c6b5 in find_inherited_identifier (inherit_state=0x557e7140, 
inherit_depth=0, inh=1, ident=0x5590a308)
at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/program.c:2304
2304  return program_magic_identifier(inherit_state, inherit_depth, inh, 
ident, 1);
(gdb) where
#0  0x5561c6b5 in find_inherited_identifier (
inherit_state=0x557e7140, inherit_depth=0, inh=1, ident=0x5590a308)
at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/program.c:2304
#1  0x555727ae in yyparse () at language.yacc:4232
#2  0x55610b75 in do_yyparse ()
at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/pike_compiler.cmod:362
#3  0x556151a5 in run_pass1 (c=0x557d4a00)
at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/pike_compiler.cmod:1050
#4  f_compilation_compile (args=0)
at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/pike_compiler.cmod:1657
#5  0x55584d6f in lower_mega_apply (args=args@entry=0, 
o=o@entry=0x557ca2b0, fun=1)
at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/interpret.c:2285
#6  0x55585612 in jump_opcode_F_CALL_OTHER (arg1=13)
at /var/src/roxen/81pike/src/interpret_functions.h:2424
#7  0x7753cdad in ?? ()
#8  0x0091 in ?? ()
#9  0x in ?? ()
(gdb) list
2299  return mkidentifiernode(id);
2301if (inh < 0) inh = -1;
2302  }
2304  return program_magic_identifier(inherit_state, inherit_depth, inh, 
ident, 1);
2307/*! @decl constant this
2308 *!
(gdb) p *inherit_state
$1 = {previous = 0x5587c5d0, last_line = 93824994705424, last_file = 0x0, 
  fake_object = 0x0, new_program = 0x0, malloc_size_program = 0x0, 
  init_node = 0x0, last_pc = 861, num_parse_error = 0, compiler_frame = 0x0, 
  num_used_modules = 0, compiler_pass = 3, local_class_counter = 0, 
  catch_level = 0, current_modifiers = 1, current_annotations = 0x0, 
  current_attributes = 0x0, varargs = 0, num_create_args = 0, num_inherits = 1, 
  last_identifier = 0x0, module_index_cache = 0x0, type_stackp = 
  pike_type_mark_stackp = 0x775a5018, parent_identifier = 50, 
  compat_major = 8, compat_minor = 1, flags = 0, compiler = 0x0, 
  node_allocator = {l = {offset = 40880, block_size = 80, blocks = 512, 
  alignment = 0, doffset = 16}, size = 0 '\000', last_free = 0 '\000', 
alloc = 0 '\000', pages = {0x0 }}}
(gdb) p *ident
$2 = {refs = 2, flags = 24 '\030', size_shift = 0 '\000', alloc_type = 2 
  struct_type = 0 '\000', min = 97 'a', max = 114 'r', len = 3, 
  hval = 2164092984, next = 0x0, str = 0x55909de0 "bar"}


Re: SEGFAULT in Pike 8.1

2019-06-11 Thread Henrik Grubbstr�m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum
Stephen R. van den Berg wrote:
> >>Please provide a full example.
> Shortest example so far:
> $ pike -e "foo::bar = 1;"
> -:2:No inherit or surrounding class foo.
> Segmentation fault

I can't reproduce the crash:

| $ ./pike -e "foo::bar = 1;"
| -:2:No inherit or surrounding class foo.
| Compilation failed.
| $ echo $?
| 20

Please provide the backtrace of the crash from a debugger.


Re: SEGFAULT in Pike 8.1

2019-06-11 Thread Stephen R. van den Berg
Stephen R. van den Berg wrote:
>>Please provide a full example.

Shortest example so far:

$ pike -e "foo::bar = 1;"
-:2:No inherit or surrounding class foo.
Segmentation fault


Re: SEGFAULT in Pike 8.1

2019-06-11 Thread Stephen R. van den Berg
Henrik Grubbstr?m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
>> When I run the following in Pike 8.1, it SEGFAULTs:

>> foo::bar = 1;

>> Gets me:
>> p.pike:4:No inherit or surrounding class foo.
>> Segmentation fault

>Please provide a full example.

$ ls -l p.pike
-rwxr-xr-x 1 srb srb 39 jun 11 09:04 p.pike
$ cat p.pike

foo::bar = 1;
$ ./p.pike
p.pike:3:No inherit or surrounding class foo.
Segmentation fault

SEGFAULT in Pike 8.1

2019-06-10 Thread Henrik Grubbstr�m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum
> When I run the following in Pike 8.1, it SEGFAULTs:
> foo::bar = 1;
> Gets me:
> p.pike:4:No inherit or surrounding class foo.
> Segmentation fault

Please provide a full example.


SEGFAULT in Pike 8.1

2019-06-08 Thread Stephen R. van den Berg
When I run the following in Pike 8.1, it SEGFAULTs:

foo::bar = 1;

Gets me:
p.pike:4:No inherit or surrounding class foo.
Segmentation fault