- 2 times libreoffice- build succeeded (test build for the
  first time, but production build only for third time)

- first production build try failed with:

[build UNO] oovbaapi
mkdir -p /tmp/B.EyZchp/BUILD/libreoffice-  && 
RESPONSEFILE=/tmp/B.EyZchp/BUILD/tmp/gbuild.bLZ8Ja && 
/tmp/B.EyZchp/BUILD/libreoffice- @${RESPONSEFILE} 
/tmp/B.EyZchp/BUILD/libreoffice- && rm 
Bad input 
 cannot parse line 36: "out-of-range long-typed constant 
ooo.vba.word.WdMappedDataFields.wdJobTitle value 18444492273895866368"
make[1]: *** 
Error 1

libreoffice- is:

        const long wdJobTitle = 8;

so where 18444492273895866368 (0xfff8000000000000) comes from?

- second production build try failed with:

[build GAL] txtshapes
S=/tmp/B.u63hZR/BUILD/libreoffice- && I=$S/instdir && W=$S/workdir &&  
rm -f $W/Gallery/txtshapes/* && 
RESPONSEFILE=/tmp/B.u63hZR/BUILD/tmp/gbuild.w3RGKM &&  (  
$I/program/gengal.bin --build-tree --destdir file://$S/extras/source/gallery 
--name "txtshapes" --path $W/Gallery/txtshapes --filenames file://$RESPONSEFILE 
) && rm $RESPONSEFILE && touch $W/Gallery/txtshapes.done
Work on gallery 
Existing themes: 0
Existing themes: 1
Using DestDir: 
Imported file 
Imported file 
Imported file 
Imported file 
Imported file 
Imported file 
Imported file 
Imported file 
Imported file 
Imported file 
Imported file 
Imported file 
Illegal instruction
make[1]: *** 
/tmp/B.u63hZR/BUILD/libreoffice-] Error 

Non-deterministic "Illegal instruction" looks strange...

Isn't it some hardware (memory/CPU/overheating) problem?

Jakub Bogusz    http://qboosh.pl/
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