Am 09.06.20 um 17:45 schrieb Alessandro Pisa:
> On Tue, 9 Jun 2020 at 16:02, Eric Bréhault <> wrote:
>> Here is the PLIP process description I propose:
>> - As decided at the Ferrara Plone conference, a PLIP can now be submitted 
>> and approved without an implementer or without an implementation description 
>> (our objective is to encourage people to submit interesting idea even though 
>> they can't implement it themselves).
>> - The FWT approval is about the feature. Is it interesting? Is it making 
>> Plone better? Does it deserve to be in core? But it does not imply the FWT 
>> approval regarding the implementation.
>> - When a PLIP is implemented, the FWT assigns one of the members as 
>> champion, the champion will provide support to the implementer, verify the 
>> code implementation, test the feature, and check the documentation. If the 
>> champion has a doubt, the rest of the FWT can be involved in teh review 
>> process.
>> - If the PLIP review is satisfactory, the PLIP is merged.
>> Important remark: When the FWT approaches a PLIP, it is assigned to a Plone 
>> version. But it is only indicative, if the implementation is delayed, or is 
>> not satisfactory, the PLIP might be moved to a future version. A pending 
>> PLIP cannot be a blocker for a release (unless a team decided otherwise 
>> specifically).
>> Opinions?
> Everything reasonable and does not sound new :)
> Thanks for writing that down.
> Other interesting things:
> -
> I was not able to quickly find the template to review a PLIP, anyway
> those can be used an example:
> -
> Ciao e grazie!

thx for the work and the infos's.
BTW maybe we should pulish the reviews also on the
or even on somewhere.
This is important stuff and helps others to understand how things are

cheers, Maik

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