Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Song Info plugin

2010-04-05 Thread erland

mherger;530605 Wrote: 
> > I've released a beta version of a new Song Info plugin. It adds a new
> > CLI/JSON command to the server that makes it possible to retrieve
> > additional information about a song, artist or album. The Album Flow
> > applet uses this to get images, for example artist images from the
> > LastFM web site.
> Is this plugin in any way related to the TrackInfo et al. menus? Sounds
> like there's a similar idea, but different implementations? Is the main
> difference that SongInfo allows to fetch that information from
> anywhere, not only the track context menu?
I suppose you could look at it as an abstraction layer on top of the
Slim::Menu::*Info menus.

The idea is that information providers should be able to focus on
getting the information and shouldn't have to care how and where it is

The Song Info plugin will:
- Show the information provided in TrackInfo, ArtistInfo or AlbumInfo
menus depending if the provided information is related to a track,
artist or album.
- Make the information available over CLI/JSON for external
applications and applets, for example Moose and the Album Flow applet.
- Provide a generic configuration web interface so the information
providers doesn't have to create its own settings page if it just want
to let the user specify a integer or string parameter.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Song Info plugin

2010-04-05 Thread Michael Herger
> I've released a beta version of a new Song Info plugin. It adds a new
> CLI/JSON command to the server that makes it possible to retrieve
> additional information about a song, artist or album. The Album Flow
> applet uses this to get images, for example artist images from the
> LastFM web site.

Is this plugin in any way related to the TrackInfo et al. menus? Sounds like 
there's a similar idea, but different implementations? Is the main difference 
that SongInfo allows to fetch that information from anywhere, not only the 
track context menu?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: FindArt plugin beta

2010-04-05 Thread bpa

In 7.3 a track needed to be playing to search for art.

In 7.4 and higher.
Because of a programming issue, the album art program needs at least
one "player" to be available so if there are no players online then I
think it may return the error message.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: FindArt plugin beta

2010-04-05 Thread nickrout

bpa;530565 Wrote: 
> IIRC SBS does not provide an album context menu option on the WebUI.

Yes when I look at it it just has a list of tracks, nowhere to put
useful things like 'find art' or 'album review'

Anyway, do you know why I am getting the error message I posted about.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: FindArt plugin beta

2010-04-05 Thread bpa

IIRC SBS does not provide an album context menu option on the WebUI.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: FindArt plugin beta

2010-04-05 Thread nickrout

OK thanks for the reply. I have changed the permissions on my whole
music tree and now direct downloading to the folders works.

Now I sometimes get the problem that I get told that "No song playing.
Cannot search for cover art."

This occurs after I click on an album, then a track name, a correct
cover comes up, I click save then get the above message.

Also may I say it seems odd that you have to choose a song before you
get the option to search for art. Surely this is more in the 'album'
context than the 'song' context.

There may be good reasons for your interface choice though :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2010-04-05 Thread Triode

Does the Netgear NAS give you access to the settings web page - if so
you should be able to install as you do for the plugin on other
platforms?  It should be an option from the settings, advanced, plugin
web page?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Adding new root-level folders to SlimServer

2010-04-05 Thread nolesrule

For folder browsing, if you want top level folders for music and for
audio books, just create a new top-level directory that has only
shorcuts/symlinks to the folders you want at the top level. Then point
SBS at that for your library. The rest, as has been pointed out, is
more difficult.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Song Info plugin

2010-04-05 Thread Phil Meyer
Okay, thanks - I'll have a look at implementing that.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SqueezePlay Now Playing Display Doesn't Change with Track Change

2010-04-05 Thread garym

johnas;530302 Wrote: 
> Gary, I have the same issue with my Radio, also with Radio Paradise and
> CBC Radio 1. Same as you everything displays properly on my SB3s and
> Boom, just not the Radio. I looked on bugzilla and didn't find
> anything, maybe someone else will post so additional info or advice
> here.

I suppose this makes some sense. As far as I know the SqueezePlay OS
mimics (is the same as?) the OS on the Radio. I had assumed that the
Controller was the same OS as well (but the controller doesn't have the
problem in my case).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2010-04-05 Thread FELEMENT

Anyone know how to install BBCiplayer onto the NETgear Ready NAS Duo? I
was trying the latest version of Squeezebox on my iMac and everything
was great, got the NETgear Ready NAS Duo c/w pre-installed Squeezebox,
but somethings were missing/not working, I have updated firmware on the
NAS and then installed the latest Squeezebox software from Logitech's
site for the NAS, it plays my music collection, but now doesn't have
any internat radio, News, and says I need a account,
which I have and have been signed in to!!! Any tips gratefully received



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Adding new root-level folders to SlimServer

2010-04-05 Thread erland

GerardLardner;530306 Wrote: 
> I realise that will require some re-programming of SlimServer as well
> as creating the new folders. Has anyone done anything like this? Can
> anyone offer any suggestions about how I might do this myself?
You can definitely do this with Multi Library/Custom Browse plugins but
I think they will use too much memory in your NAS so they are probably
not an option.

The Music Folder browsing code can be found here:
- Classic/Boom/Transporter: Slim/Buttons/
- web interface: Slim/Web/Pages/
- Touch/Radio/Duet/Controller: Slim/Control/ (the
musicfolderQuery function)

Let's assume that the important thing is to make the "Audiobook" folder
available on the top level and it doesn't matter if it's also showed
inside "Music Folder". If that's acceptable I think you might be able
to create a small plugin that creates a top level menu and launch the
standard music folder menu with the directory id as parameter.

I haven't looked in detail at the code but I think you can feed the web
and Classic/Boom/Transporter interfaces with a "hierarchy" parameter and
the Touch/Radio/Duet/Controller interface with a "folder_id" parameter
to indicate which directory you like to start with.

I think the above mentioned parameters are the unique integer numbers
in the database, so you will also have to listen for the "rescan done"
event to refresh the menu after a rescan since it might change the id.

Finally, it's not worth trying to do this unless you know some
programming and are prepared to dig a bit in the Squeezebox Server perl
code. The above is obviously no official API so it isn't documented and
may stop working in next Squeezebox Server version.

As funkstar says, the long term solution for this is the new schema,
however if you want to wait for that I suspect you might have to wait a
while, I'd personally be surprised if it was implemented this year. I
suspect Logitech is going to prioritize features needed for the mass
market instead of advanced configuration options like the new schema.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2010-04-05 Thread jasell

i just updated to SDT 5.8.1, now it works fine for my Swedish weather
station. Also the forecast periods are now named as before.

Great! Thanks!


NAS: QNAP TS-209 II pro -fw 3.1 build 0708- (2x 1TB, RAID1)
Services: SC- 7.4.1 -,  SSOTS- 4.1-
Squeezebox:  2x Duet (controller+reciever), 3x Boom, 2x SB3 Classic
Other:  1x Popcorn A-110

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Song Info plugin

2010-04-05 Thread erland

There is now a new version of the Song Info plugin available with the
- The information are shown in context menus on artists, albums and
tracks. You can also configure for each information module which
interfaces (jive, player, web) it should appear.
- Added support for possibility to implement information providers as
separate plugin.

Philip, in your FilesViewer plugin you will need to do something like

In initPlugin:


  if(UNIVERSAL::can("Plugins::SongInfo::Plugin","registerInformationModule")) {
  'name' => 'Files Viewer',
  'description' => "This module gets information from text file in the album 
  'developedBy' => 'Philip Meyer',
  'function' => \&getSongInfoFiles,
  'type' => 'text',
  'context' => 'track',
  'jivemenu' => 1,
  'playermenu' => 1,
  'webmenu' => 1,
  'properties' => [

And implement the getSongInfoFiles function referred to in the above
register call:


  sub getSongInfoFiles {
  my $client = shift;
  my $callback = shift;
  my $errorCallback = shift;
  my $callbackParams = shift;
  my $track = shift;
  my $params = shift;
  my @result = ();
  # TODO: Implement, read all files in a specific folder, let's just hard code 
them now to show the concept
  use File::Basename qw(dirname);
  my $trackFolder = dirname(Slim::Utils::Misc::pathFromFileURL($track->url));
  my $entry = {
  'type' => 'text',
  'name' => 'filename1.txt',
  'text' => 'contents of file1',
  push @result,$entry;
  $entry = {
  'type' => 'text',
  'name' => 'filename2.txt',
  'text' => 'contents of file2',
  push @result,$entry;
  eval {
  if( $@ ) {
  $log->error("Error calling callback: $@");

The above is just a sample with two hard coded files, you will need to
implement it so it read files in the directory associated with the
current track or something similar.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Adding new root-level folders to SlimServer

2010-04-05 Thread funkstar

GerardLardner;530306 Wrote: 
> I realise that will require some re-programming of SlimServer as well as
> creating the new folders. Has anyone done anything like this? Can anyone
> offer any suggestions about how I might do this myself?
It would require a complete re-write of the scanning engine and
probably most of the server.

This has been something people have been asking about for a while now.

Have a look at this page:

This is the sort of thing the NewSchema was supposed to cope with,
whether it ever sees the light of day is another matter entirely, I
don't think much work has been going into it recently. Having said
that, certain elements of it are in the current betas, like the switch
to SQLite, and file system checks to auto add files to the DB.


'[project log] funkstars digital lifestyle'
- '' (

*in use:* *1*x touch, *1*x boom, *2*x sb3, *1*x controller
*in a box:* *1*x radio, *1*x (beta) controller, *1*x receiver, *1*x sb2
wired (silver), *1*x sb (black), *1*x slimp3 (with rear shield)

if you have any others, let me know, i'm interested!!

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