Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2020-09-30 Thread Glenn2

bpa wrote: 
> Bug fix so that older SB player UI VFD type displays show live track /
> program information on 2nd line when no other UI (e.g. WebUI on same
> player) is open.  This bug was introduced in 1.6.9.

Thank you

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2020-09-27 Thread Glenn2

bpa wrote: 
> The implementation doesn't work as you think. Plugin fetches metadata as
> soon as stream is played and kept by the plugin. The metadata is given
> to UI upon request by the UI as stream is playing. 
> However, I do see the symptoms. I think it is a bug I introduced in
> 1.6.9 when I rewrote the metadata code.
> edit:
> You can confirm metatdata has been fetched even when webUI is always
> closed by stopping a playing stream using SB3 remote - you''ll then see
> "Stopped : whatever program name " scroll across.

Strange that it doesn't occur on the SB3 just because I have the webgui
open on my PC with the SB3 selected.  I.e, if I have the webgui open on
my PC and then go into the room with the SB3 and use its remote,
everything is fine when I change stations.  When I close the webgui,
it's broken again.

Anyway, the important thing is that you can recreate it!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2020-09-27 Thread Glenn2

Aha!  I have a massive clue

Note that the following is true whether using my RPi4 server or the
Windows PC LMS I just set up to experiment on.

If I have the webui open, the SB3 displays the information.  The webui
is causing it to be fetched and the SB3 then shows it.
As soon as I close the webui, it's broken again when I select a new

Normally the SB3 is the only thing connected.  I navigate using its
menus not via phone/tablet/PC etc, so there is no webui open for me.  It
used to work although I have not used it much recently so I can't say
when it broke.

If you have a boom I would expect the same behaviour (if it is the only
thing connected at the time).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2020-09-27 Thread Glenn2

bpa wrote: 
> What version of Raspbian and LMS and BBCiPlayer plugin ?
> I asusme you areplaying a BBCRadio 3 live. 
> How are you playing the Station - from BBCiPlayer menu ?  From a
> favorites ? Other ?
> SB3 players are dumb - the interface and all screen & remote activities
> are done in the LMS and nothing to do with plugin so "fiddling " left
> /right are just wasting time, you might as well wait & twiddle thumbs
> for 30 secs.
> Whn playing a live stream, the BBCiPlayer plugin first connects player
> to a stream and *once* it is playing, plugin then has to go fetch "live"
> program data.  This can take up to 30 secs before usable data arrives
> but if there are network issues it can take longer.
> Player animation should be smooth. I have a Boom with an Rpi4 and it is
> smooth.  Jerky usually indicates network issues.
> How is Rpi4 connected to network ?
> How is SB3 connected to network ?
> If SB3 uses wireless, What is the wireless signal strength for Sb3 as
> reported on WebUI/Settings/Information page ?

Thanks.  Some answers:

I have the latest Raspberry Pi OS (as Raspbian is now called).  I only
built the RPi4 a couple of months ago but I have updated everything
today to be sure.  I have the latest version of LMS v7.9.4 and I have
uninstalled and reinstalled iPlayer v1.6.9 again today.

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.4 - 1600144323 @ Wed Sep 16 04:15:19
CEST 2020
Hostname: raspberrypi
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: armv7l-linux
Perl Version: 5.28.1 - arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
Audio::Scan: 1.02
IO::Socket::SSL: 2.060
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)
Total Players Recognized: 1

I tried all the main stations not just Radio 3.  I mainly use it for

No difference if selecting from favourites or playing from the app

Re waiting for 30 seconds - doesn't matter how long you wait, the info
doesn't come up unless you press right then left to go in and out of the
options. This also fixes it if you do it instantly upon playing the
station.  The delay in settings was 15s but it was no different with 0s
or 30s, so I put it back to 15s.

Ignore my comment about jerky scrolling - iPlayer has always done this
anyway on the VFD screens. By jerky I just mean several pixels at a time
rather than smooth like when playing non-iPlayer stations or library
music.  I confused matters by mentioning it in this context, it's not
relevant.  (There are no network issues anyway.  Rpi4 is plugged into
the router at 1Gbps.  SB3 is wireless but in the same room with line of
sight and 89% strength on webui.)

I've been trying to get it working for a few days so it's also not about
being unlucky and trying when the programmes are changing.

I have just installed the latest 7.9.4 on my Windows PC as an
experiment.  Fresh install, all I did was install the repo and then the
iPlayer app, change the two settings to show on air text and bottom
line.  Went in to the Radio menu on the SB3, selected live stations.
exactly the same problem.  No difference whatsoever.  So my RPi4
installation is innocent.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.6 (and higher) & BBCiPlayerExtra 2.0 (and higher) Support

2020-09-26 Thread Glenn2

I have an issue using an SB3. 

If I play a station I do not currently get programme info on the screen,
only the station name scrolling jerkily across the screen endlessly. If
press the right button to go into the options and then left to back out
again it magically appears.

So I have to fiddle with the controls to get the programme name to

Server is a Raspberry Pi 4 with Raspbian. Everything up to date.
Uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin did not help.  The settings
look correct.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Radio Paradise Lossless Streaming (Plugin v2)

2019-08-07 Thread Glenn2

I can't use the interactive stream anymore either.  It was nice to be
able to skip a song that I didn't like, but now it just stops and starts
every couple of seconds.  The regular stream is OK thankfully.
I -was- using the final 7.9.1 version but recently updated my plugins
for the first time in ages.  Then I put 7.9.2 on to see if that helped
but it didn't.
I'm using an O2 Joggler with squeezeplayOS from the Joggler forum.

Is there something else I need to upgrade?  Python or something?

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 - 1564788734 @ Sat Aug 3 01:47:12
CEST 2019
Hostname: openframe
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: i686-linux
Perl Version: 5.18.2 - i686-linux-gnu-thread-multi-64int
Audio::Scan: 0.95
IO::Socket::SSL: 1.965
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
Total Players Recognized: 2

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2018-06-17 Thread Glenn2

Brilliant - works perfectly!


BBC Radio 2

Note: small typo where you joined the strings ("," instead of ".") in
case anybody else tries this, corrected version below:


$parts = {
  'line' => [
  $self->song->pluginData->{'track'}. ": ". $self->text,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2018-06-15 Thread Glenn2

mavit wrote: 
> This is probably a good time to mention a similar change that I proposed
> in

I just tried that out and I like it.  I like the nice scrolling
How could I tweak that patch so that instead of the two lines being:


instead have them as


Then it would be perfect for me (on my SB3)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2018-06-09 Thread Glenn2

The delay stuff was all at defaults, the only settings I ever changed
were the two toggles for the programme data.
I don't think the song info missing problem was down to my installation
because remember I had two in parallel, one on Win7 machine and one on
Joggler.  Both LMS 7.9.1 final and iplayer 1.5.3.  Both sorted
themselves out so it must have been either me going mad or there was a
problem at the other end.  They fixed themselves without me doing
anything anyway.

Regarding the missing menu entries on iPlayer on the Joggler (only), I
completely removed everything including the stuff LMS leaves behind when
you uninstall it (prefs etc).  Then I reinstalled exactly the same
versions and the menu items are there now.  Then I reapplied my fix to to get the programme names on my SB3 display (instead of
just a scrolling date).

So all is working good now.

For the record, and because you asked, the Joggler is running
SqueezeplayOS 3.0.3 which is based on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (Trusty) with
kernel 3.18


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2018-06-08 Thread Glenn2

For some reason I am now getting the same as Ronnie.  With station icon
always displayed I am now getting song titles where I wasn't before in
web ui and Squeezeplay.  This wasn't working yesterday!  And I'm talking
about both Joggler and Win7 LMS installations, so maybe there was
something up at the other end?  Or maybe I'm just going mad.

I still don't get the extra menu items (recent tracks etc.) on the
Joggler LMS and this was a complete reflash of the Joggler SqueezeplayOS
the other day, straight to 7.9.1 and I haven't played around with any
menus or done anything like that.  It doesn't really matter, it's just

If I removed LMS and then reinstalled it, would anything be cached?  Is
there a procedure to completely remove all trace of it before

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2018-06-07 Thread Glenn2

bpa wrote: 
> I meant the BBCiPlayer plugin Recent Tracks menu

Where do I find that?  I can't seem to...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2018-06-07 Thread Glenn2

If you are talking about the BBC website, yes. See image.
I could hear the song of course so I knew it was the correct name.

|Filename: web.JPG  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2018-06-07 Thread Glenn2

Squeezeplay clients (Squeezeplay attached, but Joggler is same) show
same as web ui.  The info shown on SB3 screen is never seen anywhere
See screenshots all taken at roughly the same time.

|Filename: Sqplay.jpg   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2018-06-07 Thread Glenn2

All I'm saying is when I pick a station that is just playing a pop/rock
song like Radio 1/2/6, my SB3 says "Song by Artist" and the information
is not on the web browser interface of LMS.  It will have a long
description of the details of the show etc, but never "Song by Artist".

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2018-06-07 Thread Glenn2

bpa wrote: 
> Song name does show in browser for DASH format. If it doesn't then maybe
> setting still not right or you may have "skip back" active

Hmmm... I never see song info in the web browser (using DASH).  I see
plenty of stuff, but never "Song by Artist", even though that is what's
scrolling across the screen on my Squeezebox Classic when playing Radio
1/2/6.  You get lots of detailed info about the programme, just not
that.  The Squeezeplay client running in my Joggler also shows the same
info as the web browser (no "song by artist").

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2018-06-06 Thread Glenn2

The only reason I tried the HLS streams was in case the metadata was
more useful (on a player with a VFD).

Anyway, I cracked it.  I changed a line in  $self->text is
where it stores a specific string for showing on VFD displays.  I
concatenated the title and info strings with ': ' between.


$self->text($title . ': ' . $info);

Radio 4 now says:
Today In Parliament: 06/06/2018
instead of:

Radio 1 now says
Huw Stephens: The Ultracheese by The Arctic Monkeys
instead of:
The Ultracheese by The Arctic Monkeys

So in effect, because of what the BBC uses in each field, on the music
stations I now get "Host: Song by Artist" and on news/chat stations I
get "Title: Date".

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2018-06-06 Thread Glenn2

I have the 'Show OnAir text' enabled.

Hopefully I managed to attach a picture of the browser interface for the
programme (I've no idea if that worked yet), but all I see on the player
is 06/06/2018 scrolling repeatedly across the SB3 screen.  That's all I
ever get on BBC Radio 4 or BBC London which are the two stations I
listen to the most.  I see now from trying Radio 1/2/3/6 that it does
indeed work for those, so I guess it won't matter to anybody else.  Just
unfortunate that those two stations put useless info out as that part of
the metadata!  

Oh well.  Keep up the good work anyway!

|Filename: BBCR4.JPG|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2018-06-06 Thread Glenn2


I have the latest version of the plugin, running on LMS7.9.1 on
Joggler/SqueezeplayOS 3.0.3.  I use a Squeezebox Classic for listening.
I have everything set to DASH and it all works beautifully at 320k, so
first of all a big thanks.

There is an option to choose to see programme data, and where it
appears, bottom or top line, but most of the time it is not very useful
data that you see.
For example, for Radio 4 programmes you just get a scrolling date rather
than the full programme name (which includes the date).
The full programme names are there as I can see them in the web
interface or on Squeezeplay on the joggler itself.
I think it would be great for SB2/SB3 users to choose what line of the
metadata is scrolled as well as which line to see it on the player, or
perhaps show it all sequentially, or maybe I can even tweak the code
myself (tell me which PM if it's an easy tweak).  I'm happy to dig into

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