Re: Microsoft has created an A.I. that can write its own code

2017-03-10 Thread Nathan England

On 2017-03-10 02:51, KevinO wrote:

Go fuck yourself, Nathan. If I am in any way unclear about my position, 

inquire and I will more then merely express it to you clearly, in
person , and in
language that even YOU can understand.

lol. Thanks for proving my point and showing me you understood. The 
tolerant left at their best, folks.


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Re: Microsoft has created an A.I. that can write its own code

2017-03-09 Thread Nathan England

On 2017-03-09 08:47, Anon Anon wrote:

How long until they teach this one how to create html filled with
explitives and hate speech?

I read this and about died laughing. All I could think of was someone 
designing this software to act like any other liberal online. Write 
basic html filled with explitives while spouting hateful intolerant 
garbage, and it has artifical intelligence, just like so many of today's 
liberals (brainwashed university intellectualism).


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Re: Network Shares

2017-03-02 Thread Nathan England

On 2017-02-28 13:59, Matt Graham wrote:

How are these KDE things accessing the NFS share(s)?  If the NFS
shares are mounted normally (via automount or fstab doing "mount -t
nfs server:/share /mnt/somewhere") and Dolphin et al are using
/mnt/somewhere/ to navigate to places, then there should be no
KDE-specific problem happening.  OTOH, KDE may write sockets or pipes
or its search index to your ~ and then expect those things to be local

I access the share via /remote/foldername with /remote being the 
directory it is mounted in.
I did just realize while logged in as my normal user if I run kdesu 
dolphin and look around as root nfs works fine. So this is some kind of 
user issue.

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Re: Network Shares

2017-02-28 Thread Nathan England

If the KDE applications are using the nfs:/ KIOSlave, that could cause
KDE-specific problems.  Does "dmesg | grep -i nfs" return anything odd
on the NFS client?  Or the server?  I didn't have any trouble with NFS
when I set it up at home, but that was only 2 computers, 1 share with
only a few files on it, and KDE barely involved.

My nfs volumes are mounted via my fstab file and it looks like: /remote nfs 
defaults,nfsvers=4,comment=systemd.mount,_netdev 0 0

Nothing odd when I run dmesg. I can traverse great via command line and 
thunar, just not dolphin, konqueror, or anything that uses one of those 
to find finds.


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Network Shares

2017-02-28 Thread Nathan England

I have long used SMB for network shares in my home environment due to a 
couple older machines with various versions of windows and some virtual 
machines that needed access to the same shares. But over time my shares 
have become rather complex and all the windows machines have been 

I'm now in a linux only environment and decided to try NFS instead. I 
rebuilt shared volume by moving all of the data to an external backup, 
formatting the volume and manually creating logical directory structures 
and moving the files back into place from the external volume. Correctly 
using group permissions and user permissions I am managing 8 users with 
full access to their respective data and maintaining permissions and I'm 
really happy with it. Performance doesn't seem to be any different 
really, most of the machines are on a gigabit network with a couple 
older machines on a 10/100 hub connected to the gigabit switch.

I shutdown my main computer for the weekend and left town. I just got 
home, booted up the computer and opened Dolphin and my remote volume is 
empty. I opened the command line and everything is there. I checked with 
Thunar and again, every thing looks great. What's the deal with KDE apps 
and nfs volumes?

Dolphin can't see anything. Kwrite/Kate are horribly slow when modifying 
text files over nfs.
I thought these problems were fixed. I have been running this setup for 
about 3 weeks now, so why the sudden problems?


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Re: Guy Spent $11,000 On A Coding 'Bootcamp' And Doubled His Salary

2016-10-27 Thread Nathan England

I would upvote this, but I cannot find the button...

On 2016-10-27 15:04, Anon Anon wrote:

Buzzwording is half the battle.

How do you expect to be an agile developer with high cross over
methodologies that provide synergy to your constituents if you aren't
willing to wipe down your server with a rag while providing authentic
technical support that benefits the whole of the individual? Check
mate coders.

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Re: Guy Spent $11,000 On A Coding 'Bootcamp' And Doubled His Salary

2016-10-27 Thread Nathan England

Not hard to imagine really. Being able to pass a test and get a 
certificate is often enough to get a job. He might have been working 
fast food or delivering pizza, so not much of a salary and then passed 
his boot camp test and got an entry level or junior web dev job and now 
he's making $45k a year.

We just hired two guys like this. Both fresh out of boot camp and now 
have decent salaries.


 -- Nathan

On 2016-10-27 07:04, Keith Smith wrote:

I cannot imagine being able to teach someone how to be a web developer
in 9 - 12 weeks.  I'd like to see the curriculum.  Way too much to

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Re: Bitlocker and Linux

2016-10-17 Thread Nathan England
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On 2016-10-17 20:23, Brien Dieterle wrote:
> I don't see anything there about centrally managed full disk
> encryption for Linux with bitlocker.  There are products out there but
> no way a shop is going to invest in multiplatform solution just for
> one person.  I would look at doing native Linux encryption (whatever
> the distro offers during installation) and turn the key over to IT.
> That might satisfy the insurance requirement without having a managed
> solution for Linux.

That is an excellent suggestion, I might try that. Thanks for pointing
that out.
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Bitlocker and Linux

2016-10-17 Thread Nathan England
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I asked my IT department a question today and may have opened pandora's

I've been allowed to run Fedora on my company laptop for a couple of
years now. I am using a personal hard drive for Fedora that way if I
needed to I could put the original Windows drive back in and access what
ever I needed.

I haven't used my Windows drive in over a year now and it's causing some
issues with corporate AD and the anti-virus. So I requested installing
windows in a VirtualBox and having corporate IT join it to the domain,
install av, office suite, and the other stuff I may need but likely
never will use, and then I can easily boot it once a week to keep my av
up to date.

The response was that our insurance requires the use of Bitlocker.
Full stop...

Their potential solution is to partition the drive to have Windows and
Linux but both be encrypted with Bitlocker so they could access the
drive contents should I ever leave or die or what ever...

I realize encrypting the linux partition with bitlocker is not likely
ever going to happen (right?) but are there corporate linux systems that
allow IT access to encrypted volumes like Bitlocker and AD?

I feel dirty even asking this. Doesn't this defeat the entire purpose of
encryption to begin with? ugh... I guess it makes sense, but it sounds
like inferior by design.

- -- 

Nathan England
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Re: An Internet Giveaway to the U.N.

2016-08-29 Thread Nathan England

Amazing how clear every thing becomes when you take a deep breath!... and 
burry your head in the sand.

On Monday, August 29, 2016 1:43:22 AM MST wrote:
> My suggestion?
> Taking a deep breath, pouring the Koolaid down the drain instead of drinking
> it, and repeating to yourself, "I should really stop jumping on every
> conspiracy bandwagon I see."
> Seriously, I have little doubt that if we had a republican president and a
> democratic majority in congress was attempting to block this very same
> change you would see articles criticizing the block and talking about how
> government can't do anything right. What's going on now is that instead of
> a single company holding a government granted monopoly to run the DNS and
> numbering system there would be a group of companies and organizations
> doing the same thing -- with a US threat to seize control of it again if
> they misbehave.
> And as for fears this will lead to balkanization brought up in another post
> -- there have been threats to balkanize the Internet if control of the DNS
> system remained a monopoly held by a single US company or government
> agency. This is probably a damned it you do, damned if you don't decision.
> In the long run it's probably inevitable that no matter which way this
> decision goes there will be more fracturing. We're probably very lucky to
> have gone this far with as little fracturing as there has been. I can even
> see Moral Majority types on the right demanding tighter controls over the
> Internet in the US to crack down on "adult" content which would pretty much
> require making a US Internet with closely watched gateways to the outside
> (censorship and political correctness are not something unique or
> restricted to the right or left, there's just different names attached).
> Having thing not being run by one single company operating under a
> government granted monopoly might make it just a slight bit harder for that
> to happen.
> But really, I suppose we should panic. It's not as if the conspiracy
> theorists have ever been wrong. After all Texas has been under Martial Law
> ever since Jade Helm, every Hurricane for decades has resulted in thousands
> disappearing into FEMA death camps, there's all folks who lost homes to 
> imminent domain to built the Mexi-Canadian superhighway that's exempt from
> US jurisdiction, and after a decade I still haven't gotten used to these
> new Ameros that replaced the dollar...

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Re: MacBook

2016-08-24 Thread Nathan England
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On 2016-08-24 09:05, Anon Anon wrote:
> Why not try running mac os in a virtual box machine to try it out
> before hand?

I have contemplated this several times and in the end realized it would
just be expensive hardware to run Fedora on. I have looked into running
mac OS in virtualbox and not had much luck. I did get it once, but was
stuck in a 640x480 window which really sucked and made testing

Besides downloading from the Mac store, which I cannot because I don't
have a mac account, how would you get OS X in a virtualbox? And with
decent resolution for testing?

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Re: Cox Business Internet

2016-07-05 Thread Nathan England
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On 2016-07-04 11:44, Bob Holtzman wrote:
> And they get paid to do this?

lol, yep!

A happy employee is a productive employee!

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Nathan England
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Re: Cox Business Internet

2016-07-03 Thread Nathan England
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What got me even considering this is that at my house, with 150mb
service and a few devices streaming and playing games my general
download speeds and browsing speeds become noticeably bad despite my
speedtests continuously showing awesome speeds.

But at my office, with 50 or so other people using the same Cox
dedicated business account with 100mb speeds, it is consistently faster
than my house. And at the office most people are streaming music and or
netflix while surfing the web, despite all of that traffic speedtests
and general surfing speed is noticeably faster.

My assumption was the dedicated 100mb vs my shared 150mb and I thought
maybe a dedicated 25mb would be cool, plus a bonus of ports I want.

But you are saying there is not difference in the network makes me
really suspicious. What else could be different?

On 2016-07-03 12:32, Michael Butash wrote:
> Residential and Business *are* the same infrastructure when it comes
> to Cox HFC.  The only thing that differentiates a business customer
> from residential is the boot file pushed to the modem at boot, the
> speed set up/down, and ip/port access list allowed through.  Of course
> your bill too, nice little racket they have going to sell perceived
> value as *business* service is somehow really better...
> I wouldn't plan on google coming to you unless you're moving to some
> swank new subburb of ticky tacky little boxes, but cox can provide
> enough bandwidth over hfc you shouldn't care.  Thus why they reclaimed
> more of their OTA (over coax rather) spectrum of free/unencrypted
> channels so they can resell it for data services bonding up to 32
> channels @ ~42mbit ea or 1.4gbit max.
> Best thing about fiber is that glass (in theory) is less prone to
> dysfunction than copper @ 140 degree surface ground temps.  Less
> having to have the provider re-terminate your copper every few years
> here...
> -mb
> On 07/02/2016 01:52 PM, Todd Cole wrote:
>> I stuck with Residential for the speed, down time seems to be the same as 
>> business accounts tho business do get 24/7 service calls and support. a 
>> little port work and dns hop was easy to do. And I do prefer Cox vs CL  but
>> Google could be the future---maybe
>> Todd
> ---
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Cox Business Internet

2016-07-02 Thread Nathan England
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Howdy all,

It seems my current cox package has expired and my rates are set to sky
rocket. I currently have the premium internet which is 150mbps for
$79.99. I can pay $10 more a month and get the cox business internet
which is 25mbps.

I'm conflicted with whether or not it is worth the price. My internet
now is pretty fast, I cannot often complain about the speed, but I'm
curious, is the 25mb dedicated better than my 150 on a perfect day?

- -- 

Nathan England
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Re: DVD episode titles

2016-06-29 Thread Nathan England
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Usually IMDB has episodes and the titles, but you have to look them up
and guess.
The DVD's I rip usually skip around with numbers so episode 3 may be
track 7 while episode 4 is track 2 and so on...

Best of luck!

On 2016-06-29 21:47, der.hans wrote:
> moin moin,
> I'm ripping some of my DVDs for use with my portable devices and episode
> titles aren't available.
> The following gets me numbers for each of the episodes, but not titles. I
> don't see episode titles in the output at all.
> HandBrakeCLI -i /dev/dvd -t 0 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep "scan: title
> [[:digit:]]" | sed -re 's/.*scan: title ([[:digit:]]+) .*/\1/'
> ${show}/${season}/{$track_number}_${episode_title}.${format} is the naming
> scheme I would prefer to use. I would prefer to not have to type in every
> episode title or search, then cut and paste.
> If the episode titles aren't on the DVD is there a FreeDB type of thing
> for DVDs?
> I'm using handbrake. k3b does a scratch mix type of thing on the DVD :(.
> Neither gets me episode titles.
> Bluray isn't working at all. No biggie since all my bluray editions thus
> far also came w/ DVD.
> ciao,
> der.hans

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Nathan England
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Fedora Custom OS

2016-06-29 Thread Nathan England
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I'm installing Fedora 24 Server and I discovered something new.
I have a bash script I run after I install a system that adds my repos
and packages and sets up the system the way I want. I typically use the
Fedora Server disc to install my workstations because I can start with a
minimal system and then install what I want.

Well, today, while installing Fedora 24 I click on the Software
Selection and much to my surprise and happiness there is now an option
for Fedora Custom Operating System which installs just the minimum stuff
for people like me, wahoo!

- -- 

Nathan England
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Re: Recommendations for C++ IDE?

2016-05-21 Thread Nathan England

I use Komodo IDE and KDEvelop daily. Both have limited git support, but 
enough for me. My team wants to use vcs but they have yet to jump on, so 
it's really just me.

Komodo Edit is also a great tool and is free (soda) with limited support 
but works great. Though it lacks some vcs support. I highly recommend 

And I'm sure you have access to Eclipse if nothing else suffices. Though 
I think personally I would use vi/vim before I would use Eclipse. I 
cannot stand it's interface.

On 2016-05-19 21:34, Mike Bushroe wrote:

I am starting a project at home and called up the Ubuntu Software
Loader and looked for C++ IDEs. The only thing that came up that I
recognized and that actually claimed to deal with C++ was
Code::Blocks. But I am very frustrated with its interface, no tabs on
the edit windows, no pull down menus for file or edit functions, no
way I have found so far to 'save as' a project to keep a working
version intact while I work on the next stage. Even the file save icon
on the top ribbon is greyed out which made me worry for quite awhile
if my edits were being saved. And it is very unhelpful in trying to
figure out how to fix programming or syntax errors. So if there is
another IDE that other people like better I would like to give it a



"Creativity is intelligence having fun." — Albert Einstein
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Nathan England
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PHP Developer
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Re: OT: Web Application Hosting

2016-05-17 Thread Nathan England
All of my personal domains and when I have the choice of registrar are 
registered with Dreamhost. I've been with them going on 10 years now. I 
have used their unlimited hosting and liked it, along with their email, 
until Digital Ocean came along.

Thanks for the reminder to check out their vps services.

On 2016-05-17 10:42, Stephen Partington wrote:

For general hosting, mail, and domain hosting i use a fully managed
hosting account at dreamhost. they run my mail and web services (doing
a good job) and its 120/year. I also can build you a coupon to cut the
first year in half. then they also have AWS and cloud compute services
as well as virtual host options that you can mix and match. and they
are LetsEnrypt enabled with automatic renewals for any domains you
host with them. so far it has been a very nice service.

On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 7:54 AM, Keith Smith
<> wrote:

The million dollar question for me is what is everyone doing for a
mail server. I do not want to run a mail server nor do i want to
pay $10 per vhost for a mail server.

On 2016-05-16 14:44, Thomas Cameron wrote:
On 05/16/2016 04:40 PM, Nathan England wrote:

I have been using Digital Ocean for several years now and I have
of droplets running Centos. My typical scenario consists of
spinning up
a droplet, configuring it for lamp, and developing to my clients
All development is done locally and then moved to the droplet for
testing and everything else that comes along with consulting.

Once everything is completed and the client is happy, in every
case, I
have then moved the application to a different web host, such as
Rackspace or GoDaddy, depending on what the client requests or
ability to self-manage...

In all the years I have worked with these hosts, along with others
Bluehost and Hostgator, I have had significantly less problems with
Digital Ocean virtual hosts than I have on any of the other
"professional" hosting companies.

I'm currently spending ~$1200 a month with Rackspace and have
issues, almost daily outages, and my dev servers for the same
application on DO have been up for months. (Some issues are purely
network related which is out of my control and Rackspace does not
to acknowledge any issues, and some are purely because some people
China want to be my friend...)

Is anyone else using DO for production environments? I guess my
issue is I've not used DO with a major application under sustained
load (cpu/memory/network).

I won't use anyone else but DigitalOcean for my production

The rest - Rackspace, Amazon, Azure, etc. - are too damned
too damned flaky, and don't even come close to the level of
service I get from DO.

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 Keith Smith

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A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from
rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.



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Nathan England
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Re: To Tux or not to Tux (VM's)

2016-04-20 Thread Nathan England

No doubt, as one of the main developers supporting the internal apps, I 
voice my opinion quite loudly, have no doubts!

It was amazing IT let me run Fedora...

On 2016-04-20 11:15, Michael Butash wrote:

Find and mock the internal developers that don't know how to make
standard-compliant code, usually tends to begin at least some vague
awareness for those crappy windoze-only devs that are unaware of a
bigger world out there now.  Tough love, but friends don't let friends
run IE, or force others to have to.

Best case they are shamed into evolving out of the past, or finally
seen as a hindrance to evolution and replaced.


On 04/20/2016 10:53 AM, Nathan England wrote:

Sadly, my company is still stuck on IE 9, though some ramblings have 
been heard lately about IT upgrading to 11 across the board. Until 
then we must support 9. Several of our internal apps are used by many 
of those IE 9 users...

And oddly enough, our primary website still has about 10% of its 
traffic registering from IE prior to Edge... so yeah.

Some idiot out there set up a bot with a false user agent and is 
killing the internet!!


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Re: To Tux or not to Tux (VM's)

2016-04-20 Thread Nathan England

Sadly, my company is still stuck on IE 9, though some ramblings have 
been heard lately about IT upgrading to 11 across the board. Until then 
we must support 9. Several of our internal apps are used by many of 
those IE 9 users...

And oddly enough, our primary website still has about 10% of its traffic 
registering from IE prior to Edge... so yeah.

Some idiot out there set up a bot with a false user agent and is killing 
the internet!!


On 2016-04-20 10:49, Michael Butash wrote:

Since microsoft seems to insist on keeping their browsers perpetually
vulnerable for the government to exploit, seems sandboxing is about
the only way to keep it from infecting your os.  A full vm just to
keep ie from infecting you though?

Why not just NOT use IE?  It's really not common anymore I hit those
stupid IE-only things, maybe once a year.

Side note, was looking at docker for the same thing under linux, seems
people are doing this, sandboxing even desktop functions into a
container, which I'm liking the notion of!


On 04/20/2016 09:39 AM, Nathan England wrote:

Microsoft provides versions of IE ready to go for VirtualBox. You 
select which version of IE you want and the version of Windows to 
emulate and they give you a zip file.

1) Download the zip
2) Extract the zip
3) Open VirtualBox and Import Appliance

The images expire after 90 days. When that is up you delete the 
virtual machine and import another one. So don't delete your .zip 

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Re: The Desktop is right again!

2016-04-20 Thread Nathan England

I had a lot of issues with 3 monitors and recently found most of the 
problems went away after hard coding an xorg.conf file the exact way I 
wanted it set up. Seems KDE has some problems recognizing the 
primary/preferred screen.

-- what AMD are you using? I run Nvidia because I have grown to despise 
AMD and the horrible performance from its drivers and any desktop I've 
used. Right now I'm running a 760 and looking to upgrade. I'm trying to 
be patient because I would really like more than 3.5gb of ram, which 
makes the 3{8,9}0x very intriguing... but I'm really not interested in 
opening windows and watching the black window slowly draw in again, 
amidst a myriad of other graphical glitches.

TDE does have some compositing built into it, and it appears to be 
greatly updated over what I remember being available in 3.x at the time. 
But it is also easily "turn-off-able"(tm)


On 2016-04-20 10:35, Michael Butash wrote:

Funny you mention this - been struggling with KDE4 and 3x monitors
when NOT using the binary drivers of late.  I really liked KDE, using
that predominantly for the past few years on 5-6 montiors just dandy,
but with amd drivers setting up the screens that worked mostly ok.

I moved to 3x 4k displays, got rid of amd binary drivers for
radeon/mesa drivers that were much better (amd binary drivers were
terrible @4k), except it seems a 5 year old bug stilll affects KDE's
screen setup/placement.  This was never fixed until kde5, and using
xrandr manually with a script isn't entirely reliable, forcing me to
restart lightdm after it glitches the driver about 1 in 3 times.  YaY,
began looking at other desktops to defect, yet again for more ancient
bugs no one sees fit to fix.

TDE looks interesting, but being based on 3.x I wonder, as I hated KDE
back then.  Does it do compositing at all?  My pref was always
disabling compositing, but with radeon drivers that work sanely, I'm
actually liking kde4 now with kwin/plasma.

I was looking yesterday at getting KDE5.x on this thing, and of course
there isn't a version for 14.04.  Upgrading is always significantly
painful with Ubuntu since 11.04, so moving to 15.0x isn't an
attractive option, and 16.04 seemed as big a basketcase as I had tried
it recently on my htpc (*still* can't get intel sound to work by
default!? really?).

I might go back and try Cinnamon/Mate, compositing driver bugs with
amd had made every desktop batsh!t crazy I've found, maybe even
(gasp!) unity.  My experiences might be different without crappy video
drivers for all their rampant compositing.

Thanks for sharing!


On 04/20/2016 09:48 AM, Nathan England wrote:

I have been a KDE fan since the early days of 1.0. I have stuck with 
it through the ups and downs and loved it when others hated it, and 
rallied for it when people were jumping to Gnome or something else.

A couple of years ago I switched full time to Xfce with a full KDE SC 
install so I could use all the apps I love and just not have to deal 
with the horrible Plasma desktop shell. I really do like everything 
about theory. It looks great, and on a single screen it 
works great! But on a workstation with 3 or more monitors it really 
comes apart at its seems.

But no more! I heard of TDE several years ago, but never looked into 
it. Yesterday, I setup the repo for my Fedora 22 and Fedora 23 
machines and installed the full Trinity suite. I gotta say, KDE 3 
*never* worked this well. I setup shortcuts to many of my preferred 
KDE 5 apps like Dolphin and everything is right with the desktop 

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Re: To Tux or not to Tux (VM's)

2016-04-20 Thread Nathan England

Just as a tip...

The first thing I do after booting up a new Modern IE vm, disable 
windows updates.

On 2016-04-20 10:18, Wayne D wrote:

The images are win 7,8,10


On 04/20/2016 09:39 AM, Nathan England wrote:

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Re: To Tux or not to Tux (VM's)

2016-04-20 Thread Nathan England

Microsoft provides versions of IE ready to go for VirtualBox. You select 
which version of IE you want and the version of Windows to emulate and 
they give you a zip file.

1) Download the zip
2) Extract the zip
3) Open VirtualBox and Import Appliance

The images expire after 90 days. When that is up you delete the virtual 
machine and import another one. So don't delete your .zip file.

On 2016-04-20 07:17, Keith Smith wrote:

Question :  I have several Dell desktops and several Dell laptops that
came with Windows.  I've replaced almost all of them with Linux.  I do
have a need for Windows on occasion.  I do have VirtualBox configured
on my desktop and laptop.  I'd like to install Windows in a guest on
VirtualBox.  Can I use the OEM copy or do I need to find an image some
place on the net?

Thank you in advance.

On 2016-04-19 12:12, Wayne D wrote:

On 04/19/2016 10:15 AM, Michael Butash wrote:

Use virtualbox with "seamless" mode, all the windoze apps run 
windowed to be less annoying overall, and you can hide the disgrace

mostly of still using it.  :)

1 vote each for VirtualBox and QEMU

Pro's and Con's of each?
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Re: To Tux or not to Tux (VM's)

2016-04-19 Thread Nathan England

In all of my experiences with KVM vs VBox it has always come down to "do 
I need graphical performance?"

VBox is stellar when it comes to running a windows vm. I use 
daily for testing old IE versions and current versions and it flat out 
sucks on kvm.

But when it comes to running vm's to host a clients web platform for 
development KVM runs circles around VBox.


On 2016-04-19 14:03, Matt Graham wrote:

On 2016-04-19 12:12, Wayne D wrote:

1 vote each for VirtualBox and QEMU
Pros and Cons of each?

QEMU emulates more architectures, like ARM, and it doesn't have any
associations with Orrible.  Its user interface is much less polished
than Virtualbox's.  I think that a normal user would probably be more
comfortable with Virtualbox for that reason.  Not sure how the
performance of VMs differs between QEMU and Virtualbox though.

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LinuxMint Question

2015-10-29 Thread Nathan England

My Pastor told me tonight he's had enough of Windows and wants to go to 
I was impressed he even knew it existed, but that's beside the point. It 
left me with a hard question...

LinuxMint Cinnamon or LinuxMint Mate

First impressions I like that Mate shows program descriptions (thinking 
it might be easier for him to find things) and I can drag and drop 
applications from the menu right to the desktop.

But Cinnamon really looks nice and has the latest libraries.

So my question is, which is better for a complete noob to linux?
He really is only interested in LibreOffice, Chrome and maybe Firefox.

Nathan England
Web Developer, Lamp Administrator

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Re: Void Linux tips

2015-10-23 Thread Nathan England

No, you didn't imply it. I looked on their web site and saw no mention 
of anything KDE but Gnome, Xfce, Mate, and some others.

I didn't see the package search function. But it genuinely seemed like a 
non KDE distro.


On 2015-10-22 13:34, Steve Litt wrote:

Void has KDE and tons of its software. The following file lists the
output of xbps-query -Rs kde:

It's true that, to the best of my knowledge and ability, I personally
use no KDE software or libraries, but Void supports them.

Please tell me where I said or implied that it has no KDE so I can
correct it and make it accurate. As far as I know, Void Linux fully
supports KDE.

Please accept my apologies for implying something not true.


Steve Litt
October 2015 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times

On Thu, 22 Oct 2015 10:56:15 -0700
Nathan England <> wrote:

Am I seeing this correctly, void does not have KDE available?
What about KDE apps?

On 2015-10-21 21:24, John J. Macey wrote:
> Steve - thanks for bringing that to our attention.
>  John
>  _Down on the Jersey Shore_
> On 10/21/2015 03:05 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I recently switched over to Void Linux, a KISS principle distro
>> much closer to Slack than to Ubuntu, but with an oustanding, full
>> dependency handling package manager. So far, I really like it.
>> I've put together a bunch of tips for installing and using Void, so
>> that the next guy has an easier time than I did:
>> [1]
>> Hope you like it.
>> SteveT
>> Steve Litt
>> October 2015 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times
>> [2]
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Re: Void Linux tips

2015-10-22 Thread Nathan England

Am I seeing this correctly, void does not have KDE available?
What about KDE apps?

On 2015-10-21 21:24, John J. Macey wrote:

Steve - thanks for bringing that to our attention.

 _Down on the Jersey Shore_

On 10/21/2015 03:05 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

Hi all,

I recently switched over to Void Linux, a KISS principle distro much
closer to Slack than to Ubuntu, but with an oustanding, full
dependency handling package manager. So far, I really like it.

I've put together a bunch of tips for installing and using Void, so
that the next guy has an easier time than I did: [1]

Hope you like it.


Steve Litt
October 2015 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times [2]
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Re: imap not working postfix+dovecot

2015-10-13 Thread Nathan England

Is Thunderbird configured to retrieve your email via POP using the IMAP 

On 2015-10-12 18:22, Keith Smith wrote:


I can receive on 110/STARTTLS/Normal password

when I set to 143/STARTTLS/Normal password

I get a Thunderbird failure message:

An error occurred with the POP3 mail server. Mail server
host.domain.tld responded:


Oct 12 17:54:00 Host-name dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (no auth
attempts in 4 secs): user=<>,,

/var/log/syslog contains the same message as above.

/var/log/mail.err shows no new entries

No new lines in /var/log/upstart/dovecot.log

nmap scan localhost says 143/tcp open  imap

dovecot-imap is installed.

When I go back to 110 the email I sent are pulled in when I check for
mail.  It appears the emails are making it into my maildir, however I
cannot retrieve with imap.

Not sure why I cannot configure imap.

Any help much appreciated.

Nathan England (480) 559 - 9681
Web Developer, PHP Programmer, Lamp Administration, and
Information Security Specialist

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Re: RHEL 8

2015-10-13 Thread Nathan England

I really wish they would give a little more love to their KDE spin. I'm
not at all a fan of Gnome. I just don't like it. I have tried multiple
times at length. I develop across 3 screens all horizontally aligned and
with KDE it works great and Gnome it is just not an enjoyable

But KDE has enough problems to finally push me over my limit. A few
weeks ago I installed Xfce and have been using that. I like it a lot,
but there are a few things that get my goat. I really miss my KDE. 

On 2015-10-13 15:38, Stephen Partington wrote: 

> Fedora 23 is looking really slick... and i am liking their 
> Workstation/Server/Cloud installer splits.

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Re: RHEL 8

2015-10-13 Thread Nathan England
I would be more concerned with how long Drupal 7 will be supported as it 
works fine on CentOS 7, which will be supported for quite some time.

Maybe I'm a little too conservative in my use of new technology, but 
Drupal 8 won't interest me for a while after it has been released.

On 2015-10-13 15:45, Keith Smith wrote:

I'm looking at the requirements for Drupal 8 and RHEL 7 does not meet
them.  That is why I was asking about RHEL 8.

Ubuntu 14.04 barely meets the requirements for for Drupal 8.  Drupal 8
is not in production yet, however is supposed to be soon...  I figure
when Drupal 8 is a couple years old I might want to migrate.

So maybe Ubuntu 14.04lts / Drupal 7 for now and Ubuntu 16.xx lts /
Drupal 8 in  2 or 3 years.

On 2015-10-13 15:30, Ed wrote:

Kieth - not for years, besides most biz are still looking at the 6->7
migration as a TODO.
If you are itching for RHEL8 - get your fix with Fedora - 23 is due 

On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 1:23 PM, Keith Smith 


I was looking around for some info for when RHEL 8 might come on the 
The last two releases where about 3 1/2 years apart.  I'm guessing 

around the first part of 2018.

A quick search produced little insight.

Any thoughts?

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Re: RHEL 8

2015-10-13 Thread Nathan England
I long ago built a script that sets up 
everything exactly the way I like it.

I don't like Gnome 3 or gnome-shell. It reminds me a lot of OSX and it 
does have some nice parts that I do really like, but as an every day 
system to use (which I use both personally and for work on my work 
machines) I just can't stand it.

I'll stick with Xfce for now and KDE.

On 2015-10-13 16:35, Bob Elzer wrote:

Which gnome don't you like?

I really hate gnome 3 and the stupid gnome shell. To me I imagined
someone decided to copy Microsoft's windows idea of making all
desktops work like tablets. I could not put programs on the taskbar or
the desktop. Maybe MS inserted a spy lol.

I wound up installing the mate desktop.

I'm working on building a kickstart script to install centos 7 and
setup as much as possible during install.

I still wish they had the installing everything option. I like a
system that can do anything.
On Oct 13, 2015 3:43 PM, "Nathan England" <> wrote:

I really wish they would give a little more love to their KDE spin.
I'm not at all a fan of Gnome. I just don't like it. I have tried
multiple times at length. I develop across 3 screens all
horizontally aligned and with KDE it works great and Gnome it is
just not an enjoyable experience.

But KDE has enough problems to finally push me over my limit. A few
weeks ago I installed Xfce and have been using that. I like it a
lot, but there are a few things that get my goat. I really miss my

On 2015-10-13 15:38, Stephen Partington wrote:

Fedora 23 is looking really slick... and i am liking their
Workstation/Server/Cloud installer splits.

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Re: Open Relay question

2015-10-12 Thread Nathan England

My favorite for network tests. They have an option in the drop down to 
test an email server and will let you know if you have an open relay or 

On 2015-10-11 15:34, Keith Smith wrote:


How can I verify my server is not an open relay which will allow
others to send spam through my box?

Ubuntu 14.04LTS

Thanks in advance

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Nathan England (480) 559 - 9681
Web Developer, PHP Programmer, Lamp Administration, and
Information Security Specialist

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Re: What is your system advice? Solved.

2015-10-07 Thread Nathan England

Good point! 

Actually, it was an extra SSD I had that I was not using. I figured it
might make it a little quicker and I won't have to spend any money on

One of these days I would like to replace that fan. 

On 2015-10-07 11:34, Stephen Partington wrote: 

> you bought it an SSD instead of a fan? 
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 10:43 AM, Nathan England <> wrote:
> I have a T500 that I bought years ago. I begged and begged and Lenovo support 
> sent me the better hard-backed keyboard which I promptly replaced. It was 
> originally a core 2 duo 2.8GHz with 4GB of ram and a 160GB 7200 rpm drive.
> The fan went out a week after the warranty ended and I never had the extra 60 
> bucks to replace it, so it has lived on with the dual cores disabled in bios 
> and powermanagement forcing it to run at 800MHz.
> I replaced the hard drive with a Samsung 840 Pro SSD and still use it with a 
> single core at 800 and that laptop is faster than HP zBook with a fancy new 
> core i7 and 16GB of ram. Well, it was until I put the same SSD in the 
> zBook... but that's a different story.
> Long live Lenovo Thinkpads! 
> On 2015-10-06 16:02, wrote:
> Thanks again for all the helpful input in response to my
> recent question: "What is your advice to update my system?"
> After much research, I finally decided that, for my needs, the best
> option was a used T420 Thinkpad. I've had excellent results with IBM
> Thinkpads and never had one fail. Now they are all Lenovo, of course; and
> I found one from a private party on Craigslist for $200 that looks
> absolutely brand new, like it has never been used, and with 8-Gb RAM.
> Lots of them on ebay for as little as $99 with no OS and priced all over
> the map up to $500 and even more.
> Now just need to flush the 500-gig hard drive and install Linux Mint and
> I should be good to go for the next 5 years or longer.
> ---
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A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from
rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.


Nathan England (480) 559 - 9681 [3]
 Web Developer, PHP Programmer, Lamp Administration, and
 Information Security Specialist


[2] tel:%28480%29%20559%20-%209681
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Re: What is your system advice? Solved.

2015-10-07 Thread Nathan England

I have a T500 that I bought years ago. I begged and begged and Lenovo 
support sent me the better hard-backed keyboard which I promptly 
replaced. It was originally a core 2 duo 2.8GHz with 4GB of ram and a 
160GB 7200 rpm drive.

The fan went out a week after the warranty ended and I never had the 
extra 60 bucks to replace it, so it has lived on with the dual cores 
disabled in bios and powermanagement forcing it to run at 800MHz.

I replaced the hard drive with a Samsung 840 Pro SSD and still use it 
with a single core at 800 and that laptop is faster than HP zBook with a 
fancy new core i7 and 16GB of ram. Well, it was until I put the same SSD 
in the zBook... but that's a different story.

Long live Lenovo Thinkpads!

On 2015-10-06 16:02, wrote:

Thanks again for all the helpful input in response to my
recent question: "What is your advice to update my system?"

After much research, I finally decided that, for my needs, the best
option was a used T420 Thinkpad. I've had excellent results with IBM
Thinkpads and never had one fail. Now they are all Lenovo, of course; 

I found one from a private party on Craigslist for $200 that looks
absolutely brand new, like it has never been used, and with 8-Gb RAM.

Lots of them on ebay for as little as $99 with no OS and priced all 

the map up to $500 and even more.

Now just need to flush the 500-gig hard drive and install Linux Mint 

I should be good to go for the next 5 years or longer.

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Nathan England (480) 559 - 9681
Web Developer, PHP Programmer, Lamp Administration, and
Information Security Specialist

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Re: Dr Horrible DNS geekery

2015-09-27 Thread Nathan England

Not my decision? Am I not allowed an opinion any more, either? 

I believe it is a waste of ip addresses. 

On 2015-09-25 19:04, Bryan O'Neal wrote: 

> It is not your decision as to what on the internet is a waste.

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Re: Dr Horrible DNS geekery

2015-09-25 Thread Nathan England

And they wonder why we've run out of ip addresses... what a waste. 

On 2015-09-25 13:47, Stephen Partington wrote: 

> traceroute 
> no really... 
> -- 
> A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from 
> rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.
> Stephen
> ---
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 Web Developer, PHP Programmer, Lamp Administration, and
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Re: Microsoft has developed its own Linux. Repeat. Microsoft has developed its own Linux • The Register

2015-09-18 Thread Nathan England

 Check's date... not april fool's day  

damn... it's the end of the world! 

On 2015-09-17 23:59, Eric Oyen wrote: 

> it was bound to happen sooner or later. perhaps they finally got a brain. 
> -eric 
>  [1] 
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Re: VPS 1 core vs 2 cores

2015-09-08 Thread Nathan England

I don't know that I would want to run a production site with Magento and 
Drupal with less than 4gb of ram. The cores = more visitors concurrently 
to your website. Unless very well designed, mysql/mariadb threads will 
only use a single core per query, so one user on the site could 
potentially stall the site with a huge query. Having multiple cores 
means multiple queries.

Naturally it is more complicated than that, but I figure with the 
generalities you are asking about, that about fits the bill.

On 2015-09-08 13:01, Keith Smith wrote:


I am wondering what your opinion is on cores and RAM when using a VPS.

I am thinking about this in the context of Drupal and Magento, both of
who are resource hogs.

I was told more RAM is much more valuable on a VPS than is the number 
of cores.

I'm assuming 4G of RAM is enough to not go into swap.  I'm thinking
this should be fine for a production site with moderate traffic
running either Drupal or Magento.

As you know more cores means more money when it comes to VPS servers,
while RAM is cheap.

Of course we know opcode cache, varnish, and memcache(d) can work
wonders in speeding up websites. For this discussion lets assume we
are using none of them.

The question is, will a second core make all that much difference if
enough RAM is present to not use swap?  How would I know I need a
second core - look at the load?

And is there other consideration or things I should be looking at?

Thank you very much for all your feedback!!


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Nathan England (480) 559 - 9681
Web Developer, PHP Programmer, Lamp Administration, and
Information Security Specialist

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Re: no wedding band??

2015-08-29 Thread Nathan England

This is the same president that spent the Christmas holidays in
Hawaii to avoid religious obligations as president at the White
House. His children do not receive Christmas presents. Let's just
face the facts and quit trying to distort the truth, we have a
Muslim for president in the White House, and he has no knowledge of
American history.

I love this country; it's the current government leadership I worry
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Nathan England (480) 559 - 9681
Web Developer, PHP Programmer, Lamp Administration, and
Information Security Specialist

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Re: no wedding band??

2015-08-29 Thread Nathan England
 possibly be that, because although he hasn't gone to a
Christian church service since entering the White House, we know
he's a committed Christian cause he said so during his campaign
This is the same president that spent the Christmas holidays in
Hawaii to avoid religious obligations as president at the White
House. His children do not receive Christmas presents. Let's just
face the facts and quit trying to distort the truth, we have a
Muslim for president in the White House, and he has no knowledge of
American history.
I love this country; it's the current government leadership I worry
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Keith Smith
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Nathan England (480) 559 - 9681
Web Developer, PHP Programmer, Lamp Administration, and
Information Security Specialist

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Re: O/T : Looking for an entry level LAMP developer for contract work.

2015-07-22 Thread Nathan England

The company I currently work for has 3 developer position openings and 
in 4 months we've had only two candidates apply. That seems to me a real 
need for developers. Either that or the job description is too 
complicated for them to get past.


On 2015-07-22 10:45, Keith Smith wrote:


I posted for an entry level LAMP developer a week or so ago figuring I
would find a number of people wanting to break into LAMP development.
What I received was a lackluster response.  I was offering $22/hr 1099
with the potential to bill 40 hours a week.  I figured by the time
that person pays for health insurance figured at $250/mo, pays he self
employment tax, and takes some vacation time and holiday time off,
this compensation would be about $18 an hour W2 or $36,000 a year.

Here is the contract description:

I am looking for an entry level LAMP developer.  Would like someone
with entry level PHP skills and entry level Linux skills.  Stuff like
the ability to add a user, add a sudo user, and configure vhosts on
apache.  I will give directions with examples and they will be working
on a development VPS so if they blow it we just spin up another.  As
for PHP skills if this person knows how to write a MySql connection
string and is able to insert, update, delete and list this person
could be what I am looking for.  This is a maintenance job.   This
person would need to know some HTML and CSS.  jQuery would be a plus.

This contract could last as long as 2 or 3 years.  At that point we
would need to either up the compensation or understand when this
person takes off for other opportunities.

Is the compensation fair?  Any ideas why I received such a lukewarm 

Your feedback is much appreciated.


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Re: Crontab logs

2015-07-20 Thread Nathan England

Just to be clear, is this a command line php script?

If so, you need to execute it with php first.

36 * * * * php /path/to/script/script.php

If this is a php web page, you need wget or curl to get it
36 * * * * wget

On 2015-07-20 15:28, Keith Smith wrote:


I'm on CentOS 6.6 and created a user crontab ( crontabe -e ).  I added
the line to run a PHP script at 36 after the hour.

36 * * * * /path/to/script/script.php

Had a path wrong so it was failing.

Was looking in /var/log/cron and it did not show the error.

What am I missing?


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Re: OT: Blocking Sites

2015-07-07 Thread Nathan England

Remember the days when we could just pull the plug? 

If this is a windows machine, you can edit the hosts files in

You might need to hit the start button, type in notepad then right
click notepad and select Run As Administrator in order to edit the

Then follow the syntax of the domains and ip should be I
don't have a windows machine, so I cannot tell you which is first, ip or
domain, but I think it is ip and then domain. 

If this is a linux box do the same thing, but edit the /etc/hosts file
and put in a bogus ip for the domains you want to block. 

I would suggest one line per domain ip combo. 

On 2015-07-07 13:26, AZ Pete wrote: 

 I have two boys who's video gaming on their laptops is out of control. If me 
 or my wife aren't *constantly* looking over their shoulders, they will be 
 playing games. And they are savvy enough to have their educational lessons 
 open in one tab and games in another and alt-tab away from the game when we 
 are walking past. 
 I need a solution that will block their game sites, while still allowing 
 access to all the other sites that are needed for school, lessons, research 
 Is there some method I can block DNS requests to certain domains, while 
 keeping others active for only their computers? I want something *very easy* 
 to set up and maintain that runs on Windows (all computers in my home network 
 are Win based). I have a Windows file server I could load some kind of proxy 
 software on and have the kids computers hit the proxy to resolve DNS calls. 
 But again, I don't want to screw around with complex proxy servers, net 
 nanny based software, etc. Also, simply editing their hosts file isn't 
 terribly realistic either. 
 Basically, I want a solution where I can easily enter a domain to be blocked 
 (or removed for access) for only their PCs, without having to sink hours and 
 hours into learning/configuring/maintaining some complex software solution. 
 I'd also rather not have to load some kind of net-nanny software onto each of 
 their computers (which would be a pain to constantly have to maintain the 
 block list on each machine). 
 Free/Open Source would be best, but I'll be willing to pay if the price is 
 I'm at my wits end with this game addition (and yes it's an addiction) and 
 need a solution. 
 Any thoughts would be most appreciated. 
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Re: OT - sort of

2015-06-24 Thread Nathan England

I had an Intel drive, forget which series, which lasted me a couple
years before I gave that laptop away to someone else, and they continue
to use it now, which has been several more years. 

I currently have a couple Samsung 840 Pro's which are awesome. 

I completely intend to buy whatever Samsung pro is the next in line as
soon as I need a new one. Unless I see a screamin' deal on an Intel. 

On 2015-06-23 12:00, Lyle Tuttle wrote: 

 OK, the hard drive on my windows box is getting old, and every now and then 
 during startup, I hear a short burst of such problem on 
 my Linux laptop, but it does not get as much use, either...
 I want to replace my aging hard drive with a solid state unit.
 Suggestions? Advice? Personal experiences to share? 
 My Dell System was purchased in December 2010 (I but them heavily loaded, and 
 hope they will still be good for a long time, hardware-wise.), and runs all 
 day, every day I am home, which is most of the timeI started it shortly 
 b4 5am today and will shut down about 10pmtypical day.I consider it 
 pretty heavy use.
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Re: OT: Android for Kids

2015-06-22 Thread Nathan England

I spent a lot of time playing Incredible Machine years ago. Stupid 
kids game, but I got sucked right into it. I'm glad to see those types 
of games are still around. I'm going to have to look into all of these. 
Thanks hans.

On 2015-06-22 00:56, der.hans wrote:

Am 21. Jun, 2015 schwätzte Nathan England so:

moin moin Nathan,

Memory from the f-droid repo. It's GPL and has cards with Tux on them 

In addition to the matching pictures, each card has its own sound, so
there's also audible matching.

It also useѕ well-known characters for the face side.

Hmm, that project has a few other games and commitment to GPL.

This also looks useful.

I recently picked up a few other games from f-droid, but haven't really
played with them much.

On the non-FLOSS side there is Petson's Invetions, which I tell 

about. It's fantastic. I recommend it even though it's proprietary
software. In fact, it's the only proprietary software I recommend.

We started with it at the age of 3.

It's a digital rube goldberg machine. The player is given and image of
what the machine is supposed to look like, then supplied with a panel 

parts and a field upon which to build the machine. Not all of the parts
will be used. It's a bit difficult, but somewhat randomly pulling stuff
over can make progress, so even at 3 it was useful.

I've seen at least 4 versions available.

If you'll give access to a GNU/Linux box, then sl is great. It's short,
but can entertain over and over, especially if you toss on a wrapper to
randomly call different options.

There's also tuxpaint, but mostly I prefer to just point at the crayons
and paper even if those don't make noises. We do have some stamps, so 

part of tuxpaint isn't as novel.

There are several 'doodle' drawing games on Android, but all 

I've also disabled networking on the child tablet. No need for 

For board games, Robot Turtle has been great. There are different 

of play so the older kids might also find it engaging. The 3 year old
probably will have troubles with the role of turtle master, but the 

kids handle it fine.

Since only the turtle master is allowed to touch the board, it's great 

the younger kids who still tend to knock things over when playing with

Officially the players aren't competing against each other, so each can
play a different level of the game at the same time. Convincing them 

they aren't competing can be difficult.




As I'm sure many of you on this list also have children and several 
older android devices, what apps do you install for your kids to play?

I have children from 3 to 14, but I am primarily interested in games 
for my 3 year old. I don't have game systems in the house, nor do I 
own a television, but as the Phoenix heat kicks into full gear it's 
difficult to keep a three year old entertained and productive... and 
Dr. Seuss books do an excellent job, but he much prefers Asphalt 8.

What have you found to be good for younger kids?
Free is great, but I'd rather pay a couple dollars for a good game 
without in-app purchases, but does that even exist anymore?

My list so far is fairly short:

Angry Birds
Angry Birds Go (racing)
Asphalt 8
Bible for Kids (It has a kids game in it)

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OT: Android for Kids

2015-06-21 Thread Nathan England


As I'm sure many of you on this list also have children and several 
older android devices, what apps do you install for your kids to play?

I have children from 3 to 14, but I am primarily interested in games for 
my 3 year old. I don't have game systems in the house, nor do I own a 
television, but as the Phoenix heat kicks into full gear it's difficult 
to keep a three year old entertained and productive... and Dr. Seuss 
books do an excellent job, but he much prefers Asphalt 8.

What have you found to be good for younger kids?
Free is great, but I'd rather pay a couple dollars for a good game 
without in-app purchases, but does that even exist anymore?

My list so far is fairly short:

Angry Birds
Angry Birds Go (racing)
Asphalt 8
Bible for Kids (It has a kids game in it)

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Re: OT: Data Recovery

2015-06-02 Thread Nathan England

They state in the article they use the drive farming method of getting
their drives. I use exclusively Seagate because I've never had a WD last
for very long and the four WD drives I had in operation all failed
within the last year. 

I have used the drive farming method myself and the drives always fail
quickly. They are not normal drives. They are typically green drives
which mean they aren't meant to spin continuously and be in constant
use. They are meant to spin up, write data, spin down. Every drive I've
pulled out of an enclosure and used full time has failed with all the
dramatic flair of a drag queen on the strip. 

The standard desktop drives I've used have worked great, and in that
list I count Seagate, Toshiba, and Hitachi before they sold out to the
horrible beast that is WD. 

On 2015-06-02 15:46, Eric Cope wrote: 

 not at all. 
 The failure ended up being two-tiered. The first problem was a firmware 
 failure. The fee to recover the first pass was $395. After the first pass, 
 they recovered my critical data successfully, however it was discovered there 
 were 2 heads that were failing. There was data that couldn't be recovered 
 without replacing the heads. They offered to take it into their clean room 
 for $750, replace the heads, and recover the rest of the data. I didn't need 
 it (it was my brother's data and he was too cheap to pay for recovery), so I 
 opted not to continue the recovery process. 
 FYI - if you have data on Seagates, get it off: 
 On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 2:16 PM, Michael Butash wrote:
 Ouch, if you don't mind my asking, what did it end up costing total? Luckily 
 never needed to myself, but people have asked and I never have an answer.
 On or off-list is fine. :)
 On 06/02/2015 11:22 AM, Eric Cope wrote: 
 Hi everyone, 
 I recently had a Seagate 3TB drive fail on me. The local company, Desert Data 
 Recovery, was able to recover all of my critical data. They were very 
 responsive and really inexpensive. They did a free evaluation and offered a 
 No Data, No Fee policy. I'd highly recommend them. [3] 
 Just thought I would share. Backups are cheaper, but if you need recovery 
 services, check them out. 
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Re: Article / Data warehouse cms software

2015-05-26 Thread Nathan England

Thanks for all the input. The articles that are going to be put into the
system currently only exist on paper. Which I have no plans of scanning
in. These will be lovingly typed in, mostly by myself. Many of the
articles will have references to each other, so wikimedia's easy ability
to link between other documents is important to me. I want it simple. 

This is definitely one of those issues where I really want the
technology to just help me do what I want to do and not turn into a
major development project or something that requires more time to
maintain than the system itself for me to use. 

I just want to type in my documents and be able to search and link
between them. 

If it helps at all, this is personal bible study notes and sermons from
the last 10 years. I don't want to lose any of it and I want to expand
on a lot of it. I also want to begin typing up a complete commentary as
detailed as possible. I really want to take advantage of the
inter-linking between documents. 

Thanks again for all your thoughts! 

On 2015-05-26 17:33, Mark Phillips wrote: 

 I also looked at dspace. It has lots of bells and whistles for professional 
 archivists, especially in the workflow for adding something to the 
 repository. I am not sure if one can bypass any of the steps. It was too 
 complicated for my needs. It meets all sorts of standards for archiving 
 documents, but my project does not need to be standards compliant. Mayan also 
 has a workflow associated with adding something to the repository, but it 
 seems to be much more streamlined and appropriate for my archiving needs. 
 Dspace is also a Java/Tomcat application, so a bit heavier than I wanted to 
 host for my project. Just my 2 cents based on a fair amount of research in 
 this area. I am by no means an expert!
 On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 3:55 PM, Stephen Partington 
 Well if you are looking to store a digital library you can consider something 
 like D-Space [1] 
 It is a bit finicky to set up but it does work on revision management and 
 actually managing and maintaining your data. do some reading before you 
 decide to try it. it is not for the feint of heart. 
 On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 12:48 PM, Mark Phillips 
 I am in the same boat. I have lots of scaned documents (pdfs, tiffs, jpegs, 
 etc.) to tag and make searchable. I tried a wiki and did not have much luck. 
 I stumbled upon mayan edms ( [2]) and it looks 
 pretty good. It is a django based open source project for storing, tagging, 
 and searching documents such as I have. It also does ocr as documents are 
 imported, so the searches cover both meta tags and document content. It keeps 
 a modification history for all documents. It can use SQLite, MySql, 
 postgress, etc. as the db. Django is a pretty simple framework to understand. 
 The only downside is that the community support is sparse and the docs are 
 also sparse. I am just now looking at the code to see how well it is 
 Most of the archival software I looked at are Java based, and I prefer Python 
 because for this small project it uses less resources. 
 Let me know if you plan to use it. Perhaps we could help each other 
 understand the project.
 On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 11:19 AM, Stephen Partington 
 If you know wordpress i would stick with it. additionally there are plugins 
 for wiki as well. [3] 
 and knowledge base functionality. (might have to investigate these for my own 
 use) [4]
 On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 10:00 AM, Matt Graham wrote:
 On 2015-05-25 21:08, Nathan England wrote:
 I have a project to store a lot of data. Articles, stories, and
 encyclopedia type stuff. My first thought was to use a wiki
 (wikimedia) as it makes the contents easily searchable, but what about
 other cms systems like wordpress?
 Wordpress is generally more centralized, as it puts the most recent
blog posts up on the main page. Whether you'd use it or a wiki really
depends on what the users will be doing since there are things wikis do
better than wordpress. The default wordpress search seems to work OK.
Writing internal links using wordpress is more difficult than doing that
in a wiki.

 I am not familiar with wikimedia and its maintenance requirements.
 I can say that WordPress does not require a lot of attention.

 This depends greatly on the users. Setting up a wiki and running it is
not really difficult or resource-consuming if you don't have many users
and none of them are actively trying to destroy the site. If you have a
bunch of active users, you're going to need moderators and handle the
inevitable flame wars. They come out with a new version of wordpress
every couple of months

Article / Data warehouse cms software

2015-05-25 Thread Nathan England

I have a project to store a lot of data. Articles, stories, and 
encyclopedia type stuff. My first thought was to use a wiki (wikimedia) 
as it makes the contents easily searchable, but what about other cms 
systems like wordpress?

My question is, do any of you store lots of content which can be edited 
occasionally, searched often, and constantly has new stuff added? What 
do you use to store it in?

Another great benefit would be an easily backed up system, obviously a 
wordpress/db or wiki/db would be easily backed up. But I also need the 
ability to print in a basic format. And if I could access it and read on 
my phone it would be even better.

I appreciate your thoughts and input!

Nathan England
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Re: ubuntu and kvm

2015-05-14 Thread Nathan England

Your experience generally sums up every attempt I've made at making 
things work with any of the *buntu versions. I have spent enough time to 
get really frustrated with it and eventually go to something else.

For a short time I was concerned because Fedora was too unstable with 
systemd, ubuntu just sucks for everything beyond running from a live 
disc (and even that half the time), and openSuSE while awesome would 
suddenly crap out after a few reboots. Never really figured that one out 
and was really disappointed.

Finally with Fedora 21 things are stable again. F20 got better later in 
its life.

On 2015-05-13 17:31, Michael Butash wrote:

Thanks for the comments from Stephen and James.

This has unfortunately been a very frustrating experience, having
tried VirtualBox, KVM, and now even VMware Workstation, just try to
get something working, and each is fubar for some reason under ubuntu.

Virtualbox always works well, but for some reason won't import the
disk (some kind of uuid issue reading the disk image).
KVM packages just seem broken under ubuntu, as does apparmor (as 

VMware Workstation/Player 11 does nothing but give me permission
denied when trying to make a vm as a user, then as root tells me
there is no space left with 40gb in the volume.

I haven't seen this many f'd up package or app installs under ubuntu
in a while, though I expect it of VMware - they can't make linux
clients to save their life.  KVM I was surprised to see it's as much a
basketcase under ubuntu as it was.  Seems if people use it, they do so
with the rh variants, for a reason.

All I wanted was a stupid F5 load-balancer virtual appliance to run to
lab, instead 3 days wasted.  Ugh.

Thanks again all.

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Re: Cox 50Mb x 10Mb

2015-03-02 Thread Nathan England

I have the same service with no perceived latency issues.
But latency to/from where?

Me accessing a site local here in arizona has little to no perceived 
wait time.
Me accessing a site news site in Israel has little to no perceived wait 

latency is good?

But a local person in arizona hitting my site should have little to no 
perceived wait time, but someone in Israel hitting my site?? I would 
hope for little to no perceived latency, but I don't know what their ISP 
is like.

On 2015-03-02 11:18, Keith Smith wrote:


I am scheduled to upgrade to 50Mb/s down and 10Mb/s up.  I was told
these numbers are the minimum.  I have a business plan and can run a
server which I have done in the past, but not presently.

I asked about latency and was told I should see no difference using
the Cox network virus having the same box in a data center.

I was also told they are responsible for all the coax to the modem.
Whereas for residential service the demarcation is outside your house.
Another thing they told me is if my Internet goes off line due to
infrastructure they will have a tech out the same day versus 2 or 3
days for residential service.

Any thoughts on latency or any other issues?

Thank you for your insight!!

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Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England ( )
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
(480) 559.9681

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DIY Home Security

2015-02-24 Thread Nathan England

A while ago I heard about a start up company that is building small home 
security tools that the geek could use for home security. It was all 
small parts, fairly cheap, connected to the internet, and could be 
monitored some how.

I don't recall if I read it online or heard it on the radio.

Anyone familiar with anything like this?

Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England ( )
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
(480) 559.9681

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Server Performance Comparison

2015-01-21 Thread Nathan England

Sorry to fan the flames but I am curious... We have had some talk lately 
about web servers and ubuntu/centos and various applications needing 
some version or another.

I'm curious, has anyone ever seen a performance comparison between 
similarly configured ubuntu and centos systems?

Should there be a performance difference? I'm sincerely curious here, I 
am interested about vps performance differences as well as physical 
server differences.

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Re: Test

2015-01-20 Thread Nathan England

Saw it yesterday. Maybe no one responded to you.

On 2015-01-20 11:42, Keith Smith wrote:

I sent a project request to the list and it appears to not have made
it.  It was for a AWS S3 project.  Did it be through?

Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England ( )
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
(480) 559.9681

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Re: Fwd: You have received a new OnePlus invitation

2014-12-30 Thread Nathan England



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A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from
rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.


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Nathan England

Re: Media Center setup

2014-12-29 Thread Nathan England

On 2014-12-28 22:51, Michael Havens wrote:

I'd install XBMC as that gives you (almost) every modern show that has
been produced. hm local programming too if your local to
pitsburg (or somewhere back east).


I recall some time ago that XBMC on linux did not support Netflix. Is 
this still true? What about the others like Hulu Plus or Amazon Prime?

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Inotify Coolness

2014-12-26 Thread Nathan England
I just ran across an awesome package in Fedora 21 called inotify-tools 
which has a utility called inotifywait. You can create a small script 
that will watch a directory or file for inotify events (any or you can 
select specific ones) and then execute a script. I develop locally on my 
HP Zbook but Filezilla is borked on Fedora 21, so I have an rsync script 
that will update the changes from my local box to my development web 
server. I added the inotifywait script to watch for local changes and 
then it calls my rsync script and I can hit save on a file and then 
refresh on a webpage and it's there. I don't have to mess with uploads 
or anything. It's awesome!

Just thought I'd share some linux coolness!

Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England ( )
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
(480) 559.9681

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Re: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

2014-12-23 Thread Nathan England

On 2014-12-23 16:43, James Dugger wrote:

Just a note regarding Ubuntu. It is a server centric install.  It is
replacing/outpacing RHEL CentOS and Debian on forward facing sites at
a rate of 500 per day.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of any of the debian versions including 
any of the *buntu flavors. But as systemd destroys more and more linux 
distributions, I am increasing leaning towards ubuntu.

I would like to know where you get the 500 per day number from...

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Re: Need Linksys Powercord

2014-12-02 Thread Nathan England

While I most likely will not go the messy route, information like this 
is invaluable. Thank you for the explanation.

For my router at least, this is over-kill, and I don't have any spare 
power supplies. BUT! This has given me a couple ideas for some other 
power needs I have which would be solved via a power supply and this 

Awesome! Thank you!

On 2014-12-02 05:53, WEBMASTER wrote:

Some of the old bricks are painfully cheap and fail.  Sometimes it's
just a capacitor but that usually means making a mess out of the brick
just to get it working.

Some routers require a lot of current (1amp) which makes the smaller
bricks fail.  I've used this fix for both 12v and 5v routers.  If you
have a spare quiet or fan-less ATX power supply or don't mind the fan

If you're handy with a soldering iron or gun, here's the messy
solution I have employed in the past: (you'll want a VOM - volt-ohm
meter or DVM)

Just cut the cord off at the brick.  Make sure there is continuity
(i.e. a connection) between each bare wire from the brick end and the
plug terminal on the other end.  Make sure the two bare wires and the
plug are not shorted.

Take an old ATX power supply and splice the plug into the 12 volt side
(yellow and black) of one of the molex connectors - those are the
(usually) white four-wire ones.  (The other wire with black, which is
common and negative in polarity)  Make sure the polarity (+,-) is the
same as noted on the brick.  On the main ATX power connector, short
the green wire to a black wire (use a piece of bare copper wire and
secure with a short piece of duct tape).

It's a primitive solution, if not temporary, but you probably won't
see another power failure with this fix.

This fix is only good for 12 or 5 (red wire) volt power requirements.

Alternate fix is to find a good 1+amp 12volt brick and splice the old
cord into it.


On 12/02/2014 02:20 AM, Nathan England wrote:

Hey, that's a really good idea! I was at a GoodWill a few weeks ago 

saw several of them. I even jokingly made the comment out about the
power bricks... smack head

Oh well...

On 2014-12-01 23:40, David Schwartz wrote:

Check your nearest GoodWill Store.

They always seem to have lots of older routers, although they 

the wallwarts from them for whatever stupid reason.


On Dec 1, 2014, at 10:37 PM, Nathan England 

Hey all,

The power brick for my Linksys E2000 died. I bought a new Linksys 

used the old power cord and the new linksys failed to power up like
the old linksys. So I tried the power brick from the new linksys and
it works on both routers perfectly...

So, I'm looking to find a 1.0amp 12v power brick for a linksys or
similar that will work. I don't want to spend the money to buy a
variable power brick, they're not cheap and I am... ha ha

Has anyone got a dead linksys I can come and pick up? I'm in the 

valley but might be willing to drive a ways if you have one!

I appreciate your help!

Nathan England

(480) 559-9681

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Hey, that's a really good idea! I was at a GoodWill a few weeks ago
and saw several of them. I even jokingly made the comment out about
the power bricks... smack head

Oh well...

On 2014-12-01 23:40, David Schwartz wrote:

Check your nearest GoodWill Store.

They always seem to have lots of older routers, although they separate
the wallwarts from them for whatever stupid reason.


On Dec 1, 2014, at 10:37 PM, Nathan England wrote:

Hey all,

The power brick for my Linksys E2000 died. I bought a new Linksys and
used the old power cord and the new linksys failed to power up like
the old linksys. So I tried the power brick from the new linksys and
it works on both routers perfectly...

So, I'm looking to find a 1.0amp 12v power brick for a linksys or
similar that will work. I don't want to spend the money to buy a
variable power brick, they're not cheap and I am... ha ha

Has anyone got a dead linksys I can come and pick up? I'm in the west
valley but might be willing to drive a ways if you have one!

I appreciate your help!

Nathan England

(480) 559-9681

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NME Consulting Services
Nathan England ( )
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
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Need Linksys Powercord

2014-12-01 Thread Nathan England

Hey all,

The power brick for my Linksys E2000 died. I bought a new Linksys and 
used the old power cord and the new linksys failed to power up like the 
old linksys. So I tried the power brick from the new linksys and it 
works on both routers perfectly...

So, I'm looking to find a 1.0amp 12v power brick for a linksys or 
similar that will work. I don't want to spend the money to buy a 
variable power brick, they're not cheap and I am... ha ha

Has anyone got a dead linksys I can come and pick up? I'm in the west 
valley but might be willing to drive a ways if you have one!

I appreciate your help!

Nathan England

(480) 559-9681

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Re: Need Linksys Powercord

2014-12-01 Thread Nathan England

Hey, that's a really good idea! I was at a GoodWill a few weeks ago and 
saw several of them. I even jokingly made the comment out about the 
power bricks... smack head

Oh well...

On 2014-12-01 23:40, David Schwartz wrote:

Check your nearest GoodWill Store.

They always seem to have lots of older routers, although they separate
the wallwarts from them for whatever stupid reason.


On Dec 1, 2014, at 10:37 PM, Nathan England wrote:

Hey all,

The power brick for my Linksys E2000 died. I bought a new Linksys and 
used the old power cord and the new linksys failed to power up like 
the old linksys. So I tried the power brick from the new linksys and 
it works on both routers perfectly...

So, I'm looking to find a 1.0amp 12v power brick for a linksys or 
similar that will work. I don't want to spend the money to buy a 
variable power brick, they're not cheap and I am... ha ha

Has anyone got a dead linksys I can come and pick up? I'm in the west 
valley but might be willing to drive a ways if you have one!

I appreciate your help!

Nathan England

(480) 559-9681

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NME Consulting Services
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Information Security Consulting
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Re: server monitoring scripts for shared hosting?

2014-11-20 Thread Nathan England

On the contrary, security is the *upside* of open source. Issues get 
found and typically resolved quickly, many times within hours, as 
compared to other companies...

Setting and forgetting a piece of code on a machine somewhere does not 
become the fault of open source when it is not updated. Proprietary 
stuff has just as many problems, if not more. Oftentimes, the open 
source code is a labor of love and someone, or a group of people, want 
it to be awesome and perfect and not have issues, whereas the 
proprietary code is put out by a clearing house that just wants to hit a 
release date and they will fix bugs down the road... or in Microsoft's 
case, 20 years down the road...

Security is most definitely not a *downside* of open source.

On 2014-11-20 06:13, Keith Smith wrote:

Last time I checked Hostgator will give you shell access for a one
time charge of $10 per virtual host on their reseller accounts.

There is more to your story and a problem I would think some of us
have.  I was bit by the recent Drupal exploit. Security is the down
side of open source.  I was bit several years ago because of an
exploit in an open source app.

It literally feels like a war zone out there.  I recently found a
Drupal install on one of my domains that I had forgotten I had put out

I, like you David, tend to set it and forget it.  Not any more.

On 2014-11-19 23:34, David Schwartz wrote:

It’s a shared (reseller) hosting account at HostGator.

I can upload scripts and set them up to run under cron (via cPanel),
but I don’t have SSH access.


On Nov 19, 2014, at 9:51 PM, Eric Cope wrote:

can you install it locally? run it in userspace?

On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 9:42 PM, David Schwartz wrote:

Does anybody know of any scripts like tripwire that are designed
to be installed on shared hosting accounts to alert you to
unexpected changes?

Tripwire works by taking an inventory of the folders and files
you want to monitor. It then will do a scan periodically via a
cron entry and compare the file signatures with those recorded
previously, as well as the two sets of file lists. Any new,
modified, or deleted files will be reported to you via email or
something like that.

Somebody hacked into one of my websites through an exploit on an
old WP plugin that I neglected to update. I have no idea when it
happened, but just learned about it last week. I don’t pay a lot
of attention to most of my sites, so I thought it would make sense
to install something like tripwire to look for unexpected changes.
(Tripwire itself needs to be installed in the root and needs root
access, AFAIK. Maybe not. Suggestions welcome!)


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Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England ( )
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
(480) 559.9681

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Re: OT: html coding question

2014-11-20 Thread Nathan England

There are many frameworks which do what you want, namely bootstrap or 
Foundation. I think ultimately what you want is css @media queries. Do 
some digging on that and search for detecting media type or screen size 
and displaying a specific css for that device.

On 2014-11-20 10:14, wrote:
Is there a way to set up an html page so that it will be displayed at 

size on a mobile device, but then make all of the multiple small images
that make up the html page scaled down to a different (much smaller) 

on a desktop computer?

The problem is that I am creating a series of html pages beginning with
the link below as a model for an android app so that when this page is
viewed on an android smart phone, it fills the screen perfectly.

However, when I view this same html page on my desktop computer, the
image is way too large and I have to use CTRL- seven times to get the
image scaled down to the size that I want it to appear on the desktop.

- - - - (do CTRL- 7 times to scale it down)

How can I make this html page with all of its small image components
scale down automatically to the size I want it to be when the same page
is viewed on a desktop computer?

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Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England ( )
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
(480) 559.9681

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Re: knoppix

2014-10-05 Thread Nathan England

Sounds to me like you need to play with grub 2's gfxmode or gfxpayload

When Knoppix boots and you can modify the grub boot options, try
gfxmode24x768 or google gfxmode and your video card to find valid

gfxpayload=normal nomodeset
gfxmode=normal nomodeset

Try this for additional info:

On Sunday, October 05, 2014 22:55:08 Mark Jarvis wrote:
 The venerable CD of my old favorite, knoppix, having died, I
 the 64 bit DVD ISO (I have a 64 bit system)  burned it to a DVD. I
 booted from the DVD and at the boot prompt typed the knoppx64
option. It
 started off just fine, then went to a totally blank screen. The last
 couple of lines before it went blank went by too fast to really notice.
 The md5sum of the downloaded ISO matches.

 Does anyone have an idea of what the problem is, and more
 what to do about it?

 Many thanks for any help!

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Re: adobe flash

2014-10-05 Thread Nathan England

I'm assuming your using some variant on *buntu.. Correct? Regardless,
I think most distro's now use a late enough version of Chromium that it
no longer works with Adobe flash (at least not without some serious

You would be better off going to and
download the real package and install it. It has flash included and runs
much better anyway...

It's just easier. Last time I tried to make default Chromium use a regular
version of adobe flash I spent an hour beating my head against the wall
then installed normal Chrome from Google and everything works great.

If you really want to know /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
is where your libflash... should go.


I need to download adobe flash and I opted for the tar file rather than the
apt file. The instructions say (in part):

o Copy to the appropriate browser
plugins directory.  At the prompt type:

+ cp
o Copy the Flash Player Local Settings configurations
files to the /usr directory.  At the prompt type:
+ sudo cp -r usr/* /usr

My questions are:

what is the appropriate directory for chromium?
where are the configuration files? I understand from the first '+' that the
text after the '+' that this is what you are supposed to type in. I can't quite
grasp what the second command is. Oh I understand. usr is a
directory in the tar package. They just want to copy the contents of it to
/usr . They mention that this package is for firefox will that prove
difficult? Why didn't I have problems like this last time?

Thanks for any help you can give.

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Re: OT: Difference between OEM and Retail Windows 7

2014-09-12 Thread Nathan England
On Friday, September 12, 2014 01:53:05 PM Mark Phillips wrote:
 Is there any reason not to buy the OEM version of Windows 7 from Amazon and
 install in as a virtual OS on my Linux laptop?
 Amazon just says that the OEM version will not receive any MS support
 (which I have never used), and I can't transfer the license to another
 computer, which I don't care about.
 Anyone have any experience with this?

OEM mandates that the installer of the original equipment must provide 

The retail version comes with some level of support from M$ for a given amount 
of time.

Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England ( )
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
(480) 559.9681

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Re: samba trouble

2014-09-08 Thread Nathan England
 to 0775.
  ;   directory mask = 0700
  # By default, \\server\username shares can be connected to by anyone
  # with access to the samba server.
  # Un-comment the following parameter to make sure that only username
  # can connect to \\server\username
  # This might need tweaking when using external authentication schemes
  ;   valid users = %S
  # Un-comment the following and create the netlogon directory for
  Domain Logons
  # (you need to configure Samba to act as a domain controller too.)
  ;   comment = Network Logon Service
  ;   path = /home/samba/netlogon
  ;   guest ok = yes
  ;   read only = yes
  # Un-comment the following and create the profiles directory to store
  # users profiles (see the logon path option above)
  # (you need to configure Samba to act as a domain controller too.)
  # The path below should be writable by all users so that their
  # profile directory may be created the first time they log on
  ;   comment = Users profiles
  ;   path = /home/samba/profiles
  ;   guest ok = no
  ;   browseable = no
  ;   create mask = 0600
  ;   directory mask = 0700
 comment = All Printers
 browseable = no
 path = /var/spool/samba
 printable = yes
 guest ok = no
 read only = yes
 create mask = 0700
  # Windows clients look for this share name as a source of downloadable
  # printer drivers
 comment = Printer Drivers
 path = /var/lib/samba/printers
 browseable = yes
 read only = yes
 guest ok = no
  # Uncomment to allow remote administration of Windows print drivers.
  # You may need to replace 'lpadmin' with the name of the group your
  # admin users are members of.
  # Please note that you also need to set appropriate Unix permissions
  # to the drivers directory for these users to have write rights in it
  ;   write list = root, @lpadmin
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Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England ( )
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
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Re: samba trouble

2014-09-06 Thread Nathan England
 the first time they log on
 ;   comment = Users profiles
 ;   path = /home/samba/profiles
 ;   guest ok = no
 ;   browseable = no
 ;   create mask = 0600
 ;   directory mask = 0700
 comment = All Printers
 browseable = no
 path = /var/spool/samba
 printable = yes
 guest ok = no
 read only = yes
 create mask = 0700
 # Windows clients look for this share name as a source of downloadable
 # printer drivers
 comment = Printer Drivers
 path = /var/lib/samba/printers
 browseable = yes
 read only = yes
 guest ok = no
 # Uncomment to allow remote administration of Windows print drivers.
 # You may need to replace 'lpadmin' with the name of the group your
 # admin users are members of.
 # Please note that you also need to set appropriate Unix permissions
 # to the drivers directory for these users to have write rights in it
 ;   write list = root, @lpadmin
Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England ( )
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
(480) 559.9681

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Re: linux from scratch

2014-08-25 Thread Nathan England

Congrats Mike! I'm glad you are sticking with it!
I haven't done an LFS build in a while myself, and you have encouraged me to 
do the 7.5-systemd version   ewww, I hate systemd.

Rock on!

On Monday, August 25, 2014 07:20:11 PM Michael Havens wrote:
 I have been trying to do Linux from Scratch for 2 years now (I created
 about 8 virtual machines to do so) and have NEVER progressed beyond chapter
 five. Well, I got a computer to dedicate to my LFS build and it took me two
 weeks to get to chapter 7. This is so cool!
Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England ( )
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
(480) 559.9681

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2014-08-12 Thread Nathan England

Hi Michael,

it sounds to me like somewhere your permissions got messed up or the ssh 
server keys are invalid.

Check the following:

1) Your bmike1 permissions should be 600 on the files inside .ssh and .ssh 
itself should be 700
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/*

2) Maybe your hostname is in the /etc/hosts.deny file. Read that file on the 
machine you are ssh'ing to and make sure your other machines are not listed 

3) Try recreating your ssh keys on the machine you are ssh'ing to.
rm /etc/ssh/*key*
ssh-keygen -A

Try it now... 

You ssh into the machine and certain metrics are read and then you are 
mounting the virtual kernel file systems and that is when things change and 
you cannot access the machine a second time. Not sure off the top of my head 
why that would be except maybe something in /tmp or /dev is being over-
written. Anyway, hope something there helps.

On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 04:24:26 PM Michael Havens wrote:
  ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England ( )
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
(480) 559.9681

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2014-08-12 Thread Nathan England

When you ssh into the machine the second time is the problem, correct? 

If you disconnect all ssh sessions can you then connect again? Or does it give 
the same error?

If you reboot that computer it then lets you ssh in until you do the virtual 
kernel file systems (mount --bind stuff) correct?

On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 06:01:42 PM Michael Havens wrote:
 Thanks Nathan. I tried all you suggested (one at a time) but none of the
 suggestions work. Any other tricks of the trade to try?
 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 5:49 PM, Nathan England wrote:
  Hi Michael,
  it sounds to me like somewhere your permissions got messed up or the ssh
  server keys are invalid.
  Check the following:
  1) Your bmike1 permissions should be 600 on the files inside .ssh and .ssh
  itself should be 700
  chmod 700 ~/.ssh
  chmod 600 ~/.ssh/*
  2) Maybe your hostname is in the /etc/hosts.deny file. Read that file on
  machine you are ssh'ing to and make sure your other machines are not
  3) Try recreating your ssh keys on the machine you are ssh'ing to.
  rm /etc/ssh/*key*
  ssh-keygen -A
  Try it now...
  You ssh into the machine and certain metrics are read and then you are
  mounting the virtual kernel file systems and that is when things change
  you cannot access the machine a second time. Not sure off the top of my
  why that would be except maybe something in /tmp or /dev is being over-
  written. Anyway, hope something there helps.
  On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 04:24:26 PM Michael Havens wrote:
ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
  Nathan England
  NME Consulting Services
  Nathan England ( )
  Systems Administration / Web Application Development
  Information Security Consulting
  (480) 559.9681
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Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England ( )
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
(480) 559.9681

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Website Monitoring for bandwidth usage

2014-04-30 Thread Nathan England

Howdy Howdy, 

I've got a Digital Ocean droplet that is running between 3 - 5 GB of
bandwidth a day in traffic. I have multiple sites configured on the
droplet and I'm not sure which site is getting all of the traffic. 

I'm interested in adding some form of monitoring system that would
record analytical information about the apache service so I could figure
out which site is getting all of the traffic. 

Any recommendations would be awesome and greatly appreciated! I have
ntop installed which is less than useful, webmin doesn't provide
anything that I know of, and the system-info isn't what I want. 



Nathan England

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Re: Website Monitoring for bandwidth usage

2014-04-30 Thread Nathan England
Excellent! I installed it and am building the reports now. Thanks Phil! 
Hopefully that helps me find out something useful!


On 2014-04-30 01:15, Phil Waclawski wrote: [2]

not very fancy, but it may do the work for a quick analysis.

Phil W

On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 12:45 AM, Nathan England wrote:

Howdy Howdy,

I've got a Digital Ocean droplet that is running between 3 - 5 GB of 
bandwidth a day in traffic. I have multiple sites configured on the 
droplet and I'm not sure which site is getting all of the traffic.

I'm interested in adding some form of monitoring system that would 
record analytical information about the apache service so I could 
figure out which site is getting all of the traffic.

Any recommendations would be awesome and greatly appreciated! I have 
ntop installed which is less than useful, webmin doesn't provide 
anything that I know of, and the system-info isn't what I want.



Nathan England

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Postfix problem

2014-03-17 Thread Nathan England


I have a mail server running Postfix with multiple virtual domains. The 
server is set to accept mail to my domain only:

I have a virtual_alias_maps pointing to a hashed file with the following...  nengland # my local user   bmiller # another local user

When I send an email to either address it works correctly. The problem I'm 
having is with the catch all address. I want to add


So any email sent to goes to nengland and any email sent to goes to bmiller.

What happens is any email sent to goes to nengland and I 
get no errors. Does the first @domain take predecence over every other 
accepted domain? What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Postfix problem

2014-03-17 Thread Nathan England
I believe the problem was because I was assigning a catchall 
address to 
the primary domain of the postfix server. I had to change the 
domain of the 
postfix for the catchall to work, and now it works perfectly.

mydomain =

I had to change to something else. Now I can create a 
catchall for

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Re: Configuring email server

2014-03-17 Thread Nathan England

Agreed. I am using Postfix, Dovecot, and spamassassin and now 
roundcube and love it!

On Monday, March 17, 2014 09:35:54 PM der.hans wrote:
 Am 17. Mar, 2014 schwätzte keith smith so:
 moin moin Keith,
 postfix, dovecot, spamassassin is the combo I settled on many years 
 You might be interested in a newish Dovecot feature: virtual folders. I've
 been wanting that for my own mail server for decades. Still need to
 schedule time to play with it.
 Here are some postfix config links I found important enough to add to 
 config file for easy reference :).
 The codepoets link is no longer valid, but search for a copy of that page
 as it's well worth the read.
  I have my droplet at DigitalOcean configured and will display an
  webpage. so far so good.  It is running CentOS 6.4 or 6.5.
  I'd like to configure email now.  This I have not done.  I do have a
  server in my home office, however someone else configured it for me. 
  This time I would like to do the config myself.
  My home office server is running CentOS 6.x / Postfix / Dovecot /
  Is this the way to go?  Maybe there is something else I should be 
  If / Postfix / Dovecot / SpamAssassin is a good combination do you 
  any good docs you would recommend?
  Thank you in advance for your help!!
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Re: Apache starts with an error

2014-03-16 Thread Nathan England

Your httpd.conf file should have a line like

ServerName www.yourdomain.tld

which should be it's primary FQDN

On Sunday, March 16, 2014 03:28:28 PM keith smith wrote:
 Keith Smith
 On Sunday, March 16, 2014 2:49 PM, Eric Cope 
 check your httpd.conf file. I recall having to set the hostname in that 
 On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 2:21 PM, keith smith wrote:
 Hi,  I'm configuring a VPS at DigitalOcean and after installing Apache -
 yum install httpd, I try to start Apache with service httpd start  I get
 the following error:
 Starting httpd: httpd: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for 
 httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain
 name, using for ServerName
 If I issue service httpd status it returns httpd (pid  1764) is
 I've searched the net and some suggest adding my FQDN to the hosts 
 Is this the correct answer and if so do I just add a line like :
 host.domain.tld where is the IP of 
 Thank you so much for all your help!!
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Mail Server SMTP Relay

2014-03-15 Thread Nathan England

I just dumped my primary web host and moved my primary domains to a 
Digital Ocean cloud.

pause for cheers

My home network has a postfix mail server which I send my mail through, 
as well as my android phones/tablets connect to it to send and get mail via 
imap. This works wonderful.

My postfix configuration is setup to send my email via a smtp TLS relay to 
my primary web host, which I dumped. I planned to use my ISP smtp 
service, but after doing all of this and finally getting my ISP to accept my 
relayed messages, they reject any email from me that does not explicity 
use my domain in the FROM of my emails... which means I cannot 
send email with them.

So, I'm in the market for an email service where I can use any FROM 
address I want, so long as I authenticate to them via TLS or something...

Any suggestions? Thank you so much!

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Mail Server SMTP Relay

2014-03-15 Thread Nathan England

I just dumped my primary web host and moved my primary domains to a 
Digital Ocean cloud.

pause for cheers

My home network has a postfix mail server which I send my mail through, 
as well as my android phones/tablets connect to it to send and get mail via 
imap. This works wonderful.

My postfix configuration is setup to send my email via a smtp TLS relay to 
my primary web host, which I dumped. I planned to use my ISP smtp 
service, but after doing all of this and finally getting my ISP to accept my 
relayed messages, they reject any email from me that does not explicity 
use my domain in the FROM of my emails... which means I cannot 
send email with them.

So, I'm in the market for an email service where I can use any FROM 
address I want, so long as I authenticate to them via TLS or something...

Any suggestions? Thank you so much!

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Mail Server SMTP Relay

2014-03-14 Thread Nathan England

I just dumped my primary web host and moved my primary domains to a 
Digital Ocean cloud.

pause for cheers

My home network has a postfix mail server which I send my mail through, 
as well as my android phones/tablets connect to it to send and get mail via 
imap. This works wonderful.

My postfix configuration is setup to send my email via a smtp TLS relay to 
my primary web host, which I dumped. I planned to use my ISP smtp 
service, but after doing all of this and finally getting my ISP to accept my 
relayed messages, they reject any email from me that does not explicity 
use my domain in the FROM of my emails... which means I cannot 
send email with them.

So, I'm in the market for an email service where I can use any FROM 
address I want, so long as I authenticate to them via TLS or something...

Any suggestions? Thank you so much!

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Mail Server SMTP Relay

2014-03-14 Thread Nathan England

I just dumped my primary web host and moved my primary domains to a 
Digital Ocean cloud.

pause for cheers

My home network has a postfix mail server which I send my mail through, 
as well as my android phones/tablets connect to it to send and get mail via 
imap. This works wonderful.

My postfix configuration is setup to send my email via a smtp TLS relay to 
my primary web host, which I dumped. I planned to use my ISP smtp 
service, but after doing all of this and finally getting my ISP to accept my 
relayed messages, they reject any email from me that does not explicity 
use my domain in the FROM of my emails... which means I cannot 
send email with them.

So, I'm in the market for an email service where I can use any FROM 
address I want, so long as I authenticate to them via TLS or something...

Any suggestions? Thank you so much!

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Re: best mail client for kubuntu

2014-03-13 Thread Nathan England

I personally use Kontact because it has calendaring and much more built 
into it. Kmail is available if you are only interested in email, and of course, 
Thunderbird is available too, if you want to stick with what you know.

On Thursday, March 13, 2014 06:01:28 PM keith smith wrote:
 I am using Thunderbird on my M$ box and it does ok.  I was wondering 
 mail client I might want to use on my Kubuntu box.
 Thanks in advance.
 Keith Smith
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Re: After update wireless has to be reset each time

2014-02-28 Thread Nathan England

I have two laptops running Ubuntu 13.10 and a server running the LTS.

The two laptops updated a couple of days ago and ever since, when 
booting up, it hangs at the black kubuntu display before ever reaching 
KDM. I thought maybe it was just the one laptop, till I realized they were 
both doing it. I assumed it was hanging trying to connect to a wireless 
network or my cifs volumes hanging (which never has happened before). 
Then my wife's desktop (also 13.10) began doing the exact same thing.

On top of that, Sunday night my server updated and wanted to reboot, 
only to never boot again!!!

I'm happy to report my Server is once again running CentOS 6.5, and my 
laptops are happily running openSUSE 13.1.

I have not had time to update my wife's desktop, which only reboots when 
updates want anyway. So for now we have to boot and boot and reboot 
until it hits the login. Then everything seems to work okay.

Death to *buntu! I'm s tired of it. I think I officially hate it, not that 
was much of a fan before.


P.S. sorry to add more dark clouds to your storm Joe, but just wanted you 
to know *buntu has bit lots of people lately...

On Friday, February 28, 2014 02:24:46 PM wrote:
 I have two Thinkpads running Ubuntu. Both of them used to 
 reconnect to my wireless network after closing and opening the lid each
 After running the latest updates, one of them still works as before, but
 on the other, I have to re-enter the wireless key every time I close and
 open the lid again. Why?
 What did the update wreck this time?
 What do I need to do to restore the proper operation that I previously
 had so that each time I open the lid or restart the computer, my wireless
 connection automatically reconnects?
 (PS: I hate updates. They almost always wreck something.)
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Re: $PATH question

2014-02-27 Thread Nathan England

I know different shells source different files when started, I'm curious 
to know which shell you are using.

(konsole, gnome-terminal, ...)

If it works after sourcing your .profile then I would bet you need to 
have a .bashrc file with a line that says source ~/.profile.

Like Kitepilot, I too am curious to know what


tells us.

On 2/27/2014 8:24 AM, Dazed_75 wrote:
Prior to mu sourcing .profile, those commands showed nothing.  Once I 
ran . .profile, I get what I expected:

larry@hammerhead:~$ which
larry@hammerhead:~$ type is /home/larry/bin/

so the question really comes down to why is .profile not being run on 
login (I already said I do not have the two files which might prevent 
it).  This is Ubuntu 12.04 BTW.

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 6:50 AM, wrote:

Pls show the output of:

Dazed_75 writes:

I thought $PATH contained the series of paths searched to find an
executable file by the name specified on the command line.
 Specifically if
my $ENV contains a $PATH which reads:
/home/larry/bin:more paths
that an executable file like found in /home/larry/bin/
could be run
by simply typing on the command line.  What am I doing
wrong as it
does not work though it does if I type ./bin/ while in
Dazed_75 a.k.a. Larry

Please protect my address like I protect yours. When sending
messages to
multiple recipients, use the BCC: (Blind carbon copy). Remove
from a forwarded message body before clicking Send.

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Dazed_75 a.k.a. Larry

Please protect my address like I protect yours. When sending messages 
to multiple recipients, use the BCC: (Blind carbon copy). Remove 
addresses from a forwarded message body before clicking Send.

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Re: Here's Why Microsoft Is Worried About Google Chromebooks

2014-01-01 Thread Nathan England

Excellent point Paul, I completely forgot about Skype.

Skype used to be an absolute necessity for many of my projects. Anymore, I 
find I don't use it, and most times forget to turn it on. Sadly nothing 
replaces it (many I work with now use Windows and the multi-protocol chat 
systems are beyond them).

I despise skype now. Since M$ took over it does not work so well on Ubuntu 
anymore, or other distros I've tried. Android flakes sometimes, but is much 
better than linux. Windows Phone Skype is horrible in terms of features, but 
is very reliable, no problems with it, and in windows it's just a massive 
advertising troll.

I hate skype.

On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 08:33:07 PM Paul Mooring wrote:
 While I appreciate your perspective and can understand your concern,
 this seems to miss the core of Nathan's point.  Google is a public
 company with services you can elect to use (or not use) that only has
 access to the information you give it. It's necessary to pay for this
 service somehow and Google does that primarily through marketing based
 on the information collected.  I think at this point most of their
 users are aware of their business model and that information given to
 them (and yes typing a query in the search bar is giving them
 information) is more or less public.  While I use and love the
 services that Google provides and even appreciate my searches being
 tailored to my profile, I think it's reasonable and valid for others
 to choose not to.  I do not, however think it's fair to claim that's
 equivalent to allow snooping on formats perceived as private
 communication (skype anyone?)
 On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 6:18 PM, keith smith wrote:
  I have no problem with Google being a capitalist company.  I support a
  market system that has very few restrictions.
  What concerns me is that man has figured out how to profile other men by
  their actions.  For instance Target says they can tell when a woman is
  pregnant before she announces it to the world.  They make this assumption
  by the buying pattern of the woman.  If Target can make an accurate
  assumption with limited information, what can Google come to know about
  If this information was only used for marketing, I would be OK with it.
  However the bigger picture is that Google is probably working with the
  Government and providing what should be private information.
  Some people say So What, What Do I Have to Hide?.  That may be true
  they become a false positive and all hell breaks loose.
  Case in point.  There is a rumor that a couple were both doing searches at
  the same time.  One was looking for backpacks.  The other was looking for
  pressure cookers.  Rumor has it that in short order their house was raided
  by a swat team.
  Not so funny when you look at it through the eyes of a false positive.
  And as far as giving permission, yes we do, however only in a limited way.
  It is not like we can just decide to go off the grid.  If we want to
  maintain a certain lifestyle we must use modern technology.
  For example.  Recently the group I work with took on a Facebook project.
  None of use had Facebook accounts.  All three of us did not trust Facebook
  and had deep privacy concerts when it came to Facebook.  To complete the
  project all three of us needed Facebook accounts.  Not something we really
  wanted to do, however our livelihood had taken use to a point where we had
  to embrace technology we probably would have never used.
  So yes we do give permission and yes in some cases we do so because we
  no alternative.
  My concern with Google is they will become so big and so powerful, which
  they may already be, that they would easily be able to turn over our docs
  that we put up onto the Google cloud and do so with impunity.
  I like the concept of the Chromebook.  Very convenient.  You can go
  anywhere and have access to your docs.  You can even switch computers and
   with very little configuration you are off and running again.  You can
  share docs and life is just so much better, until someone becomes a false
  Keith Smith
  On Monday, December 30, 2013 5:45 PM, Nathan England wrote:
  I have a really hard time with people who get upset that Google is doing
  1) They are a marketing company
  2) We gave them permission
  People get upset that Google is watching all that they do on their Android
  phones... then use a Windows phone! Or go buy a cheap pre-paid flip phone.
  gave Google permission to track you and watch what you do.
  I think it's funny. I'm now saying this is Keith's deal, I'm just ranting
  on a
  point. Microsoft sells an operating system that I should be able to do
  want with and feel safe, however, M$ is doing evil things with it. An NSA
  back-door? I didn't give them permission

Re: Here's Why Microsoft Is Worried About Google Chromebooks

2013-12-30 Thread Nathan England

I have a really hard time with people who get upset that Google is doing evil 

1) They are a marketing company
2) We gave them permission

People get upset that Google is watching all that they do on their Android 
phones... then use a Windows phone! Or go buy a cheap pre-paid flip phone. You 
gave Google permission to track you and watch what you do.

I think it's funny. I'm now saying this is Keith's deal, I'm just ranting on a 
point. Microsoft sells an operating system that I should be able to do what I 
want with and feel safe, however, M$ is doing evil things with it. An NSA 
back-door? I didn't give them permission for that!

Google watches what I do because they ultimately want to make my life better. 
If they can find things I'm interested in and market them to me, so that I 
purchase them, they have won because they made money, but I also won, because 
I got something I wanted. (yeah yeah, evil capitalist agenda was to sell me 
something I didn't know I needed...blah)

Google is there to make money by watching what I do and sell me relevant 
things. Microsoft is just evil. Trying to tell me with one hand that I am safe 
from this that and the other, while tracking what I do and giving it to big 
brother. Complete liars.

Linus had the right idea, when asked if the NSA approached him about Linux he 
nodded yes and said no. !!!

On Sunday, December 29, 2013 01:40:39 PM keith smith wrote:
 Thought this list might enjoy this article.  One point that came to mind is
 Google is very big and tracks our activities.  M$ is doing evil also,
 however we do not want Google to become the only player do we??
 Keith Smith

Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England (
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
(480) 559.9681

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Keyboards Followup / Paranoia

2013-11-07 Thread Nathan England

I appreciate all of your thoughts who responded to my question about 
keyboards. Thank you!

While I am positive I am on several watch lists already, I really don't 
believe anyone would particularly care about my usernames and passwords 
to online systems I use. But the thought occurred to me, and I like to 
entertain my tinfoil hat once in a while, so what if someone were to 
intercept the keyboard I purchase and place a keylogger in the firmware...

Is it possible to detect a keylogger built in the firmware of a 
keyboard? Do all keyboards have firmware? What if the keyboard does not 
have macros or extra keys or special keys (beyond blank keycaps)? Could 
the USB cable itself be a keylogger?

How would you go about detecting that?

Seriously, I ask this tongue in cheek, but really am curious about the 
answer! Thanks!


Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England (
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
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2013-10-31 Thread Nathan England

I have blown up another keyboard and it's time to get a new one.  I live 
on my keyboard, and as such, I am typing all day long... I would 
appreciate your opinions and thoughts about what you use, what you'd 
like, what you suggest...

I wish I had a place to go and try out 50 different keyboards!

Mechanical keys are much loved.
backlighting is cool, but not necessary.
USB hub is an extra, but not necessary.
Volume control ugh, I really want one, but alas, not necessary.

I'm currently looking at :

Das Keyboard Model S Ultimate (just awesome)
Das Keyboard Model S Professional (yeah, I get volume keys)
CM Storm QuickFire Ultimate (all the goodies)

Any opinions?


Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England (
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
(480) 559.9681

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Re: Keyboards

2013-10-31 Thread Nathan England

On 10/31/2013 3:37 PM, Derek Trotter wrote:
I like the ancient IBM keyboards that make that loud clicking noise 
and weigh 50 pounds.  Are new ones being made?  If so where can they 
be had?

Me too! Das Keyboard is supposedly compared to the IBM Model M.


Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England (
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
(480) 559.9681

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Re: Looking for secure way to share passwords

2013-10-26 Thread Nathan England

Does your team use pgp encrypted email? Can't you send them each an 
email with their info in it and encrypt the email?

Or are we assuming now that email is completely compromised?


On 10/26/2013 2:20 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

I have a small team, and I am looking for a way to share account info 
- user names and password, and password updates. These are login 
credentials for financial accounts I manage.

I googled for some ideas, and came up with snail mail, various web 
services that encrypt/decrypt emails, Lastpass, and safegmail.

The users are technical noobs, so it has to be easy. No software to 
install. Free or inexpensive. They use Windows and Mac, I use Linux. 
Only I use Gmail, so safegmail is out.

Does anyone have any recommendations for web service solutions? Anyone 
use Lastpass? Other ideas?



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Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England (
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
(480) 559.9681

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Re: Looking for secure way to share passwords

2013-10-26 Thread Nathan England

Sorry, I jumped the gun. I missed the last line that said web service 

But on that note... since I've already blown it and suggested other 
things, why not send one bit of the info in email and the other part on 
a text message or something? That is how my team does it. We use 
multiple communications systems to send parts of the necessary pieces.


On 10/26/2013 2:20 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

I have a small team, and I am looking for a way to share account info 
- user names and password, and password updates. These are login 
credentials for financial accounts I manage.

I googled for some ideas, and came up with snail mail, various web 
services that encrypt/decrypt emails, Lastpass, and safegmail.

The users are technical noobs, so it has to be easy. No software to 
install. Free or inexpensive. They use Windows and Mac, I use Linux. 
Only I use Gmail, so safegmail is out.

Does anyone have any recommendations for web service solutions? Anyone 
use Lastpass? Other ideas?



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Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England (
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
(480) 559.9681

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Re: OT: Best domain renewal rates?

2013-10-15 Thread Nathan England

My biggest beef with GoDaddy is the complete disregard for treating 
women like women and not a flashy piece of meat. I wouldn't give them a 
dollar if I thought it would help Parson's be a bigger whore... is that 
even possible?

On 10/14/2013 5:23 PM, wrote:

Thanks for the great tip, Eric. *definitely* seems to be the best option, by far, and they
are based in Phoenix. Your other suggestion, is in some
foreign country and was very difficult for me to try to communicate with
them (and they are higher priced than namesilo anyway.)

I did quite a bit of investigating and while I have not had any problem
with godaddy or the other two registrars I've been using for years, I did
find that godaddy and my other two are all 50% (or more) higher than the
going rate.  And, is by far the best deal at this
registrar comparison website:

Switching to them will save me several hundreds of dollars a year.

PS: godaddy had lots of bad reviews in lots of places, also ... and their
excessively cluttered website and always trying to sell me a bunch of
stuff that I do not want is big a turn-off.

Eric Cope replied: or



joe wrote:

What would y'all suggest as the best place (rate) for
domain registration renewal? I have several to renew
at three different registrars and a few I may let lapse
if anyone should be interested.

GoDaddy, Dotster, and Startlogic are all $14.99/year.

Does anybody do better than that ... or offer multi-year
discount ... or know of any coupon specials?

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Nathan England

NME Consulting Services
Nathan England (
Systems Administration / Web Application Development
Information Security Consulting
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Re: OT Re: KDE alt-F2 PATH

2013-06-16 Thread Nathan England

This is seriously rediculous! Why did a question about KDE become Off Topic?
Was this an accident? Was this intentional?

Was it just to test the new OT: fliters?

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Re: OT Re: KDE alt-F2 PATH

2013-06-16 Thread Nathan England
On Sunday, June 16, 2013 08:05:53 PM Ryan Rix wrote:
 We're only allowed to talk about the kernel itself here now...
 On Sun 16 June 2013 18:21:16 Nathan England wrote:
  This is seriously rediculous! Why did a question about KDE become Off
  Topic? Was this an accident? Was this intentional?
  Was it just to test the new OT: fliters?
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That about sums it up!

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Re: OT: Re: KDE alt-F2 PATH

2013-06-16 Thread Nathan England
On Sunday, June 16, 2013 09:14:01 PM der.hans wrote:
  This is seriously rediculous! Why did a question about KDE become Off
  Topic? Was this an accident? Was this intentional?
 Now my dilemma, do I fix that tag syntax to be TO: since the thread
 wandered off to off-topic or leave the tag as is since it's wandered back
 to what's on topic or what isn't. Or maybe I'll just translate OT: to
 German and test localization ;-).

Wow. Thank you der.hans, you so elloquenty proved my point! lol
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OT: Then vs Now Programming WAS: Re: AMD vs Intel memory managemement

2013-06-13 Thread Nathan England
On Thursday, June 13, 2013 07:01:23 AM Lyle Tuttle wrote:

In the 'old' days, I worked for the Atomic Energy Commission designing, 
building and 
maintaining computer controlled experiments using radiation from and located on 
face of the reactor.our SDS mainframe G ran ALL experiments (including 
some x-
ray diffraction projects in remote locations) in real-time..that computer 
had 16K 
core memory...and people came from all over the world to see what we were 
doingnow a watch has more memory.

Time flies, and the only constant is change.. 

Lyle has brought up a question that is interesting to me. I hear stories like 
this of these 
amazing things people did with computers 30 and 40 years ago and then the 
always comes up like And we only had xx kb of ram.

So my question is, was programming in what ever language they used back then 
efficient and today's languages are seriously bloated and require more ram, or 
programmers today not know how to program as efficiently?

Or what gives?
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Re: Off Topic Discussions

2013-06-12 Thread Nathan England
On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 01:06:44 PM Ted Gould wrote:
Wonderful, and your blog is a great place for that.  I support you being 
outspoken about the issues in your private space.  But the PLUG list is a 
communal space, and with that comes certain communal norms.  For instance: no 
shoes, no shirt, no service.  That establishes norms for certain areas that 
contain that banner.  Certainly it restricts your freedom, but it is also 
about someone establishing norms in a space to encourage a more diverse set of 


What is ironic is we have destroyed the community of the PLUG. I have been on 
this list for over 10 years. Through that time I have come to know many people 
whom I consider friends. While the list may have a specific focus, since the 
beginning, us friends used this list to communicate all kinds of things that 
we cared about and we shared it with eachother through the list as a means for 
creating a group discussion rather than just between a few of us.

Society has changed. In our vast attempt to be open minded of everyone else 
and tolerant, almost entirely pushed by the LGBT groups, no one is tolerant of 
anything and no one is allowed to say anything for fear of offending someone 
else. You know, we have a freedom of speech in this country and not every word 
spoken is hateful though it may personally offend *you*.

Grow up. Put your big boy pants on and stop whining! This isn't the third 
grade anymore. I have opinions and a right to share them. You have opinions 
and whether I agree with them or not I want to hear them!

God forbid someone challenge someone. I have a strong foundation and I know 
what I believe, but you telling your opinion about something that I do not 
agree with does not shake my foundation so much that I get upset and I can no 
longer think for my self. I value other peoples opinions, otherwise I would 
not share my own. 

When Obama was elected the first round he stated he wanted his cabinet to be 
filled with people who did not agree with him. I thought it was  a brilliant 
idea! What better than a large group of advisors who will share differing 
opinions. Of course, later we found out the advisors were nothing more than 
large contributors to his campaigns and he was repaying them for their deeds. 
What a loser.

If we cannot share our opinions then I formally request this list become 
moderated so that no one might accidentally offend the weak minded on this 

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Re: Off Topic Discussions

2013-06-12 Thread Nathan England
On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 01:11:51 PM Derek Trotter wrote:

Here's my solution to this problem.  Make it a rule that anyone 
who posts an off topic post gets a gila monster put down their 

Ha ha ha. Who is man enough to go wrestle the first one? 
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Re: KDE alt-F2 PATH

2013-06-12 Thread Nathan England
On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 01:05:49 PM der.hans wrote:
 moin moin,
 I've tried a couple of things and am probably just missing something
 obvious, but ...
 How do I adjust the search path used by the command pop up? It's missing
 an important directory for me.
 Same question for GNOME and Unity actually :).

Not sure what you are trying to do specifically, I will guess you have a 
folder in your home dir called /home/hans/bin and you want to execute 
something in there that is not in your standard PATH ? 

I think you can edit the .profile and adjust your path to KDE

If you hit altF2 you should see an envelope for options, make sure Files 
and Locations are checked then it should search everywhere.

It could also be that you have akonadi turned off or not searching your files 
and folders? Typically with SSD's you woud turn akonadi off, but sadly that 
disables a lot of functionality in KDE.

** it appears via a kde bug report that the path should work from .bashrc and 
.zsh, maybe you need to adjust your path in the /etc/profile instead of in 
your home dir?

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Re: KDE alt-F2 PATH

2013-06-12 Thread Nathan England
On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 02:43:12 PM Brian Cluff wrote:
 If you do have nepomuk (akonadi is for connectors to various PIM) 
 off because it ate your system alive in the past, and you are using 
 4.10, go ahead and turn it back on.  With KDE 4.10 it has been 
 rewritten and is very very light on the system now.

Hey that is what I meant! lol Thanks for the correction Brian. 
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