[PLUG] will pune join the fun? campaign for document freedom?

2008-04-15 Thread Linux Lingam
dear all,

have you see the buzz grow?

01. it started off with NITC hammering this open letter to TCS, Infosys, Wipro.
these students, (and potential future employees of these companies?)
demanded not just openness in software,
but transparancy in software business dealings. read the letter here:


02. then, this evening, a candle light vigil will be held in
bangalore, the IT hub of india to the world to take this further:

and here

03 meanwhile, the vidya college in thrissur also joined in:

04 anivar will hold a talk on this at barcamp bangalore

05. 57 campaigners have signed their names, and the open letter has
gone to college noticeboards:

06. The respectable Hindu newspaper has covered this news today, in
bangalore and in delhi's edition. has this hit pune's dailies?

07. finally, groklaw has picked up the news too.

with the massive student-community in pune, the foss movement's
stronghold there, and the active PLUG community, am all eager to have
you share with the world what you guys intend doing.

the overall objective:
Many Eyeballs Make Shady Dealings Impossible.


niyam bhushan

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  (plug-mail@plug.org.in)
List Information:  http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail
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[PLUG] rajmathur gnunified!

2008-02-20 Thread Linux Lingam
dear all,

clicked a photo of raj mathur in a gnunify 08 teeshirt,
that friji brought him from pune.

this was at the daily freed.in managers' meet we've been holding this
week, at the JNU campus.

niyam bhushan

niyam bhushan

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  (plug-mail@plug.org.in)
List Information:  http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail
Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.

[PLUG] gnunify 08 photos by niyam

2008-02-16 Thread Linux Lingam
dear all,

please do check out photos of gnunify 08 on my account.
could not click as many photos as i wanted to this time, so hope to
group tag with your individual photos.



niyam bhushan

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  (plug-mail@plug.org.in)
List Information:  http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail
Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.

[PLUG] teeshirt sharing idea

2008-02-14 Thread Linux Lingam
actually, jokes apart, you guys are stumbling across a great idea.
why don't you publish the source files of the design of the teeshirt
on your site. so anyone can paint or print or iron-on the design to
their teeshirt wherever they like?

ok, since you've started me on this (your fault) tell me, what in this
universe is NOT transparant?
isn't everything somehow transparant, depending on which part of the
electromagnetic spectrum you choose.
so what could be opaque to 'light' could be transparant to x-rays, and so on

just drop being obsessed with what humans call 'light' and you'll see
what i mean, if you excuse the pun.

ok, endoftopic for me, you guys carry on and have fun..


niyam bhushan

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  (plug-mail@plug.org.in)
List Information:  http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail
Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.

[PLUG] foss.in 2007 at niyam's flickr with some PLUGGIES

2007-12-12 Thread Linux Lingam
dear all,

photos from foss.in 2007 at my flickr account.
you'll find quite a few pluggies who turned up for the event.

loved catching up with you guys in bangalore.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/sets/72157603443744145/

niyam bhushan

niyam bhushan

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  (plug-mail@plug.org.in)
List Information:  http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail
Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.

RE: [PLUG] Xara Extreme

2007-12-11 Thread Linux Lingam
[manas typed:]

I like it. It would be great if someone who does graphics for a living /
knows about such stuff made a comment. It can greatly aid conversations.


hi manas,

i installed xara xtreme 8 to 10 months ago on my ubuntu and played with it.
also wrote to their developers about something and got a disappointing
response after a delay of perhaps one month or more.

tried importing and exporting some vector fileformats through xara but
it could not handle it properly.
soon, my initial excitement and enthusiasm for xtreme rapidly faded.
i even forgot i had installed it until i saw your email.

in contrast, inkscape has become a very mature graphic design
software, in some ways exceeding even professional proprietary tools.
the learning curve is small, the community is highly-response, and the
buzz is very high. whether you are a designer, a user, a developer, or
even a documentation-specialist, you can easily get involved with this
project. the openclipart.org project is related with this.

have successfully pulled off some professional assignments using
inkscape, in the most demanding needs.
hope this helps.

niyam bhushan

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  (plug-mail@plug.org.in)
List Information:  http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail
Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.

[PLUG] Happy DiwaLinux !

2007-11-09 Thread Linux Lingam
Glowing Lamps, Goddess Lakshmi, and GnuLinux



Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  (plug-mail@plug.org.in)
List Information:  http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail
Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.

[PLUG] PLUG M.O.A suggestion

2007-11-06 Thread Linux Lingam
dear friends in pune,

just discovered this wonderful document by all of you:

great stuff!

wish to make some small suggestions, given the changing nature of our
community worldwide.
i hope you consider these suggestions in the right spirit, please feel
free to discard them, and am quickly writing them down just to inspire
you with ideas. you may word it whichever way you wish.

a) please mention organizing and/or participating in regional,
national, and international events . . . .
the fact that you will hold events and public meetings that draw a
large number of people is important.

b) digital culture: promoting a digital culture derived from values
around the gnu, foss, linux, copyleft, etc etc placeholder vision.
this may be aspects of culture in written and verbal literature:
fiction, non-fiction, courseware; in various media, such as
television, film, websites, internet radio, newmedia, media
interviews, etc; authored, procured, published, distributed under
suitable copyleft or creative-commons licenses.

c) adapt and evolve the same digital culture and value-systems around
mobility and telecom. the handheld internet device is a much-bigger
phenomenon than the desktop computer can ever be, yet our technology,
values and philosophy have a much larger role to play in that domain.
[openmoko, etc] [telecom is the key operative word here]

d) digital rights management (drm) and privacy: this aspect of digital
culture around gnu, linux, foss, etc., has a much greater impact on
ordinary people and citizens of india, irrespective of their digital
literacy or illiteracy, or even their education or social status.
education, awareness, transformation around these values using
technology and licenses is PLUG's role

hope this helps.

niyam bhushan

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  (plug-mail@plug.org.in)
List Information:  http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail
Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.

Re: [LIG] [ilugd] [PLUG] [x-post] foss events list in india 2008?

2007-10-31 Thread Linux Lingam
dear all,

so looks like the community has gravitated towards upcoming.yahoo.com
and that solves our problem.
one final issue: exactly what is the url for discovering all foss and
foss-related events in dinai at upcoming.yahoo.com

for instance, when i visit the site, it naturally defaults to 'delhi'
as my location, and lists events i am not interested in.

on searching for 'foss' events in 'india' i get a list of two events,
foss.in and the chennai event. the bangalore barcamp is not listed.

sigh! signal to noise ratio needs soem work. one single url for the
foss community will do wonders.

philip, what's your take?


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  (plug-mail@plug.org.in)
List Information:  http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail
Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.

Re: [LIG] [ilugd] [PLUG] [x-post] foss events list in india 2008?

2007-10-30 Thread Linux Lingam
On 10/30/07, Philip Tellis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 30/10/2007, Linux Lingam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  and linux-india.org recommended by kishore bhargava.

 I'd suggest just adding events to upcoming.org and tagging them with
 foss and india (optional).  I could write up a pipe that gets you all
 foss events in india from there as an RSS feed or JSON or possibly
 ical.  This can be imported into any site that wants to display it.
 We'll also have pretty maps ;)

i think this truly addresses and solves the problem.
then all LUGs can feed it into their sites, users can subscribe to the
RSS feeds, kenneth won't need a volunteer to populate the nrcfoss
sites, and well, the pretty maps are great for guys like me with no
geo-magnetic sense in my forehead.

so, the quick fox jumps over the lazy blue moon. :-)

between a choice for linux-india.org and the above site,
i vote for upcoming.yahoo.com with the pipe from philip.
what's your vote?

the only task left will be to prod everyone to submit upcoming or
planned events to upcoming.yahoo.com site.

one last question: the compiled info on the site/page. can we
specifically mention the cc-by or  cc-pd or other license or public
domain dedication to that compilation?


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  (plug-mail@plug.org.in)
List Information:  http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail
Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.

Re: [LIG] [ilugd] [PLUG] [x-post] foss events list in india 2008?

2007-10-30 Thread Linux Lingam
 Ok, I second the vote, and here are your feeds:



 And if all you want is a simple HTML unordered list that you can stick
 into your page, use this:
 and apply your own CSS rules.


 PS: The pipe page is here:
 Anyone can view the source, but to modify it, you'll have to clone it
 first.  Let me know if you make changes and would like them to get
 back into the primary pipe.

wow! this is so fantastic, this is one flew over the cuckoo's nest
under the blues moon!

a big hand of applause for philip for sorting out the site and pipes
for the indian foss community. way to go!

next steps:

1) various LUG and foss admins, would recommend you take the pipes and
the feeds and dose them to your respective sites.

2) rahul, you could consider asking your staff to submit event-entries
to this site, and then feed it back to your openitis.com site.

3) periodically, a few of us, including i, will send reminders out on
mailing lists, requesting people to submit their event details to this

okie dokie, let's roll with the details. so don't tell me we've only
got foss.in and chennai's event happening. we've got:

barcamp in bangalore in november
freed.in feb 2008
linuxasia new avatar in feb
osscamp delhi

whoever has the details, please add them to the site.


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  (plug-mail@plug.org.in)
List Information:  http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail
Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.

[PLUG] [x-post] foss events list in india 2008?

2007-10-29 Thread Linux Lingam
dear all,

am googling since two days, can't find a complete and/or comprehensive
list of foss or foss-related events scheduled for 2008.

i know the number of events are growing. we have:

2.OSSCamps, and similar
3.CII-partnered events,
4.leading national events
5.LUG-created regional events
6.academia/college events
7.commercial events

but where's the list. or of tentative schedules. for example, some
random excess:

a) openitis.com mentions foss.in in december, and an event in florida.
wow! but no mention of their own event in delhi in feb 2k8.

b) neither does the other site mention this:

c) gnunify does not mention its tentative or finalized schedules on
its site or wiki:

d) the freed.in banner or site does not mention the tentative schedule
for feb-end 2008.

e) NRCFOSS website's forthcoming events sections mentions events past,
dead, and gone:
would expect more constructive effort from nrcfoss

f) ilug-d website, after it re-directs, mentions events held in sep07.

g) fsf website has no link on their homepage to events at all:

h) CII ICT section has no list

i) PLUG site mentions no list of events in india

j) redhat's events page spouts forth an error 404

k) all the colleges and academia across india which love to sport foss
events, can't find 'em either.

why list our schedules?
we can better coordinate our events with no overlap. for example,
pune's mashup overlapped with mumbai's IIT weekend event. freed.in
just skirted overlapping with linuxasia2008 thanks to a random phone

2. we can better use resources, since freed.in and pune's event, show
how different regional communities can come together to collaborate on
events. speakers, especially international speakers, could get to see
our sub-continent on a discount while event-hopping :-)

3. our community has become too big and diverse to be addressed by
just one event, or two. ;-)

4. placeholder for more

so resolution:
as a community, where do you figure we create a wiki, twiki, or
similar site, where we encourage everyone to publish their final or
tentative event schedules?

over to you guys.


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  (plug-mail@plug.org.in)
List Information:  http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail
Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.

Re: [ilugd] [PLUG] [x-post] foss events list in india 2008?

2007-10-29 Thread Linux Lingam

 http://www.linuxjournal.com/xstatic/community/events is one road to

nah! too generic. would be great to have an india or india-centric
list to which ilnuxjournal could link.

upcoming and/or facebook is another.

facebook? i think they got bought over by microsoft. also wonder how
easy is it for people to view, add, edit, or comment *without*
registering to their service. nah! personally, i would not recommend
facebook to anyone serious about foss, but you can tar me for that
later. so far my opinion on this, for myself, still stands. sorry. so
no flames or whatever on this, let's stick to the topic at hand.

 Point of course is that most
 of the FOSS events in India don't have the time or energy to chalk out
 a media/public face plan that would ensure greater and organised
 participation from delegates and speakers

well let's try to actively solve this problem. here's what we could do:

a) figure out one central place where anyone anywhere can log in and
list an event. should this be a wiki/twiki site? please respond, and
let's try to finalize this within 2 or 3 days. this way, we don't have
to go through this awkward x-posted mailing thread.

b) every fortnight or month, we could send out an email reminder on
mailing lists to register events at this public repository. i
volunteer to do this to the few mailing lists am subscribed to, but
others interested could help and spread the word.

c) similarly, those who list out events, such as openitis or nrcfoss
or others, could be requested, nudged, prodded, or as a last resort
pushed :-) to list or link to this list, so everyone knows what's
happening where and when.

d) events that i attend, have decided to photo-document using a cc-by
or liberal license. this am doing at flickr. am doing this in the hope
of giving faces to names to so many many people quietly working and
doing valuable little things in the foss community of india. this
according to me, is the one solid way of correcting the
'reality-distortion' of having a handful of demonic-gods and
ego-maniacs tending to usurp the indian foss community. let the
community lead. let the community be known. let everyone in the
community be given their recognition.
of course, everyone else is also encouraged to give as many pixelled
faces to the indian foss community as possible.
i'd like to call this the 'fossbook' :-) and we could use flickr,
picasa, or whatever else you've got.

 LFY had its moments to emerge as the consolidated calendar site, but I'd
 daresay that they have lost it

LFY has lost *to some extent* on their initial credibility, goodwill,
and momentum, but so far, hope springs eternal. :-)
currently, they're great for spiking up responses on mailing lists ;-)
they also need a new direction beyond the 'linux' pond into the bigger
ocean of foss and beyond. rahul is trying that with LFY's new avatar.
unfortunately, it is still a long, slow, work-in-progress, which it
shouldn't be.

they seemed to have honed in on their positioning for their event,
but i wish they'd sharpen and focus more on the core essence of all
things foss and linux, the valuesystem. if they get that part right,
they'll rock in all dimensions, and also figure out how to squarely
and responsibly handle microsoft and other proprietary players without
allowing them to ride on LFY's shoulders to damage the foss community.
(drink-and-drive policy). okay enough said! back to the list.

if we decide where to host this list, we could get off this
mail-thread immediately.
the list must encourage and allow tentative schedules and 'to be
decided' entries, just so we have an early heads up. some suggested

event name.
contact people
mailing list/forum/wiki
past events links
target audience
expected numbers
event-type: sponsored, or community-driven
entry: registration, paid, mixed, rent-a-crowd... :-)


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  (plug-mail@plug.org.in)
List Information:  http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail
Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.

Re: [LIG] [ilugd] [PLUG] [x-post] foss events list in india 2008?

2007-10-29 Thread Linux Lingam
we've got two shortlisted sites:


 It might be best to keep add to it, than re-invent the wheel.

and linux-india.org recommended by kishore bhargava.

the nrcfosshelpline site is more populated but alas, no way for anyone
to log in and submit an event, or so it seems.
the linux-india events module seems to have a rather clunky interface,
and so far the only event it lists is foss.in. however, anyone can log
in to submit an event.

so which one, or which other, do you guys recommend?


Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  (plug-mail@plug.org.in)
List Information:  http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail
Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.

[PLUG] [x-post] 211 photos of pune mashup by niyam

2007-10-18 Thread Linux Lingam
dear all at PLUG,

thank you for such a wonderful foss-community event at the 'pune
mashup + more'. great buzz and excitement!

as always, the full-credit for the event goes to the untiring efforts
of the pune linux users group volunteers, making this event a success.

check out some pixels captured at the event, here:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/sets/72157602504374518/

those from plug, please add names, work details, and hyperlinks to
websites, of people not identified in the photos.

the foss community in india has so many wonderful people. that's what
makes the community a community, eh!?

niyam bhushan

Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:  (plug-mail@plug.org.in)
List Information:  http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail
Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.