Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-28 Thread DaveRado

bpa wrote: 
> My guess is that neither is at "fault" - it is a behaviour "conflict"
> which could be resolved but is the effort worthwhile.  
> User can suggest patches for the Radio/Touch software but patches have
> implication as Logitech will have to test and make sure it doesn't break
> other functionality or change behaviourt that might "Upset" other users.

Okay. As I said, I think your and Triode's apps and plugins more than
double the value of the radio, so I don't know why Logitech don't value
them more highly.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-28 Thread DaveRado

Another new issue:

I've just installed LMS on another machine (Windows 7, whereas the
previous install was an XP machine); and whenever it opens on that
machine, on the "Status" tab of the dialog box that appears, there is
some red text at the top which says:

"You don't have privileges to install or start/stop the Logitech Media
Server background service. Please start the control panel from the
Windows Start Menu, via the right-click context menu, and click "Run as

The radio seems to work okay though, but what does this message mean,
why is it there, and are there any implications?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-28 Thread DaveRado

bpa wrote: 
> Not sure of your technical knowledge. The menu items are defined in a
> file in OPML format (a variant of XML). The file is called default.opml
> in the Plugins/BBCiPlayerExtras directory (look at LMS WEbUI
> Setting/Information for directory which contain plugins).  
> Make a backup copy of the default.opml in case you need to revert.
> Edit the default.opml file with a text editor (e.g. wordpad on Windows
> not Notepad).  
> Each menu is a single line beginning . Copy the
> whole line from National Schedule section beginning with  URL=""; and
> paste  onto a new line at top of file just after .
> Close and save the file.
> Restart LMS and the Radio 4 schedule menu should now be at the top of
> the list.
> You can delete menu lines if you wish but be careful of nested
> "outlines".

Thanks, I'll give it a try in a couple of days or so and post back, no
time to do it before that.

bpa wrote: 
> It is probably possible but I think it is a niche area and doesn't
> affect many users and relates to a 3rd party applet. Development budget
> seems to be very limited and so the effort is spent on issues that
> affect bugs and functionality that are wholly Logitech.

So the problem is with Logitech's software and not something that could
be resolved by Triode in a future version of his applet?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-28 Thread DaveRado

bpa wrote: 
> Radio 4 is the worst offender for missing programs but taken across all
> the stations the BBC runs (National, Regional and Local) - the number of
> programs missing in BBCiPlayer plugin feed is very small - but they
> always seem to be the ones you want.
> The "The Alien Birds have Landed" program is an example. 
> * Five programs on BBC's Web iPlayer.  
> * All missing in BBCiPlayer plugin using XML feed.  
> * Using the  RSS feeds the Extras plugin uses (e.g. Radio 4 Factual)  -
> only 4 programmes are shown "The Pheasant" is missing (probably because
> more than 7 days old). 
> * All 5 program are available under the Extras "Current & Archived Radio
> 4" which uses a different BBC feed.  
> It seems BBC have a database of available iPlayer programs and each feed
> has different criteria to decide which programs are included.

Anyway, the bottom line is that the BBCiPlayerExtras schedules, and the
BBCiPlayerExtras "Current & Archived Radio" are both extremely useful (I
don't really see much use for any of the other categories in the list,
hence my earlier query as to whether those two could be promoted to the
top of the list); and yet it's also very nice to be able to use the
radio without having to have a computer switched on at all, when one
doesn't need the extra choice of programmes, hence the need for the
applet to also be installed.

bpa wrote: 
> For completeness although these computer solution are not zero power.
> PCs can be setup to sleep when not in use and to wake when Squeezebox is
> turned on. Raspberry Pi consumes about 3.5W and the base unit itself
> costs about £35 although there are some added costs such as a PSU and a
> case..

The radio is expensive enough as it is without spending another £40+ -
it's by far the most I've ever spent on a portable radio and  I wouldn't
want to spend any more; and without wanting to go into the subject the
sleep idea seems an over-complicated solution to a problem that
shouldn't really exist in the first place. Surely it should be
technically possible to fix this problem in a future release of the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-27 Thread DaveRado

bpa wrote: 
> LMS can run on small computer such as a Plugcomputer or even a Raspberry
> Pi which do not use much electricity.   

She doesn't want to have to buy one of those just so that she can listen
to a radio, and nor do I.

bpa wrote: 
> The vast majority of the time the BBCiPlayer plugin/applet has the exact
> same programs as available from the Extras plugin.  Program missing from
> BBCiPlayer usually turn up within 24hrs. 

I gave a specific example earlier in this thread of a day 5 days before
I posted in which around 5 programmes were missing from the schedule on
that day. That day was not untypical of my experience so far.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-27 Thread DaveRado

I should add that despite what I've said, I think both the iPlayer/BBC
Radio app, and the "Extras" plugin, are absolutely wonderful. I don't
understand why Logitech don't offer to buy the rights to your software
from you for a lot of money, as their radio wouldn't be worth half as
much as it is worth if you guys hadn't written your apps. And despite
the glitches, your apps are basically very intuitive indeed, and
extremely powerful.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-27 Thread DaveRado

bpa wrote: 
> The Extras plugin was never intended to duplicate the BBCiPlayer
> functionality.  The menu structure reflects how the info is retrieved
> from BBC as each level requires a data request from BBC - this method
> reduces the number of requests..

Is there any way of changing the order in which some of the  items are
listed once you've retrieved them, though?

For instance:

1) When I select BBCiPlayerExtra, more often than not I want to select
National Radio Schedules, but this is way down the list. Could it be
moved to the  top?

If it were top of the list then logically Local Radio Schedules should
be second, not because people use it much but because it goes logically
with National Radio Schedules and would be hard to find if they were
separated from each other.

Then, I've found by far the most useful item in the same list, if one is
looking for an older programme, is the one called "Listen Again A-Z" -
I find this one is usually easily the quickest way to find a given
programme, if it's more than 7 days old. So it would be nice if it could
be third in the list. I would never use the categories such as "Station
Highlights" or "Top 10 Radio Programmes", because I know what I like and
I really don't care what other people want to listen to! So what someone
else thinks are the station highlights is neither here nor there, as far
as I'm concerned. I'm sure I'm not unusual in that respect.

Could the above list be reordered a little along the above lines in a
future release?

2) If I select "National Radio Schedules", and then select a radio
station, it displays the current day's schedule, and right at the very
bottom of the list is the item "Radio 4 FM Last Week", which is what I
would almost always want to select. It's frustrating to have to scroll
so much every time, as I would very rarely want to find a programme from
the current day's schedule. Would it be possible for the  item "Radio 4
FM Last Week" to appear at the top of the list instead of at the 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-27 Thread DaveRado

Triode wrote: 
> Try playing an internet radio station from somewhere else while the
> computer is switched off - this should force the radio to switch to
> "" then the BBCRadio menu probably works.

That does work but will be terribly clunky for my 80-year old mother to
get her head around, as you have to do this every single time you want
to use the applet, if you had previously used the plugin and
subsequently switched off your PC. Although she has used the internet
for years, she has trouble with anything that isn't completely obvious
and often rings me in a panic, for instance, just because a software
application has asked her if she wants to upgrade to the latest version.
I imagine she'll be ringing me regularly to say that her radio has
stopped working. :(

Another thing that works, by the way, is to go to "My Apps" and select
any app, which also forces the radio to switch to "", at
which point the BBCRadio app suddenly reappears in the list of apps, and
then it works for the rest of that session. I think that's a slightly
better workaround than the other one, but she'll struggle with either of

Triode wrote: 
> The intention is that you have either BBCiPlayer and a server or BBC
> Radio and no server.  The scenario you are using is not as well tested.

Well she won't want the PC to be have to be switched on every time she
wants to listen to her radio (and nor would I if it were my radio); but
as the "Extras" plugin isn't available as an applet, she'll often have
to switch the PC on in order to listen to programmes that can only be
played that way. I doubt she and I are the only people who don't want to
have to have our PCs switched on all the time (terrible waste of
electricity), but who do want to be able listen to the much wider choice
of programmes offered by the "Extras" plugin, which means having to
switch between using the  applet and the plugin; so even if I'm the 
first to highlight this problem, I'm sure many others would very much
appreciate it if it could be fixed. Given that all one's other applets
appear in the list of "My Apps" except for the "BBCRadio" one, after
using the plugin and then switching the PC off, then presumably it
should be technically possible to find a way to fix this problem in the
next release of your software?

Triode wrote: 
> [alternatively reboot the radio by pressing and holding the power button
> for a long time until it turns off and then turn it on again]

No that makes no difference.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-27 Thread DaveRado

bpa wrote: 
> Yes you will still be able to use the applet.  The plugin will add a new
> menu called "BBC iPlayer" when connected to LMS whereas the applet menu
> will still be "BBC Radio".  Plugins support all types of player (e.g
> SB3, softsqueeze) whereas applets only work on Touch and Radio.

Hi bpa

I've now installed the iPlayer plugin, but although I can still see the
iPlayer applet on the radio, when I try to play anything using it with
the computer switched off, it will no longer play anything. Any idea
what I'm doing wrong?

So for instance, from the main menu, if I select Internet Radio > BBC
Radio > BBC Radio 4 FM > Tuesday > 9:00 The Life Scientific,  when I
select the programme I want to play, nothing happens - it just continues
to display the schedule. The applet was working fine until I installed
the plugin.

Any ideas?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-26 Thread DaveRado

bpa wrote: 
> The Extras plugin was never intended to duplicate the BBCiPlayer
> functionality.  The menu structure reflects how the info is retrieved
> from BBC as each level requires a data request from BBC - this method
> reduces the number of requests.
> The Extras plugin just find the additional programs - it depends on the
> BBCiPlayer Plugin to play them.  Have you installed the BBCiPlayer
> plugin ?  The BBCiPlayer applet will not work.

I didn't know I needed to install the iPlayer plugin as well - no one
told me that.

If I install the iPlayer plugin, will I still be able to use the iPlayer
applet as well? The beauty of the applet is that it doesn't require a PC
to be switched on in order to work, and  I wouldn't want to lose that

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-26 Thread DaveRado

Ardbeg1977 wrote: 
> Dave,
> Go to Settings/Plugins tab in the web interface and tick the box which
> says Show all 3rd party plugins. That gives you another list, which
> includes the BBC iPlayer Extras plugin. Tick the box, click apply,
> re-start the server and the plugin will be installed.
> Regards
> Dave

Hi Dave

I finally worked out how to get to the web interface, and have installed
the plugin, thanks. But although I can get it to display a schedule for
a given day (in a very long-winded procedure), I can't get it to play
anything. When I select a programme from the schedule, it just says:

"Current Playlist

So you can reproduce what I'm doing, I select "Internet Radio > BBC
iPlayer Extras > National Radio Schedules > Radio 4 FM > and select a
programme from today's schedule (or alternatively, if I want a programme
from an earlier day, I have to scroll down to the very bottom of today's
schedule in order to select "Radio 4 FM Last Week", then select a day,
then select a programme). Anyway, when I select any programme using the
above procedure, it always says:

"Current Playlist

Any ideas?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-26 Thread DaveRado

bpa wrote: 
> LMS is the server software that runs on a users PC or NAS which serves
> up user music files.
> Plugins run on the LMS server.
> Apps  run on
> Applets are installed on Touch and Radio.
> BBCiPlayer is available as a Plugin and an applet.  This thread relates
> to the LMS Plugin version.  The Extras plugin is only available as a
> plugin that runs on a user's LMS server.

You have to remember I've just bought the radio and am not familiar with
all these acronyms. It took me ages to realise that when you say LMS you
mean "Logitech Media Server" - if you'd said "Logitech Media Server" in
the first place I'd have known what you meant (and I don't know what NAS
means or stands for).

If plugins run on a server that is installed on one's local hard disk,
does that mean they will only work while one's PC is switched on?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-24 Thread DaveRado

Hi bpa

bpa wrote: 
> That's the list of applets - the Extras is an LMS plugin not an applet.

I don't know what LMS means, and  my question remains, how can I find
and install the plugin?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-24 Thread DaveRado

majones wrote: 
> BBCiPlayer uses XML look-up files that the BBC provides, but sometimes
> there are omissions and/or the updates are slow. (This never happens
> with the BBC's own and proprietory iPlayer platform.) But the
> BBCiPlayerExtras plugin looks elsewhere and can normally fill in the
> gaps.

If I select "App Gallery", then "3rd Party Apps", I see the following:

"BBC Radio (Installed)
Custom Clock
Daylight Clock
Font Replacer
Information Screen
License Manager
Patch Installer
Screen Switcher
Settings Remover
Text Clock
Weather Forecast"

And that's it. How can I find and install the BBCiPlayerExtras plugin?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-24 Thread DaveRado

castalla wrote: 
> The Beeb are notoriously difficult to contact about issues - even if
> they do respond, you may find it's very little other than a stock
> reply.
> One access method is:

That was the iPlayer help page I was referring to when I said I don't
think it's worth using that method because they'll just say it isn't a
iPlayer issue.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-24 Thread DaveRado

castalla wrote: 
> AAC and WMA are stream codecs - think of them as file types.  
> The World Service volume IS about half that of the other BBC streams. 
> No idea why.
> Selecting AAC only applies within the BBC app - all BBC streams will be
> in the ACC format unless you change that setting.

That's very helpful, thanks.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-24 Thread DaveRado

DaveRado wrote: 
> I still get the problem with AAC.
> Dave

Ah my mistake again. With AAC it does work, but you have to hold the FF
or RW button down continuously until the slider pops up, then let go of
the button, and then press it a second time to do the actual forwarding
or rewinding. If you release the button too early the first time, it
goes back to the beginning of the programme even on AAC - you must  keep
holding it down until the slider pops up, at least in the case of my
radio. Weird. But problem solved, thanks.

But what are AAC and WMA? And now that I've set it to AAC, is that for
this app only or for the whole radio? And if the latter, is that going
to have implications for my mother when she is using the radio for
something other than listen again?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-24 Thread DaveRado

bpa wrote: 
> Usually because playing WMA -  I think FFW/REW on "Listen again" only
> works with AAC.  Don't forget "Listem Again" is a stream not a file and
> so different rules apply.

I still get the problem with AAC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-24 Thread DaveRado

DaveRado wrote: 
> Still no sound for the World Service.
> What are WMA and AAC though?

Sorry my mistake. There is sound, but the volume is so low for some
reason that I have to turn it up to nearly 100% in order to hear it! So
you've solved the problem, many thanks. My question still applies

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-24 Thread DaveRado

castalla wrote: 
> Problem 1.
> On the same page as the Listen Again listing of stations - scroll down
> to the bottom.  What is the stream setting?  WMA or AAC-mp3 ?
> Whichever it is, switch to the other - try WS again.  What happens?

Still no sound for the World Service.

What are WMA and AAC though?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-23 Thread DaveRado

I should have mentioned that I am in the UK.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-08-23 Thread DaveRado

Hi - Is this the right place to ask about a problem with Triode's
iPlayer plug-in? Or should I start a new thread in this forum? Or where
should I post this? I've tried several places already and had no replies

I recently bought a Squeezebox as a birthday present for my mother
primarily so that she could have a portable radio for listening to BBC
"listen again" radio, because currently she has to sit at her PC in
order to do so, which is inconvenient.

Once I'd bought it, I realised that the only way to give her the
functionality I'd bought it for was to install Triode's wonderful
iPlayer app, which Logitech won't support. That's okay as long as
someone will support it.

The app works beautifully except for three problems I'm experiencing,
which I'd appreciate help with.


First, in the case of the BBC World Service, listening live to the World
Service works great, but when I try to use the "listen again" service
for the World Service, it doesn't work. It works for *all* other BBC
stations other than the World Service.

What happens if I try to play a BBC World Service programme on "listen
again" is as follows:

a) I select either "Internet Radio" or "My apps" (it makes no difference
which way I access the app)

b) I select "BBC Radio"

c) I do NOT select "listen live" but instead scroll down to "BBC World

d) I select a day - let's say "Wednesday" for the sake of argument.

e) I select a programme - let's say "Hardtalk", which was broadcast at
9:05, for the sake of argument.

f) It loads the programme, displays and image of the interviewee, and
displays the slider bar, which even moves as if the programme is
playing, but there is no sound.

As I say, with any BBC station other than the World Service, I don't get
this problem - the programmes all play fine.

Any idea what could be causing this, and is it fixable in the forseeable


When using the app to listen to again, quite a few programmes are
missing - so far I've only noticed this in the case of Radio 4, but I
listen mostly to Radio 4, so I don't know about other stations. To
reproduce this problem:

a) Select BBC Radio 4 FM listen again, using the same procedure as
described above (or LW, but in this example use the FM one).

b) Select a day, let's say Wednesday, for the sake of argument.

c) Scroll down to where the programme "The New Elizabethans", which was
broadcast at 12:45, should be. It isn't there. Instead the schedule
lists "You and Yours" at 12:00, which lasts 45 minutes, and then "The
World at One" at 13:00, but nothing in between.

d) Another example from the same day: the programme "The Alien Birds
Have Landed", which was broadcast at 13:45, isn't listed either; nor is
"Fixing Broken Banking", which was broadcast at 15:00. And there are
other missing programmes, even on that one day.

All of the missing programmes are listed on the BBC schedule page at:

... and they are all available to listen to on iPlayer if one uses a

Any idea what could be causing this, and is it fixable in the forseeable


If i try to use the rewind or fast forward buttons while listening to a
BBC "listen again" programme, using the iPlayer plugin, more often than
not it jumps back to the start of the programme, which is very
frustrating. This doesn't happen if I listen to an mp3 file by making it
a Favourite in - in the case of streaming mp3 files,
the rewind and fast forward buttons work fine. Any idea what could be
causing this problem?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Why is BBC iPlayer plugin not on Squeezebox Plugins page?

2012-08-20 Thread DaveRado

Triode wrote: 
> Please add it to the wiki - I am afraid I am considering 7.3 and later
> and so only really thinking of Extension Downloader.

Hi Triode

Your app is wonderful. However I have a support issue but don't know
where to post it. I doubt this thread is the right place, but could you
give me a link to somewhere I can post my query?


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