Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-09-23 Thread Michael Herger

Well, almost none. I can't for my life figure out why some files is
recognized and others not.

I might go over this problem again. I think they do some checking on the  
non-latin characters, and I might actually be using invalid encoding or  
something. Thanks for the reminder.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2013-09-23 Thread Ikabob

frozzers wrote: 
> We've got 3 iPhones, an iPad 2 and an iPad Mini. All upgraded to iOS 7
> with no issues except my wife's iPhone 4 where there was about a 5
> second lag for each key press making typing impossible. A Google search
> suggested to reset settings: Settings => General => Reset All Settings.
> Works perfectly now. Might be worth a try ...
> Chris

Yes Chris, it does seem that resetting all settings did help. 
Thanks for the tip.


Squeezebox Touch w/LMS;Benchmark DAC1 USB;Marantz Pre-amp; SAE
Amplifier;ESS Heil Speakers(main listening speakers plus various
additional speakers). 
Multiple players: SqueezeBooms,SqueezeRadios; SB3;
Services:Slacker;; MOG;;
Ipeng remote controller.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2013-09-23 Thread pippin

But that should be far from "very" slow, it's really a fraction of a
But it's actually the exact phenomenon I mentioned above. It has to do
with interfering animations and rendering of content interacting with
Whenever iOS renders images on the screen and changes an image view,
scroll view scrolling gets interrupted. In this case the cause are the
two buttons appearing when you swipe left.
That should not be because the animation is supposed to run in a
separate thread at a higher priority, in former versions of iOS,
animation were actually holding up everything else, if you scrolled
extensively for a long time you would cause communication interruptions
and stuff, eventually even audio cutouts because literally nothing else
ever got executed. In iOS 7 that's no longer the case making animations
appear less fluent.

It's especially apparent in the tile-mode album views on iPad. When
iPeng loads covers in the background and then adds them to the view
while scrolling that didn't have any measurable impact under iOS 6, in
iOS 7, the scrolling animation gets very "jumpy".

The really bad thing is that there is little one can do about it (other
than maybe completely deferring any graphics changes until the animation
stops) because graphics need to be changed in the main thread and you
can't change the priority of that one.
Hopefully Apple tweaks a bit more here, after all, their own Apps are
affected as well, happy scrolling in the App Store App.

learn more about iPeng, the iPhone and iPad remote for the Squeezebox
*New: Logitech UE Smart Radio* as well as iPeng Party, the free

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2013-09-23 Thread Supertramp

Ikabob wrote: 
> After updating to iPhone ios7, I am finding that ipeng remote is very
> slow.

I can confirm this. I'm running LMS 7.7.3 on a ReadyNAS Pro and use
iPeng on an iPhone 5 w/ IOS 7. I'm also still using iPeng on an iPad 1.
The latter runs fine however the iPhone is very slow reacting to iPeng's
buttons. Example: when showing the artwork for the currently playing
album and swiping right to left in order to view the play list, the
screen changes in two steps meaning that the play list screen fills up
the right half of the screen... waits... and then gets shown completely.
Waits is probably an overstatement, however it is clearly stops for a
fraction of a second.

Other then that: keep up the great work!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Beta version of SvrPowerControl

2013-09-23 Thread nietgiftig

I use use SvrPowerControl for years, it works for me as advertised ;)

I want to ask for some help.

I use the my (squeezebox) server also as server for my XBMC pc.
I'm sending a WOL packet from my XBMC every 2 minutes to keep the server
SvrPowerControl does not check the WOL packets and goes to sleep when
there is no network activity  , thats how I check the status. (no XBMC
movie watching)
Then, after < 2 minutes the server awakes, because of the WOL packet
from XBMC

Is there a something I can do to check the WOL packets, possibly with
"Custom Idle check command" ?

I would like the server alive as long as XBMC is sending WOL packets.

Or did I oversee a possibility from svrpowercontrol

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-09-23 Thread arubaluba

mherger wrote: 
> > and copied back my preferencesthat also didn't work :confused:.
> If
> > anybody has got a clue how to handle this... Otherwise I go for a new
> > installation of the Vortexbox. Thanks in advance.
> Please uninstall the plugin as good as it gets. Go to  
> Settings/Advanced/Logging and set server.plugins to debug. Make sure you
> check the "keep settings on restart" box, apply. Restart LMS and upload 
> the _full_ server.log file (or send it to slim ät herger dot net).
> -- 
> Michael

I just sent you the server.log by e-mail.

Best regards, Rene

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-09-23 Thread bernt

bernt wrote: 
> Hi!
> None of my tunes with åäö in the artist or song name is recognized by
> Smart Mix.
> I have removed åäö in the file path.
> Using the no bucket trick I can find the songs in the database and
> tagged the file with the name from the database but it's still
> unrecognized.
> Kind Regards
> /Bernt

Well, almost none. I can't for my life figure out why some files is
recognized and others not.

For example is this recognized.


  "title": "Kärlekens tunga",
  "foreign_ids": [
  "catalog": "CAWSADY1414A40E3DE",
  "foreign_id": "CAWSADY1414A40E3DE:song:95a114632a88776ef9776646c3ef2ecb"
  "catalog": "CAWSADY1414A40E3DE",
  "foreign_id": "CAWSADY1414A40E3DE:song:b1384afb43a4a01c9c3313f395fa2711"
  "artist_name": "September",
  "artist_hotttnesss": 0.547636,
  "song_hotttnesss": 0.295469,
  "artist_familiarity": 0.652176,
  "artist_id": "ARNEHRO1187FB4B0C6",
  "id": "SOMRIEO1338A5D6982",
  "audio_summary": {
  "key": 7,
  "energy": 0.7542929468278625,
  "liveness": 0.08675887048861503,
  "tempo": 116.965,
  "speechiness": 0.034738010953176524,
  "acousticness": 0.0257080712377567,
  "mode": 0,
  "time_signature": 4,
  "duration": 192.71955,
  "loudness": -6.324,
  "audio_md5": "e165c4e610ae74c531e3cd90f0115010",
  "valence": 0.2668783937888361,
  "danceability": 0.587279591852318

And this one not.


  "title": "Mikrofonkåt",
  "artist_name": "September",
  "artist_hotttnesss": 0.547636,
  "song_hotttnesss": 0.427988,
  "artist_familiarity": 0.652176,
  "artist_id": "ARNEHRO1187FB4B0C6",
  "id": "SOADZZP130516E1C3B",
  "audio_summary": {
  "key": 5,
  "energy": 0.8824608599987763,
  "liveness": 0.3532749242526323,
  "tempo": 130.101,
  "speechiness": 0.12229282258671709,
  "acousticness": 0.004772087648691205,
  "mode": 1,
  "time_signature": 4,
  "duration": 166.02621,
  "loudness": -5.586,
  "audio_md5": "7448e9a8666d94dbc9ede53803a9a1ba",
  "valence": 0.6376193003126986,
  "danceability": 0.6784001961075928

I have triple checked the tags.

'LastFM' (
SB3, SB BOOM - Vortexbox@HP SFF
iPod Touch\iPeng

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Soundicity - SB Controller App for Windows Phone 7.5/8

2013-09-23 Thread Marc Bartsch

th80 wrote: 
> Hi Marc,
> Thanks for your answer. The main application tile's background does not
> appear on my start screen. I pinned the tile to the start screen by
> long-tapping on the application in the app list. It only shows the
> Soundicity-"S" and won't flip while remote controlling the Squeezebox.
> Best,
> Thomas

Hi Thomas,

Just had another look at my code and realised that I have taken out
updating of the main tile in favour of updating player specific tiles:
If you select Settings from the Home Menu of your player and then Pin
Player to Start, then you will get a player specific tile in your start
menu. I update this tile every time you start Soundicity, but no more
often than 2mins and also from a periodic background task. I ran,
however, into issues to do with the availability of a wireless
connection when the phone is locked and not connected to a power outlet.
You might find that the player tiles will not get updated regurlarly
without a power connection.

The actual Update Live Tile setting refers to the player specific tiles.
As indicated above, this used to be different in the past.

Let me know if that answers your question.

Best wishes,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-09-23 Thread Michael Herger

and copied back my preferencesthat also didn't work :confused:. If
anybody has got a clue how to handle this... Otherwise I go for a new
installation of the Vortexbox. Thanks in advance.

Please uninstall the plugin as good as it gets. Go to  
Settings/Advanced/Logging and set server.plugins to debug. Make sure you  
check the "keep settings on restart" box, apply. Restart LMS and upload  
the _full_ server.log file (or send it to slim ät herger dot net).


plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Soundicity - SB Controller App for Windows Phone 7.5/8

2013-09-23 Thread th80

Marc Bartsch wrote: 
> Hi Thomas,
> Thanks for your feedback!
> The Live Tile Support is a legacy settings that I put in before there
> were individual player tiles. It controls whether the main application
> tile's background should be updated or not. The player tiles will always
> update, which means that any change to the live tile settings will have
> no effect on them. I will probably make that a bit clearer in the
> settings or rethink it.
> I totally agree about the playlist. Reordering tracks is one thing that
> could be easier. I will have a look at that one, too.
> Again, thanks,
> Marc.
Hi Marc,

Thanks for your answer. The main application tile's background does not
appear on my start screen. I pinned the tile to the start screen by
long-tapping on the application in the app list. It only shows the
Soundicity-"S" and won't flip while remote controlling the Squeezebox.


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