Re: [PLUG] Sendmail Problems

2005-01-27 Thread Swapnil Nagle
Right now our addressing scheme is [EMAIL PROTECTED] for internal 
mail communication. And [EMAIL PROTECTED] for external communication.
Is it possible that I maintain single address for both internal 
as well as external communication?
But I would like to keep single email Id. And if there is local 
mail it should be distributed locally. If it is external mail it 
should distributed globally.
How will a mailserver know whether a mail is to be distributed 
locally or globally ?

BTW, what do you mean by local distribution ? Is it through a nfs 
mounted /var/spool/mail ? POP3 ? IMAP ?

You said you have an external mailserver. Why can't everybody 
access their mails through that mailserver ? So it will not matter 
whether they are touring or in office.

Otherwise, all mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] can be CC'ed to 

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[PLUG] online tutorials

2005-01-27 Thread Sudhanwa Jogalekar
Some good online tutorials on Linux/Open Source. Read here:
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