Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LmsUpdate and LmsRepack - Synology 8.0.* packages

2020-07-01 Thread HappyStreamer

pinkdot wrote: 
> :) dank je.
> If you see an update of LMS in DSM Pakage Center, it is an update for
> your current install. You won't loose any settings! Mind that LmsUpdate
> = Logitech media Server. So, you're not switching packages, just
> updating it :cool:
> greetings, Martin

Had forgotten I had already added your repo - I directly saw the update
in the Package Manager. Processed it, and it's working absolutely fine.
No hickups or any oddities. I won't be using the manual method anymore,
I think. This works just as well.

SB Duet using LMS $currentVersion on the DS216+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LmsUpdate and LmsRepack - Synology 8.0.* packages

2020-07-01 Thread HappyStreamer

pinkdot wrote: 
> Now that Synology removed Logitech media Server from the DSM Package
> Center, our updated version Logitech Media Server 8.0.0 can be added to
> the DSM Package Center by adding the following repo:
> As this is not a signed package, you have to trust all publisher:
> >   >   > 
  - In Package Center: go to ->settings -> General -> set trust level
  > to 'any publisher'.
  - In Package Center go to -> settings ->  Package Sources -> Add ->
  > name: Logitech Media Server -> Location:
  - Logitech Media Server will appear in the community section of DSM
  > Package Center.
  - Install the package like any other package in DSM Package Center.
  - Package Center will notify you on updates. 
  > > > 
> Enjoy!

Pinkdot, als we jou toch niet hadden hè...1
I'm still running the manual install version, which of course is fine
for all intents and purposes, but it's of course easier to have the
package centre manage it. Is there a way to switch without losing all
settings and installed packages?

1Translation: If we didn't have you, eh...

SB Duet using LMS $currentVersion on the DS216+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LmsUpdate and LmsRepack - Synology 8.0.* packages

2020-06-28 Thread HappyStreamer

Now that 1 July is nearing steadily, has there been any communication
from Synology with respect to the CPAN/PERL issues that might appear
after those updates, possibly sending the LMS to its grave?

SB Duet using LMS $currentVersion on the DS216+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Synology 7.9.2 packages

2020-03-25 Thread HappyStreamer

pinkdot wrote: 
> Package is already available for x86_64 nas, like your DS216+ -->
> use the
> SqueezeCenter package. And yes, this package is for manual
> installation/update via Package Center.Greetings, Martin

Thanks! I was confused because the package on SourceForge has a
different name than the ones on your server - LogitechMediaServer vs
SqueezeCenter. The upgrade went well :-) The DSD package isn't supported
yet, but that was to be expected. That was the only package that was
disabled after the upgrade.
One oddity though, the LMS is telling me there's an upgrade to version
1584422335, but that's the one I have installed right now. That's just
cosmetic of course - doesn't change the fact that 8.0.0 is running

SB Duet using LMS $currentVersion on the DS216+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Synology 7.9.2 packages

2020-03-24 Thread HappyStreamer

Pinkdot, once again thank you very much for all the effort you've put
and you're putting into the project.
I'm still(?) on 7.9.2-0030 from your Sourceforge page. Is it possible to
update to the 8.x.x packages via this package (i.e. installing an .spk
from the Package Center), or will it be necessary to add your repo to
the Synology's package center and reinstall/reconfigure the LMS in order
to upgrade? I don't mind installing it manually by the way, so that perk
of using your repo in the package center isn't really applicable - yet.

SB Duet & SB 2 using LMS $currentVersion on the DS216+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Synology 7.9.2 packages

2019-12-15 Thread HappyStreamer

I don't know if this is possible, but would it be an idea to add a
string stating which package is being updated when you encounter the
"Changes will take place at the next application restart. Please click
here to restart the server now." screen in Plugins? I'd kinda like to
know what's going on with my server. If it isn't possible, I fully
understand :-)

SB Duet & SB 2 using LMS $currentVersion on the DS216+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2019-11-24 Thread HappyStreamer

cpd73 wrote: 
> This has actually been answered in this thread. For now, use Kiwi
> browser on Android to have the notifications and lockscreen controls
> work. Chrome seems to act odd, but I -think- things should be better in
> the next material release.

My apologies in that case! I really couldn't find anything... Thank you
for answering the question nevertheless, and I'll be switching to the
Kiwi browser for the Material Skin for now then.

SB Duet & SB 2 using LMS $currentVersion on the DS216+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2019-11-23 Thread HappyStreamer

Maybe my Google-fu's enjoying the weekend, but I couldn't find this
question asked/answered in this thread, so here goes:
I added a shortcut to the homescreen on my Android phone, linking to the
material design LMS. If I then start to play something, a
previous/play-pause/next prompt appears in my notification display -
which is of course very nice! However, play-pause doesn't work, while
previous and next do. Do you have any idea why this is, and what's going

SB Duet & SB 2 using LMS $currentVersion on the DS216+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Synology 7.9.2 packages

2019-10-25 Thread HappyStreamer

I'm afraid my googlefu is letting me down: What's the NOMYSB you're
writing about?

SB Duet & SB 2 using LMS $currentVersion on the DS216+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Synology 7.9.2 packages

2019-10-01 Thread HappyStreamer

pinkdot wrote: 
> Hi all,
> Over the next few days I will be migrating my DS115 to my new DS718+ :D.
> Therefore, the download mirror will
> not be accessible till the weekend. 
> Greetings, Martin
> [update]
> Mirror is up again:

I always used SourceForge, didn't know about your mirror and that's a
mistake. That's a very nice UI!
I did add your source to my DS216+, but I can't seen any packages in
Community - not with '' or
''. Am I doing a stupid?

SB Duet & SB 2 using LMS $currentVersion on the DS216+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Synology 7.9.2 packages

2019-08-18 Thread HappyStreamer

pinkdot wrote: 
> @HappyStreamer Not that I'm aware of. Do the players wake your Nas as
> well. Otherwise I wouldn't be that happy when my server hibernates.

Yes, they do! Turning them on doesn't seem to necessarily turn on the
NAS, but when accessing it's music it awakes and spins up the drives

SB Duet & SB 2 using LMS $currentVersion on the DS216+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Synology 7.9.2 packages

2019-08-18 Thread HappyStreamer

Just noticed that since the last update, the LMS now lets my NAS go to
standby/sleep; it turns off the drives and has a slow blinking power
led. That's pretty nice! Was that something explicitly fixed, pinkdot?

SB Duet & SB 2 using LMS $currentVersion on the DS216+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Synology 7.9.2 packages

2019-08-14 Thread HappyStreamer

DomieMic65 wrote: 
> Would you suggest LMS 7.9.2 to run on a DS115j? It’s quite entry level
> with very little RAM.
> I tried with the old version that Synology offers for install but it was
> slow and unresponsive.
> May be the newer version works better?
> I have about 1.7TB of music in my NAS.
> For now I am running LMS in an old Mac mini but I am searching for the
> optimal machine.
> NAS, Mac mini, rpi4... or what. (I have mentioned the question in some
> other threads ... sorry for the repetitive question but I am trying to
> find the best solution ... sound wise first of al. If this has something
> to do with sons anyway)
> It would be very convenient if LMS could run ok on the nas though!!
> Thank you!!!

The DS115j has only 256MB of RAM, that's not very much... I'm only on
570GB or so, but LMS takes up ~145MB of RAM. I know there isn't
necessarily a linear correlation, but I assume your database to be quite
a bit bigger than mine right now, and that wouldn't leave much for the
rest of the NAS. I'd advise against it, it probably won't really run as
well as it could (as you noticed). You could always try of course - that
never hurts.
An RPi4 could work as well, but I had some issues in the past getting it
properly stable. If it works, it works well, but it can be a bit of a
hassle to get it set up right (seeing the files on the NAS etc., updates
breaking LMS...)

If you are really looking for the optimal machine: Invest in a new NAS,
is what I would recommend. The Synology LMS package is as stable as it
gets, as far as I've seen. Something like a DS216+ runs absolutely
splendid, and should be available for a relatively good price by now.
Keeping the data and server on one machine also eliminates the need for
an extra device in the network.

SB Duet & SB 2 using LMS $currentVersion on the DS216+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Synology 7.9.2 packages

2019-07-02 Thread HappyStreamer

Hi! Probably a bit of a graphical glitch, but the Logitech Media Server
Status of 0024 (LogitechMediaServer-x86_64-7.9.2-168.0024.spk to be
precise) seems to be off: "Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 -
1560488529 @ Fri Jun 14 07:24:19 CEST 2019" Should it be version
1560488529, or just 0024? Or am I being dumb and is that not the

SB Duet & SB 2 using LMS 0020 on the DS216+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Synology 7.9.2 packages

2019-05-25 Thread HappyStreamer

pinkdot wrote: 
> Hi Michael,
> please try the 0018 build first, and make sure you checked '-set trust
> level to all pubishers'- in Package Center settings. Thanks.
> I changed my desktop to KDE a while ago.  This might messed up the
> archive in the new builds. I will upload a new version this weekend
> (0021).
> 0018:

For what its worth, 0020 is chugging along happily on my DS216+, no
errors whatsoever. Latest updates are installed.

SB Duet & SB 2 using LMS 0014 on the DS216+

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Synology 7.9.2 packages

2018-10-25 Thread HappyStreamer

I'm running 0014 quite happily on my NAS here, but I do have a question
about the DSD player.
I have the plugin installed, configured it via Player -> DSDPlayer and
set the filetypes in Advanced as well. However, if I try to play a DSD
on either my SB Receiver or the Squeezebox 2, nothing happens. It gets
stuck at 0:00, doesn't play at all. Can't seem to find anything in the
logs either. I seem to be doing something rather wrong, but what?

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