Firefox just quit working. Why?

2010-02-20 Thread Josef Lowder
I have Firefox 3.5.6 running on two identical Thinkpad computers.

It has been working fine on both for several months, but today, it
just quit working on one of them with the message quoted below. Both
are wirelessly connected on the same network. No changes were made on
either one. I have rechecked that all the settings are identical on
both computers.  The one on which Firefox just quit working works fine
with Konqueror.  I have checked and rechecked everything I can think
to check.  I tried reinstalling Firefox from Synaptic.  What could
have caused Firefox to just quit working?  What can I do to get it
working again?

Server not found
Firefox can't find the server at
* Check the address for typing errors such as instead of
* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection.
* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy,
make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
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Why does 'ssh' and 'scp' work to one and not another?

2010-02-10 Thread Josef Lowder
Why does 'ssh' and 'scp' work to one and not another?

$ scp testm2p j...@ -- This works to computer
"68" on my network

But why does the following not work to computer "73"? Both have sshd started.

$ scp testm2p j...@
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
j...@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
j...@'s password:
Connection closed by
lost connection

== I also tried this (which works to "68") and it also does not work to "73".
$ ssh
j...@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.

What do I need to fix to get these both to work?
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Is there a faster/better way to ftp?

2010-01-05 Thread Josef Lowder
I'm going through the painfully slow process of moving all of my web files
from one web host to another by command line 'ftp mget *" download
from the old system to 'ftp mput *" upload to the new web host.

Is there a better/faster way to do this?

Is there some way to do entire directories and subdirectories with a
single command rather than having to do each subdirectory separately?
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command line image display options?

2010-01-01 Thread Josef Lowder
What command line syntax could I use to display a jpg image
to a specified screen size?

I currently use both kview and kuickshow to do this, but when I use:

$ kview image.jpg

I get the following continuously running "warning" message:

kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.

Also, it displays images with a title bar and menu bar that I would
like to eliminate.

$ kuickshow image.jpg

works better without any error or warning message, but still has a title bar
that I would like to eliminate.

Ideas/suggestions please?
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Re: OT: How to send email that is both text-only and/or html?

2009-12-15 Thread Josef Lowder
. wrote:
ALL HTML emails are auto deleted. Use inline or attach please.

What is "inline" and how does one do that?
(Is that a way to display images within a text email?)
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OT: How to send email that is both text-only and/or html?

2009-12-15 Thread Josef Lowder
Is there a way to send an email message that is both text-only
and/or html?  While I totally agree with keeping most email
text only, and I very rarely use html ... it is nice to send a
Christmas letter with embedded photos, and some nice holiday
graphics.  So what would be the best way to do that and still
have a text-only version delivered to friends and family with
dial-up only connections for whom emails with lots of photos
might be a problem?
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Re: How to make a Verizon USB modem work with Linux?

2009-12-08 Thread Josef Lowder
Josef Lowder wrote:
> What are the steps to make a Verizon USB modem work with Linux?

Eric replied, asking:
DSL or POTS? Model?

Here's the model: UM-175
broadband access  wwan
(I don't know how to determine if it is DSL or POTS.
What is POTS?)

Attempting to get it to work with PCLinuxOS 2009
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How to make a Verizon USB modem work with Linux?

2009-12-08 Thread Josef Lowder
What are the steps to make a Verizon USB modem work with Linux?
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OT: How to add a column of numbers in oo writer?

2009-11-30 Thread Josef Lowder
How can I add up a column of numbers in oo writer?
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Re: OT: How to convert an open office cell HH:MM to a numeric value?

2009-11-30 Thread Josef Lowder
Thanks very much Lisa!
I sincerely appreciate your very helpful answers to so many questions ...
and all of the excellent answers that so many PLUG friends provide.

On 11/29/09, Josef Lowder wrote:
> > How can I convert an open office cell containing a time value (HH:MM)
> > to a numeric value? I've searched the 'net for a couple hours and can't 
> > find an answer.

Lisa Kachold replied:
> Here is the formula that will convert the time formatted as HH:MM AM/PM
> to a decimal number.
> =(A2-INT(A2))*24
> So if you have 7:30 AM in cell A2 the result of this formula will be 7.5
> You can apply the same formula to the 2:00 PM cell.
> Assuming that cell is A3 the formula would be
> =(A3-INT(A3))*24
> This formula will yield 14
> Now you can subtract the one result 7.5 from the second result 14 and the
> answer will be 6.5  You can then multiply this by your hourly rate.
> Of course this can all be put into one formula:
> -((A2-INT(A2))*24)+((A3-INT(A3))*24)*12
> The 12 being the rate per hour.
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OT: How to convert an open office cell HH:MM to a numeric value?

2009-11-29 Thread Josef Lowder
How can I convert an open office cell containing a time value (HH:MM) to a
numeric value?

I've searched the 'net for a couple hours and can't find an answer.

The hours worked was easy =B1-A1 but multiplying that result times a pay
rate of $12 doesn't work.
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Why has my Firefox quit working?

2009-11-07 Thread Josef Lowder
Why has my Firefox quit working?

While I have a solid Internet connection and I can connect
with either ftp or with my Konqueror browser, I just started
getting the following error message from Firefox:

Server not found
Firefox can't find the server at
* Check the address for typing errors such as instead of
* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
  that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

I have double-checked that the URL addresses I am trying are correct.
My network connection is fine.
I've made no changes in Firefox.
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OT: Anyone know of a simple credit card billing option?

2009-10-30 Thread Josef Lowder
While I have relatively few occasions for payments to be made to me
via credit card, and I do have Paypal set up on my websites to accept
purchases by credit card, that doesn't work in all situations.

Are there any other low use relatively low-cost options for accepting
payments by credit card?
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OT: Do not appreciate the implication that I am "pathetic."

2009-10-23 Thread Josef Lowder
Craig White wrote:
> I can't quite figure out if this is an indictment on all Linux in
> general or the specific distribution that he uses but this is pathetic.
> If the distribution you choose to use breaks because you update,
> you need to find a different one...period, end of discussion.

Craig, your comment in response to my question seeking assistance
regarding 'scp' is not only unhelpful, but it conveys an implication
that I am (in your opinion) "pathetic" because of my choice (and
necessity) to keep this one computer (of the six different computer
systems that I use) unchanged.  It is not possible to safely update
this particular computer.

This "old reliable" system is the one on which I do much of my work
because it incorporates a configuration and capabilities that are no
longer available and cannot be replicated.  Rather than being
"pathetic," it is actually remarkable that this old system has proved
to be the *most* rock-solid reliable of all of my systems.  It has
been running 24/7 for more than 4 years.  It is never shut down except
for power outages and vacations.  And, praise God, I have *never* had
a system failure or need to reboot.  This current issue with scp seems
to have occurred because I changed routers as became necessary to get
a faster DSL speed.  I had not needed 'scp' since that change until
recently, and I have now learned that it was apparently because of
enabling "IP Passthrough" that the inet address got messed up and I
have not been able to get it restored.

Craig, you have sometimes offered some helpful suggestions on various
issues in the past (although often with a rather abrupt tone). However
this kind of belittling ridicule is definitely not helpful. It is so
much more helpful when comments are of a more positive and
constructive nature and tone.
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Re: scp times out

2009-10-23 Thread Josef Lowder
I last wrote (in part):
> > This scp worked a year ago when I tried it and I've made
> > no changes in this system since.

Then Matt Graham wrote:
> No changes in a year? What? Don't you keep the system updated?

That's correct. I have several computers, on some of which I do
regular updates, but on my "old reliable" I never make changes
(or updates) because it works more reliably than any of my other
computers.  I tried doing updates on it a couple of times and each
time the updates royally messed everything up so bad that it took
me weeks to get it back to working reliably again.  So that is how
I keep it, and it never fails.  Can't say the same for the others.

Change is not always good.

In this case, I've finally figured out that the scp problem is apparently
related to the fact that I changed modem/routers and the new Motorola
router (from Qwest) has apparently created the current problem.

Today, I found that I had to enable passthrough in order to be able to
pass files between computers on my network, but in doing that, the
inet address got messed up and now I can't get that reset to the
correct inet address.

I've searched the 'net and tried everything I could find to try.
One time I did get it working, but then (apparently) the router
messed it up again. I've tried:

# dhclient -r
# dhclient
# ifdown eth0
# ifup eth0
# /etc/init.d/network restart

... and a bunch of other things.  After many repeated attempts,
at one point, ifconfig showed the correct inet address and I was
able to connect ... but then it self-disconnected somehow and
I've not been able to get it restored.

This is just another reason why, once I get a computer system
to work correctly, I dread changing things.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Once you get it fixed, don't mess with it.
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Re: scp times out

2009-10-23 Thread Josef Lowder
Lisa wrote:
0) Verify default route is in place: netstat -rn (UG should be gateway)
1) Ensure ssh is on on the target machine.
2) Verify ports are open:  nmap $target  (to ensure iptables are not
limiting ssh access by source/destination or mac address, port
3) Verify MTU issues if you are in a remote connection or VPN.
4) Travel to the machine and verify it's turned on (laugh), ethernet up, ssh on.

0) netstat -rn (results):
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface   U 0 0  0 eth0   U 0 0  0 lo UG0 0  0 eth0

1) target machine finds /etc/ssh (how do I determine if it is turned on?)

2) don't understand 'nmap $target' but tried the following with these results:
nmap -v -sS -O
Starting nmap 3.81 ( ) at 2009-10-23 12:40 MST
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against [1663 ports] at 12:40
Discovered open port 631/tcp on
The SYN Stealth Scan took 0.15s to scan 1663 total ports.
For OSScan assuming port 631 is open, 1 is closed, and neither are firewalled
Host appears to be up ... good.
Interesting ports on
(The 1662 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
631/tcp open  ipp
MAC Address: 00:14:85:1E:5F:5E (Unknown)
Device type: general purpose
Running: Linux 2.4.X|2.5.X|2.6.X
OS details: Linux 2.4.0 - 2.5.20, Linux 2.4.18 - 2.6.7
TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments
 Difficulty=3597859 (Good luck!)
IPID Sequence Generation: All zeros

Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 12.492 seconds
   Raw packets sent: 1679 (67.4KB) | Rcvd: 1677 (77.6KB)

3) Don't know how to "Verify MTU issues if you are in a remote
connection or VPN"
but I am not in a remote location. The two machines are side by side.

4) Travel to the machine and verify it's turned on (laugh), ethernet up, ssh on.
Both machines are working, connected via ethernet, and both connect to Internet.
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Re: scp times out

2009-10-23 Thread Josef Lowder
Matt Graham wrote:
> First thing I'd check is the iptables rulesets. An overly paranoid
> firewall could cause this to happen. Second thing I'd check is the
> /etc/ssh/sshd_config , to make sure that sshd is listening on that
> interface (or all interfaces) and port 22. "pgrep sshd" returns a
> PID, right? If it doesn't, there's your problem right there.

How does one "check the iptables rulesets"?
How does one deetermine if "sshd is listening"?

pgrep sshd  gives no response.
so what does that mean?  and how can I fix that?

This scp worked a year ago when I tried it and I've made
no changes in this system since ... so what's next?
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Re: scp times out

2009-10-23 Thread Josef Lowder
Alex Dean  wrote:
> > $ scp filename j...@
> This will give you more info about what's going on:
> scp -v filename j...@

So I tried that and got this error message:

scp -v filename j...@
Executing: program /usr/bin/ssh host, user joe, command
scp -v -t /home/joe/filename
OpenSSH_4.2p1, OpenSSL 0.9.7g 11 Apr 2005
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: Applying options for *
debug1: Connecting to [] port 22: Connection timed out
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
lost connection

= = =   So I examined the ssh_config file and found mostly remarked lines
and no clues that meant anything to me there.

$ cat ssh_config
#$OpenBSD: ssh_config,v 1.20 2005/01/28 09:45:53 dtucker Exp $

# This is the ssh client system-wide configuration file.  See
# ssh_config(5) for more information.  This file provides defaults for
# users, and the values can be changed in per-user configuration files
# or on the command line.

# Configuration data is parsed as follows:
#  1. command line options
#  2. user-specific file
#  3. system-wide file
# Any configuration value is only changed the first time it is set.
# Thus, host-specific definitions should be at the beginning of the
# configuration file, and defaults at the end.

# Site-wide defaults for some commonly used options.  For a comprehensive
# list of available options, their meanings and defaults, please see the
# ssh_config(5) man page.

# Host *
#   ForwardAgent no
#   ForwardX11 no
#   RhostsRSAAuthentication no
#   RSAAuthentication yes
#   PasswordAuthentication yes
#   HostbasedAuthentication no
#   BatchMode no
#   CheckHostIP yes
#   AddressFamily any
#   ConnectTimeout 0
#   StrictHostKeyChecking ask
#   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/identity
#   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
#   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dsa
#   Port 22
#   Protocol 2,1
#   Cipher 3des
#   Ciphers 
#   EscapeChar ~

Host *
  ForwardX11 yes
  ForwardX11Trusted yes
  Protocol 2,1
StrictHostKeyChecking no
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scp times out

2009-10-23 Thread Josef Lowder
$ scp filename j...@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
lost connection

/sbin/ifconfig shows as the inet address.

What do I need to do to get scp to work?
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How to set up partitions for a quad boot with two HDs?

2009-10-23 Thread Josef Lowder
I've tried to use both 'GParted' and 'QTparted' but can't figure out
how to get the partitions set up.

Here's a link to a description with screen-caps of what I've tried so far:

What is the best way to solve this?
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Re: Virtual Dedicated Hosting Recommendations

2009-10-19 Thread Josef Lowder
From: Joe wrote:
> > I recently switched my web hosting to
> > and it has been excellent. unlimited *everything* band-width,
> > file space, etc. for $142 for 3 years.

Matt Graham wrote:
> This sounds fishy. Look in the fine print; you probably get a set
> amount of bandwidth and disk space, and if you go over that amount,
> you get charged $LOTS for "overages" or something.

Nothing "fishy" about it Matt.  No fine print.  No limit on bandwidth
or disk space.  No such thing as "overages."  No extra charges for

99.99% up time.  I've never had a single "down" moment.
And I have total access to run anything I want to run.

Check it out and see for yourself:

UNLIMITED Hosting Space
UNLIMITED File Transfer
web hostingHost UNLIMITED Domains
2,500 POP/Imap Email Accounts
SSH (Secure Shell), SSL, FTP, Stats
CGI, Ruby (RoR), Perl, PHP, MySQL
2000/2002 Front Page Extensions
Free Domain Forever
Free Site Builder
24/7 Superb/Responsive Sales/Support
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Re: Virtual Dedicated Hosting Recommendations

2009-10-19 Thread Josef Lowder
Subject: Re: Virtual Dedicated Hosting Recommendations
> AZ Pete> writes:
> > I'm getting increasingly fed up with my current hosting provider
> > (GoDaddy) for my virtual dedicated box. While their support is stellar
> > for my shared hosting box, they're virtual dedicated support is quite poor

I don't know the difference between "virtual dedicated" and regular web hosting,
but I recently switched my web hosting to and it has been
24/7 tech support by toll free 800#, live chat, and email with
unlimited *everything*
band-width, file space, etc. for $142 for 3 years. 100% up time. No worries.
100% US based servers (Utah) and 100% American English tech support.
(No off-shore, out-sourced, can't hear or understand them problems.)

What does "virtual dedicated" hosting give you that is better than that?
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Fwd: Virtual Dedicated Hosting Recommendations

2009-10-19 Thread Josef Lowder
I sent this a while ago but it doesn't seem to have gone through,
so trying again ...

Subject: Re: Virtual Dedicated Hosting Recommendations
 > AZ Pete> writes:
 > > I'm getting increasingly fed up with my current hosting provider
 > > (GoDaddy) for my virtual dedicated box. While their support is stellar
 > > for my shared hosting box, they're virtual dedicated support is quite poor

 I don't know the difference between "virtual dedicated" and regular
web hosting,
 but I recently switched my web hosting to and it has been
 24/7 tech support by toll free 800#, live chat, and email with
 unlimited *everything*
 band-width, file space, etc. for $142 for 3 years. 100% up time. No worries.
 100% US based servers (Utah) and 100% American English tech support.
 (No off-shore, out-sourced, can't hear or understand them problems.)

 What does "virtual dedicated" hosting give you that is better than that?
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OT: Cheapy Mc Cheap Cheap cell phone?

2009-10-19 Thread Josef Lowder
I use

It costs me $10 every 3 months minimum -- (aka $40/year).

That's it.  Total.

I think you can use it with any phone that has a sim card.
Same network as AT&T (I think).  Anyway, it's worked
for me all over Arizona, California, Alaska, New York,
Alabama, Washington, etc.  Just buy an AirVoice sim card
and buy time online at their website as you need it.

Ryan wrote:
Subject: OT: Cheapy Mc Cheap Cheap cell phone?

> So, my dad had his cell phone service through Qwest for quiet a while now...
> A 15$/month 30 minute plan with the cheapest phone they had available,
> basically just to use in emergencies or to call me when he is driving to
> pick me up from somewhere.
> A little while ago, my dad got a letter from Qwest saying they were
> discontinuing their cellular service and he'd have to go elsewhere for
> cellular.
> Basically, he wants to pay as little as humanly possible to use his
> cellphone. I think last month he racked up a whopping four minutes of
> cellular usage, so having a plan with OVER 9000 minutes a month is simply
> unnecessary. We looked at a few pre-paid plans, specifically verizon's
> plans, but after doing the math, it seemed that there was no way to simply
> say 'I want to only pay .25$ for every minute I use' without preloading, at
> minimum, 400 minutes. Which expire every 30 days.
> I also suggested that he just get one of those cheap-o phones they sell at
> drug stores and grocery stores, but we kind of worry what the cellular
> service would be like. He travels up north fairly often (show low, pinetop,
> etc) and often is in areas where his Qwest phone did not get a signal,
> whereas my Verizon phone did.
> Where could he get a working cell phone, preferably free or less than 100$
> with a pay per minute plan with minutes that either don't expire or can be
> loaded (or billed automatically!) in tiny increments?
> This is probably a hopeless cause given how MaBell-ish cell phone companies
> have become lately... :<
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Linux laptop for a pre-schooler

2009-10-10 Thread Josef Lowder
I have a laptop that I'd like to set up with some applicable small
child's programs for my pre-school granddaughter to be able to
(safely) play with.

Any suggestions?
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digital sticky notes for Linux?

2009-10-05 Thread Josef Lowder
Is there a digital sticky notes utility for Linux?

Ideally, it should allow quickly typing a short note on the command
line to be displayed as a *very small* note (about 2" wide by 1" tall)
in a pre-defined spot on one of the multiple desktop/workspaces ...
with no title, no menu, no icons, no border, and no other clutter?
Clicking on it should allow either adding lines or deleting it, and it
would remain always on top on the designated desktop/workspaces
regardless of what other apps or windows were open.

I currently use a "todo" text file and kwrite for this, but it of
course has a border, title bar, and bulky menu that cannot be
eliminated, and it cannot be reduced as small as I would like it to
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minimized windows gone missing in KDE

2009-09-30 Thread Josef Lowder
On my KDE system, when I minimized windows, their titles always used
to appear in the panel (task bar) and I could just click on those
titles to reopen them.  But recently something happened so that no
miminized windows appear in the task bar.  How can I restore that

I have tried 'configure panel' and resetting every option in there to
the default settings; and I've tried shutting down and restarting the
system, but nothing I've tried so far has worked.

When I do 'ps -ef' the minimized applications still appear in the list
of running processes, but I can find no way to reopen those running
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How to resize (make larger) guest windows in virtualbox?

2009-09-11 Thread Josef Lowder
Finally got virtualbox running on my Linux machine, but the guest
window is too small.  How can I resize and make the guest window
larger ... ideally to fill my 21" monitor display?
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What is syntax to copy only new files?

2009-09-10 Thread Josef Lowder
What is the syntax to copy only new files from a CD backup to a hard disk?

I make backups of my files onto CDs and copy them onto another computer
to maintain redunancy.  Probably there is a better way to do this (sync, etc.)
so I would also appreciate knowing what is a better way to do this.

What I have been using is this:

cp -rp /mnt/cdrom/foldername /home/joe/foldername 

That works, but I don't want to re-write files that are unchanged,
and I don't want to write over any files that are newer on the
destination system.  How should this syntax be changed?
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OT: What is the best antenna for getting Phoenix area TV channels?

2009-09-07 Thread Josef Lowder
What is the best antenna for getting Phoenix area TV channels?

I gave up cable years ago (too much money for too little worth
watching).  Tried dish and it was no better.  For a long time, we were
getting excellent reception from a simple $4.95 top-of-set antenna,
even when we got a new Vizio HD TV a year ago.

But recently, the signal for some channels ... especially channel 15
... has become unreliable.  Sometimes the signal breaks up and
sometimes it goes away entirely.

So, I purchased a $50 Philips outdoor antenna and mounted it on a
15-foot tall pole outside. It gets even worse reception than my little
old $4.95 indoor top-of-set antenna.  I've tried moving it to several
different locations and tried rotating it to every degree of
360-degrees with no success.

So what would the collective PLUG intelligence recommend?
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Re: Which laptop models work perfectly "out of the box" with Linux?

2009-09-01 Thread Josef Lowder
Eric wrote:
> I think you need to qualify (which) linux distro/versions.

I did specify PCLinuxOS on the linked page.

But I will be glad to list any and all laptops that are known to work
as described with any specified Linux distro/version.
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Which laptop models work perfectly "out of the box" with Linux?

2009-09-01 Thread Josef Lowder
Which laptop brands and models are known to work ***perfectly*** ...
"out of the box" with Linux -- both Live CDs and when installed?

Wireless works "out of the box" with the built-in wireless card
(without needing an ndsi wrapper) ... display works at the optimum
resolution ... dvd burner works ... usb ports work ... built in web
cam works... everything works ***without*** requiring any fussing
around or special configuration?

I am hoping to compile a list and would appreciate any and all
recommendations -- the most essential data listed one line per item
like this:

15.4" Acer Aspire 5515-5879 AMD Athlon 1.6 GHz - 3GB ram 160GB HD about $400

Another objective (as you will see at the above web page) is to
attempt to generate interest and support toward the idea of a *** ONE
CLICK *** installation of Linux that makes a dual-boot installation as
truly, totally simple as possible.
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How to make the case for Linux more effective?

2009-08-31 Thread Josef Lowder
How can we make the case *for* Linux more effective?
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Re: How to overcome a boot-up endless loop?

2009-08-28 Thread Josef Lowder
Tried both 'sleep 1' and booting with acpi=off.
Neither worked.  Still have the same endless error displayed.
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Re: How to overcome a boot-up endless loop?

2009-08-28 Thread Josef Lowder
Tried changing usleep from 10 to 1
and that had no effect.  Still this continuously on the screen
until I have to pull the power to stop it.

/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: line 1333: /bin/usleep: Input Output error
/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: line 1333: /bin/usleep: Input Output error
/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: line 1333: /bin/usleep: Input Output error
/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: line 1333: /bin/usleep: Input Output error
/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: line 1333: /bin/usleep: Input Output error
/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: line 1333: /bin/usleep: Input Output error
/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: line 1333: /bin/usleep: Input Output error
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Re: How to overcome a boot-up endless loop?

2009-08-28 Thread Josef Lowder
A few days ago, I posted an inquiry on the subject issue, and the
problem is still unresolved. Following is the error message that I see
rapidly repeated on the screen non-stop until I totally power-off the

/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: line 1333: /bin/usleep: Input Output error

Stephen wrote: ... find the file being referenced and see what line
1333 contains.

The file rc.sysinit has 1384 lines . I have uploaded that complete
file at this URL:  Here are
the lines surrounding line 1333:

1329if [ "$PROMPT" != no ]; then
1330while :; do
1331pid=$(/sbin/pidof getkey)
1332[ -n "$pid" -o -e /var/run/getkey_done ] && break
1333usleep 10
1335[ -n "$pid" ] && kill -TERM "$pid" >/dev/null 2>&1

That rc.sysinit file has the same file date and diff indicates that it
has the same content as the file by the same name on one of my other
computers that is running the same operating system.

Likewise, the file 'usleep' referred to on line 1333 has the same file
date and file size as that same file on my other computer running the
same operating system.  While I realize that 'usleep' is apparently a
binary file, I uploaded it at this URL as: (I realize this file should not
have a .txt suffix, so it needs to be renamed.)

I also uploaded two other files that might contain clues for someone
more knowledgable than I (which is, of course, just about everybody on
the plug list).

Hope someone can help me solve this problem.
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Re: How to overcome a boot-up endless loop?

2009-08-27 Thread Josef Lowder
In response to the subject problem, someone wrote:
> Buy a Mac? ;)

That is obviously not helpful.

I did buy a macbook 15" a few weeks ago and found it to be weird and
totally unsatisfactory for many, many reasons ... beyond its
over-priced, under-valued, worse than M$ proprietary-ness.

So after a couple of weeks of trying to make some sense out its
incredibly non-intuitive arbitrariness, I sold it and I certainly will
not be going down that confusing road again.

macs may be fine for music and videos and just playing around, but I
could not get even simple serious work tasks to work efficiently or
reasonably.  Disabling most "normal" CTRL key functions and
substituting that silly mac "X" key in such an anatomically
inconvenient location ... and disallowing simple window resizing from
any side or corner are just two of many dozens of examples.

To each his/her own.

A few mac-types that I encountered during my brief foray into mac-land
tried to be helpful; however, from far too many others, I found that
one is more likely to experience snippety arrogance rather than
constructive help.

At least from most plug friends, one usually gets constructive help.
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Re: How to overcome a boot-up endless loop?

2009-08-27 Thread Josef Lowder
> Recently, I found a way to put my IBM Thinkpad T40 running PCLinuxOS
> to sleep rather than turning it off by using: apm -s
> This has worked well for a couple of months with instant restarts
> whenever I opened the lid ... until yesterday. Something went amiss,
> and when I tried to restart, I saw this repeating endlessly:
> /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: line 1333: /bin/usleep: Input Output error
> So, I tried rebooting ... same thing ... and now I can't get the
> system to boot at all.
> How can I recover from this?

Eric Shubert wrote:
> Have you tried a hard power off?


And I've tried booting Knoppix (which works fine) and going to the partition
where /bin/usleep resides and saving it as usleepx and creating a temporary
usleep that just contains "echo hello" to see if I could get around the problem
that way, but that did not work.
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How to overcome a boot-up endless loop?

2009-08-27 Thread Josef Lowder
Recently, I found a way to put my IBM Thinkpad T40 running PCLinuxOS
to sleep rather than turning it off by using:  apm -s

This has worked well for a couple of months with instant restarts
whenever I opened the lid ... until yesterday.  Something went amiss,
and when I tried to restart, I saw this repeating endlessly:

/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: line 1333: /bin/usleep: Input Output error

So, I tried rebooting ... same thing ... and now I can't get the
system to boot at all.

How can I recover from this?
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Re: What laptop to get to replace my 15" macbook?

2009-08-21 Thread Josef Lowder
Great idea and suggestion, Mike.

I've built several towers, but never thought of trying to build my
own laptop.  Have you yourself done this?

I'm not sure where to look to find a source for a kit, but I'll
google for it to see what comes up.

Recently, I've even been thinking of getting one with a lower
powered processor (i.e. core 2 solo) as those reportedly have
longer battery life and since I don't care about games, I think
most laptops today are way over-powered for what I need.
And for my needs, I really do not need more than 80-100 Gig HD.

Also, I've have wondered if it might make more sense to have
an external DVD-drive to keep the laptop itself light for travel.

I'd really be interested in your thoughts and other plug
members' thoughts about these things.

Mike Enriquez wrote:
> I don't if anyone has mentioned it but try building your own laptop.
> The first time you build one it takes about 3 hours. Build it the way
> you want it! The benefit is that you will always know what is inside
> of it and you can always fix it yourself if something goes wrong.
> There are only 5 major manufacturers of laptop in the world. If you
> order 10 million units they will even put your name on them. Intel went
> after them to agree to standardize their laptops so that Intel dealers
> could build them and replace the parts easily. Intel calls them White
> Box laptops. Find an Intel dealer and ask them about it. I built my own
> and I am very happy with it.
> The laptop comes to you in parts with a video that shows you how
> to put it together.
> Look into it and build the laptop you really want.
> Good luck.
> Mike Enriquez
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Re: What laptop to get to replace my 15" macbook?

2009-08-20 Thread Josef Lowder
I give up.  It's posted to sell on Craigslist.

After looking into what is involved in trying to install Linux on a mac,
I can't waste any more time on this.

Thanks again to all you wonderful plug friends.
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Re: What laptop to get to replace my 15" macbook?

2009-08-20 Thread Josef Lowder
Thanks to all who responded.  I guess I'll try to do a Linux install
on the mac before I just give up and replace it.

== Austin Godber wrote: Have you considered installing Linux on your
MacBook? It seems that both the latest Fedora and Ubuntu work with
little fuss on the MacBooks.

Thanks Austin.  I had considered this, and now that I have little
interest in trying to salvage os-x, I will give that a go with a
straight Linux install.  I have now found quite a few others who have
successfully installed PCLinuxOS (my favorite Linux distro) on
Macbooks.  So, if I can remap the keyboard to put the control key
where it should be and eliminate the stupid, poorly placed mac "X" key
and disable the caps-lock key, perhaps I can still salvage using the
nice mac hardware.

== Eric Cope wrote: I am blown away you had such difficulty using a
Mac. I used to hate Macs. I bought one because I was sick of Windows.
Its been fantastic. Sorry you had such a bad experience, although it
seems your complaints are more cosmetic than anything else. How much
are you selling your macbook for? Which one is it?

My complaints are definitely *not* merely "cosmetic."  I've always
avoided Windows (except to run Pagemaker and Paint Shop Pro via
win4lin as a task on my Linux systems), so my experience has almost
exclusively been with *nix ... Xenix > Unix > Linux.  My frustration
with mac is that it strikes me as being a brain-dead quadraplegic or
amputee version of *nix.  (Further research has indicated that this is
a common perception among *nix oriented folks.).  Mac may be fine for
music and movies, and playing, etc., but it is definitely not good for
serious work (imho).  The macbook I bought is a 15" and if I can't get
it to work satisfactorily with a straight Linux install (and remapping
the stupid key misplacements), I'll probably sell it for $995 obo.

== Bob Elzer wrote: How much did you spend on the Macbook, and how
much do you want to spend on a new laptop? What are your preferences,
what does it have to have, or not have, and what do you want to do
with it?

The positive things about the mac that are now part of my
"preferences" are, of course, it must have a working wireless, at
least a 15" display (I hope a matte screen, not glossy), a
slot-loading CD/DVD drive, illuminated keys (not for "cosmetics," but
to see the keys in a dark airplane, etc).  I prefer just a basic
qwerty keyboard with no 10-key pad.  A built-in camera is nice and now
standard on most newer laptops.  I am very intrigued with the new ASUS
"instant-on" feature that boots Linux from flash memory in 8-10
seconds -- something bloat-ware M$/mac will probably never be able to
do.  I am also interested in the long battery life (8+ hours) that is
now possible with single-core processors as Linux does not need all
the horsepower that bloatware needs. I need to be able to add win98
(not xp) as a task via some virtual-ware.
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What laptop to get to replace my 15" macbook?

2009-08-19 Thread Josef Lowder
Based on the very positive and enthusiastic comments from so many
people (including several of my good plug friends), I recently
purchased a 15" Macbook, thinking that it might be "the way to go."

While the Mac is a very appealing product in many ways with many
outstanding features, I have finally come to the conclusion that the
disadvantages (to me) far outweigh the positives.  So I am now
thinking of selling it and looking for something more sensible in the
real world.  Therefore, once again, I am seeking input from the
collective wisdom of this esteemed group.

The simple, but (to me) major drawbacks of the Mac (not to mention
their proprietary impositions that seem to be even worse than M$), are
as follows:

1. The keyboard layout that forces that screwy Mac/Apple X key on
users in lieu of simply using the CTRL key ... and then positioning
that weird mac key in such a terribly awkward place.

2. Putting the "FN" key where the "CTRL" key should be (and is on
every other computer keyboard) is really stupid.  Bottom-farthest left
is the *only* place (from an anatomically logical standpoint) where
the CTRL key should be (imho).

3. Failure to totally eliminate the "caps-lock" key (of course I guess
all keyboard mfrs still remain guilty of this ridiculous failing, at
this point).  However, I seem to accidentally hit it more on the mac
than on my other keyboards ... I guess because on the mac it seems to
be slightly oversized.  Why?  Duh!

4. The absolutely ridiculous limitation of being forced to the bottom
right corner of every window as the *only* way to resize windows.
That might be the most stupid of all Mac contrary-to-all-common-sense
"features."  And apparently no way that I can find to "maximize" a

5. The needlessly glitzy but cumbersome "dock."

6. The lack of a simple text editor ... one that doesn't force the use
of html or rtf.

7. Most of the *nix command-line commands and utilities that I am used
to using do not seem to work on Mac OS-X

8. While I like the slot drive rather than a DVD drive that slides
open, I do (not) like having it on the front. Has that changed on
newer models?

9. And as for being "intuitive" ... I've tried for a week to get the
hang of using a Mac and almost everything that I am used to doing on
my "normal" computers, I find almost impossible to figure out on a
mac.  The 529-page "How to do everything Mac" doesn't ... and if mac
is so "intuitive" why should it need a 529-page book to explain how to
use it?

In any case, I am now looking for a new (or used) laptop to replace
this mac and get back to the real world.

One that intrigues me is a new, single-core, lower-powered Asus that
claims to have 8+ hours of battery life.  It is also the only one I
have seen so far that has lighted keys (the letters light up on the
keys like the mac -- one of mac's truly great features).  That seems
to me to be a very desirable feature.  Only problem is that that
feature seems to be available only in a larger format Asus unit with a
number keypad (that I do not want).

So what do y'all recommend?

I like the slot drive (on the right side), built-in camera, lighted
keys, lightest and thinnest possible, a "normal" keyboard (no 10-
pad), at least a 15" screen, preferrably matte not glossy, and long
battery life. I want to install Linux as the base OS and use whatever
virtual ware will allow me to install win98 (I do *not* want the
all-intrusive, pop-up crazy winXP).

PS: Anyone interested in trading for or buying a 15" macbook with 4-gig of ram?
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How to unpack a "torrent" download?

2009-08-15 Thread Josef Lowder
I just downloaded something with a long filename that ends in this:
So how does one unpack a "torrent" file to get to the ".pdf" it holds?
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OT: (partially) Where to submit Macbook questions?

2009-08-01 Thread Josef Lowder
Macbook has many very nice features, but I am shocked by the number of
things that it does not have (or allow) ... or at least I have not yet
been able to find solutions.

So, what is the best forum to submit questions on how to do things on
a macbook?

Macs are supposed to be so "intuitive" but I am certainly not finding
that to be the case.  And, as I've submitted numerous queries to
Google, I have found that I am not alone.  For most of the questions
that I've asked so far, I've found many dozens if not hundreds of Mac
users asking the exact same questions ... and rarely find an answer.
Instead of answers, in many cases I read rather arrogant "why would
you want to do that?" or "you really don't need that." responses.

Simple things like how to resize a window.  Finally found that it can
only be done by grabbing the bottom right corner.  Not any other
corner or side. Why?  Seems such a senseless omission and limitation.

And how to delete a folder.  (Still haven't found an answer to that
... except to go to the command line).  But even that was very
difficult to find. And then files are hard to find ... 'locate'
doesn't work

And there is no simple "notepad" or simple/efficient editor (that I
could find).

And how to copy a DVD movie to a file so I don't have to carry a bunch
of DVD's with me on my flight tomorrow.

As I said at first, Macs have many very nice features, but the
omission of what should be very simple and obvious functions and
utilities that are standard on every Linux system and even on M$
garbage is really quite ridiculous.

The trackpad is horrendously slow, jittery, and unreliable.  I have to
keep moistening my fingers to get it to work.  So a USB mouse has been
the only remedy so far ... and that isn't all that reliable.

Safari has crashed several times, so I downloaded Firefox and it works
okay (stable), although the Mac version is lacking some key features
that should be obvious to have included.

Like how to view the source code for a web page?

So, back to my original question ... Where is the best place to submit
macbook questions and hope to get sensible answers?

And if someone could just tell me how to copy a DVD to the hard disk
... at least one that I've recorded off-air if not a prerecorded
(stupid DRM) movie that I own ... so I can view it from a HD file or
folder ... and how to then delete the file(s) and/or folder(s) when
I'm done.  (Moving files to trash and having the only option to delete
everything in trash is not a proper solution.)

Thanks for any suggestions and guidance.

PS: I installed Virtual Box to try to run Linux and it *sort-of*
works, but not entirely and I haven't been able to figure out how to
install win98 via VB as there is no floppy disk drive to use for the
required boot floppy.  I prefer win98 for my purposes rather than xp
because 98 doesn't require so much memory and overhead and it isn't
intrusive like xp always popping up with new update notices (that I do
not want).
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Can Macbook dual-boot with Linux?

2009-07-27 Thread Josef Lowder
I'm considering purchasing a Macbook and would like to know if it can
dual-boot with most Linux distros. And/or does anyone have experience
running Linux in a Virtual box or VM ware setup on a Macbook?
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Has anyone made a solar power setup for a computer?

2009-07-27 Thread Josef Lowder
Have any of you made a solar power setup for your computer system?

I've recently begun researching this and it seems very feasible.

At one website, a writer claims one can make a solar power generator for less
than $300 -- -- in summary he says:

1. Run a line out the window to an 8" x 24" panel on the roof.
Solar panels cost about $100 rated 12 volts or better at RV store or
at Powerfilm R15-300 Rollable Solar Panel is $98.47.
A 300 mah (approx 5 watt) solar panel comes with cable to connect to a
battery. Internal batteries of wireless electronics can be charged by
connecting a PowerFilm Rollable Solar Panel to a device's 12V adapter.

2. Get a deep cycle battery from Greenbatteries or for about $50.
   Or a Xantrex XPower 1500 W/60 AH battery from

3. Buy a 12 volt DC meter. Radio Shack has them for about $25.

4. Buy a DC input - a triple inlet model, enough to power many DC appliances
like fans, lights, laptops, etc. costs about $10. With the right cable will
run straight off the box.

5. To run AC appliances, get an inverter to convert stored DC power in the
battery to AC power for most household appliances. A 115 volt 140 watt
inverter by Power-to-Go at Pep Boys is $50.

6. Attach the meter and DC input to the top of the box.

7. Attach the meter to terminals on the battery.
Connect the solar panel to the battery.

8. Put solar panel in the sun. It takes 5-8 hours to charge a dead battery,
1-3 hours to top off a weak one. This will run many appliances for 5 hours
continuous use at 115 volt AC. Add larger panels, inverters, batteries for more.

Options: A pop-up circuit breaker between the positive terminal and volt meter.
May add an ampmeter also. Some panels have built-in bypass diodes, or use a
charge controller for panels without diodes. Another option is a
voltage regulator.
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Re: OT: AC/DC adaptors

2009-07-22 Thread Josef Lowder
Eric Cope wrote:
> Make sure they are AC/DC adapters. Some are AC/AC adapters. Also make
> sure the plug is properly polarized. Some plugs the inside is (+) and the
> outside is (-), some are switched. Make sure the current rating (mA or A)
> is greater than what you need. Make sure the voltage is the same.

Thanks to all who responded. Especially thanks for the heads-up re polarity.
I did have to reverse the wires on the adaptor I had as the polarity
was reversed,
but once I did that, the result works fine.

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OT: AC/DC adaptors

2009-07-22 Thread Josef Lowder
Does an AC/DC adaptor need to be an exact match to be safe and not
damage electrical equipment?

I have several dozen "left-over" AC/DC adaptors, but none exactly
match a small Radio Shack mixer that is going through 9-volt batteries
too fast.  And, rather than buying yet another such adaptor, I went
through my collection of left-overs to see if I could find one to
match.  Close, but not quite.

I need a 9v 100 mA adaptor; and in my collection I have one 9v 80 mA
and one 9v 210 mA.  Could either of those be used safely?

One says it can be either a 6v 200 mA or a 7.5v 100 mA which leads me
to think that perhaps there might be some flexibility in this.  I have
a bunch of 9v at various mA ratings, along with a bunch of 3v, 5v, 6v,
8v, 11v, 12v, 15v, 19v at various mA ratings.
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OT (or is it?) Seeking a quote for a small php job.

2009-06-30 Thread Josef Lowder
Do any of you pluggers do php work for hire?
And/or could you recommend someone?

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June 24 at 11:57 am test from gmail to plug - disregard

2009-06-24 Thread Josef Lowder
June 24 at 11:57 am test from gmail to plug - disregard

I have sent several messages from two other web mail
at runbox and blue host that seem to have vanished.
So this is a test from gmail web mail.
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Test message June 24 at 11:40 am disregard.

2009-06-24 Thread Josef Lowder
This is a test message June 24 at 11:40 am 
Please disregard.
I sent two messages to plug a little while ago 
that seem to have vanished.

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Can Firefox be updated without affecting the rest of my system?

2009-05-29 Thread Josef Lowder
Is it possible to upgrade Firefox without causing any effect on my
operating system?
And if the upgrade does not work, could I restore the old Firefox version?

For reasons to long to explain, I cannot risk upgrading my Linux
operating system.

Linux localhost 2.6.12-12mdk #1 Tue Sep 13 10:46:25 CEST 2005 i686 AMD
Athlon(TM) XP 2600+ unknown GNU/Linux

Firefox help shows 1.0.6 and this:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050921
Firefox/1.0.7 Mandriva/1.0.6-15mdk

I just don't understand how separate Firefox is from the rest of the
operating system
and how risky it might be to try updating Firefox.  Could that be done
with zero risk
to any disruption of my operating system?
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OT: Why am I getting 100 times more spam than others?

2009-05-28 Thread Josef Lowder
In the past, I have pleaded for help with this issue, and some have
responded with frustration that I brought this up again ... so I
apologize in advance for bringing this up again now.  But the problem
has worstened to an enormously frustrating extent.

More than 2,000 spam email messages now come into my gmail account
every day.  It is perplexing and infuriating to me that google/gmail
will not allow creating filters to *delete* (not just move to trash)
all this garbage that is clearly identifiable and definable.

Recently, gmail began to mark about half to 2/3rds of this garbage
with the title *SPAM* in the subject line.  Why would they
bother doing that instead of just totally blocking or automatically
deleting forever all this garbage rather than just labeling it as
SPAM?   Or at least give us the option to choose to have all such mail
deleted rather than put into a spam folder.

I (and many others) have written to Google and to Gmail forums about
this numerous times, but of course no one at Google ever responds.

What prompts this message today is that I have recently talked with
other email users  who are even larger volume users of email than I
and they have expressed amazement at the volume of spam that I am
receiving.  Because, they have reported to me that they are *not*
receiving even 1/100th of the volume of spam that I receive.

So, can anyone recommend any remedy or alternate, perhaps even a paid
web mail service, by which I might be able to gain some control over
this nightmare?

I would certainly be willing to pay for a solution.

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OT: What does this symbol mean §

2009-05-21 Thread Josef Lowder
Can anyone tell me what this symbol means?


Perhaps it has multiple applications/meanings?

Is there some way to access this symbol from a standard 108 keyboard?
In Pagemaker, by experimenting, I discovered that CTRL+SHIFT+6
produces this symbol.

CTRL+Shift+O = © (copyright symbol)
CTRL+shift + 3 = page number
CTRL+SHIFT+7 = ¶ (paragraph symbol?)
CTRL+SHIFT+8 = • (a bullet point)

Are there other symbols that are commonly accessible from a standard
108 keyboard?  Where can one find a table listing and describing such

Google found this:
The symbol Unicode symbol U+2118 (℘) is the Weierstrass elliptic
function symbol.
It is notorious for being one of the most wrongly named Unicode
symbols. Unicode named it SCRIPT CAPITAL P and once a Unicode
character is named. Unicode has vowed that this name shall never be
changed in a future version of Unicode to avoid confusion within
tables and software that references tables. As the Unicode people say
in the Unicode Manual 5.0, 15 section 15.2:

“Despite its name U+2118 SCRIPT CAPITAL P is neither script nor
capital—it is uniquely the Weierstrass elliptic function symbol
derived from a calligraphic /lowercase/ p, ...” However the Unicode
people have recently discovered that they are allowed to introduce
official informative aliases for their characters and they have now
done this for U+2118. The official alias is: Weierstrass elliptic
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Re: OT: Most fun in Arizona?

2009-05-18 Thread Josef Lowder
On 5/16/09, Josef Lowder wrote:
> What are the most fun things to do in Arizona?

A few days ago, I ask this question, and I received
more than 20 very helpful responses.

Thanks to everyone who contributed suggestions.

I've attempted to consolidate the lists somewhat
and added some items from various other sources,
the preliminary results of which can be viewed at this link:

Hope to further improve this list, add-to-it, eliminate
duplications, include more URL links, location info, etc.
But it's a start.
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Wireless connection problem

2009-05-17 Thread Josef Lowder
I have a strange wireless connection problem with my Qwest DSL service
and after an hour on the phone with tech support, we still don't have
a solution, so I hope one of my plug friends can help me solve it.

When upgrading from 1.5 to 7mbp dsl service about a month ago, when we
couldn't get it to work with my 2-Wire modem/router, I got the Qwest
recommended Motorola modem/router. That also proved to be a challenge
to get everything to work, but it did eventually work with my two
laptops wireless connecting okay.

Then we went out of town for a few days and I took one laptop to use
while away.  It connected up to the motel wireless service and worked
fine.  But since I got back, I've not been able to get it to connect
to my Qwest/Motorola modem/router.  I can, however, connect to my
neighbor's unsecured linksys/cox modem/router just fine.  So, I assume
that there is nothing wrong with the laptop we took on our trip, an
IBM thinkpad T40 with an internal Cisco Aironet 802.11b card.

In the control center network center, the qwest3856 SSID shows up with
5-bars signal strength, Managed operating mode, and wep-manual 40/64
bit (10 characters) encryption.  But when I try to connect, it says
"cannot connect."  I reconfigured the router to "no privacy" and can
connect, but I cannot connect with wep security.

What do I need to do to get this to work with a secured connection?
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OT: Most fun in Arizona?

2009-05-16 Thread Josef Lowder
What are the most fun things to do in Arizona?
I moved here from Washington state  8 years ago
and while I am now aclimated and glad to be here,
I do miss all of the incredible variety of things that
we so much enjoyed doing in Western Washington.
When we have guest from out of town, I am hard
pressed to think of things to suggest.

So, what do you good plug friends recommend?
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OT: What's the best antenna for digital TV?

2009-04-29 Thread Josef Lowder
What is the best antenna for good digital TV reception?
Is there any antenna set up that will make it possible
to receive over-the-air broadcast signals from the Prescott
channels (i.e. 7.1 I think) in the East Valley?
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How to go back when FF refuses to go back?

2009-04-25 Thread Josef Lowder
Sometimes when I go from one website to another, it seems that some
websites lock you in and won't let you use the back arrow to go back
to a previous website.  Is there some way to override that block and
get back to the immediately previous website?
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Re: How to properly re-establish users after a reinstall?

2009-04-23 Thread Josef Lowder
Well, I just SOLVED my Firefox problem by uninstalling FF3 and
installing FF2. FF2 works fine. FF3 just does not work on my system.
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Re: How to properly re-establish users after a reinstall?

2009-04-22 Thread Josef Lowder
I gave up trying to fix the problems and just did a totally fresh
reinstall both hda5 and hda7.

But that still didn't solve all the problems.
What is so frustrating is that everything was working perfectly on
this system until I tried to install Virtual Box and that royally
screwed up everything.

So now, even with a clean fresh new installation of the same system
from the same media as before ... I still have several problems that I
never had before ... even after reformatting both partitions and
reinstalling (several times).

Now Firefox won't start and wireless doesn't work on my router, though
it does work on my neighbor's router.  Two other systems in my
home/office do work via wireless on my router.  Both Firefox and
wireless worked fine in the original installation (which Virtual Box

Go figure.

I've reinstalled Firefox several times, even totally removing all
traces of it and reinstalling.
Still can't get it to work.  All the files seem to be there the same
as on one of my other systems with the exact same installation.

Sure hope somebody can help me solve this.  I've only been working on
this off and on for two weeks.


On 4/21/09, Charles Jones  wrote:
> * waits for Hans to suggest using RCS *  :-)
>  Lisa Kachold wrote:
>  > Learning to edit systems files is an advanced process.
>  >
>  > While I never limit my teaching to a dumbed down level, with "NEVER"
>  > admonishments, I did not give you the "safety net rap" reserved for
>  > the best and brightest fledgling systems people:
>  >
>  > "ALWAYS copy any systems file you edit to backup before changes".
>  >
>  > cp /etc/passwd /etc/passwd.$me
>  >
>  > Once the changes are complete and written off as "all good" be sure to
>  > delete all files with .$me {a cron can be setup to do this}.
>  >
>  > Alternately, systems people setup a quick bash tool that will copy it
>  > to $DATE, since they will be editing a great many files a day and need
>  > to be able to see what happened when.
>  >
>  > Editing /etc/passwd is simple, but if you are not sure, delete and
>  > setup your user using command line adduser:
>  >
>  > useradd - Create a new user or update default new user information
>  >
>  > useradd [-c comment] [-d home_dir]
>  >
>  > [-e expire_date] [-f inactive_time]
>  > [-g initial_group] [-G group[,...]]
>  > [-m [-k skeleton_dir] | -M] [-n] [-o] [-p passwd] [-r]
>  > [-s shell] [-u uid] login
>  > useradd -D [-g default_group] [-b default_home]
>  >
>  > [-e default_expire_date] [-f default_inactive]
>  > [-s default_shell]
>  >
>  > On 4/20/09, Craig White  wrote:
>  >
>  >> On Mon, 2009-04-20 at 19:53 -0700, Lisa Kachold wrote:
>  >>
>  >>> Looks like your /home partition was being equated as /hda7 - which makes
>  >>> sense.
>  >>>
>  >>> umount /dev/hda7
>  >>> mkdir /home
>  >>> mount -t ext3 (or whatever it is) /dev/hda7 /home
>  >>> df -k
>  >>> vi /etc/passwd
>  >>> ls -al ~joe
>  >>> ls -al ~pattie
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>> You can change the mount point via /etc/fstab
>  >>> You can change the users home via /etc/passwd
>  >>> Be sure to chown/chgrp all the files to their corresponding users
>  >>>
>  >>> cd ~joe | chown -R joe:joe *
>  >>> cd ~pattie | chown -R pattie:pattie *
>  >>>
>  >> 
>  >> just a comment...I don't generally recommend to people to directly
>  >> edit /etc/passwd, /etc/group, /etc/shadow (even with vi) just because
>  >> the problems caused by a careless edit are truly vexing. Perhaps that is
>  >> one way people can learn but it is not the thing to do for the most
>  >> users.
>  >>
>  >> Craig
>  >>
>  >>
>  >> --
>  >> This message has been scanned for viruses and
>  >> dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
>  >> believed to be clean.
>  >>
>  ---
>  PLUG-discuss mailing list -
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Re: How to properly re-establish users after a reinstall?

2009-04-21 Thread Josef Lowder
I've just done (yet another) reinstall and I'm getting things worked out
by taking a different route.  I'll provide a recap once I get it all done.

Thanks to all for the input.

On 4/21/09, Dazed_75  wrote:
> This seems a quite painful process where one would have expected the install
> process to work properly as long as his install specified the proper
> partitioning and users and without formatting the existing /home which was a
> separate partition.  The only reason I can imagine for it not working is if
> the install was not smart enough to associate the same uid and gid for the
> user directories already in /home with the users it was creating in the new
> /etc/passwd.
> Am I expecting too much?  Is there a legitimate reason for not doing so?
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 7:53 PM, Lisa Kachold 
> wrote:
> > Looks like your /home partition was being equated as /hda7 - which makes
> sense.
> >
> > umount /dev/hda7
> > mkdir /home
> > mount -t ext3 (or whatever it is) /dev/hda7 /home
> > df -k
> > vi /etc/passwd
> > ls -al ~joe
> > ls -al ~pattie
> >
> >
> > You can change the mount point via /etc/fstab
> > You can change the users home via /etc/passwd
> > Be sure to chown/chgrp all the files to their corresponding users
> >
> > cd ~joe | chown -R joe:joe *
> > cd ~pattie | chown -R pattie:pattie *
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On 4/20/09, Josef Lowder  wrote:
> > > Thanks Craig.  I can't imagine how this could have come about
> > > as I know that hda7 was originally specified as just "/home"
> > >
> > > But I really appreciate your response and guidance.
> > >
> > > On 4/20/09, Craig White  wrote:
> > >>  it appears that you have mounted /dev/hda7 as /home/joe rather than
> > >>  just /home
> > >>
> > >>  if you haven't created anything else (i.e., users, in /home, you could
> > >>  probably just change the mount point in /etc/fstab and
> > >>  'umount /home/joe' and 'mount -a' and everything would be fixed. You
> > >>  would of course want users named joe and patti and if you haven't
> > >>  already created them, you could figure out which uid number they had
> > >>  previously...
> > >>
> > >>  ls -ldn /home/joe/*
> > >>
> > >>  and their user & group numbers from your old system should be
> displayed.
> > >>
> > >>  Then you could create them again with a 'useradd' command like,
> > >>
> > >>  useradd -u 501(or ??) -g 501(or ??)
> > >>
> > >>  type 'useradd --help' for information.
> > >>
> > >>  Craig
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>  --
> > >>  This message has been scanned for viruses and
> > >>  dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
> > >>  believed to be clean.
> > >>
> > >>  ---
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> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > > ---
> > > PLUG-discuss mailing list -
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> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > (503)754-4452
> > "Contradictions do not exist." A. Rand
> >
> >
> >
> > ---
> > PLUG-discuss mailing list -
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> >
> >
> --
> Dazed_75 a.k.a. Larry
> ---
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Re: How to properly re-establish users after a reinstall?

2009-04-20 Thread Josef Lowder
Thanks Craig.  I can't imagine how this could have come about
as I know that hda7 was originally specified as just "/home"

But I really appreciate your response and guidance.

On 4/20/09, Craig White  wrote:
>  it appears that you have mounted /dev/hda7 as /home/joe rather than
>  just /home
>  if you haven't created anything else (i.e., users, in /home, you could
>  probably just change the mount point in /etc/fstab and
>  'umount /home/joe' and 'mount -a' and everything would be fixed. You
>  would of course want users named joe and patti and if you haven't
>  already created them, you could figure out which uid number they had
>  previously...
>  ls -ldn /home/joe/*
>  and their user & group numbers from your old system should be displayed.
>  Then you could create them again with a 'useradd' command like,
>  useradd -u 501(or ??) -g 501(or ??)
>  type 'useradd --help' for information.
>  Craig
>  --
>  This message has been scanned for viruses and
>  dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
>  believed to be clean.
>  ---
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How to properly re-establish users after a reinstall?

2009-04-20 Thread Josef Lowder
A question about how to properly re-establish the two users that I had
prior to reinstalling my Linux operating system (only the OS in the
"/" partition)?

I had to reinstall because when I tried to install Virtual Box, it
screwed up my system and caused "X" to no longer work. I could get to
the command line, but could not startx.

So, I used the live CD that I had initially used to re-install just
the "/" portion that I had previously installed on /dev/hda5, and I
reformatted only that "/" partition but I *did not* reformat the
"/home" partition that was on /dev/hda7.

In my original installation, I had created two users: /home/joe and /home/patti.

The reinstall process required a user other than root to be created,
so I created user "patti" (because she had nothing crucial to be
protect), but I did not create a new user "joe."

The reinstallation went fine and "X" was restored; and when I examined
the results from the command line, I found all of my original user
files were preserved (curiously in /home/joe/joe) even though I did
not create a new user "joe."

But here's the confusion: I now have two "patti" directories.
One in /home/patti and another in /home/joe/patti.

$ df shows the following file system:
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5 3.9G  875M  2.8G  24% /
/dev/hda1  10G  4.3G  5.8G  43% /mnt/win_c
/dev/hda7 7.7G  1.6G  6.2G  20% /home/joe

So, my question is, can I just move /home/joe/patti to /home/patti?
And then create a new user "joe" and move the old /home/joe/joe to

Or is there something different I need to do to make sure that I don't
create problems?

FWIW, I uploaded a survey of the newly reinstalled system's files at
this link:
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Re: Question about installation from a live CD

2009-04-18 Thread Josef Lowder
On 4/17/09, JD Austin  wrote:
> First chown the old directories to have the same owner and permissions
> they used to.
> Then move the new home to home2 (or whatever).
> Then either symlink or create a mount point to the old home.
> reboot.
> If all is well then you can delete home2 (or whatever).

Thanks very much.  This sounds like a good method.

The PCLinux reinstall of "/" was so quick and easy,
I just wondered if I missed a step or did something incorrectly
that might have allowed the original /home directory to have
been hooked in automatically instead of creating a new one.
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Question about installation from a live CD

2009-04-17 Thread Josef Lowder
In reinstalling my Linux system, I ended up with two /home/joe
directories -- a new one on my hda5 partition that I designated as "/"
and another on partition hda7 where it had been from my original
installation.  All of my original files are still in the /home/joe
directory on partition hda7 (which is what I was trying to preserve).
That part worked out fine.  But how do I get rid of the extra
/home/joe directory that the reinstallation put on hda5 and make the
/home/joe directory on hda7 the one that the system finds.

I've posted a jpg of the partition layout at this link:
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Re: Does switching from 1.5 Mbp to a faster fiber-optic connection require any system changes?

2009-04-17 Thread Josef Lowder
On 4/17/09, Stephen  wrote:
> it mostly just reconfigured the modem with a uPNPesque application.
>  but honestly call their customer service department and ask them what
>  your settings need to be to connect. they most likely can get you that stuff.

I'll try that, but in the past, whenever I mentioned Linux, the standard
response is, "we don't support that ... we only support microshaft."
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Does switching from 1.5 Mbp to a faster fiber-optic connection require any system changes?

2009-04-17 Thread Josef Lowder
Does switching from my current Qwest DSL 1.5 Mbp service to a faster
fiber-optic connection require any system changes?

When I first got hooked up with Qwest DSL, I remember it was quite a
hassle to get it to work.  But once I got it sorted out, with a few
relatively minor outages, it has been working fine for a couple years.
 Upon the recommendation by some PLUG folks, I got a used 2-Wire
modem/router from RedSeven because I was told it would work better
than what Qwest was providing at that time.

Since Qwest has been promoting higher-speed, fiber-optic connections
of up to 20 Mbps, I called to ask their customer service department if
I would have to make any changes to my current setup if I signed up
for this.  Their answer was, "No, everything will remain the same."
So, I signed up for the 7 Mbps option for an extra $10/month.

Today, I received a package containing a "QuickConnect" Installation
CD that is described as being needed to "optimize" my modem.  No doubt
this CD has some M$ program and I am

Since my system is Linux, I suspect this CD is probably useless to me.

So, is there anything I will need to do via my Linux system to get
everything to work correctly?
And if so, what?
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Re: Free Linux

2009-04-14 Thread Josef Lowder is my favorite distro.
It's Redhat > Mandrake > Mandriva based.
But a lot more polished.
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Re: Ot: happy 04/12

2009-04-12 Thread Josef Lowder
On 4/12/09, James Finstrom  wrote:
> To all who do happy easter and to all who don't happy sunday.

Thank you James.  It's always nice to receive happy greetings.

With respect for the importance of trying to keep "off topics" on this
list short and reined in, may I refer anyone interested in the topic
of "easter" to this URL: and for
anyone who might like to discuss this topic further, here is a link
where non-registered visitors can post comments:
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Re: OT: Speed Cams

2009-04-02 Thread Josef Lowder
On 4/2/09, Joshua A. Andler  wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-04-02 at 10:55 -0700, Josef Lowder wrote:
>  > There is no sensible basis for opposing photo radar speed limit 
> enforcement.
> Give me a break... if the people don't want it, and the government is
>  supposed to work for the people, that is a sensible basis.

That is absurd.  It is not, by any logic or reason, sensible to oppose
enforcement of laws that exist to protect human life.  If any given
law is improper or needs to be modified in some way, then it is
reasonable for "the people" to seek to change the law.  However,
unless and until any given law is changed, it is certainly not
"sensible" to oppose enforcement of any laws that have been
established to protect human life and safety.

The bottom line in this matter is simply whether (A) there should be
enforcement of established laws or whether (B) blatant disregard for
established laws should be tolerated.

Your premise seems to be "B," that if "the people" do not want
enforcement of any given established law, then it is "sensible" for
them to just ignore, disregard, and/or disobey it at will.

My premise is "A" that all laws that have been established by
governing authorities in a civilized society should be enforced.

Which is sensible, and which is clearly not sensible?

>  > Opposition to photo radar is tantamount to advocating legalization of
>  > murder and/or manslaughter in any form by any means.
> Wow... that is probably the most absurd oversimplification I've seen on
>  this list so far. Murder and Manslaughter have very different
>  definitions and legal implications.

I agree that murder and manslaughter have very different definitions
and legal implications.

However, the fact that they have different definitions and legal
implications does not in any way make the underlying premise
incorrect.  That foundational premise is that for anyone to cause the
death of another person by reckless driving (including exceeding
posted speed limits) is manslaughter.  And part two of this premise is
that if anyone knowingly and intentionally facilitates the commision
of a fatal act such as manslaughter, that can be shown to be murder in
the second or third degree.

Therefore, it is most assuredly *not* either "absurd" or an
"oversimplification" to point out that failure to maintain and
vigorously enforce established safety laws by all means possible is
tantamount to advocating legalization of murder and/or manslaughter.

Those who argue against enforcing established laws clearly do not have
any reasonable, sensible, or justifiable basis for their arguments.
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Re: OT: Speed Cams

2009-04-02 Thread Josef Lowder
On 4/2/09, Eric Cope  wrote:
> link to those statistics?

A comprehensive statistical analysis was recently conducted by the
Arizona State University for the Arizona Department of Transportation
(ADOT) and the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) following the
first ever United States Freeway program. When examining the crashes
the study used non-peak hours which amounted to approximately 18 hours
per day on the weekdays and all day during the weekend. It was
determined that during the peak or "rush hour" periods, traffic was
slowed below the posted speed limit due to congestion. The program
results were dramatic:

-  The program reduced average speeds by approximately 9 mph.
-  Total collisions were reduced by 44% to 54%
-  Total injury crashes were reduced by 28% to 48%
-  Single vehicle crashes were reduced by 59% to 63%
-  Sideswipe collisions were reduced by 33% to 48%
-  Rear end collisions ranged from a 14% increase down to a 23%
decrease dependent upon which of the comparison models were used.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Speed kills.

Murder (and manslaughter) are illegal.

Preventing murder and/or manslaughter from reckless, irresponsible
driving (i.e. speeding in violation of posted speed laws) is not in
any way an intrusion on individual rights.

There is no sensible basis for opposing photo radar speed limit enforcement.

Opposition to photo radar is tantamount to advocating legalization of
murder and/or manslaughter in any form by any means.
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Re: OT: Speed Cams

2009-04-02 Thread Josef Lowder
On 4/1/09, Bryan O'Neal  wrote:
> I have no issue with red-light cameras, if they provide a yellow light of
> adequate length to safely stop after noticing the light change, say 5 or 6
> seconds.  As for the speed cameras, well, I am agenst speed limits and
> believe it should be safe and prudent as seen by an officer and confirmed by
> a judge. As for the cameras in particular, no one has been able to make
> public a report showing they do anything other then annoy drivers. Accidents
> have not gone down ...

Photo radar saves lives.  Period.

According to the Arizona State Department of Public Safety, because of photo
radar, crashes are down by 12%, injuries have been cut by 17%, and fatality
collisions are down by 29% on Phoenix-area highways.

No clear-thinking person would want to eliminate photo radar simply because
of their personal desire to want to disregard and disobey highway speed laws.
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Re: Help newbie please?

2009-03-26 Thread Josef Lowder

On 3/26/09, mike enriquez  wrote:
> I wanted to install Mandriva Powerpack 2007 because I had it as a dual boot
> on top of my xp software.
> It boots up ok into windows and when I select Mandriva it takes me directly
> to the Linux command line.
> I cann't find any of my linux books and its been a long time since I used
> linux so this is why I installed it
> but I don't remember the command to enter so I can get out of the command
> line and into the window like interface.
> Help me please, sorry to bother you.
> Thanks
> Mike Enriquez
> ---
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Re: Ubuntu 8.10 (to Josef)

2009-03-25 Thread Josef Lowder
On 3/25/09, Matthew A Coulliette  wrote:
>  I felt the same way about Suse 10.2 as you do about PCLinux, until I
>  switched to Ubuntu 8.10.

Thanks for sharing your experience and your perspective, Matt

>From your comments, I'm guessing that you have never tried PCL. You
might enjoy giving it a spin some time.  If you had ever tried PCL, I
seriously doubt that you would have ever gone to Ubuntu.

For me, the multiple desktop feature is a major issue.  I am using 4
desktops most of the time and may need to add a 5th. I can't imagine
trying to do my work without this feature above all else.

Like you, I also tried Suse, and I can certainly understand why you
would have switched away from it.

>  I had to give up kde and get used to using "sudo"

I definitely prefer kde and su and can't imagine giving up either.

> There are 2 bugs that I know of.

There are *no* bugs that I know of with PCL (The virtual box problem
that I recently discussed is a virtual box problem, not a PCL

> 1. the edit menu command does not save changes properly

Works perfectly with PCL

>  2. There is no way to  add desktops/workspaces.

No problem here with PCL.

> although a gui does pop up on my computer it is missing a lot of the
> desktop/workspace options

No problems like this with PCL

> I plan on submitting a bug report on launchpad in the near future.

I've never had to submit a bug report on PCL.

> The only other flaw I know of is 2 packages I like: pgcalc & cinelerra.
> Which I am going to submit a request for in the near future

To each his own ;)
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Re: How to recover X display? v.1.1

2009-03-25 Thread Josef Lowder
On 3/25/09, Matt Graham  wrote:
> You know what all this is saying to me?  "PCLinuxOS is buggy.  Don't
>  use it."  Having a virtualbox install hose X, having LiveCDs lock
>  up on multiple machines, and so forth are things that I just would
>  not put up with.  Life's too short, you know?
>  If you are worried about your /home , the thing to do is to take
>  that USB drive, plug it in, mount it, then "tar czf /mnt/usb/
>  backup.tar.gz /home" , so even if your reinstall eats your /home,
>  you have a backup of everything on that USB drive and can get it
>  retrieved with minimal fuss.  Just make sure there's enough space
>  on the USB drive and it should work fine.

You give very good, helpful, and efficient advice, Matt ...
and I have sincerely appreciated every answer you've given.

I must say, though, that PCLinuxOS is by far the best distro flavor
(to my taste) that I have ever experienced.  The 2007 release has been
rock solid for me for two years on six different computers (until this
virtualbox fiasco).  I've tried many dozens of other distros and none
of them have ever been anywhere near as easy and pleasing to use as
PCL. I've tried a half dozen different releases of Ubuntu and Kubuntu
and they have all been (in my experience) definitely inferior to PCL
-- just very awkward and inefficient (to me).  I realize some of my
preference is probably just due to familiarity -vs- non-familiarity.
But, to me, PCL is just head and shoulders above anything else I've

BTW: I couldn't get an Internet connection to work with the latest
Kubuntu 8.1 on my thinkpad, whereas everything, even wireless, works
"out of the box" on my thinkpad with PCL 2007.
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Re: How to recover X display? v.1.1

2009-03-25 Thread Josef Lowder
PCL 2009 doesn't work (live locks up on 3 different computers).
So, I'll just have to reinstall 2007.

On 3/25/09, Lisa Kachold  wrote:
>  Just upgrade to 2009 it should retain your settings.
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Re: How to recover X display? v.1.1

2009-03-25 Thread Josef Lowder
On 3/24/09, Lisa Kachold  wrote:
>  Well, with PCLinuxOs, I believe that x had the video drivers packaged
> differently between versions, so it might not be so simple.

Well, I guess I'll just try to reinstall PCLinuxOS 2007 and try to do it
without overwriting my home directory.
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Re: How to recover X display? v.1.1

2009-03-24 Thread Josef Lowder
Forgot to mention:
For PCLInuxOS, instead of this:
>> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo did not work for me, so searched further and
from a PCLinuxOS source, I learned that as root I needed to do this:

apt-get clean && apt-get autoclean
apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade

>From one of your previous replies, you included this:
>> # sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

Do I still need to do that?
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Re: How to recover X display? v.1.1

2009-03-24 Thread Josef Lowder
So now I have done a complete system update:
618 upgraded
198 newly installed
29 replaced
3 removed
5 not upgraded
766 MB of archives - after unpacking
47.3MB of add'l disk space used
more than 2 hours of installing upgrades
and the result ... drum roll ...

Still no X
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Re: How to recover X display? v.1.1

2009-03-24 Thread Josef Lowder
On 3/24/09, Matt Graham  wrote:
> Really, I'd take a length of Cat5 and plug the thing in, rather than deal
>  with the hassle of wireless for this reasonably short experiment.

Duh, why couldn't I have at least thought of that?

Thanks again Matt.  The Cat5 wired connection worked instantly,
so I'll try doing an apt-get  full system update on my PCLinuxOS setup
and see where that leads.
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Re: How to recover X display? v.1.1

2009-03-24 Thread Josef Lowder
On 3/24/09, Matt Graham  wrote:
> Are you on dialup? If you've got proper bandwidth,
> "dhclient eth0" or "dhcpcd eth0" should get a dynamic IP
> address provided eth0 is plugged in to something.

I have DSL wireless and it was working fine before the crash.
Even now, when I boot up, I see lights blinking on the 3-COM
pci card, but since I can't see anything on F7 I can't use the
wireless connection that I think I have.

And I don't know how to establish that connection on one of the
other F1-F6 command-line only terminals.

> Fix the Net access and apt-get upgrade, and
>  you should be good.  (I Could Be Wrong.)

Wish I could.
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Re: How to recover X display? v.1.1

2009-03-24 Thread Josef Lowder
On 3/24/09, Lisa Kachold  wrote:
> Post installation of Virtualbox, your Xorg logs say what?

   42660 Apr 14  2007 Xorg.1.log.old
   45158 Mar 19  2008 Xorg.1.log
   14929 Mar 22 23:28 Xorg.9.log
   14294 Mar 23 10:35 Xorg.0.log.old
   14493 Mar 23 10:36 Xorg.0.log

I also copied this file:   2974 Apr  6  2007 xorg.conf
It can be viewed at this link:

> First try this:
> # sudo Xconfigurator
> You can try to configure your monitor and video card for X via this utility.
> Might work, it's worth a try...[but not highly probable].

I can't find 'Xconfigurator' on the system, don't think I have it.

> 2) Update/upgrade your system, although this might have been what caused it.
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get upgrade
> # sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

Wish I could, but I don't know how to get an internet connection
with only command line access.

Here are some other files that I copied from the laptop,
(thanks to Matt's explanation of how to get the USB flash stick mounted)
Have not yet uploaded any of these to a web page, but could if they might help.

1408 Mar 21 13:53 vbox-install.log
7073 Mar 22 04:02 warnings.1.gz
   22570 Mar 22 04:02 info.1.gz
 790 Mar 22 04:02 errors.1.gz
 1008834 Mar 23 17:10 messages
   13947 Mar 23 17:10 dmesg
  16 Mar 23 17:14 kernel.errors
   34511 Mar 23 17:15 warnings
  588685 Mar 23 17:15 info
  829597 Mar 23 17:15 errors
1032 Mar 23 17:21 mar22logs
4022 Mar 23 17:29 vbox.files
 972 Mar 23 17:36 boot.dirlist
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Re: How to recover X display? v.1.1

2009-03-24 Thread Josef Lowder
Lisa, thank you profusely for all of your "far beyond the extra mile"
efforts to help me solve this matter.  I will get back to work on this
asap and follow all of your suggestions.  It may take me a while to
get back to this because this laptop is not a mission-critical unit
and I have to get caught up on my regular work on my old reliable
computer before I resume work on trying to get the laptop going again.

Again, I sincerely appreciate all of your help!

Many, many thanks.


On 3/24/09, Lisa Kachold  wrote:
>  Corrections in red:
>  Not exactly
> I apologise, I was reading for context, and make sense from within a wealth
> of 22 years of Nix experience.
> The link is describing difficulty with v41/ABI drivers within Virtualbox
> booting into X via PCLinuxOS.  When you build a virtualbox client, the
> xdrivers modules are created also; sometimes when one installs Virtualbox
> (and/or Xen), they decide to run their first system in a virtual under the
> OS, which is then described as primary in the grub configuration via the new
> kernel that was built during install (which might cause an X and kernel
> module mismatch).  For instance under Redhat/XEN this is usually what is
> called a PAE kernel.  You, after installing Virtualbox, verified that you
> are still running the same kernel from grub.conf?  You can also look at the
> file creation date for the kernel that is indicated to boot first into the
> grub configuration.
> Post installation of Virtualbox, your Xorg logs say what?
> If I remember correctly Xorg was whining we needed a couple of video
> modules?  Irregardless of whether you are now running in a VirtualBox or
> not:
> a) boot fails to go to X
> b) you can't startx
> Solutions:
> 1) You can try to boot into your system and reconfigure your X drivers via
> command line?
> First try this:
> # sudo Xconfigurator
> You can try to configure your monitor and video card for X via this utility.
> Might work, it's worth a try...[but not highly probable].
> 2) Update/upgrade your system, although this might have been what caused it.
>  There are some major differences between the way that X uses kernel drivers
> for video cards in recent versions.
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get upgrade
> 3) Kernel modules and X drivers
> Your Xorg errors talked about two drivers:
> module ABI major version (1) doesn't match server's version (2)
> failed to load module "v41" (module requirement mismatch,0)
> # sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
> 4) Revert your failed system
> If these questions do not make sense, and you can't either fix the driver
> errors or roll back the changes made adding virtualbox source, it would be
> easiest for you to just rebuild.  Download a new ISO from distrowatch (or a
> new OS) and burn it to CD (or DVD if you have that luxury) carefully
> selecting the i386/686 versions and drop the hammer on this failed learning
> project, and go on to bigger and better things!
> After you rebuild your shiny new system, keep your BUILD DVD/CD, so you can
> use it to boot emergency for trouble/rebuild.  Always keep a record of all
> steps that are done, (especially updates, etc. and test between upgrade
> installation steps) for packaging the issues for others.
> 5) If all this fails, take your box back to the InstallFesters and/or call
> one of us.
> Obnosis | (503)754-4452
>  PLUG Linux Security Labs 2nd Saturday Each mo...@noon - 3PM
> > Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 16:38:32 -0700
> > Subject: Re: How to recover X display?
> > From:
> > To:
> >
> > Now, I'm even more thoroughly confused.
> >
> > On 3/23/09, Lisa Kachold  wrote:
> > >
> >
> > This is describing installing PCLinuxOS as a virtual machine inside a
> > working Ubuntu-VirtualBox setup ... which doesn't seem to have
> > anything to do with trying to get my installed PCLinuxOS system X
> > recovered.
> >
> > The article says: "Guest Additions installs from a CD iso file.
> >
> > I don't have any CD iso for this.
> >
> > The article then says: "So, we need to load the iso as a CD in our
> > virtual machine.
> > For this, the virtual machine must be shut down (powered off)."
> >
> > There is no way I can do this when my basic machine is not working.
> > ---
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> Windows Live™ SkyDrive: Get 25 GB of free online storage. Check it out.
> Get quick access to your favorite MSN content with Internet Explorer 8.
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> ---

Re: How to recover X display?

2009-03-23 Thread Josef Lowder
Now, I'm even more thoroughly confused.

On 3/23/09, Lisa Kachold  wrote:

This is describing installing PCLinuxOS as a virtual machine inside a
working Ubuntu-VirtualBox setup ... which doesn't seem to have
anything to do with trying to get my installed PCLinuxOS system X

The article says: "Guest Additions installs from a CD iso file.

I don't have any CD iso for this.

The article then says: "So, we need to load the iso as a CD in our
virtual machine.
For this, the virtual machine must be shut down (powered off)."

There is no way I can do this when my basic machine is not working.
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Re: How to recover X display?

2009-03-23 Thread Josef Lowder
On 3/23/09, Matt Graham  wrote:
> USB drive, shirley?

When I plug in a flash stick into a USB drive, it no longer gets mounted now,
so I cannot copy files to it.  It always did get mounted before this
virtual box
installation crashed "X"

> This is an X problem IIRC.  The module being referred to is the X
>  module, not a kernel module.  Did X get upgraded at some point?

As far as I can tell, "X" did not get upgraded or changed.

>  The thing that's messed up is /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/v4l_drv.*
>  AFAICT.  If you have any reference to v4l in your xorg.conf , then
>  edit that file and comment that line out.  Your webcam and/or TV
>  tuner will stop being able to use XV, but you'll get X back.  Also,

Tried editing out the line referring to "v4l" and rebooted, but that did
not bring back "X"

>  grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf
>  lspci | grep VGA
>  ...will tell you which X module you're using and which graphics
>  card you have.

Doing that showed this:
01:00 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW
 [Radeon Mobility 7500]

> In fact, you should take your xorg.conf and put
>  it on your website somewhere, then follow up with a URL here.

I would do that, but I have to copy that file off of the broken system
as I can't use a USB flash stick .
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Re: How to recover X display?

2009-03-23 Thread Josef Lowder
Thanks for all your suggestions.  I've tried to follow-up on every one,
but still haven't been able to solve the problem.  Perhaps I'll just have
to reinstall and risk losing my data as I don't know a way to get it copied off.

On 3/22/09, Lisa Kachold  wrote:
> Let's look at how we must package a problem for the PLUG:
> We follow these steps (dumping into email):
> 1) What is it (versions, etc)?

As previously reported, the Linux kernel booting is: kernel.h-
dated Feb 23, 2007 and /boot/vmlinuz is dated Apr 6, 2007
None of this changed as a result of installing virtualbox.

> 2) What is she whining about (Linux will tell you what is the issue)
> Check the file creation date for your Grub at /here/boot/grub/menu.lst
> Check to verify what she is currently booting. look for backup files and diff.

As previously reported, there has been no change in the grub menu.lst.
It also is dated Apr 6, 2007.  There are no backup or previous version
files for this, so nothing from which to 'diff' compare.

> We might logically research the exact Xorg errors for these, spoze?

As previously mentioned, I did this and found only two reported errors
as listed below.

> 3) Research our error for known solutions:
> module ABI major version (1) doesn't match server's version (2)
> failed to load module "v41" (module requirement mismatch,0)

I have searched the 'net for any info about how to resolve these two
reported errors, including the two links you provided, and have seen
a few corresponding references, but still haven't found any way to
correct these two errors.  ("v41" above should have been "v4l" --
lower case letter "L" not the number one "1")

> 4) The Zen of Troubleshooting, "The error is the problem"
> Looks like you have a kernel module mismatch grasshopper.

You are no doubt correct, but how might one correct this problem?

Linux boots up fine, but without any "X" graphical access, just a
blank screen.  I can switch to terminals 1 thru 6 and they all work,
but when I type 'startx' the response is: "Cannot access the X server."

The problem seems to pertain mainly if not exclusively to the X server.
I tried running '/usr/sbin/XFdrake' and it seems to show that everything
is set correctly.

Should I try to remove all files on the system pertaining to virtualbox?
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Re: How to recover X display?

2009-03-22 Thread Josef Lowder
Thanks very much Lisa.  Following is what I've discovered so far:

On 3/22/09, Lisa Kachold  wrote:
> Quick Resurrection -- [drop info from these steps w reply to organize the 
> issue]
> 1) Verify bootloader GRUB -- What does your grub.conf look like?
> Compare old and new, specifically looking at kernel boot options.
> What are you booting into?

There is no grub.conf. In /boot/grub found menu.lst dated Apr 6, 2007
(last date chgd)
It boots to /boot/vmlinuz VGA=788 (this is the one that locks up)
Also to /boot/vmlinuz without VGA-788 and this works, opens to # command line
Also to /boot vmlinuz "failsafe"
Also to win.xp which still works
All three /voot/vmlinuz boot to kernel.h- dated Feb 23, 2007

> 2) Verify X -- Boot to rescue mode and see what your /etc/X11/xorg.conf says.
> There would have been an old xorg.conf that was copied to backup.

xorg.conf and xorg.conf.old are both dated Apr 6, 2007
(Apparently no change from when everything was working.)
diff showed "old" had "DPMS" "false" and current "DPMS" (no false)
'diff' also showed the following line identical in both old and new:
#DontZoom # disable  (resolution switching)

> Look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log for clues.

Scrolling through the entire log file showed only two items flagged (EE):
module ABI major version (1) doesn't match server's version (2)
failed to load module "v41" (module requirement mismatch,0)

> Run Xconfigurator after copying current xorg.conf to KNOWNBACKUP.

Found no 'Xconfigurtor' nor 'xconfig' on the system.

> Or just copy the current file to backup and move the old over.

The current and 'old' are the same except as noted above.

> You might want to add vboxdrv to the list of modules in /etc/modules to be
> loaded automatically at startup in.

I did this and rebooted, but still get the message:
"cannot connect to X server"

> Virtualbox
> apt-get install virtualbox-ose

I don't have 'apt-get' so don't know where to go from here. :(

> virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-1-amd64 virtualbox-ose-source
> apt-get install module-assistant
> module-assistant prepare virtualbox-ose
> module-assistant auto-install virtualbox-ose
> modprove vboxdrv
> adduser myusername vboxusers

We did add my user name to vbox users yesterday.
The system was working (after installing virtualbox)
until we rebooted, then the current problem began.
I can still boot the system into the non-fb (sp?) second
grub boot option and can switch among the terminals,
except F7 has a blank screen with solid cursor upper left.
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How to recover X display?

2009-03-22 Thread Josef Lowder
Yesterday at the ASU installfest, I sought help on how to install
VirtualBox on my HP Thinkpad running PCLinuxOS.  After downloading and
installing VirtualBox, upon reboot, PCLinux goes through all the usual
startup steps, and when GRUB displays 4 options: Linux, Linux AFB,
Linux failsafe, and Windows (dual boot), it defaults into the first
Linux option, displays all the usual startup screens, and then the
screen goes blank with a small "-" in the upper left corner, but
nothing else.

I can still boot into Windows, and Linux failsafe, but when I get to
the command line and type 'startx' the same result.  No graphical

How can I get back to where I was before installing VirtualBox (which,
it seems apparent) caused this problem?
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Re: Which Java to use?

2009-03-20 Thread Josef Lowder
I did as you suggested, Joseph Sinclair (install them from synaptic)
and that worked fine.

Thanks very much.

On 3/20/09, Joseph Sinclair  wrote:
> You'll need java-1.6.0-sun and java-1.6.0-sun-plugin (the web browser plugin).
>  Be aware the plugin only works correctly in a 32-bit system.  The plugin can 
> be compiled for 64-bit, but the latest Ubuntu build packaged it wrong in the 
> 64-bit archives, it may work sometimes, but it's not reliable in 64-bit mode 
> and can cause ugly crashes.
>  Java 1.7 (when it's released, hopefully soon) should fix a lot of these 
> issues, and will probably be default installed on most Linux distros, since 
> it's under GPLv3 so the distros can compile it for their packages direct from 
> source, instead of relying on the Sun bin installer and some hacks.
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Re: How to disable multiple versions of 'procps'

2009-03-20 Thread Josef Lowder
Thanks friends.

The distro is PCLinuxOS (from the same RedHat base) but I didn't find

I did find this, but not package cleanup:

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 2:00 PM, Craig White  wrote:
> Doesn't sound like Fedora to me but if it was, you could install
> yum-utils package and run commands like...
> package-cleanup --dupes
> # to identify or
> package-cleanup --cleandupes
> # to automatically remove the older versions
> Craig
> On Fri, 2009-03-20 at 11:54 -0700, nrezinorn wrote:
>> What distribution is this?  Fedora?
>> If there are multiple packages installed via a manager (lets say
>> yum),try running this command:
>> > rpm -qa |grep procps
>> If you get more than one result, you should be able to  rpm -e the
>> full rpm name you don't want/need.  I find it stranger than an RPM
>> distro is "slotting" packages with the same namebut i guess you
>> can do that from what you stated above.
>>  seems to be the same question.  Hope this helps!
>> -Jim
>> On 3/20/09, Josef Lowder  wrote:
>> > Synaptic just did an hours worth of updates on one of my systems,
>> > ending with the warning message shown below.  So some questions:
>> >
>> > #1. How could I have ended up with multiple versions of 'procps'?
>> > #2. How do I find and eliminate any extra multiple versions?
>> > #3. The warning describes setting one of two options in a configuration
>> > file,
>> >    but it does not indicate which configuration file or where to find it. 
>> > ??
>> > #4. I tried typing "RPM::Allow ..." at the command line, and got "not 
>> > found"
>> > ??
>> > #5. So what should I do?
>> >
>> > The warning message:
>> >
>> > W: There are multiple versions of "procps" in your system.
>> > This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
>> > only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
>> > you may remove that warning by setting the following
>> > option in your configuration file:
>> > RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^procps$"; };
>> >
>> > To disable these warnings completely set:
>> > RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";
>> > ---
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>> >
> ---
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Which Java to use?

2009-03-20 Thread Josef Lowder
Some of the websites I have to use say they require Java to work.
What a nuisance.  Being leery of installing Java from one of those
websites, I went to the Synoptic package manager to see if I could
get it there. But it lists a whole bunch of different Java options, so
how is one supposed to know which to use?

Since we apparently can't attach an image to a plug message,
I uploaded a screen capture of what Synoptic is showing here:

What should I select?
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How to disable multiple versions of 'procps'

2009-03-20 Thread Josef Lowder
Synaptic just did an hours worth of updates on one of my systems,
ending with the warning message shown below.  So some questions:

#1. How could I have ended up with multiple versions of 'procps'?
#2. How do I find and eliminate any extra multiple versions?
#3. The warning describes setting one of two options in a configuration file,
   but it does not indicate which configuration file or where to find it. ??
#4. I tried typing "RPM::Allow ..." at the command line, and got "not found" ??
#5. So what should I do?

The warning message:

W: There are multiple versions of "procps" in your system.
This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:
RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^procps$"; };

To disable these warnings completely set:
RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";
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OT: Fwd: Windows security humor

2009-03-20 Thread Josef Lowder
> Securing an environment of Windows platforms from abuse -
> external or internal - is akin to trying to install sprinklers in a
> fireworks factory where smoking on the job is permitted.
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Is there a gmail customizing "front end"

2009-02-22 Thread Josef Lowder
Is there such a thing as a gmail customizing "front end" by which one
could modify the way one sees gmail?

I'd like to be able to get rid of a bunch of what I consider clutter
so as to be able to see a more efficient display of just what I want
to see and not all the extra garbage (at least to me it's garbage).

Here's a screen shot of what I see:

Here are the clutter elements I'd like to eliminate:

This is what it would look like with the clutter removed:
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Error code 6400?

2009-01-26 Thread Josef Lowder
What is error code 6400?

In the last couple of days, I 've begun to frequently see a pop-up
that reads as follows:

Oops... the system was unable to perform your operation
(error code 6400) Please try again in a few seconds. [OK]

What is this all about?
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Re: How to test suspect gmail delivery problems?

2009-01-09 Thread Josef Lowder
On 1/9/09, Charles Jones  wrote:
> Josef Lowder wrote:
>  > I'm about fed up with gmail.  One of the most annoying things is that
>  > it is (apparently) impossible to create filters that will actually
>  > delete (rather than just move garbage emails to trash).  This is
>  > ridiculous.  I'm still getting 100+ garbage spams plus 100+ emails in
>  > trash every day and I have to go through all these to make sure that
>  > there is nothing in there that should not be; and almost every day I
>  > find one or two items in both spam and in trash that should not be
>  > there.  Valid items in "trash" are my error/responsibility because of
>  > my aggressive filtering efforts.  This problem could be minimized if
>  > not entirely resolved if I only had the ability to actually create a
>  > "delete forever" filter for some of the most offensive garbage.
>  >
> If your current filters are failing and moving legit emails to trash,
>  wouldn't the "delete forever" filter be a bad idea? :-)

No, because, as I explained above, I would l only use a "delete forever"
filter on the most offensive subject word-strings.  For other subject
where I may be most aggressive in filtering, I would only send those
items to trash.
And thus, I would have a much smaller number of "trashed" items to have to
scan through.

For example, for a while, I was getting hundreds of garbage spam that had
the word "from" in the subject line, so I filtered all of those to
trash so I didn't
have to deal with them in my inbox.  But then, when time permitted, I would
scan through the trash and usually found 1 or 2 legitimate email messages
(among the hundreds of non-legitimate messages with the word "from" in
the subject line).
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How to test suspect gmail delivery problems?

2009-01-09 Thread Josef Lowder
Apparently gmail will not allow anyone to send a test email message to
themselves ... apparently not even from a separate gmail account?

So how can one test to see if a given email address or alias is working?

What other email/webmail options do not have this inconvenient quirk?

I'm about fed up with gmail.  One of the most annoying things is that
it is (apparently) impossible to create filters that will actually
delete (rather than just move garbage emails to trash).  This is
ridiculous.  I'm still getting 100+ garbage spams plus 100+ emails in
trash every day and I have to go through all these to make sure that
there is nothing in there that should not be; and almost every day I
find one or two items in both spam and in trash that should not be
there.  Valid items in "trash" are my error/responsibility because of
my aggressive filtering efforts.  This problem could be minimized if
not entirely resolved if I only had the ability to actually create a
"delete forever" filter for some of the most offensive garbage.

Is there any email/web mail service that allows one to create filters
that will either send an item to trash *OR* absolutely "delete
forever" those most offensive and repetitve nuisance garbage items
that keep filling up my email?
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Re: How can I locate the file consumption "creep" - partially solved, I think.

2009-01-04 Thread Josef Lowder
Thanks to all who responded to provide suggestions on how to resolve
the subject problem.

I think I have narrowed down the problem to apparently being something
that the free google program 'picasa' is most likely causing by
creating lots of files and file lists buried deeply in a
sub-sub-sub-sub-directory many layers down.

Anyone familiar with this?  Any recommendations how to eliminate this
file-space erosion?

While I am running a Linux system, it seems that Google installed
picasa as a dos/windows-like program running under wine.

So, is the only remedy to delete 'picasa' and if so, how best to do that?

Or, is there some way of modifying 'picasa' so that it won't eat
file-space, even when it is not being used?
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