[pinhole-discussion] fading epson prints

2004-01-03 Thread claudia smith
I have been reading about this problem and from what I have gleaned from the 
Wilhelm site, the ink and paper are "sets" and fading can occur quite rapidly 
if you do not use the paper designed to go with the inks for a particular 
printer no matter which one it is. Hope this helps.


[pinhole-discussion] PS4

2003-10-13 Thread claudia smith
I would love to participate...count me in too.


[pinhole-discussion] Pinhole 2003 Swap

2003-01-21 Thread claudia smith
Thanks to all who have sent me such great pinhole photos in the 2003 New
Year's Pinhole Swap. They are wonderful! And many thanks to the

Claudia Smith

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[pinhole-discussion] Pinhole Polaroid

2003-01-13 Thread claudia smith
 I successfully (that means it still works) converted a Polaroid "The
Button" camera to pinhole. I removed the acrylic lens (difficult) and
cut away the diaphragm with an exacto knife and put a pinhole in place.
Am using a professionally made pinhole designed for a 3" focal length
(it is what I had on hand.) I cut down a film canister and placed it
around the pinhole area...the cap provides the shutter. When the
exposure is finished I replace the cap and press the button to eject the
film. I avoided taking the camera apart out of fear I would damage the
circuitry, and thus the difficulty of removing the lens from the

The exposures required are longer than I expected. Could this be
because, being an sx-70 type camera, the image is going to a mirror
before it is directed to the film? 30 minutes under cloudy sky produced
a useable but underexposed image. I understand time zero film is about
150 asa.

I may just put a larger size pinhole in place but am wondering if anyone
has any other suggestions. The way it is is fine for working in my house
or backyard but i would like to go to public places with it and have
exposure times of less than 30 minutes.

Anyone know what would be an optimal pinhole size for this camera? And
what the pinhole to film distance is considering the mirror?


Claudia Smith

[pinhole-discussion] new pinhole photo

2002-07-27 Thread claudia smith
Hi everyone

I have just started using my Zero Image 4x5 pinhole camera with a
polaroid back. Here is a photo using outdated Polapan 672 pack film.



[pinhole-discussion] blackening inside of cans

2001-12-11 Thread claudia smith
if you don't want to paint the inside of cans for pinhole cameras you
can use black contact paper or just any old black paper with rubber


[pinhole-discussion] pinhole spartus full-vue pix

2001-11-26 Thread claudia smith
i adapted a Spartus Full-Vue to pinhole use 


the slide show takes a while to load

for a tripod i simply glued the appropriate sized nut to the bottom of
the camera.

these cameras can be pretty sharp with the lens in, but if you apply
some clear nail polish to the lens you get a pretty good approximation
of the Diana distortion at a fraction of the price. they look cool too!


[pinhole-discussion] using 120 in a 616 camera

2001-10-24 Thread claudia smith
i put a roll of 120 in the camera with a nickel on each side as spacers
to make the roll fit right. so, i can load in full light. then i use the
616 takeup roll as normally one would and unload the camera in a
changing bag and then wind it onto the spool of the developing canister.
no light leaks that way and no tedious winding of film onto a different
sized roll. try it!

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[pinhole-discussion] Web Site

2001-10-14 Thread claudia smith
I have had a web site of pinhole polaroids up for a little over 2 years.
You can check it out at ...


[pinhole-discussion] swap

2000-12-22 Thread Claudia Smith
I really thought the last pinhole print swap was great and would like to
participate in this one as well. So please add me to the list. Hope
everyone has a wonderful holiday. Santa brought me Zernike's new
multiformat 6x9 pinhole camera and I can't wait to test drive it.

Happy New Year (the actual millennium year)!

Claudia Smith

 you are invited to visit




[pinhole-discussion] Re: Polaroid Pinhole

2000-11-04 Thread Claudia Smith
I have used a Santa Barbara Lenseless camera with a polaroid back, as well as a
Polaroid big shot with a pinhole. You can see the results at my web site Through
the Pinhole


this has a pretty long "focal length" so with a shorter one, you might not have
such a radical color shift, but I kinda like the altered colors especially the 
that have an almost black sky but were made in daylight.


[pinhole-discussion] New Pinhole Images

2000-11-01 Thread Claudia Smith
I have three new pinhole photos made with AgfaPan 25, developed in Rodinal, and
printed on albumen POP

Hope you'll give them a look...thanks..here is the link


[pinhole-discussion] Re: Pinhole-Discussion digest, Vol 1 #49 - 2 msgs

2000-10-11 Thread Claudia Smith
I am finding this digest really hard to read with all the italics and arrows 
from the
quotes. Is there some way to make it easier to read and is it necessary to 
include the
whole message replied to which often appears several times? This particular 
issue of the
digest is almost impossible to read. I mean this as constructive criticism and 
hope it
will be taken that way. I would like to continue reading the post, but sheesh, 
visual clutter is off-putting.. Have you thought of just putting up a site for 

Thanks, Claudia

[pinhole-discussion] new color images

2000-10-06 Thread Claudia Smith
hi all,
I have posted some 35mm pinhole images made with a praktiflex with
pinhole body cap.

http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/images/fishingboat.jpg
http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/images/flagboat.jpg
http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/images/flagboat2.jpg


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[pinhole-discussion] two more images

2000-10-01 Thread Claudia Smith
hi again

I have two more images

http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/images/pinaccordion.jpg

http://www.p at ???/discussion/upload/images/pinfisher.jpg


 you are invited to visit




[pinhole-discussion] [Fwd: how to get around a flatbed scanner]

2000-09-18 Thread Claudia Smith

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--- Begin Message ---
Unless my negatives are rather thin, my flatbed scanner is not up to the
challenge so I have found a way around it. I use printing out paper from
Chicago Albumen Works, and then scan the print. Someday, I hope to have
a good negative scanner, but for now this seems to work.


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--- End Message ---