Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-08-25 Thread cpd73

schmurtz wrote: 
>   2. One thing is missing from the original skin : the fast search bar in
> the top of the app. I like the fact that it search during typing. Any
> chance to see an implementation of this in your skin ?

I've had a re-think. What I -might- do is add a search button to the
main toolbar (if sufficient space) that when clicked will relpce the
toolbar with a search field - and then perform as-yoi-type searching.
Not 100% sure on whther to use a button or text field - both take the
same number of clicks (as you need to focus the text field), and I feel
the text field would add more "weight"/clutter. I've added an issue on
github so that I don't forget -

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open console tab in developer tools
4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Installing Daphile on an external USB drive

2020-08-25 Thread Roland0

Listen Closely wrote: 
> Not only can I boot from other Linux distros via USB, I can also boot
> the installer Daphile from USB, as well as boot from the final install
> of Daphile on USB if I restart from the installer of Daphile from USB. 
> The issue appears to be from the final installed version of Daphile on
> USB, and how it it set up to boot.  I know I'm just missing something.
I guess all GRUB versions are the same? And the USB disk doesn't use GPT
Have you tried re-installing GRUB after Daphile has been installed (boot
with some other distro, mount usb, bind mount /dev,/proc,/sys, chroot
into Daphile, check /etc/default/grub, run grub-install and
grub-mkconfig) ?
At least, you'll be able to see if GRUB complains about something.
Also, have a look at 'this site' ( which
has some interesting tools to fix various boot issues.

> The Dell Mini 9 is actually a wonderful little machine.  That said - it
> uses a weird PCI-Express IDE/PATA interface SM1 for its SSD.  They are
> expensive to replace - a 64GB model goes for about $65.  For that price,
> this machine is a throwaway.  While the internal 16GB SSD functions, it
> is 12 years old and I'd rather keep it functional for a few more years,
> extending the life of the machine by running Daphile from a far more
> cost-effective external drive.  Hence, even for testing I'm avoiding use
> of the internal drive as a workaround and attempting to do this all from
> external USB drives. 
Well, you probably have already installed grub on it (assuming LXLE uses
it), so you'd only have to modify the existing config to include
Daphile. After that, it'd be read-only.

'Various SW' ( Web Interface | Playlist
Editor / Generator | Music Classification | Similar Music | Announce |
EventTrigger | LMSlib2go | ...
'Various HowTos' ( build a
self-contained LMS | Bluetooth/ALSA | Control LMS with any device | ...

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] LMS-to-UPnP with PlayFI devices

2020-08-25 Thread Gobuleberbu

Hi!  has anyone got any luck connecting a PlayFi device with the UPNP
bridge?  DTS recently enabled DigitalMediaRenderer with version 5.2. 
I've been able to send audio to the speaker directly with SofaPlay on my
mac, or Send to speaker with windows. 

> There is also technically a bonus feature in this update that we're not
> avertising officially. If you've gotten this far, then you probably
> would like to try it out. This feature is known as DMR. This means that
> you'll be able to use a DLNA Media Client or Player or stream directly
> to any product with DTS Play-Fi, without first needing the app. For
> example, you'll be able to open BubbleUPnP, and tell it to render to
> your DTS Play-Fi product on the network, and your media server will play
> audio straight to your audio system, no app middle-man inbetween.
> Why is this unadvertised? Right now we've not optimized this extra
> protocol for Ultra High Resolution files (though 24 bit / 48 kHz should
> play just fine), so we can't wholly recommend it for those with many
> files ripped as DSDs, but for those of you with FLAC collections from
> CDs, ALAC collection from iTunes, feel free to give this a try and let
> us know how you like it in the comments, or via e-mail.

So i tried adding it to my LMS ecosystem.  The speaker is a Paradigm
PW600.  I really wished they had enabled airplay on it.  

Right now, the plugin is crashing.  I've disabled gapless since i don't
think it is supported (from the comments), i've disabled higher

Any idea about what could go wrong?

thanks!  :)

Here are my files: 3135031351

|Filename: upnpbridge.txt   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] streaming plugin

2020-08-25 Thread Michael Herger

Have you committed the change? I don't seem to see anything on github

No, I haven't. I figured out I'd need to update getSeekData(), too. 
Alas, right now I can't even connect to Qobuz any more...


plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-08-25 Thread carsten_h

jasell wrote: 
> If you on iOS place a shortcut on your homescreen it will...

:-) This seems to be the same as I wrote three messages above you. So it
has to work.

Pi4 4GB piCorePlayer with LMS and Squeezelite for USB; Pi3B+ (7"
Display, Hifiberry DAC+ Pro) piCoreplayer with Squeezlite/Jivelite for
Hifiberry and Bluetooth headphone; two Airport Express

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] streaming plugin

2020-08-25 Thread philippe_44

mherger wrote: 
> > Yes exactly - if the header has been acquired and the protocol
> handler
> > is the classical HTTP then, bug permitting, seeking works
> Does not seem to be working. I've added the scanner, which extracts 
> correct information. Yet I don't get any audio, and after a few seconds
> the player would skip to the next track. As without the new code. What 
> other parts of the protocol handler might be cheating on me?
> -- 
> Michael

Have you committed the change? I don't seem to see anything on github

LMS 7.9  on Pi 3B+ & Odroid-C2 - *SqueezeAMP!*, 5xRadio, 3xBoom, 4xDuet,
1xTouch, 1 SB3. Sonos PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, Foobar2000,
ShairPortW, JRiver 21, 2xChromecast Audio, Chromecast v1 and v2,
Squeezelite on Pi,  Yamaha WX-010, AppleTV 4, Airport Express, GGMM E5,
Riva 1 & 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Installing Daphile on an external USB drive

2020-08-25 Thread Listen Closely

Roland0 wrote:

Some more ideas:
- try booting a regular Linux distribution from USB to see if the issue
is specific to Daphile

Not only can I boot from other Linux distros via USB, I can also boot
the installer Daphile from USB, as well as boot from the final install
of Daphile on USB if I restart from the installer of Daphile from USB. 
The issue appears to be from the final installed version of Daphile on
USB, and how it it set up to boot.  I know I'm just missing something.

Roland0 wrote:
- try booting with UEFI

That is not possible with this netbook.  If one does that, USB booting
is not an available option.  Legacy must be enabled for USB boot.

Roland0 wrote:
- try running GRUB from the internal disk and using it to start Daphile
from USB 

The Dell Mini 9 is actually a wonderful little machine.  That said - it
uses a weird PCI-Express IDE/PATA interface SM1 for its SSD.  They are
expensive to replace - a 64GB model goes for about $65.  For that price,
this machine is a throwaway.  While the internal 16GB SSD functions, it
is 12 years old and I'd rather keep it functional for a few more years,
extending the life of the machine by running Daphile from a far more
cost-effective external drive.  Hence, even for testing I'm avoiding use
of the internal drive as a workaround and attempting to do this all from
external USB drives. 

I *could* install something like LXLE on an external drive and then
install Logitech Media Server on top of that.  However, running
something like Daphile that's been purpose-built for the sole reason to
run a custom version of LMS which suits my needs perfectly and thus uses
a minimal OS install - and thus minimal resources - truly seems like the
way to go.

I thought about using Tiny Core OS and installing LMS on that, but after
reading through various threads:

Daphile really seems the way to go, especially since there's a 32-bit
distro of it (this netbook is 32-bit, otherwise I might have gone with
VortexBox.  While there is a 32-bit version of VirtexBox, it's really
old -
-  the 32-bit version of Daphile is current).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-08-25 Thread cpd73

schmurtz wrote: 
> 1 - May be another pure html 5 slider could make the trick ? This 'round
> one here' ( is
> not so bad...  Sorry if I'm wrong, I'm not an html5 expert ;)

No. These are sliders - the time shows the -progress-, hence a
progressbar is appropriate. i will not be changing. Having a dot does
not make it easier to drag.

schmurtz wrote: 
> 2 - May be it could be done in the existing search window ? Don't want
> to insist but search is the entry key in big music library ;)
Insist as much as you like, will not make a bit of difference. Sorry,
but I hardly ever use search. Adding 'live' search will take more effort
than I have time for. Still, the code is opensource for a reason...

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open console tab in developer tools
4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-08-25 Thread schmurtz

cpd73 wrote: 
> 1 The volume control uses a vuetify (the toolkit Material uses) widget
> called a v-slider. Early versions of Material used this for the time
> slider, but as this is frequently updated it used a lot of CPU. Changing
> to a simple progress bar (plain HTML5) drastically reduced the CPU. So,
> no, I will not use the same widget for time as volume.

1 - May be another pure html 5 slider could make the trick ? This 'round
one here' ( is
not so bad...  Sorry if I'm wrong, I'm not an html5 expert ;)

cpd73 wrote: 
> 2 - Not currently, and I have no plans for this. There is no real space
> for it - especially not in mobile.
2 - May be it could be done in the existing search window ? Don't want
to insist but search is the entry key in big music library ;)

cpd73 wrote: 
> 3 - Material was designed primarily for touch input. I've added an issue
> ('319' ( on github
> to look into this.
3 - Thank you ! It will be usefull on desktop and also for Squeezelite-x
which is able to use your skin !

cpd73 wrote: 
> 4 - Don't use any subscription services, so would not know exactly how
> this would be done. However, just save as a favorite? Adding albums,
> etc, to the homescreen is not what was envisioned when pinning was
> added.
4 - Just thinking that be able to pin on homescreen what the user want
is an awesome feature. Pin an album, pin a song, pin "tranfer playback"
feature from spotty, pin a radio 

cpd73 wrote: 
> 5 - I think there is enough customisation as is.
5 - OK :o

cpd73 wrote: 
> 6 - TrackStat (which I don't use) is used for ratings - not sure if this
> supports un-rating. Ratings are a feature I've never used - and never
> seen the point of.
6 - Ok it's not a big deal. With a very big library you can ask
trackstat to play only what you like a lot. Anyway you can do it by
right click -> more -> rating -> "Unrated"

cpd73 wrote: 
> 7 - You can already do 1/2 star ratings.
7 - Ok it's not a big deal. I'm able to do it with a mouse, not on

cpd73 wrote: 
> 8 - I've added an issue for the only one of these items I have any
> incliation to implement
8 - Thanks ! If I can help don't hesitate (I've got android,ios and
windows clients).

cpd73 wrote: 
> A - I have never done any iOS development - and have no intention of
> ever doing so. I find Apple to restrictive - *must* use a mac to develop
> for iOs, only *one* rendering engine on iOS (Chrome, etc, are all just
> shelss for Apple's WebKit engine)
A - Ok it's not a big deal, there is Ipeng and may be an ios developper
will have this idea one day...
And carsten_h was right : with a shortcut it removes the address bar
(Thanks !) 

cpd73 wrote: 
> B - Not a chance.
B - Dream Breaker ! ;)

cpd73 wrote: 
> I stopped using MPD over 3 years ago - I find LMS *far* superior. And
> Cantata itself is in a bug-fix only state, as I no longer use it.
Still a good option for the poor MPD users :p

Thank you for taking the time to answer me :o

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-08-25 Thread jasell

schmurtz wrote: 
> I was looking for an IOS app based on your skin. Why ? To remove
> systematically the address bar and to have controls on the lock Screen.
> Does it exist ? (just see that the android app exist now, good thing !)

If you on iOS place a shortcut on your homescreen it will open in full
screen mode without address bar.
(In Safari you use the send-to option and scroll down to Homescreen)

It will not give access on the lock screen nor let you use hardware
buttons for volume.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

NAS: QNAP TS-459U+ QTS 4.2.6 (4x 2TB, RAID5)
Services: LMS 7.9.3 by  QLMS 2.10.06   'QLMS at QNAP club'
Squeezebox:  6x Reciever, 3x Boom, 2x SB3 Classic, 1x Touch
Controller:  iPeng on iPad and iPhone, Spotify by Spotty

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-08-25 Thread cpd73

Bug-fix release, main changes:

-  Use pulsing, instead of spinning, icon for active tasks.
-  Queue item durations are floating point, so handle correctly.
-  Don't set mixer volume when changing players.
-  Only show 'Zap' if custom skip plugin enabled.
-  Fix broken add/play all.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open console tab in developer tools
4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-08-25 Thread cpd73

schmurtz wrote: 
>   1. Do you think possible to add a cursor (like the volume bar) on the
> playing
The volume control uses a vuetify (the toolkit Material uses) widget
called a v-slider. Early versions of Material used this for the time
slider, but as this is frequently updated it used a lot of CPU. Changing
to a simple progress bar (plain HTML5) drastically reduced the CPU. So,
no, I will not use the same widget for time as volume.

schmurtz wrote: 
> 2. One thing is missing from the original skin : the fast search bar in
> the top of the app. I like the fact that it search during typing. Any
> chance to see an implementation of this in your skin ?
Not currently, and I have no plans for this. There is no real space for
it - especially not in mobile.

schmurtz wrote: 
>   3. When you are in your artists list for example it could be nice to be
> able to type a letter (or more than one) to quickly go to the desired
> artist.
Material was designed primarily for touch input. I've added an issue
('319' ( on github
to look into this.

schmurtz wrote: 
>   4. Is there a reason to not be able to pin all kinds of objects in the
> home screen ? (it could be nice to pin a spotty playlist or just an
> album that we listen all the time).
Don't use any subscription services, so would not know exactly how this
would be done. However, just save as a favourite? Adding albums, etc, to
the homescreen is not what was envisioned when pinning was added.

schmurtz wrote: 
>   5. Be able to choose any RGB color for the toolbar ? (I know it's
> really just a detail but it takes time to find defaults on this skin
> 😄 )
I think there is enough customisation as is.

schmurtz wrote: 
>   6. In "playing" view, adding a way to be able to unrate a song by
> making a clic on the same star or with a double clic ?
TrackStat (which I don't use) is used for ratings - not sure if this
supports un-rating. Ratings are a feature I've never used - and never
seen the point of.

schmurtz wrote: 
>   7. May be rating should have a behavior be like the volume cursor too.
> Like this we could be able to give a note with half stars (like 3.5) on
> touch devices .
You can already do 1/2 star ratings.

schmurtz wrote: 
>   8. Do you want that I create some enhancement posts in github's issues
> ?
I've added an issue for the only one of these items I have any
incliation to implement

schmurtz wrote: 
>   A. I was looking for an IOS app based on your skin. Why ? To remove
> systematically the address bar and to have controls on the lock Screen.
> Does it exist ? (just see that the android app exist now, good thing !)
I have never done any iOS development - and have no intention of ever
doing so. I find Apple to restrictive - *must* use a mac to develop for
iOs, only *one* rendering engine on iOS (Chrome, etc, are all jsut
shelss for Apple's WebKit engine)

schmurtz wrote: 
>   B. A version for squeezebox touch / radio ?  (ok it's just a dream, but
> just in case... )
Not a chance.

schmurtz wrote: 
> (just been astonished that you are the author of cantata too ! I have
> tested a lot of MPD UI, it is far the best one !)

I stopped using MPD over 3 years ago - I find LMS *far* superior. And
Cantata itself is in a bug-fix only state, as I no longer use it.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open console tab in developer tools
4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-08-25 Thread carsten_h

schmurtz wrote: 
> A. I was looking for an IOS app based on your skin. Why ? To remove
> systematically the address bar and to have controls on the lock Screen.
> Does it exist ? (just see that the android app exist now, good)

I can not give you the controls on the lockscreen, but you can simply
save (send to homescreen) the website: http://xx.xx.xx.xx:9000/material
with Safari on iOS/iPadOS onto the Homescreen and then you have an
„App“ without addressbar!

Pi4 4GB piCorePlayer with LMS and Squeezelite for USB; Pi3B+ (7"
Display, Hifiberry DAC+ Pro) piCoreplayer with Squeezlite/Jivelite for
Hifiberry and Bluetooth headphone; two Airport Express

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-08-25 Thread schmurtz

I can't say how much I love this skin, this is a real revival of
squeezebox interface !

Like I use it more often I have some questions and improvement ideas,
feel free to answer with the numbers 😉

1. Do you think possible to add a cursor (like the volume bar) on the
playing seek bar ? Because with touch it is easier to catch and move a
cursor instead tapping on the right place. 

For exemple it is pretty hard to place the cursor at 0:00 with
touchscreen. (just see your issue about it ;))
2. One thing is missing from the original skin : the fast search bar in
the top of the app. I like the fact that it search during typing. Any
chance to see an implementation of this in your skin ?
3. When you are in your artists list for example it could be nice to be
able to type a letter (or more than one) to quickly go to the desired
4. Is there a reason to not be able to pin all kinds of objects in the
home screen ? (it could be nice to pin a spotty playlist or just an
album that we listen all the time).
5. Be able to choose any RGB color for the toolbar ? (I know it's
really just a detail but it takes time to find defaults on this skin
😄 )
6. In "playing" view, adding a way to be able to unrate a song by
making a clic on the same star or with a double clic ?
7. May be rating should have a behavior be like the volume cursor too.
Like this we could be able to give a note with half stars (like 3.5) on
touch devices .
8. Do you want that I create some enhancement posts in github's issues

Some questions not directly linked to the material skin development :

A. I was looking for an IOS app based on your skin. Why ? To remove
systematically the address bar and to have controls on the lock Screen.
Does it exist ? (just see that the android app exist now, good thing !)
B. A version for squeezebox touch / radio ?  (ok it's just a dream, but
just in case... )

Anyway many thanks four your awesome work !
(just been astonished that you are the author of cantata too ! I have
tested a lot of MPD UI, it is far the best one !)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-08-25 Thread philchillbill

mecouc wrote: 
> Thanks! I've got it nearly working for testing at home. Now, I don't
> have a physical Echo (I've just given it to my mother), but for testing
> I have the Amazon/Alexa app on my phone which responds quite nicely.   
> I asked for a subscription but Alexa on my phone told me I couldn't do
> so "on this device" and needed to ask my Echo.  maybe I'll just have to
> buy another one? Is there a way of getting a trial subscription using
> only the Alexa app on my phone?
> MediaServer/Alexa lists my physical squeezebox players, but for some
> reason does not detect the "SB Player" app on my phone, even though the
> LMS web interface lists it as a player. But that's unimportant. Maybe
> when I've rebooted everything.
> I find it very disconcerting that Mediaserver answers half the time in a
> male voice, and half the time in the default female voice. Weird. But
> not a problem!

Amazon determines from which Alexa-enabled devices (Echos, phones) and
which countries subscriptions can be started, not the skill. So
unfortunately there's no way around that. 

The skill 'discovers' all players that have isplayer:1 in the discovery
response and whose name does not end in an asterisk. If a player is not
included it can only logically be for one of those two reasons. Web
client players, for example, have isplayer:0.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: YouTube Plugin (API v3)

2020-08-25 Thread BigMedi

Hi all, hopefully i could get help here:

i searched for a solution to play youtube audio over my Multi Room Audio
Then i found the Solution in this thread.

But my problem is, that LMS looks like it starts a track ... than the
track duration starts countin  0:01 - 0:02 - 0:03 (without any sound)
and than it stopped.
It is the same if i start a track with a android youtube and transfer to
picoreplayer app or directly inside the lms web gui. result is the
Hope anybody could help.

My set up is:
PERL-VERSION: 5.24.0 - X86_64-LINUX

5 x Raspberry Pi with PiCoreplayer on it.

x - i put the key in here as i have
generate it with the instructions in the forum. [B]NO personal
credentials, cause the instruction said nothing about personal

Hochauflösende Vorschaubilder
Anzahl Suchresultate
Land für die Kategorien
Allowed codecs
Live Stream Einstellungen
Play live edge with 
Sekunden Verzögerung  


Channels & Playlists cache duration

So verwendest du dein persönliches Konto
- gehe nach Google Console Credentials und wähle dein YouTube Projekt
- wähle "Create Credentials", dann "OAuth Client ID", dann "Other"
- gib einen Namen
- klicke "Create", das wird eine Client ID und Client Secrete
- Füge Client ID und Client Secret hier ein, speichere die
- klicke "Erhalte Code". Falls rechts nichts passiert, klicke
- kopiere den roten Code, und "Klicke hier, um Zugriff zu gewähren".
YouTube wird dich auffordern, den Code einzugeben.
- zurück in LMS solltest du nun "Meine Abonnements" und "Meine
Wiedergabelisten" verwenden können

Client ID

Client Secret


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-08-25 Thread mecouc

Thanks! I've got it nearly working for testing at home. Now, I don't
have a physical Echo (I've just given it to my mother), but for testing
I have the Amazon/Alexa app on my phone which responds quite nicely.   

I asked for a subscription but Alexa on my phone told me I couldn't do
so "on this device" and needed to ask my Echo.  maybe I'll just have to
buy another one? Is there a way of getting a trial subscription using
only the Alexa app on my phone?

MediaServer/Alexa lists my physical squeezebox players, but for some
reason does not detect the "SB Player" app on my phone, even though the
LMS web interface lists it as a player. But that's unimportant. Maybe
when I've rebooted everything.

I find it very disconcerting that Mediaserver answers half the time in a
male voice, and half the time in the default female voice. Weird. But
not a problem!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-08-25 Thread staresy

mecouc wrote: 
> I hate to ask a silly question, but is it all pretty robust?

I can speak as a user of this skill, I had similar reservations to you,
I wanted something that would be reliable and not need much tinkering.

Once set up this does the trick and works well. The documentation is
very good and the skills author is very helpful. Once you get used to
the "rhythm" of talking to Alexa it works very well and after a while
it's difficult to live without voice control. So overall yes its a very
worthwhile addition.

On a simple, standalone server system as you propose, it shouldn't be
too much trouble to set up (use the ngrok tunneling with auto update as
documented), and then just leave it alone to do it's thing. 

It does have a few anomalies occasionally but these are Alexa/NW related
and not issues with the skill.

location 1: lms 8.0 on win 10 brix server, x2 sb radios, x1 touch, x1
controller : location 2: lms 8.0 on win 10 brix server, x2 sb radios, x1
duet receiver, x1 controller : alexa mediaserver smart skill, material
android, squeezelitex control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] streaming plugin

2020-08-25 Thread Michael Herger

Yes exactly - if the header has been acquired and the protocol handler
is the classical HTTP then, bug permitting, seeking works

Does not seem to be working. I've added the scanner, which extracts 
correct information. Yet I don't get any audio, and after a few seconds 
the player would skip to the next track. As without the new code. What 
other parts of the protocol handler might be cheating on me?


plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-08-25 Thread philchillbill

The robustness will be mainly determined by how good your proxy setup
is. If you use ngrok and the auto updating process described in the docs
it should be bulletproof. 

One general comment about anything Alexa related and not just this skill
is that humming and hawing is not well tolerated. So your idea to
simplify the names of certain works is an excellent one where a senior
is the intended user.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Preannounce: Sprocket - Pocket Casts plugin

2020-08-25 Thread spookyt

How, just stubled across this and installed it.

Thank you so much!!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2020-08-25 Thread mecouc

This looks brilliant.  I might try it myself, but I'm primarily looking
for something my elderly visually impaired mother can use to play her
classical music collection.
I've recently given her an Echo dot to play with, but results with
classical music are very disappointing with Spotify or Amazon music. 
I'm willing to rip all her CDs and set this up if it's simple and
reliable enough for her to use.  

I have remote access to her PC, but it has to be essentially 100%
reliable or she'll give up. I hate to ask a silly question, but is it
all pretty robust?

I imagine I'd need to set up LMS, set shuffle to off (for those
classical CDs). I don't think the Alexa skill supports use of "composer"
and other classical tags, but using LMS support for multiple genre tags
should allow us to help classify things. I expect I may rename some CDs
entirely, so she can ask to play an album called "Fred" instead of its
actual really long name, and then print out a list on paper in big

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] DAC keeps detecting audio signal from RPi USB input inspite of not playing any track

2020-08-25 Thread Paul Webster

swamytk wrote: 
> Thanks for this awesome solution. It looks like uhubctl need to be
> compiled for RPi4. Does piCorePlayer support building this? I mean build
> toolchain.

>From the disable USB thread linked to above (which was for RPi 4)
> I've added uhubctl.tcz to our repo. Download it from the extension page

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc), kcrw,
supla finland, abc australia, cbc/radio-canada and rte ireland

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] DAC keeps detecting audio signal from RPi USB input inspite of not playing any track

2020-08-25 Thread swamytk

paul- wrote: 
> The auto detection circuitry has been issues with the RPI usb ports.  
> Your best bet is to look into disabling the USB port based the player
> state.
> Take a look at these threads

Thanks for this awesome solution. It looks like uhubctl need to be
compiled for RPi4. Does piCorePlayer support building this?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] streaming plugin

2020-08-25 Thread philippe_44

mherger wrote: 
> > Yes, this is the expected behaviour on SB3, Boom and Transporter
> > (probably) when seeking flac. I've made a fix in LMS but Qobuz needs
> to
> > use it
> That's the reading of the stream to trigger the parser in the onStream 
> handler part, isn't it?
> I now have a Classic on my desk again.
> -- 
> Michael

Yes exactly - if the header has been acquired and the protocol handler
is the classical HTTP then, bug permitting, seeking works

LMS 7.9  on Pi 3B+ & Odroid-C2 - *SqueezeAMP!*, 5xRadio, 3xBoom, 4xDuet,
1xTouch, 1 SB3. Sonos PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, Foobar2000,
ShairPortW, JRiver 21, 2xChromecast Audio, Chromecast v1 and v2,
Squeezelite on Pi,  Yamaha WX-010, AppleTV 4, Airport Express, GGMM E5,
Riva 1 & 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] streaming plugin

2020-08-25 Thread Michael Herger

Yes, this is the expected behaviour on SB3, Boom and Transporter
(probably) when seeking flac. I've made a fix in LMS but Qobuz needs to
use it

That's the reading of the stream to trigger the parser in the onStream 
handler part, isn't it?

I now have a Classic on my desk again.


plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] streaming plugin

2020-08-25 Thread Hossamyazeed

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Yes, this is the expected behaviour on SB3, Boom and Transporter
> (probably) when seeking flac. I've made a fix in LMS but Qobuz needs to
> use it

i am using Daphile on a PC and facing this problem

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] streaming plugin

2020-08-25 Thread philippe_44

Hossamyazeed wrote: 
> once i seek the track pauses then skips to next track

Yes, this is the expected behaviour on SB3, Boom and Transporter
(probably) when seeking flac. I've made a fix in LMS but Qobuz needs to
use it

LMS 7.9  on Pi 3B+ & Odroid-C2 - *SqueezeAMP!*, 5xRadio, 3xBoom, 4xDuet,
1xTouch, 1 SB3. Sonos PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, Foobar2000,
ShairPortW, JRiver 21, 2xChromecast Audio, Chromecast v1 and v2,
Squeezelite on Pi,  Yamaha WX-010, AppleTV 4, Airport Express, GGMM E5,
Riva 1 & 3

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2020-08-25 Thread cpd73

mherger wrote: 
> >> Here is the console output when hitting the "play now" button.
> > 
> > *Thanks* for that, *very* helpful. This should now be fixed, in
> > git/master - anyone able to checkout and confirm? Would be great to
> > confirm before releasing 1.8.8 - which I need to do soon.
> Confirmed!
> -- 
> Michael

Thanks for the confirmation, it was a silly typo. Will try to release
1.8.8 soon.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open console tab in developer tools
4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS will be logged here.

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