Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward

2014-08-05 Thread Mike Bushroe
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To: Main PLUG discussion list
Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 17:16:26 -0700
Subject: Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

Your CIO example was not lost on me.  I get it.  I'm focusing on the market
and how it effects my ability to make a living as a freelance developer.
 For me it is about demand/compensation, is the projected life cycle long
enough to make it worth while making the necessary investment of time to
become competent, and is it something I really would like to do.

It is kind of like a personal hedgehog -

1) what are you passionate about?
2) what can you be the best at?
3) does it drive your economic engine?

I would add two more
4) is the projected life cycle long enough to reasonably recoup one's
investment to become competent?
5) is the barrier to entry low enough to make the transition worth while?

I'm sure you can add a couple more.

On 2014-08-04 16:59, David Schwartz wrote:

 Back in the 80’s, M$ was just another compiler vendor, one of several.
 And they weren’t even considered the best.

 It has been estimated that their software development tools division
 alone would rank as a Fortune 100 business entity. But they actually
 receive very little direct revenues because they get subsidized by
 other divisions. Today they exist mainly because they drove everybody
 else out of business. It’s hard to compete as a compiler vendor when
 M$ gives a company free dev tools if their CIO agrees to buy a huge
 bundle of database and OS technology.

 The fact that Delphi still exists is amazing in its own right. And it
 will be around for quite a while because the Veterans Administration
 has one of the largest installed bases of Delphi software in America,
 if not in the world, that’s still under active development — and it
 would be horribly expensive to replace with M$ technology (although
 some does exist).

 If the VA ever releases any mobile apps, there’s a very good chance
 they’ll be built with Delphi.

 Because of this relationship with the VA, Delphi has a rather unusual
 affinity with medical software developers.

 My earlier point seems to have been missed … if you’re a CIO on a
 tight budget and you REALLY want to SAVE MONEY, then it simply makes
 no sense to ignore AppMethod or RAD Studio today.

 You cannot talk about either Android or iOS development assuming
 there’s only one option any more. Android is _mainly_ Java, while iOS
 is _mainly_ Objective-C. But AppMethod/RAD Studio supports both, and
 now Swift supports iOS.

 Also don’t ignore the fact that we’re starting to see Android running
 on Intel architectures now, which is going to open them up to non-Java
 tool stacks as well. (Some of the latest low-end Acer tablets run
 KitKat on Intel CPUs.)

 Personally, I see the potential for much more heterogeneity in terms
 of development tools for both Android and iOS going forward than we’ve
 seen in Windows, if for no other reason than one company does NOT
 control both of them. M$ couldn’t persuade any major phone companies
 to use their OS, so they simply bought what was for a long time the
 market leader. I have no idea what they plan to do with Nokia, but M$
 currently has less than 5% of the mobile platform market; perhaps
 Nokia can get them to 10%.

 Getting back to that CIO again, now he’s going to be faced hiring yet
 ANOTHER developer to work with ANOTHER dev stack for Nokia’s hardware.

 That’s now $300k for 3 people using “free” tools vs. $100k and a
 single $5k tool.

 Something’s gotta give. Free tools are simply NOT an economical model
 for companies that MUST have a presence on ALL MOBILE PLATFORMS!


 On Aug 4, 2014, at 3:58 PM, wrote:

 It all makes sense to me.  As for the individual, I still wonder what the
 Android market will look like 10 years from now.  Since it is Google's baby
 I think Android has 30 years in it.  Look at M$.  It has taken them 30+
 years to become less relevant.  Maybe the cycle is speeding up maybe it
 is now 15 years.  15 years is good enough for me. The other side is
 enjoyment.  I cannot see myself working on something I do not like..
 Maybe Android development might not be fulfilling I won't know until I
 get a chance to swim in it, and that might be after the new year.

 On 2014-08-04 15:41, David Schwartz wrote:

 I understand your point, Keith, but even though Android uses Java, and
 Java IS considered “mainstream”, that does not seem to be translating
 into making it easy(er) to find Android mobile developers, is it?
 The ones out there ARE getting top-dollar, as well as iOS developers.
 C++ is also a mainstream language, and if you get RAD Studio, you get
 C++, Pascal (Delphi) and php/HTML5 in the same box, at least two of
 which ARE “mainstream”.
 There’s also their newest offering, AppMethod, which has a pricing
 structure more similar to other RAD

Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

2014-08-04 Thread Stephen Partington
You can also try on xda.

Questions I have are what is the source format? And what is the end goal.
There are a number of eBook readers that seem to me to have much of this
functionality already
On Aug 3, 2014 5:26 PM, Kaoru Wilbur wrote:

 Java, xml

 You can use C++ with NDK.

 Basic programming using the Android kit ADT.

 I use Eclipse but an Android Studio was released and some people use
 that... especially when they cannot install correct tools.

 If you ever wrote applets, it is very similar...
 One thing to remember if you do hire an Android developer and plan to put
 your app in Play is to get the key when the app is done.

 If you don't have that key... you cannot update that app that exists in
 Play Store!


 On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 4:35 PM, wrote:

 Hi Paul,

 One would think that Andriod programming is going to be with us for
 year... decade at least.  However that begs the question, what do you (or
 anyone else) think the long term demand will be?  Increasing or decreasing?

 Is there any barriers to entry like a nasty learning curve?  Specialized
 hardware?  ETC...

 I think I looked at the SDK about a year ago and as I recall it looked to
 be Java based and then I think I was told of a C++ SDK.  IIRC - I think it
 was something that looked to take a little effort to learn but not too bad.

 I think i recall something about using JavaScript.?


 On 2014-08-03 16:09, Paul Mooring wrote:

 Not to discourage you from trying to make this happen, but a bit of
 perspective might help.  Currently android/java developers are in
 great demand, where I live the average salary is around $110,000/yr or
 roughly $2100/week.  Having done a bit of contract/outsourcing work
 myself, I can tell you the experienced contractors/developers intended
 to lose as much as a weeks time on any project just trying to
 understand what needs to happen and working with the stake holders to
 make changes along the lines of one more simple thing.  The take
 away is there's going to be a minimum price/complexity to justify
 taking on a project for a skilled/competent developer and if your app
 doesn't meet that benchmark you're going to have  hard time finding a
 U.S. based competent developer interested in it.

 This doesn't mean it's a bad idea or you shouldn't do it, just keep in
 mind that while you may be really passionate about your idea to
 developers it's one of many offers to work on a contract for an
 individual  offering below market rates.  That's a great fit for
 contractors in India, students or a dev trying to expand her skill set
 (web dev still learning mobile apps, etc.) but not so appealing to
 established professionals.

 On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 10:04 AM, wrote:

  Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

 How can I find a skilled/competent/reasonably priced Android App
 Developer ... preferrably Arizona local or at least in the U.S.?

 I've tried [1] and [2] and several similar

 sites, without
 success. Mostly get proposals from India and Pakistan, etc.

 I'm willing to pay up to $1,000 (perhaps more) to get the results
 we need
 for an app to read, scroll, flip pages, and search within a book.
 be relatively simple and straight-forward.  Need to be able to add
 to the
 content and submit updates to the Google playstore myself.

 See my first-attempt (which does not yet work as well as we need it


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 Paul Mooring
 Operations Engineer


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Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

2014-08-04 Thread Paul Mooring
I wanted to send this to the list, because I think you make some excellent
points here.  Also just for the record, I'm not necessarily saying I think
do web apps for smart phones is better. I'm merely providing POV from
someone working in the tech start-up space that that's what the industry is
currently leaning towards.  I actually prefer native apps myself.

On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 7:51 AM, wrote:

 On 2014-08-03 19:14, Paul Mooring wrote:

 This is a probably a longer and more involved conversation than you
 think.  There's a few primary factors in supply and demand for app

 1. Native vs HTML

   There's a huge difference in the available supply of developers and
 companies currently equipped to make an html5 site that plays nice
 with both ios and android.  I think we're likely to see a
 proliferation of tools like phonegap ( [6]) and a

 slow down of native apps as html apps eat that market share.  When
 you consider currently ios requires objective-C and android Java, you
 have 2 languages with different tool chains and a more involved
 development and release process competing against a very well
 understood and super fast html/javascript ecosystem.  In my opinion
 html/js will eat the mobile dev community as quickly and dominantly as
 it did for native Windows/OSX applications.

 This is akin to the argument for browser based applications 10 - 15 years
 ago.  You build an app that runs in a browser and there is no deployment -
 just point your browser to the website.

 Building browser based apps that rival desktop apps is not easy.  It is
 easier now that we have jQuery et al, however still not as easy as building
 desktop apps with Visual Basic (VB).  It could take 10 - 20 times longer to
 build a really trick jQuery web app that rivals a VB app. Unless of course
 you build widgets that can be reused, then you spend a bunch of time the
 first go around and reuse those widgets.  Still a lot of time building
 those widgets.

 I have not built any Android apps, however I suspect it might be faster to
 build them than HTML/(MySql/MariaDB)/CSS/JavaScript (jQuery).  The down
 side is the different platforms.  Which one do you go with and what is the
 market implications of doing so.

 Of course web apps require a server or at lease some cheap virtual hosting
 depending on the needs of the app.

  2. Expanding platforms

   Currently ios and android own the market, but with microsoft,
 mozilla, ubuntu, etc. all getting into the mobile os game it's
 conceivable that the overall market could keep growing without making
 android/java skills a must have.

 This is down right ugly.

  3. Better native app tooling

   Writing full featured web applications 10 years ago was really
 hard.  Rails, Django, Laravel, etc. along with REST APIs and json
 revolutionized how we build web services making it a whole lot
 easier.  Then much more recently jquery followed by a million
 javascript frameworks did the same for front ends.  If native android
 development keeps growing similar tooling is sure to be built to
 drastically reduce the entrance barrier.

 It's still very time consuming and requires skills that come with a
 learning curve.

 We are still stuck in the 80's with C versus the 90's with Visual Basic.
  You build your own widgets and development time is through the roof.

 Building mobile web apps takes a considerable amount of skill and arguably
 two distinct or possibly three distinct skill sets - 1) Programmers, 2)
 Designers, and 3) JavaScript / jQuery developers.  I assume building an
 Android app requires one skill set - Android programming skills - a much
 smaller set of skills.

 Overall I think it will become easier/cheaper/faster to build mobile
 apps, but I sort of doubt that will manifest itself in the form of
 most developers learning and rallying around Java and the Android API.

 Thank you for your thoughts.  In a nutshell I think what you are saying is
 there is high demand presently, the market will fragment, the demand will
 level out, and we should consider web apps first.

 The thing we have not talk about is marketing.  I think this is what is
 motivating Joe.  If one builds browser base application and you want to
 market it how do you do so?  SEO is the main way.  As Google continues to
 refine their algorithm trying to get a website to rank is getting more
 difficult.  The alternative is to spend lots of money on advertising.  Both
 approaches require deep pockets.

 If Joe releases his Android app it might get some traction.  And it might
 be easier to market in the traditional way.  The down side is only part of
 the market can run the app.

 My motivation for asking the question was purely wanting to know if the
 high demand for Android developers will last.  No one can know for sure.
 While you say the market will splinter, I think Android will be a strong
 contender. I do not see M$ as a real market player. 

Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

2014-08-04 Thread David Schwartz
It always amazes me that these discussions inevitably devolve into arguments 
about the tools.

When people discuss new features for cars, like switching to hybrid or electic 
technology, do they spend most of their time talking about battery chemistry or 
the electromagnetic properties of different materials? Or do they talk about 
the benefits mostly?

Why is it that we in the software world are so freaking attached to the 
technology used to IMPLEMENT our ideas?

Way back when Windows 3 was released, I was doing my own consulting work for 
clients. I focused on real-time embedded solutions written in C/C++ that ran on 
DOS or some kind of embedded kernal. 

People kept asking me why I didn’t get into Windows programming.

My explanation was simple: because I had observed that every time Microsoft 
came out with a new version of Windows, they required developers to attend a 
week-long training course in Seattle to become “certified”. It cost several 
thousand dollars and happened every 9-12 months.

That in itself wasn’t so bad. The problem I noticed was that I knew a TON of 
small developers who did this a few times and ended up going bankrupt because 
of the long ramp-up time it took to absorb all of this new technology. What I 
saw was they’d pop for the training and certification course, come back home, 
start busily working on apps, and right about the time they’d be ready to 
release something, MS would come out with the Next Great API version and they 
had to start all over again!

In the embedded design world, people much preferred stability — we used stuff 
that was solid and proved and stable and used for several years. Customers 
didn’t like new APIs, or even new programming tools.

I see the same thing happening in the mobile world, except the market has been 
transformed such that virtually anybody can participate. 

In the iOS world, Objective-C is like C, only with quirks. C programmers can 
pick it up without too much trouble. Newbies don’t have to overcome their 
earlier biases and probably pick it up faster.

In the Android world, Java is an old and stable platform, 

But in both cases, the mobile APIs keep moving! Apple releases a fairly massive 
update annually, and Google is doing their best to keep up with new Android 

So you’re barely able to get up to speed with the latest API before a new one 
comes along and renders a lot of your work obsolete.

To make matters worse, if you want to support multiple platforms, you need to 

Then from the marketing angle, you’ve got people who say, “Oh, HTML5 web apps 
are really the future, we’re not going to waste our time with native apps!” 
That’s all well and good, except it misses the point with native apps, which is 
that they’re able to access all of the hardware goodies that Apple and Android 
manufacturers keep adding to.

That is, web apps will FOREVER be behind the technology curve when it comes to 
supporting the wizbang functions inherint in most mobile devices. Sure, they’re 
fine for generic data-driven needs, but not for things that are generating 
sales at the front-edge of the technology curve leveraging the latest hardware 

Now we’ve got a new language: Apple introduced Swift and is making it available 
for free, like their other tools. This is going to stimulate a whole new 
generation of devleopers to jump into the fray and start building apps for iOS 
— apps that are going to be hard to “port” over to Android platforms, or even 
web platforms.

I’ve talked with Joe about his app. To his credit, he’s focused mainly on the 
app. But what he’s missed is the fact that, IMHO, he’s over-spec’ed it to the 
point where you'd need so much custom code to impement what appears to be a 
simple tool that he’ll never be happy with the end result. His UI design makes 
assumptions based on HIS experience with *nix shell scripting, and he clearly 
explains this in the spec. There are no native widgets that work like “grep” in 
the Android world!  So he’ll be extremely hard-pressed to find anybody who’ll 
build it for him within the budget he’s demanding.

I’ve worked with something called Delphi since Borland introduced it in 1995. 
Starting with the XE2 release a few years back, they’ve been embracing a 
multi-platform targeting strategy where you can develop apps in one language 
that will run on any of the popular platforms: Windows, OS X, iOS, and Android. 
And it actually WORKS!

You can’t even do that with JAVA!!! The supposed “write it once, run it 
anywhere!” platform.

Again, I talked with Joe about his app, and there are no native widgets 
available in Delphi that implement the specific UI behaviors he’s looking for. 
I cannot build an app for him that fits his criteria as closely as he wants, 
but it’ll come close, AND it’ll run on all four major platforms.

I’ve interviewed for a couple of mobile app jobs; I have a tough time getting 

Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

2014-08-04 Thread techlists

...sorry... meant it to go to the list, thanks!!

To clarify you are seeing a trend towards browser based mobile apps?

On 2014-08-04 09:48, Paul Mooring wrote:

I wanted to send this to the list, because I think you make some
excellent points here.  Also just for the record, I'm not necessarily
saying I think do web apps for smart phones is better. I'm merely
providing POV from someone working in the tech start-up space that
that's what the industry is currently leaning towards.  I actually
prefer native apps myself.

On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 7:51 AM, wrote:

On 2014-08-03 19:14, Paul Mooring wrote:

This is a probably a longer and more involved conversation than
think.  There's a few primary factors in supply and demand for

1. Native vs HTML

  There's a huge difference in the available supply of
developers and
companies currently equipped to make an html5 site that plays
with both ios and android.  I think we're likely to see a
proliferation of tools like phonegap ( [1]
[6]) and a

slow down of native apps as html apps eat that market share. 
you consider currently ios requires objective-C and android Java,
have 2 languages with different tool chains and a more involved
development and release process competing against a very well
understood and super fast html/javascript ecosystem.  In my
html/js will eat the mobile dev community as quickly and
dominantly as
it did for native Windows/OSX applications.

This is akin to the argument for browser based applications 10 - 15
years ago.  You build an app that runs in a browser and there is no
deployment - just point your browser to the website.

Building browser based apps that rival desktop apps is not easy.
 It is easier now that we have jQuery et al, however still not as
easy as building desktop apps with Visual Basic (VB).  It could
take 10 - 20 times longer to build a really trick jQuery web app
that rivals a VB app. Unless of course you build widgets that can be
reused, then you spend a bunch of time the first go around and reuse
those widgets.  Still a lot of time building those widgets.

I have not built any Android apps, however I suspect it might be
faster to build them than HTML/(MySql/MariaDB)/CSS/JavaScript
(jQuery).  The down side is the different platforms.  Which one do
you go with and what is the market implications of doing so.

Of course web apps require a server or at lease some cheap virtual
hosting depending on the needs of the app.

2. Expanding platforms

  Currently ios and android own the market, but with microsoft,
mozilla, ubuntu, etc. all getting into the mobile os game it's
conceivable that the overall market could keep growing without
android/java skills a must have.

This is down right ugly.

3. Better native app tooling

  Writing full featured web applications 10 years ago was really
hard.  Rails, Django, Laravel, etc. along with REST APIs and
revolutionized how we build web services making it a whole lot
easier.  Then much more recently jquery followed by a million
javascript frameworks did the same for front ends.  If native
development keeps growing similar tooling is sure to be built to
drastically reduce the entrance barrier.

It's still very time consuming and requires skills that come with a
learning curve.

We are still stuck in the 80's with C versus the 90's with Visual
Basic.  You build your own widgets and development time is through
the roof.

Building mobile web apps takes a considerable amount of skill and
arguably two distinct or possibly three distinct skill sets - 1)
Programmers, 2) Designers, and 3) JavaScript / jQuery developers.
 I assume building an Android app requires one skill set - Android
programming skills - a much smaller set of skills.

Overall I think it will become easier/cheaper/faster to build
apps, but I sort of doubt that will manifest itself in the form
most developers learning and rallying around Java and the Android

Thank you for your thoughts.  In a nutshell I think what you are
saying is there is high demand presently, the market will fragment,
the demand will level out, and we should consider web apps first.

The thing we have not talk about is marketing.  I think this is
what is motivating Joe.  If one builds browser base application and
you want to market it how do you do so?  SEO is the main way.  As
Google continues to refine their algorithm trying to get a website
to rank is getting more difficult.  The alternative is to spend
lots of money on advertising.  Both approaches require deep

If Joe releases his Android app it might get some traction.  And
it might be easier to market in the traditional way.  The down side
is only part of the market can run the app.

My motivation for asking the question was purely wanting to know if
the high demand for Android developers will last.  No one can know
for sure. While you say the market will 

Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

2014-08-04 Thread techlists

On 2014-08-04 10:57, David Schwartz wrote:

It always amazes me that these discussions inevitably devolve into
arguments about the tools.

When people discuss new features for cars, like switching to hybrid or
electic technology, do they spend most of their time talking about
battery chemistry or the electromagnetic properties of different
materials? Or do they talk about the benefits mostly?

If they are engineers they might.  Look at the audience.

My question was a technical question about the future of Android 
developer demand.

Why is it that we in the software world are so freaking attached to
the technology used to IMPLEMENT our ideas?

Because we are the ones implementing those features.  I'll bet car 
engineers have the same types of debates and talk much the same way we 

Way back when Windows 3 was released, I was doing my own consulting
work for clients. I focused on real-time embedded solutions written in
C/C++ that ran on DOS or some kind of embedded kernal.

People kept asking me why I didn’t get into Windows programming.

My explanation was simple: because I had observed that every time
Microsoft came out with a new version of Windows, they required
developers to attend a week-long training course in Seattle to become
“certified”. It cost several thousand dollars and happened every 9-12

That in itself wasn’t so bad. The problem I noticed was that I knew a
TON of small developers who did this a few times and ended up going
bankrupt because of the long ramp-up time it took to absorb all of
this new technology. What I saw was they’d pop for the training and
certification course, come back home, start busily working on apps,
and right about the time they’d be ready to release something, MS
would come out with the Next Great API version and they had to start
all over again!

In the embedded design world, people much preferred stability — we
used stuff that was solid and proved and stable and used for several
years. Customers didn’t like new APIs, or even new programming tools.

I see the same thing happening in the mobile world, except the market
has been transformed such that virtually anybody can participate.

In the iOS world, Objective-C is like C, only with quirks. C
programmers can pick it up without too much trouble. Newbies don’t
have to overcome their earlier biases and probably pick it up faster.

In the Android world, Java is an old and stable platform,

But in both cases, the mobile APIs keep moving! Apple releases a
fairly massive update annually, and Google is doing their best to keep
up with new Android releases.

So you’re barely able to get up to speed with the latest API before a
new one comes along and renders a lot of your work obsolete.

To make matters worse, if you want to support multiple platforms, you
need to be fairly proficient in SEVERAL DIFFERENT LANGUAGES AND

Then from the marketing angle, you’ve got people who say, “Oh, HTML5
web apps are really the future, we’re not going to waste our time with
native apps!” That’s all well and good, except it misses the point
with native apps, which is that they’re able to access all of the
hardware goodies that Apple and Android manufacturers keep adding to.

Good Point!!

That is, web apps will FOREVER be behind the technology curve when it
comes to supporting the wizbang functions inherint in most mobile
devices. Sure, they’re fine for generic data-driven needs, but not for
things that are generating sales at the front-edge of the technology
curve leveraging the latest hardware features.

Web apps = run everywhere there is a browser.  Native apps are 
restricted to their hardware  O/S.  Both have their merits.

Now we’ve got a new language: Apple introduced Swift and is making it
available for free, like their other tools. This is going to stimulate
a whole new generation of devleopers to jump into the fray and start
building apps for iOS — apps that are going to be hard to “port” over
to Android platforms, or even web platforms.

I’ve talked with Joe about his app. To his credit, he’s focused mainly
on the app. But what he’s missed is the fact that, IMHO, he’s
over-spec’ed it to the point where you'd need so much custom code to
impement what appears to be a simple tool that he’ll never be happy
with the end result. His UI design makes assumptions based on HIS
experience with *nix shell scripting, and he clearly explains this in
the spec. There are no native widgets that work like “grep” in the
Android world!  So he’ll be extremely hard-pressed to find anybody
who’ll build it for him within the budget he’s demanding.

I’ve worked with something called Delphi since Borland introduced it
in 1995. Starting with the XE2 release a few years back, they’ve been
embracing a multi-platform targeting strategy where you can develop
apps in one language that will run on any of the popular platforms:
Windows, OS X, iOS, and Android. And it actually WORKS!

This is what we need - build once 

Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

2014-08-04 Thread David Schwartz
Delphi is just as easy to use as VB, if not easier. 

Have you looked at it lately?

It’s just not considered “mainstream” any longer.

People say, “Oh, is THAT still around?”

Yup. Check it out.

They also have a tool they now call HTML5Builder or something along that line, 
which is an allusion to their C++ Builder app — a C++ version of Delphi.  
HTML5Builder is a PHP/HTML5 version.

-David The Tool Wiz Schwartz

On Aug 4, 2014, at 11:40 AM, wrote:

 On 2014-08-04 10:57, David Schwartz wrote:
 Now we’ve got a new language: Apple introduced Swift and is making it
 available for free, like their other tools. This is going to stimulate
 a whole new generation of devleopers to jump into the fray and start
 building apps for iOS — apps that are going to be hard to “port” over
 to Android platforms, or even web platforms.
 I’ve talked with Joe about his app. To his credit, he’s focused mainly
 on the app. But what he’s missed is the fact that, IMHO, he’s
 over-spec’ed it to the point where you'd need so much custom code to
 impement what appears to be a simple tool that he’ll never be happy
 with the end result. His UI design makes assumptions based on HIS
 experience with *nix shell scripting, and he clearly explains this in
 the spec. There are no native widgets that work like “grep” in the
 Android world!  So he’ll be extremely hard-pressed to find anybody
 who’ll build it for him within the budget he’s demanding.
 I’ve worked with something called Delphi since Borland introduced it
 in 1995. Starting with the XE2 release a few years back, they’ve been
 embracing a multi-platform targeting strategy where you can develop
 apps in one language that will run on any of the popular platforms:
 Windows, OS X, iOS, and Android. And it actually WORKS!
 This is what we need - build once run everywhere.  I personally think web 
 development is way behind in they types of tools we have.  I often wonder why 
 we do not have something like VB that is drag and drop.  Instead we build 
 everything every time.  The web dev model is very expensive.

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Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

2014-08-04 Thread techlists

I've looked at it several times.  Each time the price goes up.  $4,150 
is a little pricey for me.

On 2014-08-04 13:35, David Schwartz wrote:

Delphi is just as easy to use as VB, if not easier.

Have you looked at it lately?

It’s just not considered “mainstream” any longer.

People say, “Oh, is THAT still around?”

Yup. Check it out.

They also have a tool they now call HTML5Builder or something along
that line, which is an allusion to their C++ Builder app — a C++
version of Delphi.  HTML5Builder is a PHP/HTML5 version.

-David The Tool Wiz Schwartz

On Aug 4, 2014, at 11:40 AM, wrote:

On 2014-08-04 10:57, David Schwartz wrote:

Now we’ve got a new language: Apple introduced Swift and is making it
available for free, like their other tools. This is going to 

a whole new generation of devleopers to jump into the fray and start
building apps for iOS — apps that are going to be hard to “port” over
to Android platforms, or even web platforms.
I’ve talked with Joe about his app. To his credit, he’s focused 

on the app. But what he’s missed is the fact that, IMHO, he’s
over-spec’ed it to the point where you'd need so much custom code to
impement what appears to be a simple tool that he’ll never be happy
with the end result. His UI design makes assumptions based on HIS
experience with *nix shell scripting, and he clearly explains this in
the spec. There are no native widgets that work like “grep” in the
Android world!  So he’ll be extremely hard-pressed to find anybody
who’ll build it for him within the budget he’s demanding.
I’ve worked with something called Delphi since Borland introduced it
in 1995. Starting with the XE2 release a few years back, they’ve been
embracing a multi-platform targeting strategy where you can develop
apps in one language that will run on any of the popular platforms:
Windows, OS X, iOS, and Android. And it actually WORKS!

This is what we need - build once run everywhere.  I personally think 
web development is way behind in they types of tools we have.  I often 
wonder why we do not have something like VB that is drag and drop.  
Instead we build everything every time.  The web dev model is very 

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Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

2014-08-04 Thread Paul Mooring
I think you're mostly right but missing the larger point here.  Mobile
platforms aren't like their much more open desktop brethren.  In the world
of mobile you more or less get the tool chain provider by the vendor (Java,
Objective-C or Swift) for native apps.  While I expect professional
developers could easily pick up those languages, mastering tools takes time
and Joe was initially looking for someone more ready to jump in.

To provide an analogy more apropos to this list, I make my living working
on Linux and generally working in Ruby.  Those are both just tools and
given my background I wouldn't hesitate to tell a prospective employer I
could pick up Solaris and Python if that's the stack they use.  However,
even with significant experience fully learning that stack would take time
and make me a bad fit for contracting work.

As far as Joe's project being over-specced in any case the spec is what
it is.  When I refered to the just one more thing problem before I meant
the same thing I think you mean when you say it's overspec'ed, there's
nothing wrong with wanting things a particular way and the best
apps/projects really do sweat the details.  The root of the problem is that
non-devs *greatly* underestimate the time and effort involved in those
details.  The important thing is to remember that everything is really just
a function of time and money, a project that's over-spec'd at $1000 and 1
day is under-spec'd at $100k and 6 months and unfortunately if you don't
have any dev experience (or frequently if you do) your time estimates are
probably at least an order of magnitude too low.

On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 10:57 AM, David Schwartz

 It always amazes me that these discussions inevitably devolve into
 arguments about the tools.

 When people discuss new features for cars, like switching to hybrid or
 electic technology, do they spend most of their time talking about battery
 chemistry or the electromagnetic properties of different materials? Or do
 they talk about the benefits mostly?

 Why is it that we in the software world are so freaking attached to the
 technology used to IMPLEMENT our ideas?

 Way back when Windows 3 was released, I was doing my own consulting work
 for clients. I focused on real-time embedded solutions written in C/C++
 that ran on DOS or some kind of embedded kernal.

 People kept asking me why I didn’t get into Windows programming.

 My explanation was simple: because I had observed that every time
 Microsoft came out with a new version of Windows, they required developers
 to attend a week-long training course in Seattle to become “certified”. It
 cost several thousand dollars and happened every 9-12 months.

 That in itself wasn’t so bad. The problem I noticed was that I knew a TON
 of small developers who did this a few times and ended up going bankrupt
 because of the long ramp-up time it took to absorb all of this new
 technology. What I saw was they’d pop for the training and certification
 course, come back home, start busily working on apps, and right about the
 time they’d be ready to release something, MS would come out with the Next
 Great API version and they had to start all over again!

 In the embedded design world, people much preferred stability — we used
 stuff that was solid and proved and stable and used for several years.
 Customers didn’t like new APIs, or even new programming tools.

 I see the same thing happening in the mobile world, except the market has
 been transformed such that virtually anybody can participate.

 In the iOS world, Objective-C is like C, only with quirks. C programmers
 can pick it up without too much trouble. Newbies don’t have to overcome
 their earlier biases and probably pick it up faster.

 In the Android world, Java is an old and stable platform,

 But in both cases, the mobile APIs keep moving! Apple releases a fairly
 massive update annually, and Google is doing their best to keep up with new
 Android releases.

 So you’re barely able to get up to speed with the latest API before a new
 one comes along and renders a lot of your work obsolete.

 To make matters worse, if you want to support multiple platforms, you need

 Then from the marketing angle, you’ve got people who say, “Oh, HTML5 web
 apps are really the future, we’re not going to waste our time with native
 apps!” That’s all well and good, except it misses the point with native
 apps, which is that they’re able to access all of the hardware goodies that
 Apple and Android manufacturers keep adding to.

 That is, web apps will FOREVER be behind the technology curve when it
 comes to supporting the wizbang functions inherint in most mobile devices.
 Sure, they’re fine for generic data-driven needs, but not for things that
 are generating sales at the front-edge of the technology curve leveraging
 the latest hardware features.

 Now we’ve got a new language: 

Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

2014-08-04 Thread techlists

In the 80's I began to develop using dBaseII, then dBaseIII... 
dBaseIII+, foxBase+, Clipper 87, Visual FoxPro. It was a great file 
server database system that was probably the best tool on the market for 
developing small company database applications.

The problem is it was a niche skill set.  dBase jobs were few and far 
between.  I would still be working with FoxPro if M$ had not bought it 
and everyone bailed.  FoxPro is now dead thanks to M$.  That was the 
tool of choice for me and I would still be developing with it if it was 
up to me.

Having had that experience I am leery of tying my wagon to something 
like Delphi. I really enjoyed Turbo Pascal in the early to mid 80's. I'm 
sure I would enjoy object oriented Turbo Pascal ie Delphi. I've heard 
tons of good things about Dephi going back maybe 10 or 12 years, maybe 

Unfortunately Delphi is not main stream enough for me. I do not want to 
tie my wagon to another FoxPro.

On 2014-08-04 13:35, David Schwartz wrote:

Delphi is just as easy to use as VB, if not easier.

Have you looked at it lately?

It’s just not considered “mainstream” any longer.

People say, “Oh, is THAT still around?”

Yup. Check it out.

They also have a tool they now call HTML5Builder or something along
that line, which is an allusion to their C++ Builder app — a C++
version of Delphi.  HTML5Builder is a PHP/HTML5 version.

-David The Tool Wiz Schwartz

On Aug 4, 2014, at 11:40 AM, wrote:

On 2014-08-04 10:57, David Schwartz wrote:

Now we’ve got a new language: Apple introduced Swift and is making it
available for free, like their other tools. This is going to 

a whole new generation of devleopers to jump into the fray and start
building apps for iOS — apps that are going to be hard to “port” over
to Android platforms, or even web platforms.
I’ve talked with Joe about his app. To his credit, he’s focused 

on the app. But what he’s missed is the fact that, IMHO, he’s
over-spec’ed it to the point where you'd need so much custom code to
impement what appears to be a simple tool that he’ll never be happy
with the end result. His UI design makes assumptions based on HIS
experience with *nix shell scripting, and he clearly explains this in
the spec. There are no native widgets that work like “grep” in the
Android world!  So he’ll be extremely hard-pressed to find anybody
who’ll build it for him within the budget he’s demanding.
I’ve worked with something called Delphi since Borland introduced it
in 1995. Starting with the XE2 release a few years back, they’ve been
embracing a multi-platform targeting strategy where you can develop
apps in one language that will run on any of the popular platforms:
Windows, OS X, iOS, and Android. And it actually WORKS!

This is what we need - build once run everywhere.  I personally think 
web development is way behind in they types of tools we have.  I often 
wonder why we do not have something like VB that is drag and drop.  
Instead we build everything every time.  The web dev model is very 

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Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

2014-08-04 Thread joe
Just to clarify ...

David Schwartz and Paul Mooring last wrote, in part:

 David wrote: I’ve talked with Joe about his app. To his credit,
 he’s focused mainly on the app. But what he’s missed is that,
 IMHO, he’s over-spec'ed it to the point where you'd need so much
 custom code to implement what appears to be a simple tool that
 he’ll never be happy with the end result.

 Paul wrote: As far as Joe's project being over-spec'ed in any
 case the spec is what it is. When I referred to the just one
 more thing problem before, I meant the same thing I think you
 mean when you say it's overspec'ed. there's nothing wrong with
 wanting things a particular way and the best apps/projects
 really do sweat the details. The root of the problem is that
 non-devs *greatly* underestimate the time and effort involved
 in those details.

Just to clarify my objective ...

There is nothing in my exactingly detailed app specs that does not
already exist in hundreds of FREE apps that currently appear in the
Google Playstore.

How likely is it that someone paid $100,000 or $10,000 or even just
$2,000 to get one of those hundreds of FREE apps built in order to just
give them away FREE?

Therefore, it is difficult for me to understand why, when there is such a
proliferation of apps currently doing the simple things that I am seeking
to do, that it could be so difficult, so time-demanding, and so costly to
replicate those simple FREE apps that already exist in such abundance?

Friends ... I'm not trying to invent a new wheel, here.

I'm just trying to get an app built that can read one single book, search
for chapters to read, scroll-within chapters, flip-pages from chapter to
chapter, and search for keywords within that one book ... all of which my
current html-only websites are now doing.

Surely it cannot be so difficult to accomplish the same thing with an
Android app?

BTW: It cost me only $200 bucks to get the current first-edition of this
app built (by a novice) and launched with an opening screen that fills
the screen perfectly in both portrait and rotated to landscape modes.

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Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

2014-08-04 Thread David Schwartz
I understand your point, Keith, but even though Android uses Java, and Java IS 
considered “mainstream”, that does not seem to be translating into making it 
easy(er) to find Android mobile developers, is it?

The ones out there ARE getting top-dollar, as well as iOS developers.

C++ is also a mainstream language, and if you get RAD Studio, you get C++, 
Pascal (Delphi) and php/HTML5 in the same box, at least two of which ARE 

There’s also their newest offering, AppMethod, which has a pricing structure 
more similar to other RAD Mobile development tools.  It’s basically RAD Studio 
without the Windows-specific stuff (ie., it’s mobile-centric rather than 

Honestly, Embarcadero is taking a big gamble by investing in their 
cross-platform strategy the way they are. Any company seriously looking at 
developing the same app for both iOS and Android is stuck hiring two 
development teams with two different development tacks and two different sets 
of skill sets.

Using RAD Studio or AppMethod, this can be narrowed down to one, eg., 
Delphi/Pascal or C++, for both platforms.

At some point, a not-too-dense CIO is going to ask, “Why do we need two sets of 
developers at $100k PER PLATFORM that uses FREE tools when we can spend $5k and 
only have to pay $100k for ONE developer?” 

It would seem that “free tools” are costing an extra $95k to reach both 

Don’t you think $5k is a lot more affordable than $95k?

(Ok, so if you’re REALLY CHEAP, it’s $50k rather than $100k, but … that’s STILL 
at least 10x the cost of a dual-platform development tool that ONE person can 


On Aug 4, 2014, at 1:56 PM, wrote:

 In the 80's I began to develop using dBaseII, then dBaseIII... dBaseIII+, 
 foxBase+, Clipper 87, Visual FoxPro. It was a great file server database 
 system that was probably the best tool on the market for developing small 
 company database applications.
 The problem is it was a niche skill set.  dBase jobs were few and far 
 between.  I would still be working with FoxPro if M$ had not bought it and 
 everyone bailed.  FoxPro is now dead thanks to M$.  That was the tool of 
 choice for me and I would still be developing with it if it was up to me.
 Having had that experience I am leery of tying my wagon to something like 
 Delphi. I really enjoyed Turbo Pascal in the early to mid 80's. I'm sure I 
 would enjoy object oriented Turbo Pascal ie Delphi. I've heard tons of good 
 things about Dephi going back maybe 10 or 12 years, maybe longer.
 Unfortunately Delphi is not main stream enough for me. I do not want to tie 
 my wagon to another FoxPro.
 On 2014-08-04 13:35, David Schwartz wrote:
 Delphi is just as easy to use as VB, if not easier.
 Have you looked at it lately?
 It’s just not considered “mainstream” any longer.
 People say, “Oh, is THAT still around?”
 Yup. Check it out.
 They also have a tool they now call HTML5Builder or something along
 that line, which is an allusion to their C++ Builder app — a C++
 version of Delphi.  HTML5Builder is a PHP/HTML5 version.
 -David The Tool Wiz Schwartz
 On Aug 4, 2014, at 11:40 AM, wrote:
 On 2014-08-04 10:57, David Schwartz wrote:
 Now we’ve got a new language: Apple introduced Swift and is making it
 available for free, like their other tools. This is going to stimulate
 a whole new generation of devleopers to jump into the fray and start
 building apps for iOS — apps that are going to be hard to “port” over
 to Android platforms, or even web platforms.
 I’ve talked with Joe about his app. To his credit, he’s focused mainly
 on the app. But what he’s missed is the fact that, IMHO, he’s
 over-spec’ed it to the point where you'd need so much custom code to
 impement what appears to be a simple tool that he’ll never be happy
 with the end result. His UI design makes assumptions based on HIS
 experience with *nix shell scripting, and he clearly explains this in
 the spec. There are no native widgets that work like “grep” in the
 Android world!  So he’ll be extremely hard-pressed to find anybody
 who’ll build it for him within the budget he’s demanding.
 I’ve worked with something called Delphi since Borland introduced it
 in 1995. Starting with the XE2 release a few years back, they’ve been
 embracing a multi-platform targeting strategy where you can develop
 apps in one language that will run on any of the popular platforms:
 Windows, OS X, iOS, and Android. And it actually WORKS!
 This is what we need - build once run everywhere.  I personally think web 
 development is way behind in they types of tools we have.  I often wonder 
 why we do not have something like VB that is drag and drop.  Instead we 
 build everything every time.  The web dev model is very expensive.
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Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

2014-08-04 Thread David Schwartz
Back in the 80’s, M$ was just another compiler vendor, one of several. And they 
weren’t even considered the best.

It has been estimated that their software development tools division alone 
would rank as a Fortune 100 business entity. But they actually receive very 
little direct revenues because they get subsidized by other divisions. Today 
they exist mainly because they drove everybody else out of business. It’s hard 
to compete as a compiler vendor when M$ gives a company free dev tools if their 
CIO agrees to buy a huge bundle of database and OS technology.

The fact that Delphi still exists is amazing in its own right. And it will be 
around for quite a while because the Veterans Administration has one of the 
largest installed bases of Delphi software in America, if not in the world, 
that’s still under active development — and it would be horribly expensive to 
replace with M$ technology (although some does exist).

If the VA ever releases any mobile apps, there’s a very good chance they’ll be 
built with Delphi.

Because of this relationship with the VA, Delphi has a rather unusual affinity 
with medical software developers.

My earlier point seems to have been missed … if you’re a CIO on a tight budget 
and you REALLY want to SAVE MONEY, then it simply makes no sense to ignore 
AppMethod or RAD Studio today. 

You cannot talk about either Android or iOS development assuming there’s only 
one option any more. Android is _mainly_ Java, while iOS is _mainly_ 
Objective-C. But AppMethod/RAD Studio supports both, and now Swift supports iOS.

Also don’t ignore the fact that we’re starting to see Android running on Intel 
architectures now, which is going to open them up to non-Java tool stacks as 
well. (Some of the latest low-end Acer tablets run KitKat on Intel CPUs.)

Personally, I see the potential for much more heterogeneity in terms of 
development tools for both Android and iOS going forward than we’ve seen in 
Windows, if for no other reason than one company does NOT control both of them. 
M$ couldn’t persuade any major phone companies to use their OS, so they simply 
bought what was for a long time the market leader. I have no idea what they 
plan to do with Nokia, but M$ currently has less than 5% of the mobile platform 
market; perhaps Nokia can get them to 10%. 

Getting back to that CIO again, now he’s going to be faced hiring yet ANOTHER 
developer to work with ANOTHER dev stack for Nokia’s hardware.

That’s now $300k for 3 people using “free” tools vs. $100k and a single $5k 

Something’s gotta give. Free tools are simply NOT an economical model for 
companies that MUST have a presence on ALL MOBILE PLATFORMS!


On Aug 4, 2014, at 3:58 PM, wrote:

 It all makes sense to me.  As for the individual, I still wonder what the 
 Android market will look like 10 years from now.  Since it is Google's baby I 
 think Android has 30 years in it.  Look at M$.  It has taken them 30+ years 
 to become less relevant.  Maybe the cycle is speeding up maybe it is now 
 15 years.  15 years is good enough for me. The other side is enjoyment.  I 
 cannot see myself working on something I do not like.. Maybe Android 
 development might not be fulfilling I won't know until I get a chance to 
 swim in it, and that might be after the new year.
 On 2014-08-04 15:41, David Schwartz wrote:
 I understand your point, Keith, but even though Android uses Java, and
 Java IS considered “mainstream”, that does not seem to be translating
 into making it easy(er) to find Android mobile developers, is it?
 The ones out there ARE getting top-dollar, as well as iOS developers.
 C++ is also a mainstream language, and if you get RAD Studio, you get
 C++, Pascal (Delphi) and php/HTML5 in the same box, at least two of
 which ARE “mainstream”.
 There’s also their newest offering, AppMethod, which has a pricing
 structure more similar to other RAD Mobile development tools.  It’s
 basically RAD Studio without the Windows-specific stuff (ie., it’s
 mobile-centric rather than Windows-centric).
 Honestly, Embarcadero is taking a big gamble by investing in their
 cross-platform strategy the way they are. Any company seriously
 looking at developing the same app for both iOS and Android is stuck
 hiring two development teams with two different development tacks and
 two different sets of skill sets.
 Using RAD Studio or AppMethod, this can be narrowed down to one, eg.,
 Delphi/Pascal or C++, for both platforms.
 At some point, a not-too-dense CIO is going to ask, “Why do we need
 two sets of developers at $100k PER PLATFORM that uses FREE tools when
 we can spend $5k and only have to pay $100k for ONE developer?”
 It would seem that “free tools” are costing an extra $95k to reach
 both platforms.
 Don’t you think $5k is a lot more affordable than $95k?
 (Ok, so if you’re REALLY CHEAP, it’s $50k rather than $100k, but …
 that’s STILL at least 10x the cost of a dual-platform 

Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

2014-08-04 Thread techlists

Your CIO example was not lost on me.  I get it.  I'm focusing on the 
market and how it effects my ability to make a living as a freelance 
developer.  For me it is about demand/compensation, is the projected 
life cycle long enough to make it worth while making the necessary 
investment of time to become competent, and is it something I really 
would like to do.

It is kind of like a personal hedgehog -

1) what are you passionate about?
2) what can you be the best at?
3) does it drive your economic engine?

I would add two more
4) is the projected life cycle long enough to reasonably recoup one's 
investment to become competent?
5) is the barrier to entry low enough to make the transition worth 

I'm sure you can add a couple more.

On 2014-08-04 16:59, David Schwartz wrote:

Back in the 80’s, M$ was just another compiler vendor, one of several.
And they weren’t even considered the best.

It has been estimated that their software development tools division
alone would rank as a Fortune 100 business entity. But they actually
receive very little direct revenues because they get subsidized by
other divisions. Today they exist mainly because they drove everybody
else out of business. It’s hard to compete as a compiler vendor when
M$ gives a company free dev tools if their CIO agrees to buy a huge
bundle of database and OS technology.

The fact that Delphi still exists is amazing in its own right. And it
will be around for quite a while because the Veterans Administration
has one of the largest installed bases of Delphi software in America,
if not in the world, that’s still under active development — and it
would be horribly expensive to replace with M$ technology (although
some does exist).

If the VA ever releases any mobile apps, there’s a very good chance
they’ll be built with Delphi.

Because of this relationship with the VA, Delphi has a rather unusual
affinity with medical software developers.

My earlier point seems to have been missed … if you’re a CIO on a
tight budget and you REALLY want to SAVE MONEY, then it simply makes
no sense to ignore AppMethod or RAD Studio today.

You cannot talk about either Android or iOS development assuming
there’s only one option any more. Android is _mainly_ Java, while iOS
is _mainly_ Objective-C. But AppMethod/RAD Studio supports both, and
now Swift supports iOS.

Also don’t ignore the fact that we’re starting to see Android running
on Intel architectures now, which is going to open them up to non-Java
tool stacks as well. (Some of the latest low-end Acer tablets run
KitKat on Intel CPUs.)

Personally, I see the potential for much more heterogeneity in terms
of development tools for both Android and iOS going forward than we’ve
seen in Windows, if for no other reason than one company does NOT
control both of them. M$ couldn’t persuade any major phone companies
to use their OS, so they simply bought what was for a long time the
market leader. I have no idea what they plan to do with Nokia, but M$
currently has less than 5% of the mobile platform market; perhaps
Nokia can get them to 10%.

Getting back to that CIO again, now he’s going to be faced hiring yet
ANOTHER developer to work with ANOTHER dev stack for Nokia’s hardware.

That’s now $300k for 3 people using “free” tools vs. $100k and a
single $5k tool.

Something’s gotta give. Free tools are simply NOT an economical model
for companies that MUST have a presence on ALL MOBILE PLATFORMS!


On Aug 4, 2014, at 3:58 PM, wrote:

It all makes sense to me.  As for the individual, I still wonder what 
the Android market will look like 10 years from now.  Since it is 
Google's baby I think Android has 30 years in it.  Look at M$.  It has 
taken them 30+ years to become less relevant.  Maybe the cycle is 
speeding up maybe it is now 15 years.  15 years is good enough for 
me. The other side is enjoyment.  I cannot see myself working on 
something I do not like.. Maybe Android development might not be 
fulfilling I won't know until I get a chance to swim in it, and 
that might be after the new year.

On 2014-08-04 15:41, David Schwartz wrote:
I understand your point, Keith, but even though Android uses Java, 

Java IS considered “mainstream”, that does not seem to be translating
into making it easy(er) to find Android mobile developers, is it?
The ones out there ARE getting top-dollar, as well as iOS developers.
C++ is also a mainstream language, and if you get RAD Studio, you get
C++, Pascal (Delphi) and php/HTML5 in the same box, at least two of
which ARE “mainstream”.
There’s also their newest offering, AppMethod, which has a pricing
structure more similar to other RAD Mobile development tools.  It’s
basically RAD Studio without the Windows-specific stuff (ie., it’s
mobile-centric rather than Windows-centric).
Honestly, Embarcadero is taking a big gamble by investing in their
cross-platform strategy the way they are. Any company seriously
looking at 

Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

2014-08-03 Thread joe
Thanks for your insights, Paul.

You last wrote, in part:
 ... Currently android/java developers are in great demand,
 where I live the average salary is around $110,000/yr or
 roughly $2100/week ... [but they need] a weeks time on any
 project just trying to understand what needs to happen ...
 [then must anticipate lots of one more simple thing changes

While I do appreciate your perspective, the other side of the coin is
that there are literally hundreds of thousands of excellent FREE apps in
the Google Playstore that are hugely more complex than the extremely
simple app that we need; and it must surely be obvious that nobody was
paid $2,100 per week to create the vast majority of those FREE apps.

Second, the thought that it would take any marginally competent developer
a week (or even a half a day) to comprehend and get a grip on the simple
app that we got completed to its current state for a total cost of $200.
could only mean that such a candidate was actually incompetent.

Third, with our project, there would be no need to have to deal with any
one more simple thing changes because this project is completely spec'd
out to final form in every tiny detail.

 ... a great fit for ... students or a dev trying to expand
 their skill set (web dev still learning mobile apps, etc.)

This, of course, is a good idea that makes perfect sense and I am
entirely open to this approach. That is how we got our initial edition
completed for only $200.  But the student who built this first edition
has gone back to school, is working full time, and has a family so he
just doesn't have time to continue with our project.

Finally, for any competent developer, if s/he actually knew what s/he was
doing and didn't have to re-invent the wheel, what is left to be done
should not take more than a very few hours, surely less than a day. 
After all, we are not trying to invent a new wheel, here.  We just need
to implement technology that already exists in thousands of existing

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Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

2014-08-03 Thread techlists

Hi Paul,

One would think that Andriod programming is going to be with us for 
year... decade at least.  However that begs the question, what do you 
(or anyone else) think the long term demand will be?  Increasing or 

Is there any barriers to entry like a nasty learning curve?  Specialized 
hardware?  ETC...

I think I looked at the SDK about a year ago and as I recall it looked 
to be Java based and then I think I was told of a C++ SDK.  IIRC - I 
think it was something that looked to take a little effort to learn but 
not too bad.

I think i recall something about using JavaScript.?


On 2014-08-03 16:09, Paul Mooring wrote:

Not to discourage you from trying to make this happen, but a bit of
perspective might help.  Currently android/java developers are in
great demand, where I live the average salary is around $110,000/yr or
roughly $2100/week.  Having done a bit of contract/outsourcing work
myself, I can tell you the experienced contractors/developers intended
to lose as much as a weeks time on any project just trying to
understand what needs to happen and working with the stake holders to
make changes along the lines of one more simple thing.  The take
away is there's going to be a minimum price/complexity to justify
taking on a project for a skilled/competent developer and if your app
doesn't meet that benchmark you're going to have  hard time finding a
U.S. based competent developer interested in it.

This doesn't mean it's a bad idea or you shouldn't do it, just keep in
mind that while you may be really passionate about your idea to
developers it's one of many offers to work on a contract for an
individual  offering below market rates.  That's a great fit for 
contractors in India, students or a dev trying to expand her skill set
(web dev still learning mobile apps, etc.) but not so appealing to
established professionals.

On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 10:04 AM, wrote:

Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

How can I find a skilled/competent/reasonably priced Android App
Developer ... preferrably Arizona local or at least in the U.S.?

I've tried [1] and [2] and several similar
sites, without
success. Mostly get proposals from India and Pakistan, etc.

I'm willing to pay up to $1,000 (perhaps more) to get the results
we need
for an app to read, scroll, flip pages, and search within a book.
be relatively simple and straight-forward.  Need to be able to add
to the
content and submit updates to the Google playstore myself.

See my first-attempt (which does not yet work as well as we need it


Please respond either here or off-line to joe(at) [4]

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Paul Mooring
Operations Engineer


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Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

2014-08-03 Thread Kaoru Wilbur
Yeah, but Paul with oDesk, it's a 1099 situation:)
So, depending on the consultant,  could be more!

On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 2:09 PM, Paul Mooring wrote:

 Not to discourage you from trying to make this happen, but a bit of
 perspective might help.  Currently android/java developers are in great
 demand, where I live the average salary is around $110,000/yr or roughly
 $2100/week.  Having done a bit of contract/outsourcing work myself, I can
 tell you the experienced contractors/developers intended to lose as much as
 a weeks time on any project just trying to understand what needs to happen
 and working with the stake holders to make changes along the lines of one
 more simple thing.  The take away is there's going to be a minimum
 price/complexity to justify taking on a project for a skilled/competent
 developer and if your app doesn't meet that benchmark you're going to have
 hard time finding a U.S. based competent developer interested in it.

 This doesn't mean it's a bad idea or you shouldn't do it, just keep in
 mind that while you may be really passionate about your idea to developers
 it's one of many offers to work on a contract for an individual  offering
 below market rates.  That's a great fit for  contractors in India, students
 or a dev trying to expand her skill set (web dev still learning mobile
 apps, etc.) but not so appealing to established professionals.

 On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 10:04 AM, wrote:

 Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

 How can I find a skilled/competent/reasonably priced Android App
 Developer ... preferrably Arizona local or at least in the U.S.?

 I've tried and and several similar sites, without
 success. Mostly get proposals from India and Pakistan, etc.

 I'm willing to pay up to $1,000 (perhaps more) to get the results we need
 for an app to read, scroll, flip pages, and search within a book. Should
 be relatively simple and straight-forward.  Need to be able to add to the
 content and submit updates to the Google playstore myself.

 See my first-attempt (which does not yet work as well as we need it to)

 Please respond either here or off-line to joe(at)

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 Paul Mooring
 Operations Engineer

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Re: OT: Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

2014-08-03 Thread Paul Mooring
This is a probably a longer and more involved conversation than you think.
There's a few primary factors in supply and demand for app developers:

1. Native vs HTML

  There's a huge difference in the available supply of developers and
companies currently equipped to make an html5 site that plays nice with
both ios and android.  I think we're likely to see a proliferation of tools
like phonegap ( and a slow down of native apps as html
apps eat that market share.  When you consider currently ios requires
objective-C and android Java, you have 2 languages with different tool
chains and a more involved development and release process competing
against a very well understood and super fast html/javascript ecosystem.
In my opinion html/js will eat the mobile dev community as quickly and
dominantly as it did for native Windows/OSX applications.

2. Expanding platforms

  Currently ios and android own the market, but with microsoft, mozilla,
ubuntu, etc. all getting into the mobile os game it's conceivable that the
overall market could keep growing without making android/java skills a
must have.

3. Better native app tooling

  Writing full featured web applications 10 years ago was really hard.
Rails, Django, Laravel, etc. along with REST APIs and json revolutionized
how we build web services making it a whole lot easier.  Then much more
recently jquery followed by a million javascript frameworks did the same
for front ends.  If native android development keeps growing similar
tooling is sure to be built to drastically reduce the entrance barrier.

Overall I think it will become easier/cheaper/faster to build mobile apps,
but I sort of doubt that will manifest itself in the form of most
developers learning and rallying around Java and the Android API.

On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 4:35 PM, wrote:

 Hi Paul,

 One would think that Andriod programming is going to be with us for
 year... decade at least.  However that begs the question, what do you (or
 anyone else) think the long term demand will be?  Increasing or decreasing?

 Is there any barriers to entry like a nasty learning curve?  Specialized
 hardware?  ETC...

 I think I looked at the SDK about a year ago and as I recall it looked to
 be Java based and then I think I was told of a C++ SDK.  IIRC - I think it
 was something that looked to take a little effort to learn but not too bad.

 I think i recall something about using JavaScript.?


 On 2014-08-03 16:09, Paul Mooring wrote:

 Not to discourage you from trying to make this happen, but a bit of
 perspective might help.  Currently android/java developers are in
 great demand, where I live the average salary is around $110,000/yr or
 roughly $2100/week.  Having done a bit of contract/outsourcing work
 myself, I can tell you the experienced contractors/developers intended
 to lose as much as a weeks time on any project just trying to
 understand what needs to happen and working with the stake holders to
 make changes along the lines of one more simple thing.  The take
 away is there's going to be a minimum price/complexity to justify
 taking on a project for a skilled/competent developer and if your app
 doesn't meet that benchmark you're going to have  hard time finding a
 U.S. based competent developer interested in it.

 This doesn't mean it's a bad idea or you shouldn't do it, just keep in
 mind that while you may be really passionate about your idea to
 developers it's one of many offers to work on a contract for an
 individual  offering below market rates.  That's a great fit for
 contractors in India, students or a dev trying to expand her skill set
 (web dev still learning mobile apps, etc.) but not so appealing to
 established professionals.

 On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 10:04 AM, wrote:

  Wanted: Android App Developer $??? Reward ...

 How can I find a skilled/competent/reasonably priced Android App
 Developer ... preferrably Arizona local or at least in the U.S.?

 I've tried [1] and [2] and several similar

 sites, without
 success. Mostly get proposals from India and Pakistan, etc.

 I'm willing to pay up to $1,000 (perhaps more) to get the results
 we need
 for an app to read, scroll, flip pages, and search within a book.
 be relatively simple and straight-forward.  Need to be able to add
 to the
 content and submit updates to the Google playstore myself.

 See my first-attempt (which does not yet work as well as we need it


 Please respond either here or off-line to joe(at) [4]

 PLUG-discuss mailing list -
 To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change your mail settings: [5]


 Paul Mooring
 Operations Engineer
