[PLUG] Giving away large lab work benches.

2024-01-11 Thread Mark Wattier
The company I work for will not be reopening a second office, so we are
getting rid of the office furniture in a storage unit. There is apparently
quite a surplus of office furniture out there and we have not been able to
sell or donate some large items.
The big item in question is 2 sets of BenchDepot Kennedy Formica Laminate
Round work benches. 30 inch height. Two corner pieces.
2x 36" x 96"
3x 36" x 72"
It makes up 2 L-shaped lab-style work benches. We have all of the pieces
and bolts, drawers, etc.
If someone can take them, I will rent the U-Haul, drive it, and help load
and unload.

Mark W

[PLUG] museum piece

2017-08-31 Thread Mark Wattier
There is also the Living Computer Museum in Seattle. I went there
recently. They were replacing the fried power switch on their Xerox
Alto, and the Apple 1 was running.


On Thu, 31 Aug 2017, Mark Phillips wrote:

> San Jose, CA has a computer museum. Perhaps they might need a spare AT in
> case the one they have dies?

Powell's books used to have a small display in the tech book store. I've no
idea if they still have those old computers displayed somewhere. Powell's is
closer than San Jose. :-)

PLUG mailing list

[PLUG] Announcement: 20th Anniversary Meeting: QA with Linus Torvalds

2014-03-21 Thread Mark Wattier
I have been a mostly-regular attendee of the PLUG meetings for about
10 years, but I subscribed to the list so I can RSVP in this informal
manner. I have always just read the list through the archives.
PLUG mailing list