Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2014-08-03 Thread TheLastMan

Thanks. My system is two Duets and one Squeezelite (Raspberry Pi with
piCorePlayer). Server is a Synology NAS and I am trialling a Squeezeplug
on Raspberry Pi  server using the NAS to hold the music files. The BBC
iplayer plugin worked flawlessly  via the NAS server for over two years
on standard settings. About 2 months ago the service deteriorated with
missing programmes and artwork in the listings and around the same time
I started to get the rebuffering.  Nothing on the network had changed.
The artwork and missing progs improved after some work by Triode but the
rebuffering remained.  It is very intermittent. Sometimes it will be
fine for a couple of hours. At other times ot will rebuffer every minute
or so.

I suspect either BBC or ISP. The fact that I can stream Spotify without
issues to my Squeezeboxen,  or iPlayer video to PCs then I strongly
suspect the BBC have reduced the resources for this Radio service or
demand has risen beyond its current resources.  

Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk

[b]Server:* Synology DS111 (2TB) NAS running LMS 7.7.3 (official
Synology package)
*Network:* Netgear DG834GT ADSL modem/router, Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH
access point
*Livingroom:* Receiver, Naim 42/110 amp, BW CM2 speakers
*Kitchen:* Receiver, Topping TP20 Mk2 Class T amp, BW 686 speakers
*Study:* Linn LP12, Naim 72/Hi-cap/Headline

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2014-08-03 Thread bpa

IIRC the synology DS111 prcoessor has not got good floating point so it
wopuld ne best to use for transcoding AAC.
With the Duets and synology or Pi as a server - use WMA service.
Squeezelite would be OK with AAC so choosing iPlayer no transcoding
setting should be the best compromise.

The BBC make small tweaks/updates to their service mainly Flash and it
is these that usually require plugin updates.  I don't believe the WMA
has changed in years.

I'm not sure about UK but outside the UK the WMA service is delivered by
a different 3rd party compared to the FlashAAC and other iPlayer
service.  If it is the same in the UK  you can end up with different
quality of service on Squeezelite playing FlashAAC compared to the Duets
playing WMA.  The 3rd party's delivery network is also regional so it's
possible for one region to suffer poor service either due to loading,
maintenance or partial failures.  IIRC the Flash protocol is better at
adapting to network transmission problems than the http used for the WMA
protocol (bigger buffers is the only mechanism).

PCs have bigger buffers (and video requires bigger buffers) and usually
provide a better service by buffering streams to smooth out lumps
hiding rebuffering whereas NAS or small players do minimal buffering at
network level which means any lumps can result in re-buffering to
catch up.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2014-08-03 Thread TheLastMan

Thanks for the help. What puzzles me is why it worked so well for so
long and only recently developed problems. There was no change in the
system.  The two RPi devices post-date the problem. 

Will the no transcoding option remove server differences and so the
player ends up playing the highest form it can cope with natively?  In
my case that would be WMA for the Receivers and AAC for Squeezelite. I
could live with that if it stopped the rebuffering.  I would still have
the delayed listing issue with WMA would I not?

Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk

[b]Server:* Synology DS111 (2TB) NAS running LMS 7.7.3 (official
Synology package)
*Network:* Netgear DG834GT ADSL modem/router, Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH
access point
*Livingroom:* Receiver, Naim 42/110 amp, BW CM2 speakers
*Kitchen:* Receiver, Topping TP20 Mk2 Class T amp, BW 686 speakers
*Study:* Linn LP12, Naim 72/Hi-cap/Headline

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2014-08-03 Thread TheLastMan

Right BPA, have done some testing.  I am using the Squeezeplug as that
has a hardware FPU which is better for transcoding.  Although the
Synology lacked a hardware FPU it would still transcode to most formats
except MP3, although Ralphy found me a program that I could install
which even did that.

The delayed listing issue seems to affect BBC iPlayer whatever option I
choose for the transcoding - but you probably already knew that!
I find that the programs tend to go on the list in lumps, mid-morning,
mid afternoon and late evening.

With the allow transcoding option in the iPlayer settings not ticked
the Duets play in 96kbps WMA and the Squeezelite at 128kbps AAC.
With the option ticked both Duet and Squeezelite are playing 128kbps AAC
with the Duets converted to 705kbps FLAC

No rebuffering with either option yet.  The big test will be at peak
listening time in the early evening.

With transcoding ticked there is no change from the situation with the
main app, both playing 128kbps AAC with transcoding to FLAC for the

With transcoding un-ticked the Squeeezlite player still plays 128kbps
but the Duet falls back to 96kbps WMA, as you would expect.

The surprising thing is that it works fine for every program on the list
that is available.  It seems that on the Extras national listing in the
UK there is no delay in getting the WMA stream, it is there at the same
time as the AAC one. I am able to play a program that was on air just an
hour ago whereas with the iPlayer listing I might have to wait half a

So there does not seem to be any logical reason why the XML listing
couldn't be as up to date as the one the Extras plugin uses (AFAICT).

Anyway, thanks for the pointers BPA.  I will be using the iPlayer Extras
National stations listing from now on.  I will keep the transcoding
ticked for the time being to see if the rebuffering occurs, and if it
does I will disable it and see if it makes a difference.

I still strongly suspect that this is a BBC or ISP issue.  For a while
last week I was using just WMA to all three players with transcoding
unticked (almost accidentally, I was trying everything!) and was still
getting the rebuffering issue, albeit reduced in severity, so I really
don't think it is a server issue.  Perhaps it is Orange throttling media
streaming at peak times.  I would not put it past them!

[b]Server:* Synology DS111 (2TB) NAS running LMS 7.7.3 (official
Synology package)
*Network:* Netgear DG834GT ADSL modem/router, Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH
access point
*Livingroom:* Receiver, Naim 42/110 amp, BW CM2 speakers
*Kitchen:* Receiver, Topping TP20 Mk2 Class T amp, BW 686 speakers
*Study:* Linn LP12, Naim 72/Hi-cap/Headline

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2014-08-03 Thread bpa

TheLastMan wrote: 
 The surprising thing is that it works fine for every program on the list
 that is available.  It seems that on the Extras national listing in the
 UK there is no delay in getting the WMA stream, it is there at the same
 time as the AAC one. I am able to play a program that was on air just an
 hour ago whereas with the iPlayer listing I might have to wait half a

The Extras listing is interesting in that it can pick up programs that
are ready for broadcasting but not yet broadcast (or a repeat).  For
example Crossing  Continents of R4 Mon 4th 8.30pm can be played now.
The BBC aims to have both formats available simultaneously but if it is
from a live broadcast there are extra steps as conversion uses studio
streams and not the live broadcast stream as live quality make some
audio compromises to ensure encoding in realtime.  However sometime a
conversion chain breaks down and one formats is not available for hours.

 So there does not seem to be any logical reason why the XML listing
 couldn't be as up to date as the one the Extras plugin uses (AFAICT).
The XML data is taken from a different database than the iPlayer menu
listing. I believe there is a 3rd party dealing with the XML feed and
probably to ensure no interference with the iPlayer databases there is
an addtional database extraction step. So the logic could be
protection or perhaps simply commercial - iPlayer is up to date where
devices using official XML are always late so users prefer iPlayer. 
Extras menus uses unofficial/historical/undocumented feeds and web site
and is intended as a backup to BBCiPlayer plugin as these feeds can
change or disappear at any time.   

I feel if rebuffering is frequent and nearly predictable - then it on
the user side. Something on the user server, player and/or network needs
to be fixed.  My litmus test would be playing a live WMA stream
through on a player hardwired into the router which connects to

When changing LMS server - personally I would look for a one with more
one than more core and decent amount of memory.  Pi is too minimal for
my liking - something like Wandboard dual would make a better LMS
server.  Also I'd use Arch to avoid unnecessary processes/overheads.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2014-08-03 Thread TheLastMan

bpa wrote: 
 I feel if rebuffering is frequent and nearly predictable - then it on
 the user side. Something on the user server, player and/or network needs
 to be fixed.  My litmus test would be playing a live WMA stream
 through on a player hardwired into the router which connects to
Regarding the server, I would agree if the rebuffering were -consistent-
as well as predictable, but it isn't.  Most of the time it works fine,
just at peak times that it has an issue. And occasionally at random
other times.  Maybe somebody else in the house is using the internet
that I am not aware of.  We have an au-pair who Skypes back to France
regularly which might have an effect.

I am on my own in the house at the moment.  Since my last message I have
been listening to the Radio 3 live 320kbps AAC stream on a Duet
transcoded using the RPi SqueezePlug without a hitch for over 30
minutes.  I really think we can discount the server side of this.  The
Synology has been happily transcoding and steaming this high bitrate
stream to my Receivers for over two years with nary a glitch until about
a month ago.  The SqueezePlug / RPi is also doing this fine without a
hitch -at the moment-.  Maybe if I were transcoding different streams to
different players simultaneously then I should consider a new server,
but that almost never happens at the moment.

I also doubt it is my WiFi.  Each Duet is served by a different AP and
the system will happily stream different FLAC files from my library to
each of my three players.

I am sure the problem has something to do with t'interweb somewhow. 
Either my 9 meg download speed is insufficient for the demands of two
adults, three teenagers and an au pair (quite possible) or my cheap and
nasty ISP is throttling at peak times (more likely), or the BBC is not
resourcing the iPlayer radio service properly (also possible).  

 When changing LMS server - personally I would look for a one with more
 one than more core and decent amount of memory.  Pi is too minimal for
 my liking - something like Wandboard dual would make a better LMS
 server.  Also I'd use Arch to avoid unnecessary processes/overheads.I agree 
 that a more powerful server would be nice.  I have LMS installed
on my Quad Core i7 Windows 7 machine with 16GB memory - the one I do all
my recording and ripping on - so if I want more power I can always
switch to that.  Perhaps I will try using it at peak times and see if I
still get the iPlayer rebuffering.  If I do I think we can discount
server issues!

Anyway thanks for all your help, I now have a much better clue about how
this brilliant plug-in works.  A giant leap for me, but one small step
for mankind ;)

[b]Server:* Synology DS111 (2TB) NAS running LMS 7.7.3 (official
Synology package)
*Network:* Netgear DG834GT ADSL modem/router, Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH
access point
*Livingroom:* Receiver, Naim 42/110 amp, BW CM2 speakers
*Kitchen:* Receiver, Topping TP20 Mk2 Class T amp, BW 686 speakers
*Study:* Linn LP12, Naim 72/Hi-cap/Headline

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: YouTube Plugin

2014-08-03 Thread marky

I would like to thanks all the people who brings the youtube plugin to
life again. But i still have got the same problem. All songs are playing
in low resolution (non-HD). What I have to do to get an HD quality? I
have tried to add hd=1 in my $url in but without
any effect. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2014-08-03 Thread verypsb

Maybe it's been asked a hundred times before, but I can't finde it. Will
Squeezelite work with the Spotify Premium Plugin?

::Please vote:::
'::bug 1330:: New music should work on creation date'
'::bug 17542:: New and changed doesn't handle changed files '
'::bug 17799:: Use a separator such as 'Also appears on' when viewing
the albums by an artist'
'::bug 18054:: Add support for 'Set Subtitle'/'Disc Subtitle' (ID3v2.4
TSST/ID3V2.3 TIT3)' (
1x Boom, 1x Classic, 4x Controller, 1x Radio, 4x Receiver, 2x Touch

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezer: open source Android Squeezeserver remote control

2014-08-03 Thread nikclayton

Apesbrain wrote: 
 Ok, that's it.  Screen on my phone is too small (240 x 320 px) to see
 these controls in portrait but they are there in landscape.

Ah. What device is that, so I can add it to my testing set?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezer: open source Android Squeezeserver remote control

2014-08-03 Thread nikclayton

Henk51 wrote: 
 Well in the Now Playing Screen the artistssongs aren't updated if the
 next song is playing from online audiostream.

That's a bug, fixed with,
and will be in the next release.

 But when the S5 is changing from WiFi to 3G net, and turned back to WiFi
 only then the NPS is updated, is this normal?

Is that a different problem, or related to the first one?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezer: open source Android Squeezeserver remote control

2014-08-03 Thread nikclayton

Roland0 wrote: 
 - When switching to the playlist, the focus is on the first track, and
 not on the one currently playing. This is rather annoying when using
 long playlists, as I have to scroll down hundreds of entries.

Bug, fixed in the next version with

 - Cover images are not cached (e.g. switch to new music, wait for
 images, exit, switch to new music again, images are loaded again),
 caching in memory (or even better persisting them to a local db) would
 significantly improve performance.

Cover images are cached, both to disk and local memory. What makes you
think they aren't?

 - No plugin support: I've seen the thread about apps, however, there are
 a lot more plugins available than apps. Having the plugin menu, and the
 plugin context menus for artists/albums/tracks would be great.

I'd really appreciate some help with this -- I don't use plugins on my
server (maybe I'm missing out a bunch of useful functionality), so I'm
not entirely sure what you mean. For example, when you say plugin
context menus for artists/albums/tracks how would you like that to work
in Squeezer?  Maybe you can give me an example based on the web UI (so I
can try and reproduce it locally) and then describe how you think this
should work on Android?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezer: open source Android Squeezeserver remote control

2014-08-03 Thread nikclayton

I'll edit the first post to mention this in a moment as well, but if
anyone is interested in receiving beta versions of Squeezer ahead of the
normal release, here's how you sign up.

1. Join the Squeezer Beta tester community on Google+, at

2. Once you've joined you should see an opt-in link at Go there and
opt-in to become a tester, and you'll receive beta versions of the app
(basically, release candidates for the next release).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2014-08-03 Thread TheLastMan

verypsb wrote: 
 Maybe it's been asked a hundred times before, but I can't finde it. Will
 Squeezelite work with the Spotify Premium Plugin?

Yes. The constraint is the processor in the computer you have installed
Squeezelite on. Intel x86 and most ARM processors are fine. If in doubt
post the processor here and somebody will probably be able to tell you. 

Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk

[b]Server:* Synology DS111 (2TB) NAS running LMS 7.7.3 (official
Synology package)
*Network:* Netgear DG834GT ADSL modem/router, Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH
access point
*Livingroom:* Receiver, Naim 42/110 amp, BW CM2 speakers
*Kitchen:* Receiver, Topping TP20 Mk2 Class T amp, BW 686 speakers
*Study:* Linn LP12, Naim 72/Hi-cap/Headline

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezer: open source Android Squeezeserver remote control

2014-08-03 Thread pippin

nikclayton wrote: 
 I'd really appreciate some help with this -- I don't use plugins on my
 server (maybe I'm missing out a bunch of useful functionality), so I'm
 not entirely sure what you mean. For example, when you say plugin
 context menus for artists/albums/tracks how would you like that to work
 in Squeezer?  Maybe you can give me an example based on the web UI (so I
 can try and reproduce it locally) and then describe how you think this
 should work on Android?

The web UI is a bad example because it still uses a somewhat different
UI to everything else (Squeezeboxes, most smartphone Apps,...)
Have a look at Logitech's Android App. You can find the context menu if
you hold an item. There are a lot of hooks for various plugins there.
The rest is usually under Extras.
You get the context menu for the current track by holding the big cover
on the NowPlaying screen. Context menus for the current track/current
playlist have some additional features compared to the ones for the

learn more about iPeng, the iPhone and iPad remote for the Squeezebox
Logitech UE Smart Radio as well as iPeng Party, the free Party-App, 
*New: iPeng 7, the Universal App for iOS 7*

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2014-08-03 Thread TheLastMan

Well, since my earlier postings I have had Triode's BBC iPlayer plug-in
running almost solidly through the SqueezePlug and Duet.  I have been
picking programs from Radios 3, 4 and 6 and interspersing with a few
FLAC files from my library.
I particularly concentrated on running iPlayer in the 5-9pm slot. 
Transcoding was enabled to stress the SqueezePlug as much as possible.

And you know what?  Not a single glitch, dropout or rebuffer the whole
day, as far as I could tell. Clearly, if there still is a problem, it is
very unlikely to lie with either my server(s) or my home network.

Perhaps everybody is away on holiday so not using their broadband?  I
found a web site that collected reported problems called downdetector
that reports when people get problems with web sites and apps.  iPlayer
Radio issues rise from about 4pm through to about midnight in a nice
bell shaped curve peaking between 7pm and 10pm.  Now there is nothing to
say this is caused by the BBC itself, these could all just be people
with poor broadband connections.  However, whatever the cause I am
clearly not alone.

Oh, and it was great to listen to Guy Garvey on Desert Island Discs. 
Elbow are my favourite band at the moment, and possibly of all time, and
I do try and listen to Guy Garvey's Finest Hour on 6 music when I can.

That man is a poet. Bones of You, Lippy Kids, Sad Captains and
New York Morning - just some of my faves. If you are wondering why I
am posting at 3am it is because I fell asleep in an armchair listening
to some Joni Mitchell and have just woken up and thought I would post
before I turn the PC off.

Frustrating stuff this internet malarky.  Perhaps I should go with Fibre
broadband?  It is available around here but hellishly expensive.

[b]Server:* Synology DS111 (2TB) NAS running LMS 7.7.3 (official
Synology package)
*Network:* Netgear DG834GT ADSL modem/router, Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH
access point
*Livingroom:* Receiver, Naim 42/110 amp, BW CM2 speakers
*Kitchen:* Receiver, Topping TP20 Mk2 Class T amp, BW 686 speakers
*Study:* Linn LP12, Naim 72/Hi-cap/Headline

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