Re: Do you use votes on Bugzilla tickets to help you make decisions?

2023-08-06 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Natalie Clarius - 05.08.23, 17:57:00 CEST:
> I find it a useful indication of how common an issue really is and
> hence how important it is to solve, and am surprised that some would
> not. How else are users supposed to express that a bug affects them,
> without creating duplicates and "me too" comments which I as a
> submitter would think of as spammy?

As (almost entirely) a user of KDE who did quite a bit of reporting of 
bugs himself I can relate to that.

A duplicate shows that a user probably did not search enough whether 
their bug is already reported. So I wonder how a duplicate would be a 
better indicator than a vote, cause how is a user who finds the original 
bug supposed to indicate they are affected as well? By a comment?

On the other side requiring a comment for a vote might be a good idea as 
a vote can basically mean anything of the following:

1. I am affected by this bug.
2. I am not affected but would be cool to have it fixed.
3. I am just voting anyway just out of fun or cause I can.
4. Maybe something else I did not think of.

Or maybe it would be a good idea to use votes only for the first reason 
to get a measure of how many users are affected. I think it could be 
interesting to learn whether a bug is a corner case or affects many users 
without having a ton of comments that basically all say the same.

That would require putting some explanation what votes are meant for at 
the place where the voting happens. Or rename "vote" to "I am affected as 
well" or something like that.

However if in practice voting numbers are found to by meaning less, then 
it would be good to do away with voting, unless a clarification what a 
vote is meant for helps. But I am not sure how accurate they are. Do 
votes actually give a good indication of how wide spread a bug is or are 
they more or less bogus? You, Natalie, find them a useful indication. How 
about others?

Are there ways to make votes more useful even?

Just as an invitation to think beyond a binary yes/no answer to the 
question in the subject: "Do you use votes on Bugzilla tickets to help 
you make decisions?"


Re: ACTION REQUIRED - Gitlab and Subversion server migration

2023-07-25 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Ben Cooksley - 23.07.23, 12:01:04 CEST:
> Please ensure you run the following two commands to clear out any
> existing host keys:
> - ssh-keygen -R -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts
> - ssh-keygen -R ~/.ssh/known_hosts

The second command misses a "-f":

ssh-keygen -R -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Thanks for all your work, Ben!


Re: Activities (problems & proposals)

2020-10-15 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Hi Niccolo.

Thanks for your suggestions. I actually use activities.

Currently I use a hidden bar at the top which have the activity widget 
that opens the activity management side bar and it also ("Aktivitäten") 
chas the current activities in a kind of a bar next to one another 
("Aktivitätenleiste"). That works well enough for me most of the time.

niccolo - 10.10.20, 19:44:22 CEST:
>I've been using activities for a bit and I think they are a cool
> concept, but they have some problems. I was suggested by d_ed to make
> a coherent list of my problems; I also took a bit of time to think if
> there was anything I could do to help. I thus have also a proposal to
> make Activities better. First, the list of bugs I found:
>4. When you restart kwin, all applications are thrown back into one
> activity regardless of where they were. This leads to frustration.

This is a long standing bug:

forgets which windows belong to which activities in certain 

Quite a while I had kwin_x11 crashes probably related to running two X11 
sessions side by side. During that time this has been very annoying. 
Nowadays kwin_x11 runs very stable on my system, so this is less of an 
issue for me.

>7. Many third party apps are not restored in the correct activities
> when I boot up.

Maybe this one is somehow related to the bug above.

>This widget could be shipped by default between kickoff and TM. It
> would take almost no space by default, since there would only be the
> default activity and a + button. There would also be a ? button that,
> when pressed, opens a dialog that explain how activities work and
> then offers an easy way to remove the activities widget if the user
> does not want it.

I quite like some things about your widget idea.

I'd appreciate an easier way to move a window to a different activity. 
The window menu approach is quite awkward. I wonder whether dragging a 
window onto the widget which then would open a sidebar with all 
activities and you drop it on the activity you like would work nice. 
Similar to how you drag mails in KMail or files in Dolphin where is opens 
folders automatically for you to drop the mail or file into.

Another approach would be to have something like Alt-Tab to cycle a 
window through activities. Could be challenging to find a shortcut for 
that which is not already used. But I'd really like that. It would just 
move the currently active window… hmmm or maybe the windows of the app 
which to which the currently active window belongs to the activity where 
I stop pressing the shortcut.

>I think such a widget would make it much, much easier and likeable
> for users to use activities. It mimics materia shell management of
> activities, which seem to be quite appreciated.

I use activities, cause it really works better for me than mutiple 
desktops with a multi monitor setup. I just switch to a different 


Re: Plasma 5.20 and Qt versions

2020-07-13 Thread Martin Steigerwald

David Edmundson - 12.06.20, 13:34:01 CEST:
> We're in the process of determining our dependencies for Plasma 5.20,
> our release in about 4 months.
> Ideally we would like to depend on Qt5.15, we can land some wayland
> fixes that would be otherwise hard to  #ifdef as well as do some big
> code cleanup.
> Are there any distros that are currently planning to ship Plasma 5.20
> and not have Qt5.15? If so, could you let us know.

Just asked packagers from Debian Qt/KDE team and got back "In about 4 
months we should have 5.15, so I think it's fine."

Currently we have Qt 5.14.2.


Re: Sunsetting PowerDevil's XRandrBrightness

2020-05-27 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Martin Steigerwald - 26.05.20, 14:35:39 CEST:
> Hi Kai.
> Kai Uwe Broulik - 20.05.20, 21:31:07 CEST:
> > PowerDevil has two (three, if you count DDC) means of controlling
> > screen brightness:
> > 
> > * Writing to sysfs (/sys/class/backlight and /sys/class/leds)
> > * Using XRandr output property
> > 
> > XRandR is doing X calls and we have some lovely animated screen
> > brightness change. However, the UPower "backend" in PowerDevil is
> > quite a spaghetti class and having multiple ways to control LEDs
> > doesn't help.
> Read your blog post and tried the command there:
> % QT_LOGGING_RULES='powerdevil=true'
> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/ org_kde_powerdevil
> gave no output whatsoever.
> However as I am using the "modesetting" driver I bet it won't use
> XRandR.
> Also that is on Debian Sid where KDE Frameworks currently is still at
> 5.62. Sandro works on 5.70 currently. ThinkPad T520 with Intel
> Sandybridge graphics.

Actually I already had 5.69 from Debian experimental. 5.70 now coming in 
to unstable, so I can test again once it is available.


Re: Sunsetting PowerDevil's XRandrBrightness

2020-05-26 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Hi Kai.

Kai Uwe Broulik - 20.05.20, 21:31:07 CEST:
> PowerDevil has two (three, if you count DDC) means of controlling
> screen brightness:
> * Writing to sysfs (/sys/class/backlight and /sys/class/leds)
> * Using XRandr output property
> XRandR is doing X calls and we have some lovely animated screen
> brightness change. However, the UPower "backend" in PowerDevil is
> quite a spaghetti class and having multiple ways to control LEDs
> doesn't help.

Read your blog post and tried the command there:

% QT_LOGGING_RULES='powerdevil=true' /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/

gave no output whatsoever. 

However as I am using the "modesetting" driver I bet it won't use 

Also that is on Debian Sid where KDE Frameworks currently is still at 
5.62. Sandro works on 5.70 currently. ThinkPad T520 with Intel 
Sandybridge graphics.


Re: [plasma-devel] 5.12 announce

2018-01-11 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Hi Jonathan.

Awesome! Thank you.


Jonathan Riddell - 11.01.18, 19:17:
> Moved to


> Smoother and Speedier
> We have been concentrating on speed and memory improvements with this long
> term support release. When Plasma is running is now makes less CPU and less
> memory than previous versions. The time it takes to start a Plasma desktop
> has been reduced dramatically.

The sentence about Plasma using less memory and CPU is syntatically incorrect.

=> When Plasma is running it now makes less use of CPU and memory than 
previous versions

Or simply:

=>Plasma now uses less CPU and less memory than previous versions.

Screenshot in "Screenshots in Discover" is there twice.


Re: Plasma Vision v 2.0

2017-06-09 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Jens Reuterberg - 09.06.17, 09:40:
> We build to be durable, we create to be usable, we design to be interesting.
> Reasoning behind the vision:
> Finally its the poetic vitruvian line at the end: Firmitas, Utilitas, 
> Venustatis. That something is "well built" or "durable", that something is 
> "usable" (from a users perspective easy to use) and finally "beautiful" or 
> interesting to use - inspiring usage. Build/Create/Design is intended not
> as  work roles ("designer" etc) but something we all do ("designing the
> system" for example).

I´d like to see the word beautiful in the vision or a word that more clearly 
indicates that beauty is part of the vision.

Why? Cause I believe utility is not everything. If something is just useful, 
but not beautiful, I believe something is missing. As… in the other way around 
as well an application is just beautiful, but basically unuseable.

You have it in "design to be interesting"… but for me "interesting" just does 
not mean beautiful. I am not completely sure whether "beautiful" would be the 
right word. What came to my mind was also:

"we design to be engaging."

But that might also miss an important aspect.

For me beauty has two aspects:

1. One is beauty without function. In nature, if left alone, or carefully 
cared for, all that lives tends to create beauty. It doesn´t seem to do so to 
reach a certain goal, at least not solely, but it (also) seems to be the pure 
joy of expressing itself – of course you can call this a goal as well – to me.

2. Beauty that engages. In the terms of a work environment this would be 
beauty that actually makes it a joy to work with the environment.

Of course these are overlapping each other.

I definately see roam for the second aspect in Plasma, but also… for the first 


Distro integration for Plasma Browser Integration (was: Re: Plasma Browser Integration is in kdereview

2017-06-05 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Hello David.

Thanks for your effort on plasma browser integration.

I am unsure whether to keep CC to kde-core-devel and plasma-devel, please drop 
as you deem appropriate. Keeping all text for reference for those that only 
read distributions mailing list.

David Edmundson - 05.06.17, 15:42:
> Hey all,
> We'd like to add project plasma-browser-integration into KDE[0].
> The goal is to make chrome and firefox integrate better into a Plasma
> desktop environment through browser extensions.
> How?:
> Firefox and chrome (and potentially others) allow plugins to talk to a
> native binary host [1]. This binary host is launched by the the browser and
> has a socket to a conventional browser extension. This project consists of
> both parts allowing a chrome extension to make normal DBus calls to
> services just like other apps.
> Integrating what?:
> This gives us the following features:
>  - Finding open tabs via krunner
>  - Download progress in the task bar
>  - Showing now playing information with shortcuts (if the website supports
> it)
>  - "Send to KDE Connect" context menu on links
>  - Loading windows on the correct activity (WIP)
>  - An SNI if incognito windows are open with action to close them.
> And potentially more in the future. There is a config to enable/disable
> parts as appropriate.
> Deployment:
>  This repo consists of two parts. The binary host which should be
> distributed by normal distro means, and the browser extension which is
> going to be different.
> The browser extension can be deployed in one of 3 ways.
>  - manually by the user from the code (useful for devs)
>  - through the webstore [2][3]
>  - chrome also has a feature where we can ship a text file on the distro
> side that will make the browser automatically fetch an extension from their
> store.
> Ideally we want the extension available on the store from an official KDE
> channel.
>  - potentially it could also be done by the distro, but it seems like FF
> might be removing that possibility and the digital signing is an issue.

What options are possible to distribute extensions via distro packaging?

I ask cause I think at least for chrome / chromium you need a Google account 
to use the plugin / extension store. Also it would put the extension outside 
of distro security support. Therefore I mostly use xul-ext packages in Debian 
as extensions for Firefox and also a new uBlock origin extension package for 

Eventually this would need to be brought up with browser developers. I am 
willing to help there by creating wishlist item / bug report.

> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> efglklhhakcgmhkai [3]
> -updated
> Regards
> David and Kai


[Powerdevil] [Bug 353538] screen switches off when playing video in VLC or even when screen blanking is switched off

2016-04-30 Thread Martin Steigerwald via KDE Bugzilla

--- Comment #4 from Martin Steigerwald <> ---
Thanks, Kai. Well, I have no idea about it then. I bet I wait till I get a more
consistent versioning state. I do use Debian Sid/Experimental packages + self
compiled KF5 from some weeks ago (in order to use self-compiled KDEPIM). I
think I wait till Qt 5.6.1 arrives in Debian with more up-to-date KF5 + Plasma
5 packages and a new recompile of the self-compiled stuff (or even just using
packages). And see from there. I do not have this movie watching scenario every
day, so… it can take some time for me to gather more data. What I would be
interested in would be how I can find out more about why it wouldn´t work? Any
logs or debug tools I can run in such a case?

You are receiving this mail because:
You are the assignee for the bug.
Plasma-devel mailing list

[Powerdevil] [Bug 353538] screen switches off when playing video in VLC or even when screen blanking is switched off

2016-04-29 Thread Martin Steigerwald via KDE Bugzilla

Martin Steigerwald <> changed:

   What|Removed |Added


--- Comment #2 from Martin Steigerwald <> ---
This works now when I disable both powermanagement and screen locker.

Of course it would be nice if it detects VLC playing a video, but thats
probably something to report with VLC developers to tell Plasma to suspend
screen blanking (suspending locking… might be a security issue, if any app can
easily do that).

You are receiving this mail because:
You are the assignee for the bug.
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Plasma 5.6 video

2016-03-22 Thread Martin Steigerwald
On Montag, 21. März 2016 19:47:51 CET Martin Klapetek wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 6:04 PM, Łukasz Sawicki  wrote:
> > Replaced
> > ";
> > 
> > with simple as suggested.
> > 
> > Here is an updated version, uploaded to KDE YouTube official channel
> > this time ;)
> > 
> >
> The falling money does send a very strange message.
> Making it look like we're so rich we can rain money (illuminati confirmed!!)
> or something (especially if you're not paying 100% attention to the
> voiceover).
> I don't understand what it is trying to say or what its relation is to
> Plasma
> or KDE (plus, we accept euros only, no dollars :P)

I didn´t have any words, but I was also feeling uncomfortable about it.

I wonder what an alternative metaphor would be?

Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Plasma 5.6 video

2016-03-21 Thread Martin Steigerwald
On Montag, 21. März 2016 13:32:57 CET Lucas S wrote:
> 2016-03-21 8:23 GMT+00:00 Martin Steigerwald <>:
> > On Montag, 21. März 2016 00:44:24 CET Lucas S wrote:
> >> Quick update, just to fix two small glitches
> >>
> >> 
> >> 2016-03-20 22:38 GMT+00:00 Lucas S <>:
> >> > Hi
> >> > 
> >> > Plasma 5.6 video RC ;)
> >> > 
> >> >
> >> > 
> >> > If there will be no major issues this is going to be the final Plasma
> >> > 5.6
> >> > video.
> > 
> > Great video, Lucas! Thanks for doing it.
> > 
> > Two notes:
> > 
> > 1) I was a little irritated that voice starts immediately after pressing
> > play, but then found that its still part of the intro and there is a
> > short title.
> > 
> > 2) I do not see any task manager progress thing when the woman who speaks
> > talks about it. Only a short "copy completed" note in Dolphin. I think it
> > would be nice to actually see the task manager progress display at work.
> > Am I missing something? I really watched it three times or so.

> 2. Look closely. There is a green bar moving slowly in the task
> manager (distro - Dolphin) on the panel

Ok, yes, now that you mention it. For any next video, it may make sense to 
bring dolphin window and task manager more closer to together and scale it up 
a bit (focus on where the action is happening). Nothing I would still do for 
this video.

Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Plasma 5.6 video

2016-03-21 Thread Martin Steigerwald
On Montag, 21. März 2016 00:44:24 CET Lucas S wrote:
> Quick update, just to fix two small glitches
> 2016-03-20 22:38 GMT+00:00 Lucas S :
> > Hi
> > 
> > Plasma 5.6 video RC ;)
> > 
> >
> > 
> > If there will be no major issues this is going to be the final Plasma 5.6
> > video.

Great video, Lucas! Thanks for doing it.

Two notes:

1) I was a little irritated that voice starts immediately after pressing play, 
but then found that its still part of the intro and there is a short title.

2) I do not see any task manager progress thing when the woman who speaks 
talks about it. Only a short "copy completed" note in Dolphin. I think it 
would be nice to actually see the task manager progress display at work. Am I 
missing something? I really watched it three times or so.

Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Plasma mobile and Fairphone

2015-10-15 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Hello Sebastian.

Am Sonntag, 26. Juli 2015, 20:08:04 CEST schrieb Sebastian Kügler:
> > We were in contact with Fairphone last year about participating in the
> > Randa  Meetings which in the end didn't happen because of too many events
> > on their side. I can try and get in contact this year again. Or I can
> > introduce somebody here?
> me! I'm living in the Netherlands and was already planning to contact them
> and  visit their office for a coffee.

Did you talk with Fairphone people meanwhile?

At least it seems they have obtained licenses to the software the are 
currently using. And they are evaluating to prolong the life of the phones by 
using something else than Android:

> A second path we are exploring is the possibility of replacing the Android
> software by alternative operating systems (Ubuntu OS/Firefox OS/Sailfish
> OS) in an effort to prolong the life of the device (as that software is
> more cost-effective to maintain). While we’re still in the exploratory
> phases along these tracks, we do hope it’s clear that we’re committed to
> supporting our Fairphone 1 owners in the future. Thanks for sticking with
> us on this path to improve our phone’s longevity.

Of course, I expect with Fairphone 2 being a Qualcomm device the software 
support may be better in terms of being free software friendly.

Plasma-devel mailing list

sddm product in bugzilla?

2015-10-12 Thread Martin Steigerwald

I know that sddm upstream is not a KDE project, but still I wondered as I 
reported issue #509 and #510¹, which are clearly things where sddm regresses 
in terms of features in comparison with the former standard display manager 
for Plasma kdm, at least whether to allow reporting issues with it also in for Plasma users?

Or even invite the sddm project to be hosted on the KDE infrastructure while 
of course still allowing it to support other desktop environments and be 
independent in its development? I also wonder about this, cause a clear Plasma 
only component sddm-kcm is also hosted with

What is your idea about this?

I am thinking about similar lines like with the general as a mirror 
discussion. Of course, I think it neither makes sense to fork sddm or hijack 
it into KDE infrastructure in case upstream developers don´t want to develop 
it there. So I clearly see this as a special case as its a separate upstream 

I bet some people could be confused on how to report issues when they do not 
find the component in our bugzilla. My expectation so far was: If its Plasma, 
I report it with and it would be a bit difficult to explain to 
users, this is not Plasma, this you report there and if you go further also, 
this is also not Plasma and you need to report there, with always creating an 
account there, cause you cannot reuse the KDE one. Of course when people 
report bugs regarding sddm in upstream probably does not notice. 
But on the other hand do Plasma developers monitor sddm issues on 
for those reported by Plasma users?

And the kcm is Plasma only technology. At least for this one I think hosting 
on KDE infrastructure makes some sense.

[1] (and 510 for the other)

Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: sddm product in bugzilla?

2015-10-12 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Montag, 12. Oktober 2015, 10:10:47 CEST schrieb David Edmundson:
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 8:40 AM, Martin Steigerwald <>
> wrote:
> > Hello!
> > 
> > I know that sddm upstream is not a KDE project, but still I wondered as I
> > reported issue #509 and #510¹, which are clearly things where sddm
> > regresses
> > in terms of features in comparison with the former standard display
> > manager
> > for Plasma kdm, at least whether to allow reporting issues with it also in
> > for Plasma users?
> > 
> > Or even invite the sddm project to be hosted on the KDE infrastructure
> > while
> > of course still allowing it to support other desktop environments and be
> > independent in its development? I also wonder about this, cause a clear
> > Plasma
> > only component sddm-kcm is also hosted with
> That part with the KCM isn't true anymore. That got moved and adopted into
> KDE about 12 months ago for Plasma 5.1.
> Bugzilla component is there for that too. (systemsettings -> kcm_sddm)

Okay. I usually just to Ctrl-F after clicking "New" thats why I didn´t find 
it, but yeah technically it makes sense for the KCM to be under 
> > I bet some people could be confused on how to report issues when they do
> > not
> > find the component in our bugzilla. My expectation so far was: If its
> > Plasma,
> > I report it with and it would be a bit difficult to explain
> > to
> > users, this is not Plasma, this you report there and if you go further
> > also,
> > this is also not Plasma and you need to report there, with always creating
> > an
> > account there, cause you cannot reuse the KDE one. Of course when people
> > report bugs regarding sddm in upstream probably does not
> > notice.
> I don't think SDDM should be considered "part of Plasma" any more so than
> any other 3rd party dependency is simply because the precursor was.
> It'd be like adopting bugs with pulseaudio because we used to have artsd.

Okay, I report issues via github then. And point other users asking to github 
as well for sddm.

Thanks for clarification,
Plasma-devel mailing list

[Powerdevil] [Bug 353538] New: screen switches off when playing video in VLC or even when screen blanking is switched off

2015-10-04 Thread Martin Steigerwald

Bug ID: 353538
   Summary: screen switches off when playing video in VLC or even
when screen blanking is switched off
   Product: Powerdevil
   Version: 5.4.1
  Platform: Other
OS: Linux
  Severity: normal
  Priority: NOR
 Component: general

I had this in KDE SC 4 times already.

During playback of a movie with VLC the screen switches off after a while. This
even happens when I disable screen blanking and screen switching off in *all*
of the powerdevil energy profiles.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Play a movie with VLC.


1. Disable screen blanking and switching off in all profiles.

Actual Results:  
Screen still blanks.

Even tough while playing a movie with VLC powerdevil plasma applet actually
reported that VLC inhibits power saving.

Expected Results:  
Screen does not blank.

In KDE SC 4.14 times this helped:

martin@merkaba:~/bin#130> cat 
while true; do qdbus org.kde.screensaver /ScreenSaver SimulateUserActivity ;
sleep 60 ; done

But with Plasma 5 this script has no effect. The method is still available

Additionally I tried xset -dpms but it had no effect either.

I use activities, but none of it has special energy saving settings. So I
expect the global settings to apply.

This happens on ThinkPad T520 with two screens:

martin@merkaba:~> phoronix-test-suite system-info

Phoronix Test Suite v5.2.1
System Information

Processor: Intel Core i5-2520M @ 3.20GHz (4 Cores), Motherboard: LENOVO
42433WG, Chipset: Intel 2nd Generation Core Family DRAM, Memory: 16384MB, Disk:
300GB INTEL SSDSA2CW30 + 480GB Crucial_CT480M50, Graphics: Intel HD 3000
(1300MHz), Audio: Conexant CX20590, Monitor: P24T-7 LED, Network: Intel 82579LM
Gigabit Connection + Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6205

OS: Debian unstable, Kernel: 4.3.0-rc3-tp520-btrfstrim+ (x86_64), Desktop: KDE
Frameworks 5, Display Server: X Server 1.17.2, Display Driver: intel 2.99.917,
OpenGL: 3.3 Mesa 11.0.2, Compiler: GCC 5.2.1 20150911, File-System: btrfs,
Screen Resolution: 3840x1080

You are receiving this mail because:
You are the assignee for the bug.
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Plasma mobile and Fairphone

2015-07-27 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Montag, 27. Juli 2015, 08:04:53 schrieb Sebastian Kügler:
 On Sunday, July 26, 2015 23:17:42 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
   Most important, if anyone has any contact to anybody working there...
   brilliant and let's talk
  Well, I just contacted Fairphone support today with a forwarded mail from
  here. I am not sure whether it makes it through to someone who can decide
  about things, but well, its worth a try I´d say.
  Alex and Omar are on Cc. I bet it will take at least till Monday, maybe
  longer  as in my last experiences Fairphone support was quite loaded. I
  a Fairphone one and I will bring it to Randa :).
  If anyone has a more direct contact to Fairphone people that would be good
  of  course. And if anyone from Plasma mobile team wants to be in Cc on any
  further conversation with them, if I get a reply, then…  drop me a note.
  (I mentioned that I am not affiliated with Plasma mobile developer team
  am  willing to hand things over anytime.)
 Can we do this in a less chaotic way, please? Mario said he has contacts, I
 said that I'll talk to the guys after being introduced by Mario, that should
 open up a channel. It's not overly useful for them to receive disjoint
 communication requests from the-same-but-not-quite directions.
 Let's coordinate before acting, please.

Sebastian, I acted before I saw the mails from Mario and you. As from Alex 
response we lack the people who could approach them I thought there may not 
be anyone else doing it, so I just acted.

I am sorry in case you think this was not in your interest and I happily let 
it to Mario and you to contact Fairphone. I have holidays anyway, so I even 
appreciate if someone else moves it forward.

Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Plasma mobile and Fairphone

2015-07-26 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Sonntag, 26. Juli 2015, 15:18:55 schrieb Marco Martin:
 On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 10:18 AM, Aleix Pol wrote:
  On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 5:46 AM, Omar Radwan 
  Hi, I heard about your project about Plasma Mobile, which is honestly one
  of the best things I've heard about. I'm really glad you guys made this
  project, because first of all, Android was too Google controlled, iOS,
  we'll, is iOS, Ubuntu is too far away from the regular Linux distro
  model, and Jolla is a closed source piece of garbage. This actually
  seems like a good idea that will appeal to most of us. So I have an
  idea, since most of the phones running Android right now (and every
  other mobile phone) is like super closed source with like the worst of
  blobs that will never be able to be replaced, I have an idea, maybe you
  guys should discuss with Fairphone‎, which I heard were trying to get
  more open hardware on their phone, which, coupled with your goal of a
  fully open software stack, could be for the better of things. Is there
  any thought about this at all?
  Hi Omar,
  I also thought about Fairphone at some point, spoiler alert, I love
  their work. It definitely makes sense, there's 2 main difficulties: we
  lack the people who could approach them (Fairphone or any other
  manufacturer, for that matter) with guaranties and I have the
  impression it wouldn't be all that easy to adopt the hardware under
  our software stack.
  On the other hand, I hope we all can pull these issues off, as a
  The main question is: who is on board and how are you going to help?

 Most important, if anyone has any contact to anybody working there...
 brilliant and let's talk ;)

Well, I just contacted Fairphone support today with a forwarded mail from 
here. I am not sure whether it makes it through to someone who can decide 
about things, but well, its worth a try I´d say.

Alex and Omar are on Cc. I bet it will take at least till Monday, maybe longer 
as in my last experiences Fairphone support was quite loaded. I own a 
Fairphone one and I will bring it to Randa :).

If anyone has a more direct contact to Fairphone people that would be good of 
course. And if anyone from Plasma mobile team wants to be in Cc on any further 
conversation with them, if I get a reply, then…  drop me a note.

(I mentioned that I am not affiliated with Plasma mobile developer team and am 
willing to hand things over anytime.)

Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: baloo monitor visibility

2015-07-15 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2015, 09:56:07 schrieb Harald Sitter:
 ahoy ahoy

Hi Harald,

 I have just come across the new baloo monitor and it appears to me
 that it is supposed to be installed by default which makes it appear
 by default on all plasma systems. Is that in fact the intended
 behavior here (i.e. desktop file, visible by default, installed by
 If so, it most decidedly needs a GenericName set to say 'File Indexing
 Monitor' as right now it says 'Baloo Monitor' which means literally
 nothing seeing as Baloo has been kept a pretty hidden name up until
 Also just my two cents: IMO it would make contextually more sense to
 have the utility NoDisplay=true (have it not show up in the actual
 menu) but a button to launch it in the File Search KCM. At least I
 would not look for this in the application menu ;)

I usually just use Alt-F2 or search in Kickoff menu to find things. So I bet 
I would find it there :)

I agree about the generic name.

Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: PIM Sprint this Weekend

2015-04-08 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Mittwoch, 8. April 2015, 14:05:07 schrieb Vishesh Handa:
 On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 9:06 AM, Martin Steigerwald
  I do think its good to have a feature complete, i.e. with search,
  Akonadi for Plasma 5, *before* Akonadinext is ready. Thats the sole
  point I am trying to make.
 I agree. But it isn't up to me. I will bring it up again.

Thank you.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: PIM Sprint this Weekend

2015-04-08 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Mittwoch, 8. April 2015, 00:27:54 schrieb Vishesh Handa:
 On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 12:15 AM, Martin Steigerwald
  Wow, okay. I thought you removed mail indexing from Baloo as Akonadi
  developers wanted to integrate it with Akonadi directly and I thought
  that work wasn´t yet completed.
  I mean mail search over Alt-F2, but also quick search bar in KMail
  which works really nice in KDE SC 4.14 with Baloo as mail index.
 Slightly long answer -
 Baloo in Qt4 contained a separate file index, email index, contact index
 and calendar index.
 Baloo in Qt5 only does file searching.
 The email, contact, and calender searching parts were put in a repo
 called akonadi-search. Some parts of akonadi-search require Akonadi-Qt5
 (namely the indexer), the actual searching parts do not require it as
 they are just light wrappers over xapian. So one can theoretically
 write a runner for Plasma 5 without requiring Akonadi-Qt5.

So the Qt5 version of Akonadi will have search, and there is no need to 
wait for

 In Akonad-Next, search will be properly integrated, and Baloo will play
 no role.

in order for search to be available again?

I do think its good to have a feature complete, i.e. with search, Akonadi 
for Plasma 5, *before* Akonadinext is ready. Thats the sole point I am 
trying to make.

Cause I do think that taking a working full text mail search and index 
away from users for a longer time is such is not a wise idea. I know I 
certainly would miss it. A lot. (Well and I know I can help contribute to 
make that happen, but first I want to get started with the bug triaging to 
get some more experience.)

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: PIM Sprint this Weekend

2015-04-07 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Dienstag, 7. April 2015, 12:15:05 schrieb Vishesh Handa:
 On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 10:51 AM, Martin Gräßlin 
  blog post is a nice reminder that libraries should think about their
 His blog is one big rant.
 I love it. He's completely right.

I wonder about the mail indexing and search. Its still not available in 
Plasma 5, isn´t it? (Still on 4.14.6/7 and Akonadi 1.13).

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: PIM Sprint this Weekend

2015-04-07 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Dienstag, 7. April 2015, 16:37:45 schrieb Vishesh Handa:
 On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 12:44 PM, Martin Steigerwald
  I wonder about the mail indexing and search. Its still not available
  Plasma 5, isn´t it? (Still on 4.14.6/7 and Akonadi 1.13).
 I'm assuming you're talking about KRunner?
 We can search through the email index from Qt5. We do not need any
 Akonadi specific apis. I just haven't bothered writing the runner and
 doing it.

Wow, okay. I thought you removed mail indexing from Baloo as Akonadi 
developers wanted to integrate it with Akonadi directly and I thought that 
work wasn´t yet completed.

I mean mail search over Alt-F2, but also quick search bar in KMail which 
works really nice in KDE SC 4.14 with Baloo as mail index.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: An appeal for continuing with KDE Activities

2015-01-29 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2015, 11:41:23 schrieb Marco Martin:
 On Tuesday 27 January 2015 20:52:45 Eric Mesa wrote:
  Hello Plasma Devs,
  Not sure if this is the right mailing list, but I've been seeing a lot
  on Planet KDE from people unsure of whether Activities are used and
  should be kept, etc. So I wrote this specifically in hopes of making
  sure the devs see how it's being used by regular folks.
  ctivit ies/
  Thank you for developing an awesome desktop environment - I enjoy it
  so much that it makes me sad we don't use it at work. (Well, we'd
  first have to start using Linux...)
 is true that sadly there wasn't a whole load of new development there.
 but in Plasma 5 a re there and here to stay

I am happy to read that.

And I second it: I use activies myself. On the laptop with one screen and 
one the workstation at works in two screens. There I have a special 

I have some apps like mail and KDE telepathy and so on open on all apps, 
they are on the left screen usually. And on the right screen I have the 
task specific stuff.

Only think I had sometimes, but its a longer time since I last had it, 
that after a reboot, logout, relog all windows from all activies appeared 
on just one activity, so it lost the assignment. And this is tedious to 
clean up.

Thank you to all the developers working on Plasma and working on 
activities. I appreciate it.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: ISO for 2015-01-23

2015-01-23 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Hi Harald,

Am Freitag, 23. Januar 2015, 14:03:03 schrieb Harald Sitter:
 # changes
 - this ISO uses the Plasma/5.2 branch for pre-release testing
 - all new 5.2 bits are integrated
 # errata
 - kde4breeze is not run; fixed in git
 # virtual machines
 virtual machines have a bit of trouble with the graphics. At least
 with virtualbox you can workaround the problem by temporarily
 switching to a different TTY (right-ctrl+f2 - right-ctrl+f1)

Thank you, Harald.

Is this ISO hybrid, i.e. bootable from USB stick?

I didn't find any information on this.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Baloo - Not Indexing everything by default

2014-10-16 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2014, 13:20:57 schrieb Vishesh Handa:
 Hey guys

Hi Vishesh,

 While Baloo performs better than Nepomuk. It does have its share of
 problems - mostly large text files, and high IO usage. Additionally, users
 on linux often seem to have the craziest files. Currently, we do not index
 plain text files which do not have a `.txt` extension, because otherwise we
 land up indexing genome data and other strange files. (Actual bugs)

How about limiting size for problematic files? I.e. only smaller text files? 
Here Baloo runs quite well. But I´d like it to also index *.txt files.

Anything else that can be done to make is more efficient? In my experience its 
already a lot more efficient than Nepomuk. It indexed a lot of text files here, 
about a million or more. My mails that is :).
 I've been thinking about actually disabling the file indexing by default.
 However, that might be too radical. Instead, we could only index -
 * $HOME - Not including any subfolders.
 * Desktop, Documents, Videos, Pictures and Music. All of these are xdg user
 Gnome Tracker actually does something quite similar.

Hmmm, I actually don´t use these, except for a images folder. I store my files 
in categories / directories I want. I usually don´t sort by file type, but by 
purpose – okay I have an images folder, but mostly for Digikam, but music and 
audio meditations I already have split into two main directories. Thus I for 
me above structure just doesn´t fit.

I´d rather like Baloo to be *intelligent* about errors, i.e.:

If an indexer fails on a file to skip it next time. Optionally at some time 
present a list of files it failed to index to the user, maybe via a non 
intrusive summary notification at the end of an indexing cycle. And report each 
failed file just once in it.

Extra points for offering to report a bug with the file. But is a bit 
cause it may well be a private file the user does not want to share.

Actually I´d also like to have advanced configuration options. On my Debian the 
settings are very simplistic I can just say where not to search, no extension 
list, no file size restrictions, no nothing. I think this could help users who 
have problems with extra large text files.

But… I think advanced error handling, i.e. not trying on a file that is known 
to fail, again and again and again, might be able to circumvent the need for 
further configuration options.

I´d like to scan it for text files and source files tough. Just probably with 
some delay… to avoid I/O load durging git checkout or compile runs. Right now 
I do not seem to be able to set anything. I´d also like to see what filetypes 
it actually indexes. I wonder whether it indexes opendocument files for 
example, or PDF files. It seems from my files it finds less than Nepomuk. Ok, 
PDF it seems to find.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Baloo - Not Indexing everything by default

2014-10-16 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2014, 13:27:02 schrieb Marco Martin:
 On Thursday 16 October 2014, Vishesh Handa wrote:
  * $HOME - Not including any subfolders.
  * Desktop, Documents, Videos, Pictures and Music. All of these are xdg
  Gnome Tracker actually does something quite similar.
 i tend to prefer a whitelist on what to index instead of a blacklist of what
 to not index

+1 :) (not a dev tough).

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7
Plasma-devel mailing list

Re: Baloo - Not Indexing everything by default

2014-10-16 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2014, 14:20:06 schrieb Luca Beltrame:
 In data giovedì 16 ottobre 2014 14:15:15, Martin Gräßlin ha scritto:
  genome data is really huge wouldn't it make sense to go rather for file
  size or abort the indexing if it's obvious random gibberish?
 As the person who mentioned this first (hey, I'm famous ;), I'm guessing
 that limiting on file size would work in principle.
 For reference on the sizes, these kind of files range from tens of M to a
 few G. Perhaps a size cutoff would work without no longer indexing
 everything (which IMO is a nice feature and shouldn't be disabled).

Could limiting on filesize also be done like this:

Just index the first say 100 KiB or so of a file – instead of not indexing it 
all? And in search results probably include a hint it has only been partially 
indexed? Or would that be worse than not indexing at all in that case?

For my file index I currently have:

martin@merkaba:~/.local/share/baloo LANG=C du -sch file/* | sort -rh
19M file/record.DB
32K file/fileMap.sqlite3-shm
12K file/position.baseB
12K file/position.baseA
0   file/flintlock

Thats less than the last Nepomuk index:

LANG=C du -sch * | sort -rh
20K missed_flush.txt
0   soprano-virtuoso.trx
0   soprano-virtuoso.pxa
0   soprano-virtuoso.lock

And as its still performant, I wouldn´t care if it indexed some nice *.txt or 
source files :). Actually I think I would like to be able to fulltext search in 

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7
Plasma-devel mailing list